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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Mind Games on Swanston is the only one that comes to mind right away. It's a great, if not super cramped, little shop.

Ozgameshop is one of those sites that ships from overseas and trades good prices for questionable shipping times, right?

Nah that would be fishpond. Ozgameshop ships within 1-2 weeks.

Maybe I'll go check out mind games


Mind Games on Swanston is the only one that comes to mind right away. It's a great, if not super cramped, little shop.

Ozgameshop is one of those sites that ships from overseas and trades good prices for questionable shipping times, right?

Problem with Mind Games is their prices are pretty high...and tend to be out of stock of what I want to impulse buy! :p



I wonder how slippery this slope is...
Check out the Good Games in the city too. Its on the other side past Minotaur down a side street, through a door you will probably walk past, up some stairs and through some office. Pretty good selection and may be $5 cheaper than Mind games.
Check out the Good Games in the city too. Its on the other side past Minotaur down a side street, through a door you will probably walk past, up some stairs and through some office. Pretty good selection and may be $5 cheaper than Mind games.

Good games on Lonsdale or is this one a different one?


My left eye appears to be ejecting yellow gunk into the world so I assume it's getting better? Still swollen as balls though.

Aside from antibiotics, did your doctor suggest something like a saline compress? It might help some with the irritation.

Buy some saline from the pharmacy or mix a very small amount of sea salt with some warm water and dip a paper towel or cotton ball in there and use it as a compress on your (closed, obviously) eye. Doing this for 5-10 mins a few times a day should help soften and loosen the dried fluid from around the area as well as soothing it.

If there is some swelling, which I assume there would be, pure chamomile tea bags that have been moistened with warm water and used as a compress like above can reduce the swelling. You can also make the tea, brewing for 5 mins and using paper towels or cotton balls for the compress if you prefer. Chamomile is a natural anti-inflammatory.

These techniques are used for piercings and are perfectly suited to your situation where you have pus, lymph and inflammation. Both saline, home-made saline (as long as it's no stronger than tears (though don't taste from the same sample you use on your eye, saliva is bad for your eye)) and chamomile are perfectly safe. The rule used for healing piercings is actually 'don't use anything you wouldn't put in your eye'.

Hope this unsolicited advice is helpful. Irritated eyes are the worst and even the slightest relief makes a world of difference. Feel better soon mate.


Computer is still blue screening =[

Updated BIOS last night and it looked to be al good, ran for a while using various programs, but then it froze for about 15 seconds and then a few minutes later it just completely locked up =\


but ever so delicious
Computer is still blue screening =[

Updated BIOS last night and it looked to be al good, ran for a while using various programs, but then it froze for about 15 seconds and then a few minutes later it just completely locked up =\

Your hardware is faulty.

But new hardware.

It's a GPU issue.


I want a tag give me a tag
Hey fellow AusGAFers, long time reader, first time poster.

I'm in Melbourne and a bit of an odd question but... does anyone know of any quality boutique jewellers? I'm looking at popping the question some time in the next 6 months and I'm having trouble finding something that I think would suit for my better half. Cost isn't really a crazy issue, but finding something good seems to be difficult. I'd like to stick with smaller places rather than the big chains because I find the quality difference so far has been quite high and the prices too.

I know this isn't like diamondGAF or anything but I figure if anyone has had experience (GAF, I know, lol) wouldn't hurt to ask :)

I forget it's name, but there's a nice pearl store along Collins st I believe, near the theatre. There are a few other stores there, but i've only been into the pearl store so i'm not sure of the quality of the others. but I had to get buzzed in.


I can vouch for Games Empire. They have Space Alert in stock here. If you get your order in soon, they'll likely ship it out today as they are open. Call them if you want to make sure, they're good people.

I'll definitely take note of them. "Good people" is exactly the criteria I like to see when looking for a new place to shop.


So did you read the crash dump or not? I assume you've turned off any overclocking.

I only had a quick play last night, didn't get around to the crash dumps. Probably won't have any time to do any more with it until the weekend. And I don't overclock.

Your hardware is faulty.

But new hardware.

It's a GPU issue.

Everything I've been reading has pointed towards CPU, but I could have a look at the GPU.

I did put a second 670 in recently, but these issues were occurring before that. My main 670 should still be under warranty from PCCG or Galaxy, as I bought it in August of last year.

Might try the PC with just the second card and see how it goes.

Not heaps of cash atm, so I might grab a second hand i7 CPU from OCAU and see if that helps...


but ever so delicious
I only had a quick play last night, didn't get around to the crash dumps. Probably won't have any time to do any more with it until the weekend. And I don't overclock.

Everything I've been reading has pointed towards CPU, but I could have a look at the GPU.

I did put a second 670 in recently, but these issues were occurring before that. My main 670 should still be under warranty from PCCG or Galaxy, as I bought it in August of last year.

Might try the PC with just the second card and see how it goes.

Not heaps of cash atm, so I might grab a second hand i7 CPU from OCAU and see if that helps...

Yea i was only guessing. From memory the 0000000031 code relates to CPU/GPU but I haven't seen a BSOD or even that in years. Just google it and see what it says.

If it does point towards a CPU then you could just go a barebones setup, remove the GPU and if you have onboard graphics on the CPU, just use that. Then run Prime95 and see what happens.


All of a sudden I don't feel so bad for missing out on trying the Rift. Feelin' Fine.

I bet it's just like XBLIG where we don't see shit, captain.

Wouldn't surprise me if they release a Kinectless version in xmas 2014 if sales are bad. $100 cheaper and a pack-in would help.
Honestly, I can guarantee that it will happen. And that I will probably buy one at that stage. I'd actually be surprised if they couldn't drop it ~$150 and go for the jugular.

MS already came out today and 100% categorically denied it would happen.

So it will happen at this rate lol

Pachter works for MS now?

PS. People, need an idea for a 5-year-old's birthday present. I think he likes Lego, Scooby Doo and something else that escapes me. I'm tempted to buy a box of some kind of biscuits and print out/glue something to the box so they look like Scooby Snacks, but other than that I'm SOL.


I want a tag give me a tag
All of a sudden I don't feel so bad for missing out on trying the Rift. Feelin' Fine.

I bet it's just like XBLIG where we don't see shit, captain.

Honestly, I can guarantee that it will happen. And that I will probably buy one at that stage. I'd actually be surprised if they couldn't drop it ~$150 and go for the jugular.

Pachter works for MS now?

PS. People, need an idea for a 5-year-old's birthday present. I think he likes Lego, Scooby Doo and something else that escapes me. I'm tempted to buy a box of some kind of biscuits and print out/glue something to the box so they look like Scooby Snacks, but other than that I'm SOL.

scooby doo lego?
I don't understand what additional hardware you'd need, though. The only thing a "devkit" really does is allow you to compile, run and debug code on hardware. It's an MS platform so all the development tools will be plugins to Visual Studio running on standard PC hardware.
Devkits have higher specs than retail consoles, mainly higher RAM count. Saying I could "do everything that someone like Respawn is doing" is a straight out, 100% lie. Bald faced lie. Liar liar pants on fire. Unless the cloud is made up of nanomachines it ain't gonna give me the hardware technology that Respawn are using.

And that's indeed before even getting into the Software side of things.

Like CBOAT alluded to. It will end up a similar thing to XBLIG and even the old PS2 garage stuff. A lot more powerful but not up to the full use of the console.

The 180 is again great for us consumers. Means we get awesome indie games and the chance to tinker around and make a Super Meat Boy kinda thing. Will also allow Kickstarter projects to jump into the store. THIS IS AWESOME BUT THEY ARE STILL MAKING IT UP AS THEY GO SO A FEW LIES WILL POP OUT EVERY FEW SENTENCES SINCE JOURNALISTS DONT CALL THEM ON IT SO THERE IS NO WORRY ABOUT LYING.

I will buy a 180 at some point, once there is a way to unplug the Kinect really, or buy it without one like has been rumoured and is 89% likely to happen now.

Under the proposal, named Operation Sovereign Borders, the commander would be appointed by the Chief of the Defence Force and would report directly to the Immigration Minister.

He said a Coalition government would ask the Defence Force to appoint a three-star commander to lead a joint agency taskforce to deal with people smugglers and border protection.

Meanwhile, more asylum seekers were reportedly last night leaving the Puncak region, south of Jakarta, to get on a boat bound for Australia.

And Indonesian authorities have resumed the search for survivors from an asylum seeker boat that sank in choppy seas off Java on Tuesday, retrieving the bodies of two children among several others.

Oh ho ho. See Rudd. This is your fucking fault. You tried to play things their way and now we are in the ESCALATION phase of this cuntish policy talk. You can't do things the Liberal way. You can't try to be cunts to people because the Liberals will just out cunt you. They have been raised in the ways of the cunt for generations, you can't fight cunt with cunt. Abbott will eat you for breakfast.

I can see this moving into Stolen Generation territory soon. Winning the election is more important than improving human rights worldwide.

Ozgameshop is one of those sites that ships from overseas and trades good prices for questionable shipping times, right?
Nah they are awesome. 1-2 week postage from the UK, everything is compatible with our stuff and the customer service is fantastic. I ordered a game the same day I sent a letter to the WA and my game arrived before my mate in the WA got my Aussie Post letter!

That's because Aus Post are shit though, mind.

Your hardware is faulty.

Buy new hardware.

It's a GPU issue.

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy there big boy

You know you want it Jambo. Dat modeling.
To restrain his power so he doesn't blow a hole in his lover.
Ah, now I get it. Sorry for the slowness.

PS. People, need an idea for a 5-year-old's birthday present. I think he likes Lego, Scooby Doo and something else that escapes me. I'm tempted to buy a box of some kind of biscuits and print out/glue something to the box so they look like Scooby Snacks, but other than that I'm SOL.
Get him some scotch that's been aged 20 years. Not many people get to try a scotch that's 4 times as old as they are. That's pretty special.


but ever so delicious
Okay question time, what would you guys do (if anything) about the stream of refugees coming to Australia by boat?

Send them to NT, Give them jobs building new places of interest. Housing, Pools, Pools, Shops, Education things.

Put them to work!

or send them to perth.

I have no honest answer. I don't find it to be an issue because I don't pay attention to it.
You weren't joking about mind games terrible prices, Omi. $100 for Space Alert. She told me she thought their prices were pretty good. I told her, they really aren't.

I'll just get it from Amazon for $70.



I like you, you're a good hype man.

Already got the deal last week. I really need to look into seeing how many dupes and keys I have to give away with all the humble bundle deals.

I hope everyone bought Giana Sisters while it was three bucks.

Think I'll wait until Kentucky Route Zero is 75%+ off and has more acts available. I thought more were supposed to be out already?

Got Giana for $3 and a friend gifted me Kentucky Route Zero. I returned the favour by buying him Rogue Legacy, which I finally started playing myself last night. Lots of fun, hilarious and a great roguelike.

Started Monaco too, that game gets insane with multiple players.
The people that arrive here by boats have such a shitty life that they are willing to travel a great distance in a boat that barely stays afloat in the hope that they will make it here and have a chance at a half decent life. Even though they know we treat asylum seekers like crap.

I don't think we can quite comprehend the desperation that people must be experiencing to give up all they have (including potentially their lives) to get out of their own country and come here.

We should do what any country really should do: take their application and grounds for asylum; those that meet the criteria stay and those that don't get a flight back to their country.

Apart from the fact that the issue is a fantastic diversion from having to come up with real policies I think the focus should really be on greater consequences for the traffickers, not the asylum seekers.

Edit: if you're going to pick on anyone, pick on the people that overstay their visas and are living here illegally. I think the number of people in 2010 was something like 15000.


People, need an idea for a 5-year-old's birthday present. I think he likes Lego, Scooby Doo and something else that escapes me. I'm tempted to buy a box of some kind of biscuits and print out/glue something to the box so they look like Scooby Snacks, but other than that I'm SOL.

I'm a big proponent for getting young ones into reading. If they find it enjoyable before school forces books on them and makes it feel like a chore, then they've got a great start.

With that in mind, Book Depository has you covered.

You weren't joking about mind games terrible prices, Omi. $100 for Space Alert. She told me she thought their prices were pretty good. I told her, they really aren't.

I'll just get it from Amazon for $70.

Did you miss my reply? It's in stock at Games Empire for $64.99 plus postage.


What's the number of people required for your thoughts on that to change, Fred?

For context, there were 17,000 arrivals last year, and we're on track for 30,000 arrivals this year.

Not to use Disco Stu math, but let's say hypothetically it double again to 60,000 next year. Would the policy of 'just let them settle' stay the same?

Dead Man

Okay question time, what would you guys do (if anything) about the stream of refugees coming to Australia by boat?
I would cheat off the Greens plan, which is a pretty decent starting point.

Urgently resettle many more assessed refugees from Indonesia and Malaysia, and increase Australia's humanitarian intake, so that persecuted people can see ways to safely get out of camps and start a new life;

Increase funding to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Malaysia and Indonesia, so that they can assess asylum claims faster and end the despair for people waiting;

Open up more family reunion places in Australia's humanitarian program;

Review the ban on people from some countries seeking protection by air, which can stop people claiming asylum;

De-link the onshore and offshore quotas for humanitarian visas;

Codify Australia's sea rescue policies and increase Indonesia's capacity so people are rescued in time; and

Establish an Australian Ambassador for Refugee Protection.

Unless the UNHCR is overhauled and has a massive increase in funding, and unless more countries sign up to the convention, people will still make risky journeys to shitty countries because waiting for one of the 500 spots a year that the UNHCR in Indonesia allocates will be a losing game.

What's the number of people required for your thoughts on that to change, Fred?

For context, there were 17,000 arrivals last year, and we're on track for 30,000 arrivals this year.

Not to use Disco Stu math, but let's say hypothetically it double again to 60,000 next year. Would the policy of 'just let them settle' stay the same?

It won't double, I also would like a source on that 30k figure. Additionally, do you feel that they are not genuine refugees, or do you just feel they should be someone else's problem?
Wait 500 spots? Is this the hunger games or some shit?

What's the number of people required for your thoughts on that to change, Fred?

For context, there were 17,000 arrivals last year, and we're on track for 30,000 arrivals this year.

Not to use Disco Stu math, but let's say hypothetically it double again to 60,000 next year. Would the policy of 'just let them settle' stay the same?
60,000? How many rotten, falling apart boats per hour is that?


What's the number of people required for your thoughts on that to change, Fred?

That's a complex question and I'm a simpleton. If some calamity occured in some part of the world and many countries found their intake to increase by a similar percentage, then yeah I'd expect us to help a bit too. It's not like more people is a bad thing.


Mates and I want to attempt a weekly D&D session.

What do we need to get started? Stuff like books, dice, char sheets?

Thanks in advance.

Dead Man

Mates and I want to attempt a weekly D&D session.

What do we need to get started? Stuff like books, dice, char sheets?

Thanks in advance.

Books, dice, pencils, bad skin, greasy hair.

Edit: The last two may not be needed, but they seemed to be when I was PnP roleplaying.
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