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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I'm still shithouse at it, resulting in consistent nights where I'm not getting enough sleep ergo not thinking straight for the majority of the following day :/

I had one late night a few days ago (which totally wasn't my fault) and now I'm in a pattern of staying up late. I'm failing miserably at trying to break it,

It's consuming information rather than interacting and learning from it. It's the same reason I don't like and in most cases am simply unable to just sit down and watch a TV show or movie, it always has to be in the background or something else has to be on my plate to be able to take it in. Sometimes I'll get glued to it, but I can't sit and watch anything. I think if kids get into the habit of that early, they'll grow up with this subconscious expectation that the only way to learn is by sitting and watching rather than participating and experiencing. I know that even today, I have trouble learning how to do anything (shit, even learning ABOUT anything) unless I can fuck around with it myself and establish how my own brain interprets it's way around whatever it is rather than someone else's (because frequently, how someone else describes/instructs something is drastically different from myself).
Probably also why I'm drawn to games that do a good job of integrating what's happening on the screen with an appropriate audio scape. It's one thing to play CoD and have explosions and shit (where the sound just matches what's happening onscreen), but it's another to have graphics and sound interact, play and merge with each other to the point where it amplifies the experience (see: Rez, Lumines, Tempest 2000/Space Giraffe) rather than just compliment it. One is showing you it's world from a perspective, the other is pulling you in and making you an integral part of it.

Fuck me, that was a ramble.

I learn the same way as you, by doing. I need to mess with whatever it is and experience the various failures before I can begin to truly understand what it is. The more I see how something doesn't work, the more I can understand how it does. 'Experience is the best teacher' as the saying goes sums it up perfectly. It's probably why I loved science class so much in high school, because the teacher I had for most of it thought the same way I did. He'd explain what he was talking about, write shit on the board for us to copy down and then it was time to screw around with whatever it was we were learning. It was fun and engaging and formed a strong memory because I did it. As much as I was (am?) a screw-up in many ways, I kicked arse in that class doing 4 units of it my senior 2 years; even the girl who was super-smart and aced every class would be shocked when I'd beat her in tests and such. The fact that it played to this strength and was interesting enough that I cared made all the difference.

That huge tangent aside, some do learn by watching someone else do it (also the first step of doing, so you are more informed on what you should be attempting), others can learn by listening, reciting and note-taking. This is probably something you already know but, I think I understand what you mean and where you're coming from. Building a habit of being passive about things, whether it be about entertainment or education, especially early on, is not a good thing. I gathered that this was the core of what you were saying. Letting whatever it may be come to you instead of going to it, being proactive or even just plain active.

I'm thinking of examples that would be seen quite frequently where this might eventuate. People that expect to sit back be entertained and complain when something wasn't to their liking. People who sit back and expect to be educated while not applying themselves and blame the educator for not trying hard enough to teach them. The worst example I can think of is those who see something new, creative, different, interesting, collaborative or whatever and say "I could have done that"; be it a photograph, a sketch, a painting, a short story, a simple game, a silly YouTube video, whatever.

The world comes to no one, waits for no one, does not owe anyone anything. If someone is bored, disinterested, lackadaisical and so on, they need to get involved and make something happen otherwise they are the problem. It's okay to watch, listen and learn, but if none of it is ever applied then it has all been wasted.

That went to a much different place than I intended it to. Whoops. I hope you get what I meant.


This cracked me up. It also reminded me of poor Jintor.
Shock horror, the gut feeling that we wouldn't be able to tap into dat 180 power on the same level as Respawn seems to be right. Dat public shaming. Works a treat!
RCR dev said:
Comment on the Xbox One "self-publishing" -- they're not giving you the whole story. It's a good thing, but not as good as it sounds.

In other news a PS4 dev kit is $2500 if you keep it more than 12 months.
"All the indies I know got them for free," said one developer.
Maybe I should get in on this action...

This cracked me up. It also reminded me of poor Jintor.

Heh, now I feel bad for ole Jintor :(

Hope the eye clears up man!



Anyone getting Shadowrun Returns today?

Don't have easy Steam access so went to download DRM-free version from backer site. Size isn't listed, select download to see size, cancel before it even begins, it removes 1/10 of my download allotments. Great...


Anyone getting Shadowrun Returns today?

Don't have easy Steam access so went to download DRM-free version from backer site. Size isn't listed, select download to see size, cancel before it even begins, it removes 1/10 of my download allotments. Great...
Yeah, need to remember to add it to Steam.

Huh, what does that mean? You can only download a limited amount of times from the site?
Speaking of '90s, I made a comic about the night I bought Street Fighter 2 Turbo for Super Nintendo. It would really mean a lot if you could take the time to read it :)

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They just do that to scare people out of doing non-work stuff :)

Temptedddddddddddd but it's not cheap to get the Beta pack. Might take a look around tonight to see if the game itself is cheap somewhere. Meant to be out in August so it shouldn't be far off!

Yeah, need to remember to add it to Steam.

Huh, what does that mean? You can only download a limited amount of times from the site?
Feck. I added it on Monday planning on starting the download before I left for work so it would be almost downloaded when I got home but forgot.




Feel amazing! Fully rested as shit.

Also the Shadowrun DRM situation is really messy. They got the licence to use the IP from Microsoft (slightly ironic since Jordan et al made it so popular in game form) to make another game and give out DRM free copies through Kickstarter but the fine print worked out by the MS lawyers was that they could sell Kickstarter DRM free copies NOT sell DRM free copies afterwards!
Tricky fuckers. Hare Brained didn't lawyer up enough to negotiate the contract to avoid the tricky little loopholes MS put in it. They legally can't sell a DRM free version from this point on.
Which is why you can only download the DRM free version 10 times I expect.


Speaking of '90s, I made a comic about the night I bought Street Fighter 2 Turbo for Super Nintendo. It would really mean a lot if you could take the time to read it :)
Is this a trilogy or did you stop buying Street Fighter games after that? I wouldn't blame you.

Temptedddddddddddd but it's not cheap to get the Beta pack. Might take a look around tonight to see if the game itself is cheap somewhere. Meant to be out in August so it shouldn't be far off!
I don't care about the beta. Just want to play it when it comes out and get that hot preorder swag. Looked on GMG but they don't seem to have it. Let me know if you find it cheap.

Also the Shadowrun DRM situation is really messy. They got the licence to use the IP from Microsoft (slightly ironic since Jordan et al made it so popular in game form) to make another game and give out DRM free copies through Kickstarter but the fine print worked out by the MS lawyers was that they could sell Kickstarter DRM free copies NOT sell DRM free copies afterwards!
Tricky fuckers. Hare Brained didn't lawyer up enough to negotiate the contract to avoid the tricky little loopholes MS put in it. They legally can't sell a DRM free version from this point on.
Which is why you can only download the DRM free version 10 times I expect.
That's messed up.

If that's the case, better hope they don't patch it much because you have to re-download the whole game to update the non-DRM version.


Shaneus, you sound like you are doing a great job as an uncle.

- Buy kids things that are fun for a little while and piss off their parents once you leave.

I have a niece and nephew and unintentionally do this every birthday and Xmas. I know it will be repaid to me when I have kids.


Speaking of '90s, I made a comic about the night I bought Street Fighter 2 Turbo for Super Nintendo. It would really mean a lot if you could take the time to read it :)

Fun read :). I got the SNES with SF2 Turbo pack in, the day it came out, I was the same as you (are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet) lol. Those were the good old days when consoles came with 2 controllers :). The SNES pads were great for SF2 as well, many a day/night was spent huddled around a telly playing that game, good times :D


My eye "feels" better, but I still can't fully open it. Hmm. Might just be a morning thing though, seems to get progressively more irritating they longer the day is.

man, u was gong to go see the protomen and frontalot tomorrow...


My eye "feels" better, but I still can't fully open it. Hmm. Might just be a morning thing though, seems to get progressively more irritating they longer the day is.

man, u was gong to go see the protomen and frontalot tomorrow...

... Must.... Resist....



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They just do that to scare people out of doing non-work stuff :)

Hahaha Jesus for a second I thought the site got hacked :p

Is this a trilogy or did you stop buying Street Fighter games after that? I wouldn't blame you.

There's definitely a comic about the night I bought Super Street Fighter for Super Nintendo and accidentally became a drug runner, if enough people vote for it on the site. Thanks for reading it!

Fun read :). I got the SNES with SF2 Turbo pack in, the day it came out, I was the same as you (are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet) lol. Those were the good old days when consoles came with 2 controllers :). The SNES pads were great for SF2 as well, many a day/night was spent huddled around a telly playing that game, good times :D

God damn those SNES pads were some awesome shit. I still use my original ones, meanwhile the MegaDrive pad that came with the system has been busted for years. Nintendo make great hardware
shame they can't make good games any more lololol
. While looking for images of the SNES box last night I came across the box art for the SNES / SF2 Turbo pack in bundle and Good Holy Christ that art was ugly as hell. Glad you liked the comic!


Woot, riverside table at Sono confirmed for tonight :D. Tonight I think I will try the MB9 Wagyu steak striploin as a main, can't wait.


Is there a reason Bioshock is the same damn game as the first?

Everything is the same... just change the setting and the 'crazy' >_<

Jesus, lazy ass much Levine?!


Does anyone know where I can pick up a copy of Cargo Noir? The board game. Ozgameshop and milsims are both like, "fuck dat".

Fuck you bernbaum.

I want dis. Any AusGAFers interested in Payin' some Days?

Speaking of '90s, I made a comic about the night I bought Street Fighter 2 Turbo for Super Nintendo. It would really mean a lot if you could take the time to read it :)

I like dis. For realsies, these two comics are some of the best you've ever done. HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU REEVALUATE YOUR LIFE?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Is there a reason Bioshock is the same damn game as the first?

Everything is the same... just change the setting and the 'crazy' >_<

Jesus, lazy ass much Levine?!

Unlike BioShock, Infinite is actually fun to play!


never heard this story before. Does every anecdote end with you being manhandled by goons?

I personally want to see the E3 taxi comic

Pretty much. I'm honestly amazed I survived the '90s without a hospital or arrest record.

E3 taxi comic could be a while off. Besides, I've already done a comic about Black and White, which is what Molyneux was demoing that day. :)

I like dis. For realsies, these two comics are some of the best you've ever done. HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU REEVALUATE YOUR LIFE?
It makes me realise I should have been doing these kinds of things years ago instead of wasting my life drawing comics about a dog that is, get this, also the President.

But thanks man. Very nice of you to say.

Please spread the word if you like them. Comics like these ones take a loooong time to make.


It makes me realise I should have been doing these kinds of things years ago instead of wasting my life drawing comics about a dog that is, get this, also the President.

I dunno man there's still plenty of merch potential in that idea too


Is there a reason Bioshock is the same damn game as the first?

Everything is the same... just change the setting and the 'crazy' >_<

Jesus, lazy ass much Levine?!
the original even comes with the game on the bluray!

i really liked the original, so i'm kinda ok with infinite being semi-familiar so far. could have done without the voice logs deal again though.

(and now that I've gone to the actual story the mask isn't pixelated. what the fuck smh smh)
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