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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


At the start of every year for the past four years I've thought that there'd be nothing interesting game wise.

Then shit like Antichamber and Papers Please remind me that some people are still making something interesting.


At the start of every year for the past four years I've thought that there'd be nothing interesting game wise.

Then shit like Antichamber and Papers Please remind me that some people are still making something interesting.

Ugh you just reminded me that I'm too dumb to finish Antichamber. I'm usually pretty good at puzzles but man.


At the start of every year for the past four years I've thought that there'd be nothing interesting game wise.

Then shit like Antichamber and Papers Please remind me that some people are still making something interesting.

Indie PC renaissance.





Is this debate on live on Gem or was it on before?

Either way god damn, Tony Abbott still hasn't said ANYTHING, except yo we're gonna do stuff and it's gonna be good.
Is this debate on live on Gem or was it on before?

Either way god damn, Tony Abbott still hasn't said ANYTHING, except yo we're gonna do stuff and it's gonna be good.

If the Vote Compass wasn't evidence enough THIS really outs ABC as leaning towards the current government. Shit is crooked as fuck. Murdoch Media are just balancing out the bullshit.

Oh and Rudd would call a conscience vote within 100 days to bring in gay marriage it seems.

What show is that gif from? Been bugging me for a long ass time.

Can't recall to be honest! Pretty sure it was from a Canadian ad or TV show. Most likely ad. I think for bacon.


Rudd 'won' that one for me.

I much preferred to hear someone focusing on the future than dwelling on the past. I understand why, but come on.

Abbot still just has something about him I dislike.

Also the gender equality debate really leans in labors favour, and I hope they do legalise it if they're back in.


Is it much different to the free version from months ago?

It's not 9 days long anymore, I guess.

Like, the base game is still the game it was before. It's just completed. Has a bit more thought put into the metagame, has multiple endings and branching paths, and a few plot threads that get woven into the game.

But also, boy that game is mechanically fun to play, for such a tedious idea.
I wish i could say i would buy Wonderful 101 but based on my time with the demo, some people are going to go nuts over it.
Its one of the games the wii u owner will trot out when nerds come over.

Its just not for me. Ill probably get Splinter Cell next for Wii U.

Watched Chronicle the other night. Didnt finish till after midnight but loved it.
Watched The Hobbit last night. Got halfway through before having to go to bed at 10:30, unable to keep my eyes open any longer. I want to like PJs films more that I end up doing. i appreciate the artistry involved and the fact you can have an effects heavy fantasy film with good acting. Watched the second half over breakfast this morning. It was ok.

Every time Gandalf comes out of nowhere to save everyone, you have to say "all clear kid, now lets blow this thing and go home."

Also. Im working my way though the Star Trek TNG blurays. It may just be my age now as compared to when i first caught the show, or the extra resolution of bluray, but i now find Dr Crusher to be hot when i didnt back in the 90s. Not Troi hot but still way hotter. Give it another 20 years and i'll be posting about Pulaski's hotness. 40 for Tasha.

This shit looks amazing in HD.


That's right... because I think someone from Games Ranch was going to register it and get it redirected there, but someone else had a use for it (can't remember what, though... a women's thing maybe?).

Also. Im working my way though the Star Trek TNG blurays. It may just be my age now as compared to when i first caught the show, or the extra resolution of bluray, but i now find Dr Crusher to be hot when i didnt back in the 90s. Not Troi hot but still way hotter. Give it another 20 years and i'll be posting about Pulaski's hotness. 40 for Tasha.

This shit looks amazing in HD.
Hm. I should check them out.



If the Vote Compass wasn't evidence enough THIS really outs ABC as leaning towards the current government. Shit is crooked as fuck. Murdoch Media are just balancing out the bullshit.

I can't quite tell due to no sarcasm on the internet, but I surely hope you are jesting. You can't possibly blame the results of what the AUDIENCE thinks of the debate on the ABC, and accuse the ABC of bias. What about our coverage wasn't balanced tonight exactly?

While you're at it, what was wrong with Vote Compass?

Incidentally, here is the debate coverage:

When was the last time Australia actually got a proper debate, as opposed to the series of prepared small speeches that these things seem to always turn into? I can't remember seeing a single actual political debate in this country since I became eligible to vote.


If you're not playing Papers, Please then you're fuckin' up.

Steam sale. Same goes for Spelunky and a double up on Guacamelee. I have too many games to play anyway.

Payday 2 beta is open for Payday 1 owners on Steam apparently!

I know this might sound really dumb, but do you think this game will be fun to play solo? I am really bad at organizing online play with friends, so if I just want to jump in and rob banks, do you think Payday 2 will be worthwhile?

I played Munchkin again on the weekend. Still a fucking terrible 'board game'.



I think only Channel 7 said Rudd lost and Abbott won. Weird because I thought they'd be all over Rudd because he was on Sunrise for years.


Caught the very end before the cricket started on Nine... and Oakes was waffling on that Abbott 'won' by having punchy lines and style. Wanted to puke. Such an indictment on both Australian politics and journalism.
I know this might sound really dumb, but do you think this game will be fun to play solo? I am really bad at organizing online play with friends, so if I just want to jump in and rob banks, do you think Payday 2 will be worthwhile?
The feel from the beta thread is that since the objective and gameplay is so heavily forced towards doing a successful robbery even random strangers seems to be playing well together. To progress through the levels you need to hit those objectives in one way or another so it is fairly dynamic.

Best to boot up the demo if you have it and take it for a run. Check the GAF thread too for nuggets of information.


I played Munchkin again on the weekend. Still a fucking terrible 'board game'.

You could almost go as far to say it's a terrible 'game'. It essentially plays itself due to the points you made below.

Has all the worst mechanics in board games combined into one:

- Pile on the leader
- Random card draws
- Distinct lack of any long/short term strategy due to the above point
- Terrible art*
- Terrible humour*


I would argue that there is no strategy. If there was then it wouldn't play out exactly the same every damn time.

As for the humour, it is subjective, but it if you didn't play older versions of D&D then a lot of the jokes will go over your head anyway (at least for the original base set). It's referential humour and even if it is funny, it extracts a laugh exactly one time. That humour is part of the enjoyment of the game, but it has no bearing on the game or the mechanics and therefore doesn't count. Similar (and better) jokes can be found on Darths and Droids, DM of the Rings, or Order of the Stick.

It's not even defensible for being short. It just drags on and on and there is no way to quicken it up (besides not playing it in the first place). Now I think about it, maybe just go and play Uno instead, it still has the 'pile on the leader' and 'take that' elements that Munchkin is all about, plays in less than half the time and you don't want to put a bullet in your head afterwards. It's weird that at its core it's the same game, only simplified, but it's entirely forgivable because it's over quickly (as long as you don't house-rule the damn thing).


I love how subtle newscorp is.

The worst part of my day is accidentally reading their headlines when I pass the newsstands.
The only traditional game I've played in the past three months is The Struggle for Catan, which we bought in Munich because we read it was for 2 players, was small, was a 'Catan' game, inexpensive and why not buy a 'board' game in Germany? (I intended to bring Jaipur along, and had written a scoring app for my phone so I didn't have to bring the tokens, but I remembered as our plane taxied out onto the runway that I'd forgotten the cards too... Considered making little cards from cut up hotel paper, but... nah.)

Once I found the instructions in English online it was pretty easy to pick up (and knowing that small amount of German you pick up from traveling helped) and taught a few German words too. Trying to figure it out from the German pamphlet was never going to happen. A little too many cards to fit on one train/plane fold down table though, you'll need two. The wife hates it when I steal her ritters.

I get if you were REALLY into board and card games these most of these points would be frustrating
Never played Munchkin, but for me randomness is OK, as long as it comes with the possibility of strategy too. If there is a chance for new players to win without fully knowing strategies, and after a few games devise a strategy then that's the perfect sort of game for me.


Has all the worst mechanics in board games combined into one:

- Pile on the leader
- Random card draws
- Distinct lack of any long/short term strategy due to the above point
- Terrible art*
- Terrible humour*


I get if you were REALLY into board and card games these most of these points would be frustrating, but the randomness of it all and the fact that you don't have to be good at these kinds of games is very attractive to me. Means I can invite non-nerdcore friends to play and they can enjoy it.

I've been playing Munchkin for years and I think I've only won about 6 games.


I get if you were REALLY into board and card games these most of these points would be frustrating, but the randomness of it all and the fact that you don't have to be good at these kinds of games is very attractive to me. Means I can invite non-nerdcore friends to play and they can enjoy it.

The same can be said for Citadels, 7 Wonders, K2, Mundus Novus, The Resistance/Resistance:Avalon and Love Letter (among others) minus the completely random stuff. Some of these games are easier to teach than Munchkin is and make it look like the poorly designed mess it is.

Once a few of these games are played, it's only a small step away from deeper games. Some of the deeper games are actually easier to learn and less convoluted than the crap every one of us played as kids. Players can still have an enjoyable time whether or not they're good at it; I'm crap at a lot of games and it doesn't stop me playing them. It all comes down to whether or not it is conducive to the type of experience that evokes 'fun' from people at the table. Being a nerd has nothing to do with it.

Edit: Completely off-topic, but related. It's funny to me how the term 'nerd' is applied to gamers of many varieties; tabletop and video games and the like (even though most people would be classed as gamers of some type these days; my Mum plays Words with Friends like crazy, she loves it and is totally a gamer), as well as bookish types. Those people that you know who are really into sports and know a variety of stats, player rosters, game strategies and so on? Nerds. Into things people think of as 'manly' like woodworking, metalworking, related DIY things where they know the right tools, techniques and methods? Nerds. They might pretend otherwise, but they can't escape this fact.

If you're really into a certain field and are knowledgeable and passionate about it, you're a nerd. Most people are nerds about something or other and the term should be far from derogatory. If a person isn't a nerd, they're probably the odd one out.
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