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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Dead Man

Fucking Commonwealth Bank have charged the wife a $10 overdrawn fee. Hope they all die in a fucking fire, pack of cunts.

We cancelled an unexpected transaction within 2 hours of it happening, the transaction still went ahead and withdrew the money from her account the next day, when we found out about it we transferred money into the account to make it not overdrawn, they STILL charge the fee.

Die in a fire you greedy cheating fucks.

Call them up, threaten to go to the ombudsman if needed, get a refund.


I want a tag give me a tag


Hey AusGAF.



Fucking Commonwealth Bank have charged the wife a $10 overdrawn fee. Hope they all die in a fucking fire, pack of cunts.

We cancelled an unexpected transaction within 2 hours of it happening, the transaction still went ahead and withdrew the money from her account the next day, when we found out about it we transferred money into the account to make it not overdrawn, they STILL charge the fee.

Die in a fire you greedy cheating fucks.

A similar thing happened to me. I called them and pointed out I had put money in the same day to rectify the situation and wondered why the $10 charge. They agreed and refunded it, was very pleasant and easy. Give it a try mate, should only be a quick call (just have the statement at hand to refer to dates or whatever).

That aside, yes they are greedy fucking cunts. The overdraw shouldn't happen in the first place, let alone the $10 fee that occurs when it happens. They say they have this system in place to avoid embarrassing people and then they bend them over when it happens. I was offered an overdraw limit on my account as a safety net against this happening, but smelled a rat because it sounds like it's already there except they screw you for it. If it's an option to have it there without the fee, why not just give it to everyone by default?

I solved the problem by refusing to use direct debit ever again. The only thing that results from it is dodginess. If a company won't take schedule payments on my credit card, then they won't get a cent from me.

Are we the lucky country or the tight arse country? This is venomous.

The country that doesn't learn from its mistakes. White Australia Policy 2.0 here we come.


Has this been posted yet? http://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-07-14/abbotts-divorce-proposal-ludicrous/1352668 not as crazy as the recent "refugee" thing.. but I swear to god I really hope Tony Abbott doesn't win the election, because fuck.

Former Western Australia Labor premier Peter Dowding has hit out at Liberal frontbencher Tony Abbott's plan to make divorce harder, saying Mr Abbott wants to retreat to "blame game" divorce.

Under Mr Abbott's marriage plan, heterosexual couples can sign up to a fault-based model, like the former Matrimonial Causes Act

The act, dropped in 1975, required aggrieved spouses to prove offences like adultery, habitual drunkenness or cruelty to be granted a divorce.

The Opposition families spokesman is touting the return to fault-based divorce as a way to shore up traditional values, but Mr Dowding, a barrister and family law specialist, sees plenty of flaws with Mr Abbott's idea.

"The point about Tony Abbott's argument is that he wants to retreat to a blame game so you can actually blame someone in a divorce situation," Mr Dowding told ABC News Online.

"It's completely ludicrous to talk about making divorce harder at a time when people can separate easily. If you can separate easily, the question of making divorce harder or less hard is irrelevant.

"It's like Alice in Wonderland. It's like stepping through a looking glass into la-la land where Tony Abbott happily sits with his morality judging people while no-one's life gets harder or easier."

Mr Dowding, who stepped down as WA premier in 1990, says making divorce harder will just keep people in meaningless marriages.

"People are going to separate and if they do separate and they can't get a divorce, they live apart from their spouse, never being able to remarry, but able to enter into de facto relationships, which have the same legal relationship as marriage, so all it does is demean the institution of marriage," he said.

Abbott's plans

Mr Abbott's plan would see heterosexual couples offered an alternative to the current law allowing divorce after a 12-month separation.

"The point I make in the book is that a society that is moving towards some kind of recognition of gay unions, for instance, is surely capable of providing additional recognition to what might be thought of as traditional marriage," Mr Abbott told Fairfax newspapers.

"Something akin to a Matrimonial Causes Act marriage ought to be an option for people who would like it.

"Even though [marriage] is probably the most important commitment that any human being can make, in fact there are many, many contracts which are harder to enter and harder to get out of than this one."

'Right-wing Catholics'

But Mr Dowding does not think there is any room for Mr Abbott's argument in Australian politics.

"I don't like people who are right-wing judgemental Catholics trying to bring their religious politics into Australian life," he said.

"We're not a bunch of Americans. We don't go round with our politicians pretending to be deeply religious and demanding that everyone else be while they go around committing adultery on the side, as they do in America.

"And we don't want to be in a position where people with right-wing and intolerant attitudes, like Tony Abbott, control what people believe.

"If people separate because they're unhappy with each other and live their lives apart, is he suggesting we want to go back to the 1960s and before when private investigators jump through windows and photograph people in bed?

"What's that going to achieve? Say you've been separated for five years from your wife or husband and you choose not to remarry and you have another relationship, you expect a private eye to come and [take a] photograph. I mean, how ludicrous is that?"

Mr Dowding says plenty of changes need to be made to the current Family Law Act, but the divorce itself is almost irrelevant.

"The biggest difficulty that people who are in relationships and separate have is to sort out what are the arrangements for the children and what are the arrangements for maintenance, and what are the arrangements for the property," he said.

"They're the difficult things about which people fight. The actual divorce itself is almost an irrelevancy.

"It comes about when people have been separated and their marriage is broken down.

"You can't hold people to failed marriages. So the idea of having a divorce based on something other than a failed marriage is just ludicrous."

Opposition finance spokeswoman Helen Coonan was cool on Mr Abbott's idea to bring back fault-based divorce when she spoke to the ABC yesterday.

Senator Coonan, who used to practise family law, says she needs convincing.

"The no-fault divorce, as a principle, seems to have worked reasonably well since 1975," she told AM.

"So I'll be just interested to see what he says is the problem with the way in which the divorce law is working."


Holy shit, what is wrong with you Australia, why are you going to vote this moron in? I know Labor hasn't been great but goddam...

edit: ah it's from 2009, was wondering why no-one was running with it.


Lol, I was multi-tasking and didn't look at the date.. plus my mum posted it today on facebook as if it was a new story.:p

I admit my self-ownage.



Cut to the FBI sending the boys around to arrest me for making threats against the Presidog
Has MS said how long they expect to keep 360 downloads live?

Nope but they want to sell a billion 360's so I would expect the servers to be up for another 4-5 years to hit those targets.

Until some big wigs get fired and the whole thing is changed around anyway.

So who knows!

The pirates will always have our backs though.


Nope but they want to sell a billion 360's so I would expect the servers to be up for another 4-5 years to hit those targets.

Until some big wigs get fired and the whole thing is changed around anyway.

So who knows!

The pirates will always have our backs though.

Indeed, hopefully going forward with both ps4/xbone being basically pc arch (i.e. a simpler approach) that BC remains a given for the future as it pretty much is on PC.





I don't wanna get out of bed on mah birthday :(


Peekaboo! Peekaboo on mah birthday!


Aaaahhhh, I love that it's mah birthday.

So happy birthday. Now download Crackdown
Pfft. Like you need to tell me that.

Did I or did I not post links to both Crackdown AND Dead Rising 2 for you?

Happy birthday man! You old.
You're adding to my backlog. Thanks.

I already finished Crackdown, but not via Games on Demand. Oh darn, I must play it again.

I like it better in that order. Happy hatching day.
Me too. It took me a good 30 minutes of work time to do that.
Wake up, time to die.


Lol, I was multi-tasking and didn't look at the date.. plus my mum posted it today on facebook as if it was a new story.:p

I admit my self-ownage.

Geez man, give me a heart attack - that shit would directly impact me. I really hope he doesn't try to pull that shit iif
he gets into power.


What's with all the negative nellies? Bruce Springsteen is coming back to our wonderful and supreme country in February. If this country is good enough for Bruce, it's good enough for me.
"I used to be into dope, now I’m into racism. It’s much heavier, man. Fucking wogs, man. Fucking Saudis taking over London. Bastard wogs. Britain is becoming overcrowded and Enoch will stop it and send them all back. The black wogs and coons and Arabs and fucking Jamaicans and fucking [indecipherable] don’t belong here, we don’t want them here. This is England, this is a white country, we don’t want any black wogs and coons living here. We need to make clear to them they are not welcome. England is for white people, man. We are a white country. I don’t want fucking wogs living next to me with their standards. This is Great Britain, a white country, what is happening to us, for fuck's sake? We need to vote for Enoch Powell, he’s a great man, speaking truth. Vote for Enoch, he’s our man, he’s on our side, he’ll look after us. I want all of you here to vote for Enoch, support him, he’s on our side. Enoch for Prime Minister! Throw the wogs out! Keep Britain white!"

Pure gold lol

Mionix Naos 8200 - $73 Free Shipping.


Tempted. Someone talk me into/out of.

What's wrong with your current one.
You have Xbox LIVE GOLD and didn't download Crackdown? lol too bad for you buddy, two week window only


Dead Rising 2 & Case 0 are now free for Gold members
Dead Rising 2
Dead Rising 2 Case 0 (standalone prequel XBLA game)
Dead Rising 2 Case West (standalone epilogue XBLA game) is half price, 400 allards

Even though I probably won't get round to playing them, I have started the download.

So glad I saw this today morning and not last night. I'm going to be smiling all day now.

Fucking Commonwealth Bank have charged the wife a $10 overdrawn fee. Hope they all die in a fucking fire, pack of cunts.

We cancelled an unexpected transaction within 2 hours of it happening, the transaction still went ahead and withdrew the money from her account the next day, when we found out about it we transferred money into the account to make it not overdrawn, they STILL charge the fee.

Die in a fire you greedy cheating fucks.

How else will they make record breaking 7.8b profits?

Hey AusGAF.


Happy birthday to person who stole Shaenus' GAF account.

I have mine next friday.
Is it possible that you're placing too much pressure on yourself to perform at a greater degree than is reasonable?

If you do it because you love it, just let yourself progress without the self-imposed expectations that your placing upon yourself. Perhaps it will come to you then?

This could be true. I dunno, ollieing is the next step and I've been stuck on it for ages. Its the basis of nearly all tricks.

What kind of skating?

I tried a bit when I was young, and was terrible.

BMX for life.

I was tossing up skateboarding or BMX and skateboarding interested me much more. I do love riding BMX though. :) I'm not doing anything much yet but I'd like to basically do street but nothing too crazy, lol. I'm not trying to get sponsored haha.
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