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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Omi, Shaneus, Rep, Stop being slack and reply to my tweet from last week!
Oh shit sorry, still got that email in my folder lol

I'm good with whatever! Main issue is that I make it to Melbourne like twice a year so don't structure stuff around me too much.

Can't believe it's already September FFS

Also just noticed in my emails the boys have invited me to a cricket rematch in Daylesford for October. Everything was organised in June though so I'm already booked in without knowing >.>

I just googled and holy shit, they are Kiwi! Nice! They're touring with Against Me! currently I think. They're great, their stuff is hard to find though.
Yeah I remember getting their EP like 3-4 years ago when they first broke out. Hard to get local stuff these days. More bands need to get on Bandcamp FFS!

Hey Hitler's

Wii u pro and zombie u 349 @ DSE
Still $100 too much TBH

ZombiU is a great pickup though as it actually makes use of the Gamepad rather than just using it lazily for off-screen.

Thing is getting dusty as fuck :/

Skipping them, it's not like I don't have enough in the backlog anyway.


No such thing as enough backlog

Of note to us PC lords


Oh shit sorry, still got that email in my folder lol
It was an email? Shit, I thought it was a tweet or something. BRB.

Fake edit: How was it sent? Email? Tweet? FB?

PS. If you guys haven't seen it, the most recent Humble bundle is a comedy bundle! I can personally vouch for the Hannibal Burress, Louis CK and Tig Notaro sets, I'm sure the others are awesome too. And you'll only have to spend ~$8.50US to get all of them (about 7 in total, I think). That's a lot of funny!

Of note to us PC lords
Dope. I love how that's been confirmed for Windows before Microsoft's own controller has. GJ, idiots.
Just gauging interest, but would anyone be keen to purchase a brand new copy of the Killzone Vita game from me if I end up buying that bundle tomorrow? Not sure what a reasonable price is, but I see Dicksmith have it for $55, I would do it for say $40 (shipped via express post). Anyone?
Uses MicroSIM.

I was going to order a new one, but then instead I just cut up my old SIM according to a templete and shoved it in there. Works fine. (At least, it's detecting the network)

Micro sim. Just tell your provider you require one, they will post it to you or you can pick it up from a store.
Thank you, gentlemen. I might take my chances at cutting it myself and then request one if I bollocks it up.

Dead Man

Churches redeemed (get it?) (Yeah, it was bad, so what?)

God loves boat people.

This is the message displayed outside more than 70 churches across the state, as religious institutions step in to care for an increasing number of asylum seekers with nowhere else to go.

One Sydney church has helped to rehouse more than 90 asylum seekers dumped in an inner-city hotel the day after leaving Curtin Immigration Detention Centre.
Church sign relating to election and asylum seekers.

They arrived with the singlets on their backs and $85 to last them two weeks in a cramped room with no cooking facilities.

Reverend Andrew Bruce, the minister of St Peters Anglican Church, says Australia's asylum seeker policy is ''heartless, unacceptable . . . a complete shambles''.

He was halfway through a sermon on Good Friday when 45 asylum seekers from Sri Lanka filed into the back of his church.

The group of Tamil-speaking men had walked across the Princes Highway to the church, desperate for help.

''They had been left in the hotel with no idea where the shops were and none or very little English,'' Mr Bruce said. ''They only had the shirt, the shoes, shorts and thongs on that they were wearing,'' he said.

Mr Bruce and people who were inside the church at the time took the group straight to the shops, bought rice cookers and started finding clothes for them.

They came to the church every day for six weeks to cook, learn English and play cricket next to a graveyard.

Mr Bruce said the Red Cross was getting four times the number of people it was originally contracted for and could not cope.

Not long after the group had left, Mr Bruce was walking to the train station when he saw another group of about 40 people just standing outside the hotel across the road.

They were 38 people from Myanmar, an Iranian couple, an Iraqi and a Sri Lankan man.

A few days later the group from Myanmar knocked on the church's door on a rainy day in June. They were dripping wet.

''They turned up, these guys, literally shivering, and saying we need help.''

People from the congregation started taking off their jumpers and walking to their cars to find them clothes.

''These guys are expected to find accommodation when they arrive on their own, have no other family, no language, and they are expected to find a house in Sydney with no money, no credit history. It's a pretty stressful time for these guys.

''Government policies on both sides are just heartless.''

A number of churches are weighing into political debate as the election draws closer. The Anglican Parish of Gosford recently displayed a sign reading: ''Kevin, PNG is not the answer, Love God''.

The church's minister, Father Rod Bower, is hoping his humorous and controversial signage will draw attention to the asylum seeker issue.

''We need to be showing hospitality - especially to people who are not only homeless but nationless,'' Mr Bower said.
It's a fucking bad sign when even the churches are showing more compassion towards minority groups than the government.

Minor indie sale on Android store. SpaceChem $3.30, Superbrothers EP $2, The Room 99c, Combo Crew feat. Viewtiful Joe 99c.

It was an email? Shit, I thought it was a tweet or something. BRB.

Fake edit: How was it sent? Email? Tweet? FB?
Tweet, anytime someone tweets me I get an email though since I can go days/weeks without checking Twitter sometimes (same with Facebook).
Just gauging interest, but would anyone be keen to purchase a brand new copy of the Killzone Vita game from me if I end up buying that bundle tomorrow? Not sure what a reasonable price is, but I see Dicksmith have it for $55, I would do it for say $40 (shipped via express post). Anyone?

I might. I pre-ordered it from fishpond for $22, but it's possible they will not honor the deal.

Don't hold it for me though.
Just gauging interest, but would anyone be keen to purchase a brand new copy of the Killzone Vita game from me if I end up buying that bundle tomorrow? Not sure what a reasonable price is, but I see Dicksmith have it for $55, I would do it for say $40 (shipped via express post). Anyone?

If DeathJr's Fishpond doesn't fall through I'd buy it off you. I know he said not to hold it for him, but I don't mind waiting to see (if that's okay with you).


Finished SR4. 97%. I think something bugged out as there is nothing left in the game for me to do, since collectables apparently aren't counted towards the total. (and even still I have all but 20 agility orbs)


  • The story was fine. Lots of homages to the SR series.
  • Nearly all customisation was identical to SR3. There's a few new clothing options but that's about it.
  • I liked changing weapon skins more than I thought I would have. Wish you could have manually changed elements of them, though, instead of just picking the Blade Runner pistol or the Firefly pistol or the Star Trek pistol.
  • I kind of miss driving cars. Like, the game has cars to drive, and some missions force you to do it... but, I really liked driving in Saints Row 2 and 3. Sure, I also liked flying and super sprinting in 4, but I really want to jack some fools and drive sweet cars real fast off big jumps.
  • Kinda weird how I'm still not actually sure which SR3 ending was canon. Weird how SR4 resolves so much from the series yet doesn't once touch on how the last game branched its endings.
  • The superpowers on a keyboard kinda sucked to access, since they were on the F1-4 keys, and it also stuck all the variants on the same keys. So if you want to shoot a fireball, press F1. But pressing F1 also cycles it to an ice ball or whatever the other ball was that I didn't ever use because it didn't kill people. I don't often say this, but boy I wish it used a radial wheel for that stuff. Like in Crysis 1 or something.
  • Shooting people still feels kinda poo. Even with one hit weapons that explode shit all around them, the weapons just don't feel as good as other open world games.
  • If you're going to introduce aliens into your game, boy it'd be nice if they were more interesting than SR4.

Saints Row 4 absolutely felt like a companion piece to 3. Identical city, identical clothes, identical character upgrades (sans super powers). It felt like it had the ambition but not the soul, I guess. Cutscene animations were awkward, interacting with crew members was so incredibly lite and stilted, sidemissions were literally just "do the activities".

I really liked Saints Row 4, but boy they'll have to do something radically different for the next game.

Or, y'know. They could not make a next game. I'd be fine with that.


I was talking to someone at work about SR IV and he said it felt like it could've been a large DLC expansion, but was turned in to a full sequel.

I was talking to someone at work about SR IV and he said it felt like it could've been a large DLC expansion, but was turned in to a full sequel.


That's literally exactly what happened. It was meant to be a standalone expansion called Enter the Dominatrix before becoming SR4.


That's literally exactly what happened. It was meant to be a standalone expansion called Enter the Dominatrix before becoming SR4.

Let's just say that the title "Enter the Dominatrix" makes a lot of sense. As the Matrix set pieces and gags were by far the most well done parts of the game. As, I imagine, they had the most time spent on them. It's also kind of funny that next to none of the main missions take place in the city. They were almost all in self contained boxes with big high not-very-invisible walls surrounding them.
Blood Dragon did the 'reuse IP assets for a fresh and profitable sequel' thing better than SR4 did. At a $15 price point too!

Let's just say that the title "Enter the Dominatrix" makes a lot of sense. As the Matrix set pieces and gags were by far the most well done parts of the game. As, I imagine, they had the most time spent on them. It's also kind of funny that next to none of the main missions take place in the city. They were almost all in self contained boxes with big high not-very-invisible walls surrounding them.
Yeah that got boring really quickly.

Writing was fun at least. Jumping around everywhere redeemed the game for me. Otherwise it was an expansion pack.

So many fucking missions were just "go do this diversion". Fuck.

And yeah weapon skins were awesome. The right game for that kind of thing. SR5 needs to let us design our own livery and clothes though.

Aren't they, on top of that, still putting out DLC for SR4 called 'Enter the Dominatrix'?

Hell yeah. It's meta dude. Meta.


I want a tag give me a tag
Ah. I definitely didn't get a tweet about it. Did cookie use my old Twitter address, perhaps?

This is what you get when kritz makes the OP and doesn't update the twitters like I always did.

Vote holycheck for ausgaf 10: fibre to the boats.


This is what you get when kritz makes the OP and doesn't update the twitters like I always did.

Vote holycheck for ausgaf 10: fibre to the boats.

It'd be cool to make a website php page where people could enter in their twitter accounts, and the page generates a .png image containing all twitter accounts that have been dumped into the system. It'd override the previous .png so the image is always up to date, and can be regularly embedded into pages.

Vote Kritz for AusGAF 10 - Much Ado Abbott Nothing


That sounds cool kritz. Have it on my desk by next monday

seriously though, that does sound cool, and you could probably set it up so other peeps could use it too!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Just in time for my two day trip to my parents.
$83 for the 32GB Vita Memory Card in Australia. This is a good deal no?

Well it's not a good deal in the sense that a 32gb memory card should not cost $83, but it's a better deal than it used to be. I'm still tossing up between the 32gb or the 16gb, which is $45.

Getting my Vita today woot!

Just need to find the best deal now, which seems to be DS with the Vita + Killzone retailer bundle for $258. For some reason ozbargain/ecogamer don't have a run down of any other deals?
Diablo 3 is super tempting, mate of mine who is a huge Diablo fan never ended up building a PC for it after all the shit that came out so this would be perfect for us. Sounds like an awesome rebuilt port too.

$83 for the 32GB Vita Memory Card in Australia. This is a good deal no?

It's RRP so not really. Just usual from here on out.


I want a tag give me a tag
Diablo 3 is super tempting, mate of mine who is a huge Diablo fan never ended up building a PC for it after all the shit that came out so this would be perfect for us. Sounds like an awesome rebuilt port too.

It's RRP so not really. Just usual from here on out.

Yep, i'm looking forward to some gauntlet legacy/legends style multiplayer fun.
I have finally gotten around to watching Garth Marenghi's Dark Place.

"It's a shame we had to pixelate the erection. Everyone's got one. I could have one now. I don't though."


Oh shit.

In other news. two weeks till I leave for America!
Fuck yeah!


I've watched a bunch of Dark Place clips and a few eps here and there, but I really need to sit down and watch the whole thing proper.

Working through Star Trek TNG on blu-ray at the moment. It looks phenomenal, but then it makes me sad because I remember that there is no Star Trek or Stargate on TV atm...
I've watched a bunch of Dark Place clips and a few eps here and there, but I really need to sit down and watch the whole thing proper.

Working through Star Trek TNG on blu-ray at the moment. It looks phenomenal, but then it makes me sad because I remember that there is no Star Trek or Stargate on TV atm...

I had Dark Place on a wish list for about 8 years before I finally bit. Danger 5 is the closest thing to it but Dark Place is probably a little bit better. The interviews with the cast that intersperse the show give it an extra layer of WTF.

Love TOS and TNG. Like DS9 and Enterprise. Hate Voyager
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