That welcome thingy is so played out even Cliff Richard thinks its over stayed its welcome.
Old members must now recite the list of questions if they wanna stay.
That welcome thingy is so played out even Cliff Richard thinks its over stayed its welcome.
Yeah, it is about the only game about which I can say the tips/tutorial text is not prominent enough. You can at least go read it after, but that assumes you noticed it in the first place, and that you look it up in time since it has a very short window of being retained before being displaced by other info.
Woo! It's not just me!! I was concerned that I was getting too old for these new fangled games and their requirement for independent eye control.I had the same thing a couple of times, just seeing a pop up box as it faded out and missing out on information.
There is a briefs section in the pause menu, lists all pop ups and conversations from missions.
What do you do Mr. Pwned
Anyone have any experience with iiNet multiplying their usage by about 10? Because that's the only thing that explains this glorious gem I found when investigating why my connection was so slow last night. My preliminary conclusion is "fucking bullshit".
Good luck to you. If given the chance to get US citizenship, would you take it?
welcome newbies
snacks and refreshments over there ->
What do you do Mr. Pwned
Old members must now recite the list of questions if they wanna stay.
FIXED. AndWelcome Juniors!
Steam ID? bemanistyler
360 Gamertag? fengshuifever
PS3 thingy? Anne Heche
Twitterer? fengshuifever
How many of your relatives has the Carbon Tax suffocated so far?
Sexiest Bond: Pierce Brosnan or Sir Sean "The Rock" Connery? Neither.
But seriously between the two? Goldeneye Brosnan for SURE.
Would you buy a Crackdown 3?
Sure! The first two game I REALLY enjoyed. I feel that the Crackdown series doesn't get enough love.
Thoughts on Viva Pinata Party Pinatas?
Party Animals? Errrr, on one hand, it was Australian developed (BRISBANE NO LESS), and I'm all for the videogame dev scene returning.
On the other hand, it didn't really feel like Viva Pinata.
iOS gamer or Android user?
Well....I guess technically Android considering I'm developing for it (through Unity).
How do you feel about DRM and always on DRM?
No. And No.
I'm fairly open minded when it comes to most things, and I love anti-piracy methods when they're cleverly done. But when it gets into intrusive territory then that's a big no no.
You want people to play your game, not the install screen.
Is Women teh weakest sex in gaeming?
I'm sorry. You lost me at sex. I completely zoned out. My bad.
Do you Kooka with Country Cookies?
I actually had to google that, dear Lord they look delicious. I have NEVER seen that before.
UGG boots. Do you speak it?
Fuck no. It's a living shame that there still is an UGG store near Queen St.
Red Rock Deli chips are the best chips.
#realtalk. Sweet Chilli and Sour Cream or bust, baby.
Picking up a Vita or have a 3DS? OR SNK THINGY?
Waiting patiently for SMTIV and Link Between Worlds, my love.
D&D or Board Games or IRL Role Playing or Furry or Capcom fan?
Actually been getting into GURPS at my place with some friends and went last week to the DnDnD at Mana Bar the other night.
Got my self a Jawa Technical Engineer in GURPS. I have fought in 0 battles because I keep failing Cowardice test (._. )
Brisbane dwellers holla at me.
Sexy: Karen Gillan? Ricki Lee? Missy Higgins? Insert guy/girl of interest (Lily Cerna, Ella Morton, Mel McLaughlin, kPOP) here.
First one that comes to mind is Ashley Green. Her or Olivia Wilde. Goddamn.
Tony Abbott: Best budgie smuggler or just saggy smarmy arsehole?
Probably second. When you win because you were "the other guy", that's a pretty bad victory slogan.
Hey man I voted crazy, I went Palmer.
Jalapeño man?
Hell yes sir. Chillies with all the things.
Bacon, super-crispy. Almost burned. Cremated
Interest in alcohol? Scotch and Cider?
In a real Rekordelig mood lately, although I've been distilling my own Rum as of late. Delicious.
I do love a nice scotch though.
Vegemite... Mana from heaven or foul toxic sludge?
I don't eat shoe polish. Sorry.
Do you plays the Halos or Duties or FieldsOfBattlez?
Halo's kinda my guilty pleasure and in local multi, just seems to encourage my inner asshole to come out.
Any glass eyeballs?
Grew out of my Harry Potter glasses. Thank god. haha
Are you the onedelaying all the fucking videogames into 2013killing 3rd party support for the WiiU?
Are you Mayan or can use Maya?
3DS Max kid, reporting for duty. I hear Maya is fantastic though, I really should give it a shot.
Curse of Monkey Island is the greatest Point and Click of all time.
Press start beep beep boom pow splat boom!
Everyone lately is trying to scam me into having Vegemite.
My housemate convinced me that Cheesymite was totally not like Vegemite.
He is totally a huge asshole.
Everyone lately is trying to scam me into having Vegemite.
My housemate convinced me that Cheesymite was totally not like Vegemite.
He is totally a huge asshole.
I'm officially a godfather.
or is this a gta spoiler? >.>
Vegemite is a beer by product, therefore can not be bad.
probably no longer strictly so, but historically
Well. There you go. Now I want a beer.Well, when I went to the XXXX factory a few years ago they said they still sent the leftovers off to kraft.
Well, when I went to the XXXX factory a few years ago they said they still sent the leftovers off to kraft.
Well. There you go. Now I want a beer.
Just not a xxxx.
Indeed!So you want a beer then.
So you want a beer then.
EDIT: Reminds me, I haven't really had much beer (the only one I really enjoyed was Hite), any suggestions?
Vegemite is only good if you have a shit tonne of butter with it on toast.
Vegemite is only good if you have a shit tonne of butter with it on toast.
Okay, so what the fuck... the iFruit app for GTA, is it broke for anyone else? Because it's pissing me right the fuck off, especially when the game is all "Feed Chop using the iFruit app to make him happy" or some shit, but I can't fucking log in or do any of that cunty shit.
Fucking cunt.
Edit: For some reason, it looks like it works when you disable wifi and just use 3G. Makes no sense, but whatever.
the 'next gen' consoles [...] are of lesser value
Using my brainiacle powers I think its quite comedic that the value proposition posed by the 'next gen' consoles, as they may be called, are of lesser value given no backwards compatibilitiy. And the launch games are quite poor in quality and breadth.
We're still waiting for the WiiU launch games, aren't we? I can definitely see why backwards compatibility would be of great value to you.Using my brainiacle powers I think its quite comedic that the value proposition posed by the 'next gen' consoles, as they may be called, are of lesser value given no backwards compatibilitiy. And the launch games are quite poor in quality and breadth.
We're still waiting for the WiiU launch games, aren't we? I can definitely see why backwards compatibility would be of great value to you.
So I'm guessing OzGameshop is an absolute godsend to most of you, right? I've never really gotten around to using it.
So I'm guessing OzGameshop is an absolute godsend to most of you, right? I've never really gotten around to using it.
Fuck, that's a brilliant idea.I'm running around with Michael and the lack of iFruit messages makes me think I'll just use him as much as possible. Obnoxious shit, R*
So I'm guessing OzGameshop is an absolute godsend to most of you, right? I've never really gotten around to using it.
Curse is DEFINITELY inspirational for me but the title of greatest game of all time, for me anyway, has to go to