I like that the PC version doesn't have the new engine they are using. EA after a few years of doing some great things are pretty much my most hated Dev/Pub again, yet I still give them money...albeit as little as possible thanks to key sites.
The PC version has always been very low priority. It was running on the PS2 engine long after the consoles had the new gen engine.
When I was more active on Steam I often thought that getting FIFA on Steam with proper multiplayer implementation would hugely boost it's popularity on the platform. Just a simple 2v2 can be a tonne of fun and over fairly quickly if you just want a quick 10 minute game of something, and you can have custom leagues and stuff to keep the longevity. Not to mention Be A Player online mode, imagine a full AusGAF team!
But, obviously, they stuck to their Origin guns, and only sort of half assedly implemented some of the better co op features as online. Also they had their weird mouse driven free Fifa Online which seems to be still going, so I guess the focus is on that, but it's more of a F2P microtransaction driven thing than pick up and play co-op. Oh well. It's probably the one game that makes me buy a console each time.
Maybe I should cancel the PS4 after all and just give the PC version of Pro Evo a go. I haven't played that since 6.
I would pick up Knack for the son and I (if the wife let us play violent games together)
Yeah, the violence is the reason I don't want Knack yet. My lad is pretty impressionable when it comes to that stuff. I'll wait for the world to impose it's violent order on him by force before introducing beat em ups to him.