Eddie went straight to the Swans rooms to apologise on behalf of Collingwood.
Eddie being everywhere is good for once!
Guitar people, music people, you'll appreciate this: Nile Rodgers at a music summit, nutting out how it was he played on Get Lucky, then fully busting out the raddest shit you'll ever hear because he can't quite remember it properly.
This post from the Daft Punk thread sums it up perfectly:
Yeah, but then you wouldn't have been able to buy it for yourself! Plus, I didn't know it would work, GMG is so damn flaky with that stuff.I meant he recorded it years ago and had forgotten it so it was even more impressive!
Did you already buy it? That was my job!
AFL; Eddie Maguire; Talkback radio; Layton Hewitt; My Kitchen Rules; Kochie and Mel; Teenage Gangs; Racism directed specifically towards the Lebanese; Hillsong mega-churches; and Triple M are all hallmarks of a 'Bizarro Australia' that is similar to the Australia I live in, but different in a myriad number of subtle yet unnerving ways.
AFL; Eddie Maguire; Talkback radio; Layton Hewitt; My Kitchen Rules; Kochie and Mel; Teenage Gangs; Racism directed specifically towards the Lebanese; Hillsong mega-churches; and Triple M are all hallmarks of a 'Bizarro Australia' that is similar to the Australia I live in, but different in a myriad number of subtle yet unnerving ways.
What else do I have to say?AFL; Eddie Maguire; Talkback radio; Layton Hewitt; My Kitchen Rules; Kochie and Mel; Teenage Gangs; Racism directed specifically towards the Lebanese; Hillsong mega-churches; and Triple M
It's a myth that people actually go out on friday nights anyway.quiet friday night in, read a bit, started rewatchin the wire, evenin well spent!
To be fair, there's not a lot of overlap between Hillsong mega churchers, Triple M listeners and John Laws fans and they're not likely to hold hands and sing coombaya.AFL; Eddie Maguire; Talkback radio; Layton Hewitt; My Kitchen Rules; Kochie and Mel; Teenage Gangs; Racism directed specifically towards the Lebanese; Hillsong mega-churches; and Triple M are all hallmarks of a 'Bizarro Australia' that is similar to the Australia I live in, but different in a myriad number of subtle yet unnerving ways.
Anyone have a good guide and/or a list of recommendations for fixing my Mum's new Windows 8 laptop? Specifically, I wanted to get rid of Metro at startup and put in a task bar and make it as much like 7 as possible. Maybe spruce up a few settings here and there.
Is third party antivirus still a thing? I'm still using Avast at home, but it's been a number of years since I last looked into it and have heard that Windows antivirus has made magnificent strides of late.
quiet friday night in, read a bit, started rewatchin the wire, evenin well spent!
Thanks for that. Ended up going with Pokki for the start menu and it works great! The best part is it boots right into the desktop by default, so no dealing with metro.There's a couple of options here, Third party apps are required to bring back the start menu
In terms of AV .. Honestly Microsoft Security Essentials is good enough. You can try and use a third party application like avast, anti-vir and so on, But I personally haven't used one in years. MSE does the job for me.
Imma go play some more New Vegas now.
I assume that quote's from New Vegas then? I have no ideaImma go play some more New Vegas now.
On 360
Dude, you're getting Blur soon >_<Hey Shaneus! Is Split/Second good? I loved Motorstorm Apocalypse.
600 allards ATM.
On the intro to the footy segment on 3AW this morning, they played a statement from Adam Goodes, no idea when it was from (last night or this morning or whatever). Holy shit, his attitude and the way he's handled it is nothing short of superhuman. I didn't realise it was A FUCKING 13-YEAR-OLD that said it. Her parents should be fucking shot... you aren't born calling people with darker skin tones "apes", it's ingrained in you from your household. Hope the parents cop 10 times as much shit as their kid does.
I assume that quote's from New Vegas then? I have no idea
Dude, you're getting Blur soon >_<
(also, I had it on PC but despised the shit out of it because it was locked to 30fps and I *think* the resolution was limited too, perhaps)
"To come to the boundary line and hear a 13 year old girl call me an 'ape', and it's not the first time on a footy field that I've been referred to as a 'monkey' or an 'ape', it was shattering."
"It's not her fault. She's 13, she's still so innocent. I don't put any blame on her. Unfortunately it's what she hears, in the environment she's grown up in that has made her think that it's ok to call people names."
"It cut me deep, and it affected me so much that I couldn't even be on the ground last night to celebrate a victory, to celebrate indigenous round. I'm still shattered, personally, it's tough."
"I'm loving the support of my friends and family, and people in the social media, it's fantastic, but I think the person who needs the most support right now is the little girl. People need to get around her. She's 13. She's uneducated. If she wants to pick up the phone and call me and apologise I'll take that phone call, and I'll have a conversation with that girl about, 'you know what, you called me a name, and this is how it made me feel'. And it's school stuff."
"I don't know if it's the lowest point in my career, but personally, I don't think I've been more hurt by someone calling me a name than I was last night. Not because of what was said, but because where it came from: a 13-year-old girl. It just hit me that it's not a Collingwood issue, it's not an AFL issue, it's a society issue. It's an issue of what are our parents teaching our kids?"
"I just hope that people give the 13 year old girl the same sort of support because she needs it, her family needs it, and the people around them need it. It's not a witch-hunt, I don't want people to go after this young girl. We've just got to help educate society better so it doesn't happen again."
You have it for $10! It'll be in the mail and you'll have it Tuesday! And you won't even be able to download that on your Xbox One, let alone play it!So was the gameplay in Split/Second good though? I assume 23fps on 360! I just want explosions and fun driving for $6!
You have it for $10! It'll be in the mail and you'll have it Tuesday! And you won't even be able to download that on your Xbox One, let alone play it!
Yeah, you'd probably like it. It's, um... have you played Ridge Racer Unbounded? That's about the closest comparison I could draw with it (that isn't Blur). It was developed by a Disney developer, and it kind of feels that way.
Actually, it's probably more like a closed-world Burnout game, but not as fast.
My memories of playing New Vegas: Wishing it was Fallout 3. Yeah, I'm one of those people.
My memories of playing New Vegas: Wishing it was Fallout 3. Yeah, I'm one of those people.
I enjoyed Vegas, but I preferred Fallout 3I knew I liked you!! There's about 4 of us on GAF.![]()
It's that time of the year really. Console wars is in full-force.Is every thread on Gaming now being started by a 10 year old?
Vegas > F3
People doubt New Vegas? Get out of here, RANGERS.
The Democratic Voting Vault in New Vegas is by far the best short story in either game.
I think the adam goodes thing was blown way out of proportion tbh. Yes i am i collingwood supporter tho lol.
To clarify- people calling for the girl to be educated are missing the point.
can't wait until e3