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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Uh... what's 'the point', then, pray tell?

Well i think a 13 year old would clearly be old enough to know that racism is wrong, and therefore be saying the comments with the full intention of causing harm. So 'educating' her would probably be a waste of the AFLs money. She should just be made to donate to a charity helping aboriginals or something.


I think that's an severely binary view of racism.

More to the point though, forcing her to donate financially [to generalise your point somewhat] to a charity or something doesn't really have either a rehabilitative or an educative function, and to assume there is no point in an educative function is pretty bloody depressing.


If that were true then racism would never occur. I would think most people know racism to be wrong but do it anyway to (mistakenly) reassure themselves that they are better.
She knows it was wrong but didn't know the impact that it had on Goodes. Hence, she needs to be educated about how it makes people feel.

I didn't think it was that hard to grasp.
I think that's an severely binary view of racism.

It is, but think of a typical racist, they are usually low on self confidence and feel that by asserting themselves in such hurtful ways it will raise their confidence. This is just what i see in places like football matches.

"She knows it was wrong but didn't know the impact that it had on Goodes. Hence, she needs to be educated about how it makes people feel.

I didn't think it was that hard to grasp."

She would be saying it with the full intention of hurting his feelings i would have thought.

(Quite a stupid discussion to get into as a lowly junior amirite)

Edit 2- The other thing that grinds my gears is people putting particular focus on it being a Collingwood fan.


You think this 13-year-old was low on self-confidence and wanted to raise their own? I don't really think it'd have had anything to do with it. It's way more likely to be a function of a normative environment where calling people you're against racial slurs isn't considered problematic.

She would be saying it with the full intention of hurting his feelings i would have thought.
You think this 13-year-old was low on self-confidence and wanted to raise their own? I don't really think it'd have had anything to do with it. It's way more likely to be a function of a normative environment where calling people you're against racial slurs isn't considered problematic.

Shes seeing her team getting smashed, feels angry at the situation, knows that in her family environment it is considered ok and says it. What surprises me is how the people she are with seem oblivious to the severity of her comments.

"This is so beautifully naive. I just want to pinch your cheeks and knit you a jumper."
Shes 13, school these days reinforces this sorta thing all the time.
Yes, that's the entire point of the educative function comments.

Alright, i see ive backed myself into a corner by not thinking this through better lol. The girl should be made to go watch a game of local footy in the NT and see the sorta rubbish she would get, that would teach her to not be racist.
New Vegas made Fallout 3 seem like an inbred moron in retrospect. I do think fondly of Point Lookout though.

I think the adam goodes thing was blown way out of proportion tbh. Yes i am i collingwood supporter tho lol.

To clarify- people calling for the girl to be educated are missing the point.
You are missing the point. He parents need educating which will in turn educate her.

Shes seeing her team getting smashed, feels angry at the situation, knows that in her family environment it is considered ok and says it. What surprises me is how the people she are with seem oblivious to the severity of her comments.
I was actually told she was there by herself. Which in of itself is fucking mindblowing.

Dead Man

So pretty much the same problems in F3.

Heh, sure. Excpet there were interesting locations not marked on the map, every second hovel wasn't a fast travel location and map marker, the bustling city of NV didn't shit up the map, it actually did something new (whether you liked what it did is a different story). NV was the most boring desert possible, with gameplay that was just FO3 + mods that everyone had already been using. The writing was good in spots, but the main quest was even stupider than in FO3.

It was just not fun to me.

New Vegas made Fallout 3 seem like an inbred moron in retrospect. I do think fondly of Point Lookout though.

You are missing the point. He parents need educating which will in turn educate her.

I was actually told she was there by herself. Which in of itself is fucking mindblowing.

woah shit, i was just going off the footage.


Heh, sure. Excpet there were interesting locations not marked on the map, every second hovel wasn't a fast travel location and map marker, the bustling city of NV didn't shit up the map, it actually did something new (whether you liked what it did is a different story). NV was the most boring desert possible, with gameplay that was just FO3 + mods that everyone had already been using. The writing was good in spots, but the main quest was even stupider than in FO3.

It was just not fun to me.


Oh come now, House and the way all that bullshit came to a head was way cooler than the absolutely fucking moronic unpatched way you ended Fallout 3. And as if Washington didn't shit up the map, there was like an entire quarter of the map that was just elongated subway tunnels and impassable barricades that forced you to go through the almost linear subway system.

Dead Man

Oh come now, House and the way all that bullshit came to a head was way cooler than the absolutely fucking moronic unpatched way you ended Fallout 3. And as if Washington didn't shit up the map, there was like an entire quarter of the map that was just elongated subway tunnels and impassable barricades that forced you to go through the almost linear subway system.

Washington had too many walls, but the sense of exploration was there. :/ Different strokes.


Fast Travel did ruin that feeling, but it's the same in any Bethesda-engine game. You've just got to resist using it for as long as possible.

Anyway, I finally sent off the job application that I did in comic form. Feeling kind of queasy, lol. Fingers crossed.

Dead Man

Fast Travel did ruin that feeling, but it's the same in any Bethesda-engine game. You've just got to resist using it for as long as possible.

Anyway, I finally sent off the job application that I did in comic form. Feeling kind of queasy, lol. Fingers crossed.

Good luck!


Hey Omi/anyone weird like Omi, is the Android FM2013 meant to be any good? I see it's half price at the moment. I know that's because the season is over but tbh I don't care that much about up to date rosters etc. Just wondering if it has similar addictive qualities to the full version.


Fast Travel did ruin that feeling, but it's the same in any Bethesda-engine game. You've just got to resist using it for as long as possible.

Anyway, I finally sent off the job application that I did in comic form. Feeling kind of queasy, lol. Fingers crossed.

You'll have to be the quirky guy at work if you get it. Every second sentence a joke, witty retorts, bowling shoes, a bow tie... The pressure!


This is the banner for a mummy blog.


This is the internet equivalent of bizzaro culture that Bernbaum was talking about. No one I "internet know" could use that image unironically.


Looks like they're trying to recreate goatse.

Exactly. Pretty sure this is completely without irony:

blog said:
About My Logo
In order to be Hands Free, you must first let go. The story behind my logo beautifully illustrates the extraordinary results of letting go of perfection and control.

Here is the story of how my logo came to be…

-Those are my hands forming the misshapen heart. Unlike the way I have lived most of my life, I did not prepare a detailed plan about how I was going to pose my hands for this photo. But as you might have guessed, my hands were supposed to resemble a perfectly shaped heart.

Before I became Hands Free, I would have had to re-do this photo until the heart was perfectly formed. But seeing it through my new Hands Free perspective, this misshapen heart demonstrates the true meaning of Hands Free. Letting go of perfection gives you the ability grasp, experience, see, and feel what really matters in life like joy, connection, grace, forgiveness, and personal growth. And the end result? Why of course, it is love; loving yourself and the people around you without restraint.

-Those are my daughters’ hands covering my own. The girls were tired at the time and ready to go home. There were more than a few “Why do we have to do this?” questions and “Are we done now?” moans. But two short months later, my seven-year-old-asks, “Can we read your blog, today, Mama?” And the four-year-old regularly makes a heart shape with her hands when we drive in the car. I especially treasure the day she lifted her heart shaped little hands and called out, “My hands can make something beautiful, Mama!” Oh yes, sweet girl, oh yes, they can. If my daughter’s revelation is the only thing comes from this Hands Free journey, I will be fulfilled.

-The photo was taken by my husband, Scott…not by a professional photographer. My husband knows nothing about perspective, backlighting, diffraction, or contrast, and neither do I (hence the reason I just Googled “basic photography terms”). But the way the sunlight illuminates the clean lines of our hands in contrast to the tattered brown bark of the tree, I would have thought my husband has been taking photography classes on the sly.

-The idea for my title, Hands Free, was discovered within a pile of over fifty sheets of paper filled with jagged manuscript written by a woman who dreams best when she processes life while running on a treadmill.

I had written these words for some reason off to the side of a detailed story idea, but months later, I couldn’t quite remember why. On the day I searched for a title, the words seemed to be written in glowing letters just waiting for me to find them. In that moment, Hands Free Mama came to life…in so many ways.

-The title and tag line merged with my image through the talents of a man I have never met. Although his computer skills are completely mind boggling, I have learned that his skills as a father and as a husband are even more astonishing. Simply as an act of kindness, this man graciously used his own valuable time and skill to create this beautiful logo for me. I speak of angels on this journey. He is mine.

So now you have the unplanned, yet incredible, story behind the creation of my Hands Free Mama logo. And there is a term for what happened here.

It is what I call perfect imperfection.

The reason the elements of my logo fit together so beautifully, so complementary is because they were not planned. They were not thought out in a twenty-step flow chart or Venn diagram the way I have lived my life for far too long.

For once in my life, I allowed something to develop on its own.

For once in my life, I surrendered control.

For once in my life, I simply let go.

I went Hands Free. And the fact that it turned out so extraordinarily confirms that life should be lived this way.

Just imagine if you let all areas of life just BE instead of trying to create the end result that you want or that you imagine.

You will often hear me say that I am simply the messenger on this Hands Free journey. And it is by the grace of God that I have a message to give.

Today, and for all the days to follow, my message is this: perfect imperfection is a beautiful sight to behold. In fact, it can change the way you look at life….if you simply let it.


Hey Omi/anyone weird like Omi, is the Android FM2013 meant to be any good? I see it's half price at the moment. I know that's because the season is over but tbh I don't care that much about up to date rosters etc. Just wondering if it has similar addictive qualities to the full version.

Not sure as I haven't played it. I can't even bring myself to play the 'lite' version that comes with full blown FM.

Side note: Just got back from seeing Star Trek, that was very enjoyable.
This is the banner for a mummy blog.

This is the internet equivalent of bizzaro culture that Bernbaum was talking about. No one I "internet know" could use that image unironically.

Oh. One of those people.

I’m going Hands Free.
I want to make memories, not to-do-lists.
I want to feel the squeeze of my daughter's arms, not the pressure of over-commitment.
I want to get lost in conversation with my spouse, not consumed by a sea of unimportant emails.
I want to be overwhelmed by sunsets that give me hope, not by extracurricular commitments that steal my joy.
I want the noise of my life to be a mixture of laughter and gratitude, not the intrusive buzz of cell phones and text messages.
I am letting go of distraction, disconnection, and perfection to live a life that simply, so very simply, consists of what really matters.
I’m going Hands Free. And if this sounds like a life you want to start living, come along. A Hands Free revolution starts here! I hope you will join me!

I want, I want, I want.

How about what you need for fucks sake?

Want is a dirty 4 letter word! It's banned in our household.
Want is entitlement.
Want is demanding.
Want is degrading.
Want is consuming.

How about 'I would like' or 'can I please have'.
For fucks sake.

A modern day Noam Chomsky right here. Gotta use sea of unimportant ones and zeroes to get the message through man.

Also that post is like the opposite of us. No sleep after 2am for the last 3 weeks. When the little guy makes a mess there is no fear in his eyes, only attention to what reaction he will receive, attention filled with glee. I'm only now starting to yell and hand smack and time out the boy.

Bizarro world indeed!

P.S. Anyone want a 2 year old? Totally nice dude! He is too good for us, only reason we are giving him away!

Side note: Just got back from seeing Star Trek, that was very enjoyable.
Now watch the cynical teardown by people who also really enjoyed the movie and are ardent defenders of JJ!


Heh, sure. Excpet there were interesting locations not marked on the map, every second hovel wasn't a fast travel location and map marker, the bustling city of NV didn't shit up the map, it actually did something new (whether you liked what it did is a different story). NV was the most boring desert possible, with gameplay that was just FO3 + mods that everyone had already been using. The writing was good in spots, but the main quest was even stupider than in FO3.

It was just not fun to me.


Agreed with this 100%

Fallout 3 was just more engrossing to me. I loved the exploration, the ruins of a city, stumbling across 'the bunker' is one of the most amazing things I've experienced in videogames.

New Vegas just felt really, really boring for me. It was just a desert, I never once felt like I was a post-apocalyptic world.
Fallout 3 felt linear despite being an open world game.

New Vegas felt like it was completely up to you what you experienced. Which was awesome.

Fallout 3 was a good podcast game. New Vegas was a good 'transport you to another reality' game.

At least for me.


Oh god I discovered why my desk chair was on the side of the road. Something cracked when I leaned back and I nearly fell over. :<

Dead Man

Agreed with this 100%

Fallout 3 was just more engrossing to me. I loved the exploration, the ruins of a city, stumbling across 'the bunker' is one of the most amazing things I've experienced in videogames.

New Vegas just felt really, really boring for me. It was just a desert, I never once felt like I was a post-apocalyptic world.
Yeah, pretty much. The world did not interest me, and the methods of interaction with the world were the same as FO3.
Fallout 3 felt linear despite being an open world game.

New Vegas felt like it was completely up to you what you experienced. Which was awesome.

Fallout 3 was a good podcast game. New Vegas was a good 'transport you to another reality' game.

At least for me.

I don't understand this at all. My mind is trying, but there is no way I can comprehend how someone could find NV more interesting, or less linear, than FO3.

FO3 felt linear to you? The main quest is, sure, but the game as a whole? I don't understand that all. Not that I have to, of course.

Oh god I discovered why my desk chair was on the side of the road. Something cracked when I leaned back and I nearly fell over. :<

LOL, roadside furniture may be cheap, but it is often there for a reason.


I don't know why, but I just felt like the stuff you came across in F3 was... more boring than the stuff you came across in Vegas. I don't know, I actually really did have a lot of the same problems with Vegas and F3, it just felt like it took longer for me to get bored of Vegas.

Dead Man

I don't know why, but I just felt like the stuff you came across in F3 was... more boring than the stuff you came across in Vegas. I don't know, I actually really did have a lot of the same problems with Vegas and F3, it just felt like it took longer for me to get bored of Vegas.

Fair enough, didn't mean to make you or anyone else feel you had to justify anything. I just don't understand it :)
"Wei Shen motherfucker, who are you?"

I really wish Sleeping Dogs&#8482; had NewGame+. Just so I could play through it again with all the abilities I've unlocked. I don't really care about the cars I've unlocked.


"Wei Shen motherfucker, who are you?"

I really wish Sleeping Dogs™ had NewGame+. Just so I could play through it again with all the abilities I've unlocked. I don't really care about the cars I've unlocked.
Hey, did you end up fixing the spam on your Twitter?


I think it's time to scrap your logo when it takes an 800 word essay to explain why it's beautiful and not like goatse at all.
Yakuza Dead Souls on PS3 is $10 posted today from Mighty Ape (this fucking sucker paid $20 for the Steelbook edition :( )

Also SHOCKING NEWS pretty much everything at the Xbone reveal was faked at this point
GG Choc. PR has been great out of the event!
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