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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Horror/Cthulhu roleplaying is something I'm a proponent for and after seeing the unveiling of Eternal Lies for Trail of Cthulhu, my mouth started watering.

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil.

They failed.

Now, you must piece together what went wrong. Investigate ancient crypts, abandoned estates, and festering slums. Explore choked jungles and the crushed psyches of your predecessors. Follow in their footprints and make new ones of your own. This time, there won’t be another chance.

The world is yours to save… or lose

The art totally helps sell the vibe of the whole thing, it's fantastic. It's a globe-spanning epic campaign, so it's something to work towards, but goddamn do I want to run or play this. It had been teased for a long time and was in the works for longer; it looks and sounds to be worth the wait. If people are comparing it to campaigns such as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King in a positive light, they've done or exceeded their job.

I'm going to pre-order the shit out of this one.

A mate wanted to watch the One conference last night and I did notice they said they'd have news about the future of the 360 at E3. I missed that the first time. It'll be interesting to see what they say

Horror/Cthulhu roleplaying is something I'm a proponent for and after seeing the unveiling of Eternal Lies for Trail of Cthulhu, my mouth started watering.

The art totally helps sell the vibe of the whole thing, it's fantastic. It's a globe-spanning epic campaign, so it's something to work towards, but goddamn do I want to run or play this. It had been teased for a long time and was in the works for longer; it looks and sounds to be worth the wait. If people are comparing it to campaigns such as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King in a positive light, they've done or exceeded their job.

I'm going to pre-order the shit out of this one.

Dude, general board game question. What game would you recommend for a bunch of people who haven't gone further than Risk or Diplomacy? War games are about as far as me and my mates have gotten, but something different could be fun


Dude, general board game question. What game would you recommend for a bunch of people who haven't gone further than Risk or Diplomacy? War games are about as far as me and my mates have gotten, but something different could be fun

If you've played Diplomacy and you're still friends, you've done alright.

How many of you are there and how much time would you be looking to fill? (I'm guessing you'll have a decent amount of time, given the length of those two games).


A mate wanted to watch the One conference last night and I did notice they said they'd have news about the future of the 360 at E3. I missed that the first time. It'll be interesting to see what they say

Dude, general board game question. What game would you recommend for a bunch of people who haven't gone further than Risk or Diplomacy? War games are about as far as me and my mates have gotten, but something different could be fun
ANOTHER Collingwood fan has been captured on video yelling racist comments during Friday night's match against the Sydney Swans at the MCG.
More typical of what you would expect. Due to the heightened focus on racial issues this round we are seeing more incidents being reported.

A mate wanted to watch the One conference last night and I did notice they said they'd have news about the future of the 360 at E3. I missed that the first time. It'll be interesting to see what they say

The whole thing was a clusterfuck of "hey look at this awesome thing!" and miscommunication about everything. Spokespeople would be quoted as saying "everything is up in the air and we haven't made any decisions about this aspect" and then another will say "yes, Kinect will scan you in order to log into your profile, no correct scan, no playing all the games locked to your account".
No company lines to feed, just what ever they have heard passed around. How fucking stupid. Shocked no one called it the Infinite by mistake they were confusing each other that much.
Even funnier is that they have come out and blamed the media for all the bad PR and confusion! What a bunch of muppets.
If you've played Diplomacy and you're still friends, you've done alright.

How many of you are there and how much time would you be looking to fill? (I'm guessing you'll have a decent amount of time, given the length of those two games).

Something shorter than diplomacy would be a plus. Pretty much everyone was done with it after a while. Like two or three hours would probably be ideal. The group of people can vary but its normally around half a dozen? Give or take

More typical of what you would expect. Due to the heightened focus on racial issues this round we are seeing more incidents being reported.

The whole thing was a clusterfuck of "hey look at this awesome thing!" and miscommunication about everything. Spokespeople would be quoted as saying "everything is up in the air and we haven't made any decisions about this aspect" and then another will say "yes, Kinect will scan you in order to log into your profile, no correct scan, no playing all the games locked to your account".
No company lines to feed, just what ever they have heard passed around. How fucking stupid. Shocked no one called it the Infinite by mistake they were confusing each other that much.
Even funnier is that they have come out and blamed the media for all the bad PR and confusion! What a bunch of muppets.

The conference itself was pretty on message. But since it's been a complete mess. That said the latest, at least yesterday's latest, on used games working seemed pretty okay. If it blocks the disk after its installed on someone else's box is probably fair enough.


I can't recommend 7 Wonders enough to a large group. A game can take sub 30 minutes once you know what you are doing (can play up to 7 in the base game). :)
I can't recommend 7 Wonders enough to a large group. A game can take sub 30 minutes once you know what you are doing (can play up to 7 in the base game). :)

7 Wonders is my favourite at the moment. We've only played a handful of games but they have all been great.


Something shorter than diplomacy would be a plus. Pretty much everyone was done with it after a while. Like two or three hours would probably be ideal. The group of people can vary but its normally around half a dozen? Give or take

Once you get into large numbers of players like that, finding a game to fit them all at one table, with the game still being functional, is a difficult task.

  • Resistance: Avalon will accommodate such numbers and becomes great starting with 6 players. It's not a terribly long game, but it will work with the number of players you have.

    Minions of Mordred have infiltrated the ranks of King Arthur's loyal knights. Mordred's spies know who the others are, but the knights are blind to this. Only Merlin knows who they are and can guide their way, but must do so carefully for if he is discovered then he will be assassinated and the kingdom falls.

  • 7 Wonders also works well with up to 7 (surprise?) players and becomes great once you have 4 or more. This is not a long game either, but it is certainly a lot of fun and also works with the numbers you have.

    Through 3 different ages, build your economy, technology, science and wonder of the world. Share resources with your neighbour while simultaneously screwing them over to your advantage.

  • Citadels is very flexible with player numbers and goes up to 8 players. Another relatively short game, but is a great time.

    Build a citadel worthy of a king while using the skills of assassins, thieves, wizards and warlords to build yours and hinder the progress of your opponents. Much of this is done in the dark as you don't really know who is who, so choose wisely.
The above games won't take up an entire game session, but they will work with the larger player numbers you have. Denser games that accommodate such a large group tend to blow out the play time by a considerable amount, read: set aside a day. I can only think of a few that won't.
  • Battlestar Galactica may be worth a look as it is a longer game (3 hours), but is best played with 5 and no other number. This is rather restrictive, but is the only game I can think of which is more involved, will work with a larger number and not take all day.

    If you've seen the TV show, I don't need to explain much of this. Some players are Cyclons trying to sabotage the ship and those on board in secret. Not all the cylons are aware that they are until it is revealed to them. Play your cards carfully while keeping your friends close and your enemies closer.

  • Cyclades works with up to 5 and isn't too long, hour and a half or so.

    Appeal to the power of the gods to grant you their boon by bidding against your enemies. Build powerful civilisations and crush those who oppose you.

  • City of Horror will play with up to 6 and is about the same length as Cyclades.

    Fend off the hordes of zombies while also fighting those trying to push you from safety into their clutches. Form allegiances and break them soon after, promise, lie, threaten, whatever it takes to survive.
Something that might be worth thinking is to have a shorter game with everyone and then perhaps split into two groups and play different games, if some of the above games don't grab your interest. This may depend on who turns up on the day as to what works best at the time. It may be worth a thought so those more involved games can hit the table without going over long.
Jarrod why can't I click to enlarge?!?!?!

Horror/Cthulhu roleplaying is something I'm a proponent for and after seeing the unveiling of Eternal Lies for Trail of Cthulhu, my mouth started watering.

The art totally helps sell the vibe of the whole thing, it's fantastic. It's a globe-spanning epic campaign, so it's something to work towards, but goddamn do I want to run or play this. It had been teased for a long time and was in the works for longer; it looks and sounds to be worth the wait. If people are comparing it to campaigns such as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King in a positive light, they've done or exceeded their job.

I'm going to pre-order the shit out of this one.

This looks seriously fun. GM said he would look into it once we finish the DnD trilogy he's been writing. Whooooo.
Yeah true, its just more fuel for the bullshit aimed at Collingwood though.
The players and the AFL have been really great about not blaming the club/fanbase and making it more about society as a whole. The zero tolerance policy on show from the Pies should shut up critics of the club hopefully.
Cheers dude. I shall check them out. Diplomacy etc are great but take so damn long. Especially if you get someone new, or someone (mostly its me) forgets the rules

If that statement doesn't guarantee PGR5 on 360, nothing does.

And I wonder if that's a heavily-veiled statement about releasing a device that can play 360 games which also attaches to the One? He's probably counting sales of that as well.

I was thinking that too. But it doesn't really fit with Mattrick saying you're backwards if you expect backwards compatibility. It'd be a good E3 bomb though an Apple TV sized digital only 360. Just off the top of my head, could it hypothetically be plugged into the HDMI in port?


This looks seriously fun. GM said he would look into it once we finish the DnD trilogy he's been writing. Whooooo.

Excellent! I'm sure you'll be in for a good time. August cannot come soon enough. There's a cool free adventure (Murderer of Thomas Fell) for Trail of Cthulhu already and another for a couple of bucks (RMS Titanic - The Millionaire's Special) which is pretty great too.

Pelgrane publishes some seriously awesome stuff, I own just about everything they make. They've got some of the best in the RPG industry writing for them and the books are of top-notch quality. They don't rest on their laurels either, they keep outdoing themselves.
Yeah the AFL are ok, but the fans in general seem to say "lol typical collingwood scum"
Those fans get the "are you fucking serious you bigoted arsehole?" look from me.

Man I hate AFL right now.

Rep must hate bargains or something now, because I don't recall seeing him post anything about the fairly substantial Squeenix sale on over at GMG. They're also selling Football Manager 2012 for cheap, that being the same price Americans are paying for the daily Steam promo, except without the regional bullshit pricing shenanigans.
Come on dude, got my parents here for the weekend to see the boy while my Dad and I changed the rocker cover gasket (along with inlet/exhaust manifold gaskets obv) and the welsh plugs on my Falcon! Shit takes time yo.

Also that sale is meh, aside from Hitman slowlyyyyyyyyyyyyy getting to that magic $5 mark for me. Square has NFI about discounting their games gradually, no wonder they are disappointed in the sales.

HOLY CRAP this is awesome. It was posted in some other thread and is just a coincidence, but this is a link to an official MS summary video of the One presentation on YT:


Huh. I saw nothing there that wasn't already on my 360.

Kinect? Check.
TV stuff? Check.
Change inputs? Check (I own a TV remote).
Sports games? Check.
Microsoft first party titles? Check.

The fact that the EA video and the Kinect voice commands weren't real leave little to that. Aside from NFL!
50 of the PS2's 150 million sales came after the PS3 was already released, I don't think half that is a crazy statement if they can get the price down to super cheap considering it's strongest market is the largest one.

They'll still get sports and multiplat shooters for a couple of years at least.

The big sellers this year will still be for PS3 and 360. Maybe even next year. Even without first party support, these systems still have some juice. Smaller publishers will move in once Ubi, Activision and Take 2 move out.


Neorice was handing out pixel avatars again. I'll make my own if I get some time, but his are styling and it fits in with the others he's done...


Hai guys. 1200 allards for $5. Use XboxEMWAfbgedrppu code. Use IE as your browser to hit the link. Use a US address, will be redeemable on an AUS account though.

Could take up to 4 days to get emailed through. Also could get bumped up to 1600 allards for the wait.
You rock. If everything goes through, I'll have paid a little over $20 (first purchase that I didn't realise went through, I used a location with sales tax :/) for 4800 points. According to the official MS website, 5000 Microsoft Points - $82.50. Bahahahaha.

And that's assuming I don't get the extra 400 per purchase. That'd add another 1600 to the total :D

Well and truly covers the over-exorbitant price charged for the Horizon rally pack (and other DLC).


man i've been here 2 months and i swear there's some massive protest/street march happening every weekend. subjects have been mostly labour disputes or social inequality/wealth gap related, today was an anti china tiananmen thing i think. democracy!


bonus pic lol


Are you crazy Honkies angry about the Mainlanders like every week? They're just taking advantage of your crazy laws in comparison to the rest of the country!


the hatred is strong, it's kinda crazy. my beef with them is that they don't get that they should stand on the right side of escalators, thereby disrupting (my) flow! ugh!


Um, you stand to the left on escalators! JUST LIKE THE ROADS
well in hong kong it's right on escalators and street walkin but left on roads for whatever reason! took me a while to adjust too. japan is also weird, it's like left in tokyo but right in osaka:/


If you set up Hola or another free browser thing, you can go through and register a subscription with netflix.

The problem comes when you're like me and your CCard expired and netflix won't let you update it.

I paid for netflix for like a year, unsubscribed for 6 months, and now can't subscribe again for some reason.
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