I really need to play new vegas.
"We believe over the next five years we can break a 100 million unit installed base," Medhi said during an interview with OXM. "That's something we're shooting for, it's not a financial plan as such, it's just rough numbers if you will. To sell another 25 million, half of those will probably come from replacements, but half will come from new buyers."
A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil.
They failed.
Now, you must piece together what went wrong. Investigate ancient crypts, abandoned estates, and festering slums. Explore choked jungles and the crushed psyches of your predecessors. Follow in their footprints and make new ones of your own. This time, there won’t be another chance.
The world is yours to save… or lose
Horror/Cthulhu roleplaying is something I'm a proponent for and after seeing the unveiling of Eternal Lies for Trail of Cthulhu, my mouth started watering.
The art totally helps sell the vibe of the whole thing, it's fantastic. It's a globe-spanning epic campaign, so it's something to work towards, but goddamn do I want to run or play this. It had been teased for a long time and was in the works for longer; it looks and sounds to be worth the wait. If people are comparing it to campaigns such as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King in a positive light, they've done or exceeded their job.
I'm going to pre-order the shit out of this one.
Dude, general board game question. What game would you recommend for a bunch of people who haven't gone further than Risk or Diplomacy? War games are about as far as me and my mates have gotten, but something different could be fun
Ludo.A mate wanted to watch the One conference last night and I did notice they said they'd have news about the future of the 360 at E3. I missed that the first time. It'll be interesting to see what they say
Dude, general board game question. What game would you recommend for a bunch of people who haven't gone further than Risk or Diplomacy? War games are about as far as me and my mates have gotten, but something different could be fun
half of those will probably come from replacements, but half will come from new buyers.
:/ Being honest I guess, seems a crap way to count sales.
More typical of what you would expect. Due to the heightened focus on racial issues this round we are seeing more incidents being reported.ANOTHER Collingwood fan has been captured on video yelling racist comments during Friday night's match against the Sydney Swans at the MCG.
A mate wanted to watch the One conference last night and I did notice they said they'd have news about the future of the 360 at E3. I missed that the first time. It'll be interesting to see what they say
If you've played Diplomacy and you're still friends, you've done alright.
How many of you are there and how much time would you be looking to fill? (I'm guessing you'll have a decent amount of time, given the length of those two games).
More typical of what you would expect. Due to the heightened focus on racial issues this round we are seeing more incidents being reported.
The whole thing was a clusterfuck of "hey look at this awesome thing!" and miscommunication about everything. Spokespeople would be quoted as saying "everything is up in the air and we haven't made any decisions about this aspect" and then another will say "yes, Kinect will scan you in order to log into your profile, no correct scan, no playing all the games locked to your account".
No company lines to feed, just what ever they have heard passed around. How fucking stupid. Shocked no one called it the Infinite by mistake they were confusing each other that much.
Even funnier is that they have come out and blamed the media for all the bad PR and confusion! What a bunch of muppets.
These couple of shitty supporters are really letting the club and its supporters down.
I can't recommend 7 Wonders enough to a large group. A game can take sub 30 minutes once you know what you are doing (can play up to 7 in the base game).![]()
If that statement doesn't guarantee PGR5 on 360, nothing does.
Something shorter than diplomacy would be a plus. Pretty much everyone was done with it after a while. Like two or three hours would probably be ideal. The group of people can vary but its normally around half a dozen? Give or take
This would happen more than you would think at footy games. I would like to see people being pointed out more often than they are.
Horror/Cthulhu roleplaying is something I'm a proponent for and after seeing the unveiling of Eternal Lies for Trail of Cthulhu, my mouth started watering.
The art totally helps sell the vibe of the whole thing, it's fantastic. It's a globe-spanning epic campaign, so it's something to work towards, but goddamn do I want to run or play this. It had been teased for a long time and was in the works for longer; it looks and sounds to be worth the wait. If people are comparing it to campaigns such as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Tatters of the King in a positive light, they've done or exceeded their job.
I'm going to pre-order the shit out of this one.
The players and the AFL have been really great about not blaming the club/fanbase and making it more about society as a whole. The zero tolerance policy on show from the Pies should shut up critics of the club hopefully.Yeah true, its just more fuel for the bullshit aimed at Collingwood though.
If that statement doesn't guarantee PGR5 on 360, nothing does.
And I wonder if that's a heavily-veiled statement about releasing a device that can play 360 games which also attaches to the One? He's probably counting sales of that as well.
Jarrod why can't I click to enlarge?!?!?!
The players and the AFL have been really great about not blaming the club/fanbase and making it more about society as a whole. The zero tolerance policy on show from the Pies should shut up critics of the club hopefully.
This looks seriously fun. GM said he would look into it once we finish the DnD trilogy he's been writing. Whooooo.
Those fans get the "are you fucking serious you bigoted arsehole?" look from me.Yeah the AFL are ok, but the fans in general seem to say "lol typical collingwood scum"
Come on dude, got my parents here for the weekend to see the boy while my Dad and I changed the rocker cover gasket (along with inlet/exhaust manifold gaskets obv) and the welsh plugs on my Falcon! Shit takes time yo.Rep must hate bargains or something now, because I don't recall seeing him post anything about the fairly substantial Squeenix sale on over at GMG. They're also selling Football Manager 2012 for cheap, that being the same price Americans are paying for the daily Steam promo, except without the regional bullshit pricing shenanigans.
HOLY CRAP this is awesome. It was posted in some other thread and is just a coincidence, but this is a link to an official MS summary video of the One presentation on YT:
50 of the PS2's 150 million sales came after the PS3 was already released, I don't think half that is a crazy statement if they can get the price down to super cheap considering it's strongest market is the largest one.
They'll still get sports and multiplat shooters for a couple of years at least.
Months after booking tickets, I'm only now looking at travel insurance. Anyone have any recommendations?
Months after booking tickets, I'm only now looking at travel insurance. Anyone have any recommendations?
You rock. If everything goes through, I'll have paid a little over $20 (first purchase that I didn't realise went through, I used a location with sales tax :/) for 4800 points. According to the official MS website, 5000 Microsoft Points - $82.50. Bahahahaha.Hai guys. 1200 allards for $5. Use XboxEMWAfbgedrppu code. Use IE as your browser to hit the link. Use a US address, will be redeemable on an AUS account though.
Could take up to 4 days to get emailed through. Also could get bumped up to 1600 allards for the wait.
Hai guys. 1200 allards for $5. Use XboxEMWAfbgedrppu code. Use IE as your browser to hit the link. Use a US address, will be redeemable on an AUS account though.
Could take up to 4 days to get emailed through. Also could get bumped up to 1600 allards for the wait.
I've used the last few overseas trips I've taken, never needed to make a claim so I don't know how that process is with them, but their prices have always been pretty good with decent coverage.
Cheers dude. It was the best price until I realised I was covered for like two days too few. Adding an extra week added like $50, so I ended up going with Virgin. Hopefully its ok
the hatred is strong, it's kinda crazy. my beef with them is that they don't get that they should stand on the right side of escalators, thereby disrupting (my) flow! ugh!
well in hong kong it's right on escalators and street walkin but left on roads for whatever reason! took me a while to adjust too. japan is also weird, it's like left in tokyo but right in osaka:/Um, you stand to the left on escalators! JUST LIKE THE ROADS
Netflix won't even accept my card to pay for Arrested Development. Man.
c'mon pirates where you at
Usenet's dry, FYI.Netflix won't even accept my card to pay for Arrested Development. Man.
c'mon pirates where you at
Usenet's dry, FYI.