This is a really fucking weird article, but then again, it is by Andrew Bolt.
I DETEST racists. But the monstering of the Collingwood fan who shouted at Sydney footballer Adam Goodes is shameful.
She is just a 13-year-old who was at the football with her nan. She wasn't happy.
Collingwood was being thrashed and when the bearded Goodes took another possession in front of her, she shouted "ape".
This is very rude. I wonder at her parents. It's also possibly racist, though she insisted she didn't mean it that way. Whatever, she needed a talking-to.
Goodes heard the abuse, and pointed her out to security. A bit over the top, since she's so young, but Goodes has Aboriginal ancestry and no doubt understandably feels such insults more keenly than I think reasonable.
Still, he's widely admired, has been showered with almost every prize in footy, and was playing in the Indigenous Round honouring players of his background. What should one girl's abuse matter against all that?