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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Wait, will there be alcohol at PAX itself? Oh god please don't tell me I have to spend 3 days at a gaming convention sober.


That shitstorm was so dumb it nearly drove me to insanity. Why did I read that thread? Americans have no perspective.

Americans are fucking terrible at understanding the fact that not every black person is an African American. It's embarrassing. I'm still surprised by how quickly I turned on my own people as soon as I got out of of there. A little perspective goes a long way when you come from a country that has none at all.


Wait, will there be alcohol at PAX itself? Oh god please don't tell me I have to spend 3 days at a gaming convention sober.

Oh Jesus, I didn't think of that. Plan B is to drink a fuckton of chocolate milk and hope the sugar high either gets me through or kills me in the process.

Don't forget the Omegathon, plus (hopefully) being able to play the new Wii U Mario and Zelda games that will be announced at E3.

Live draw comic panel will be funny also.

Oh good call! Omegathon and Live Comic panel would be great. I hope there's something Strip Search related, I love that show.

I will play exactly zero video games

Dead Man

Looney Tunes box set order cancelled. Fuck Amazon.

Americans are fucking terrible at understanding the fact that not every black person is an African American. It's embarrassing. I'm still surprised by how quickly I turned on my own people as soon as I got out of of there. A little perspective goes a long way when you come from a country that has none at all.

Heh, I can sympathise with that.


I will play exactly zero video games

I honestly won't be surprised if I don't either. Besides fun panels and everything, I want to try out some new board games and shit. I don't have enough gamer friends and I can play vidya games on my own as much as I want.


Does anyone agree with me on that KFC ad thing? A prime example of something Americans see as racist but in an Australian context has no issues at all IMO.

Yeah, I understand that linking fried chicken to African Americans is racist (although I'm not entirely sure why), but to somehow link it to a KFC ad featuring some West Indians is just ridiculous.
What if I want 3? Do I get a discount?
Ummmm... sure! Just send me $40, 'kay? Or you can have 10 for $100?

You could say that, you could also say I thought it was one of the worst films ever made given the budget. The dollar to quality ratio is busted, to me.
I like you.

Looney Tunes box set order cancelled. Fuck Jase.

As for the Goode thing: I'm not sure what it says about me, but I didn't think it was a racist term. I thought she was just using the term as a derogatory term about his intelligence/stereotype about all football players being stupid missing link type meataxes.

Was she definitely using it as a racial slur? i.e. she has admitted to it? Or was she possibly just calling him a "stupid footballer"?
Ummmm... sure! Just send me $40, 'kay? Or you can have 10 for $100?

I like you.

As for the Goode thing: I'm not sure what it says about me, but I didn't think it was a racist term. I thought she was just using the term as a derogatory term about his intelligence/stereotype about all football players being stupid missing link type meataxes.

Was she definitely using it as a racial slur? i.e. she has admitted to it? Or was she possibly just calling him a "stupid footballer"?
She was at the football as a supporter though. Seems odd to be so passionate about people you think so little of.


As for the Goode thing: I'm not sure what it says about me, but I didn't think it was a racist term. I thought she was just using the term as a derogatory term about his intelligence/stereotype about all football players being stupid missing link type meataxes.

Was she definitely using it as a racial slur? i.e. she has admitted to it? Or was she possibly just calling him a "stupid footballer"?

It's less about what she intended and more about how he took it. Given that ape/monkey is a common racial slur, you can't blame him for taking it that way, and in the end his response was level and reasonable, ie educate, don't vilify.

It would be a bit like someone posting on GAF that Mario is for babies. They might not have intended it as a troll, but given peoples history with other people using the same terms, it will always be taken as a troll. And you know, maybe there is an element of truth to it. Maybe some Mario games are for babies, and the colour palette is certainly reminiscent of cartoons aimed at kids, so cut him some slack right? The best thing to do the person holding this opinion would be to point out that for fans of 3D platformers, Mario easily cream of the crop, and pretty much last man standing, and that there is a long history of emotional arguments about people dismissing colourful games and it's best if they don't do that on a gaming forum. So. Guy says something that wasn't intended to be a troll, but the effect on the reader is the same, and the best solution to prevent future trolling is to educate him on the subject. Don't really know what my point is.

Dead Man

Cultural imperialism is my favourite phrase of the day, thanks Dead Man!
I would if you weren't on team Fallout 3.
You are dead to me.
Well I'm not willing to compromise on that. Fallout 3 was a better game. *drops mic*

I like you.


You sexy ape. Wait...


Who loving cares about her intent? I may be thinking too fucking highly of a 13 year old, but a reasonable loving 13 year old would know and would realise that a likely consequence of calling an Aboriginal person an 'ape' would be that they would take it as a goddamn racial remark!


So, what do you guys think of 'black face' then?!

Is it racist cause Americans dont like it? Or is it inherantly racist?
Who loving cares about her intent? I may be thinking too fucking highly of a 13 year old, but a reasonable loving 13 year old would know and would realise that a likely consequence of calling an Aboriginal person an 'ape' would be that they would take it as a goddamn racial remark!

That's the thing though, obviously she's ignorant of that.


That's the thing though, obviously she's ignorant of that.

My point is that people (and the media) are focusing on the individual child, when really, what this is about is that the hypothetical reasonable child should know and should be aware of what constitutes racist behaviour. Explaining away this instance as 'well, she's 13' 'heat of the moment comment' 'blown out of proportion' just brushes aside what I feel should be the actual issue of discussion.


Do parents still take their kids to police holding cells to scare some sense into them?
I wonder if I should get onto that soon.
my mum totally did that to me. like, not a cell, but she took me to the door of waverly police station cos i wouldn't do my homework or something. scarred for life!


actually wait, memory slightly coming back, wasn't homework, i think it was lying related, maybe stealing lunch money...


Uh oh AusPooGAF coming up.

My son was sick on Sunday night, carrying him to the bathroom after puking all over his bed, he had more, so I caught it in my hands while carrying him to prevent it going all over the floor.

Not a drop was spilt. Not. A. Drop.


My son was sick on Sunday night, carrying him to the bathroom after puking all over his bed, he had more, so I caught it in my hands while carrying him to prevent it going all over the floor.

Not a drop was spilt. Not. A. Drop.

Pro parenting. Last time my kid vomited all over me, I just cut off my t shirt with scissors. I weighed up losing the t shirt vs feeling vomit squelching over my face as I removed it normally and I think I made the right decision.
Thanks for the explanation, Fred. Even still, I haven't heard of using "ape" as a racial slur and have only heard "monkey" be used as part of a portmanteau/phrase which is racially charged.


Pro parenting. Last time my kid vomited all over me, I just cut off my t shirt with scissors. I weighed up losing the t shirt vs feeling vomit squelching over my face as I removed it normally and I think I made the right decision.

Yeah pretty good option, not sure I would have done this however and just gone the get it off quickly, get in shower routine.


id probably jump in shower with tshirt on, then take off once most of the stuff is off. cutting up a shirt while it's on to get it off is, like, some drastic action!


Subway open up in my town today! Yay having it for tea tonight!
It has a drive through... has you ever seen a subway with drive through before?
Thanks for the explanation, Fred. Even still, I haven't heard of using "ape" as a racial slur and have only heard "monkey" be used as part of a portmanteau/phrase which is racially charged.

Remember when there was all that drama about crowds in India racially abusing Andrew Symonds? They were calling him a monkey. Then Harbhajan Singh was accused of the same thing. This teenager isn't the first to think of it.

Eddie McGuire in his presser said he did not racially vilify anyone. Ok then. Moving on etc.

Christ that was bad. Dig up Eddie! Dig up!
Remember when there was all that drama about crowds in India racially abusing Andrew Symonds? They were calling him a monkey. Then Harbhajan Singh was accused of the same thing. This teenager isn't the first to think of it.
Nope! But this is a sporting thing, yes? Of the Crickets? I'm not really of the sport and try not to see any news relating to it. In fact, I probably get about 90% of my sportal exposure from this thread.

Usually in the form of spoilers, obviously.


Nope! But this is a sporting thing, yes? Of the Crickets? I'm not really of the sport and try not to see any news relating to it. In fact, I probably get about 90% of my sportal exposure from this thread.

Usually in the form of spoilers, obviously.

Meanwhile... in Turkey...

Does anyone agree with me on that KFC ad thing? A prime example of something Americans see as racist but in an Australian context has no issues at all IMO.
Not racist I assume.
KFC sponsor cricket.
Majority of their ads feature chicken.
West Indies play cricket here. They also are involved in the local 20/20 league (because their players are awesome).

I can understand them in an ad with chicken. They are not from America nor are we in America.

OK so here's my PAX Australia itinerary so far:

1) Giant Bomb panel
2) Get drunk and eat awesome food with Reptilescorpio
3) Go home

Really looking forward to the show program being released :)
When is the program out?

Don't forget the Omegathon, plus (hopefully) being able to play the new Wii U Mario and Zelda games that will be announced at E3.

Live draw comic panel will be funny also.
I forgot about that! Should be good fun to watch.

Nothing more AusGAFfy than watching other people play games while talking about games!

I would if you weren't on team Fallout 3.
We need to draw up battle lines. F3 vs NV people. NV always wins though.

It would be a bit like someone posting on GAF that Mario is for babies. They might not have intended it as a troll, but given peoples history with other people using the same terms, it will always be taken as a troll. And you know, maybe there is an element of truth to it. Maybe some Mario games are for babies, and the colour palette is certainly reminiscent of cartoons aimed at kids, so cut him some slack right? The best thing to do the person holding this opinion would be to point out that for fans of 3D platformers, Mario easily cream of the crop, and pretty much last man standing, and that there is a long history of emotional arguments about people dismissing colourful games and it's best if they don't do that on a gaming forum. So. Guy says something that wasn't intended to be a troll, but the effect on the reader is the same, and the best solution to prevent future trolling is to educate him on the subject. Don't really know what my point is.
That Mario has been boring and repetitive for years now.

Oh, Galaxy? Okay cool. Finally some fun changes, of course it will seem like a revolution in the face of so much damn iteration.

Some new IP's please.

So, what do you guys think of 'black face' then?!

Is it racist cause Americans dont like it? Or is it inherantly racist?
Black face is racist.
The people using it aren't necessarily. Maybe naive and uninformed.

Have some stories rep? My kid has been a little shit over the last couple of days. He's normally so well behaved.
Ohhh man I am covered in stories. I look like one giant "My son" story.

Although I have gotten actual sleep the last 3 nights since giving the little guy nasal medicine so I can't complain too much. Might need to get his adnoids checked out, I expect he is having trouble breathing clearly while laying down.

He's like a personal moment killer. On purpose! It is as if he can feel in his waters when his parents start to spends some nice time together, even just talking. There we are, sitting and smiling when all of a sudden
The child with a manical grin pops into the area
Just grinning
As if to say
"I know you were talking but I am your son. The attention. I craves it."

After getting cross with him this morning for waking up and loudly proclaiming the cat to be the stinkiest creature on the block I was giving him the silent treatment for not listening.
There I am quietly ironing my shirt for work and he runs down the hallway barking about how Peppa should eat bacon more often, all of sudden he stops. Dead outside the open door and stares at me. Blankly. Slowly a grin creeps onto his face, his eyes ablaze with enjoyment.
And then off he skips singing about Jesus eating bacon as if nothing happened.

He seems to have taken to lying much quicker than even baby weasels. Although as soon as he says the lie his face breaks out into a giant giggle or rolls straight into the truth.
"Did you eat all the strawberries while I was in the toilet for 34 seconds?"
"Noyes. Yes.
Have more?"
"No you cannot have more."
"Do we have any more?"

Oh also he stole a tiny toy truck from day care after being told to leave it there. He hid it in his bag. He made baby Jesus cry. I am sure the little guy will cry too when he goes to day care tomorrow and confesses.

Pooing in the toilet no problem now though!
He throws a good tantrum when he doesn't get his way though.
I think he plays his Leapster too much too. Not sure who he gets that from.
Also I expect him to run a piggery at some point judging by the amount of Peppa Pig he watches.

Also he has absorbed "Fuck's sake!" into his vocabulary. I blame used games.
Swapped it for "Golly gosh" which seems to have worked! The damn boy is a sponge I tell you! I would have only said it once in the last year in his vicinity

He generally does what he wants, which is annoying. Don't want him to be a selfish only child.

My point is that people (and the media) are focusing on the individual child, when really, what this is about is that the hypothetical reasonable child should know and should be aware of what constitutes racist behaviour. Explaining away this instance as 'well, she's 13' 'heat of the moment comment' 'blown out of proportion' just brushes aside what I feel should be the actual issue of discussion.
10/10 Good post.

Pro parenting. Last time my kid vomited all over me, I just cut off my t shirt with scissors. I weighed up losing the t shirt vs feeling vomit squelching over my face as I removed it normally and I think I made the right decision.
After all this kid stuff, as well as the wife being sick a lot over the years, vomit really has little effect on me. Not fussed.

Working in public housing could also be a factor in that though.
Also I am really cheap and wouldn't ruin a shirt like that!

Subway open up in my town today! Yay having it for tea tonight!
It has a drive through... has you ever seen a subway with drive through before?

The one in Ballarat is/was always slow as fuck! Quicker to walk in if you are ordering more than one sub.

Do they have $5 footlong meatball mondays?
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