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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I think the 770 is next which will be out of his price range, but maybe they'll give the 660s a price drop to run them out or something.


don't ever build a pc because next week there's a new part coming out

Nope. This isn't some theoretical "oh, maybe some new shit down the line will be faster if I just wait until next year". Usually if someone asks that I'll be like, new shit comes out all the time, just buy now, you want it, you need it. In this case, new CPUs are coming next week. Next week! It's not too much to ask.


I think the 770 is next which will be out of his price range, but maybe they'll give the 660s a price drop to run them out or something.

I'm looking to grab a second 670 soon and I was hoping the release of the 780 and 770 would drive the price down, but looking at PCCG it seems that instead of the prices dropping they are just stocking less 670 cards at the existing price =S


I love how much you gush about your son man, it's refreshing.
Damnit, I just read that too. It is indeed awesome.

Almost polar opposite (but still adorable) to what I heard happened to my eldest nephew yesterday... fillings :( He's 4 :(( My sister is so damn upset about it, but the dental nurse comforted her by saying her daughter had her first fillings at 5. Hasn't stopped my sister buying some oscillating toothbrushes for the boys and timers so they brush their teeth properly (and no more lollies!).

Still, was funny hearing that he said "This is the worst dentist EVER!" in-between tears after everything was finished. Such an adorable little fucker <3


Damnit, I just read that too. It is indeed awesome.

Almost polar opposite (but still adorable) to what I heard happened to my eldest nephew yesterday... fillings :( He's 4 :(( My sister is so damn upset about it, but the dental nurse comforted her by saying her daughter had her first fillings at 5. Hasn't stopped my sister buying some oscillating toothbrushes for the boys and timers so they brush their teeth properly (and no more lollies!).

Still, was funny hearing that he said "This is the worst dentist EVER!" in-between tears after everything was finished. Such an adorable little fucker <3

Fillings in baby teeth?


Got my preorder rolling today at JB:



Shocking price? it's a placeholder


They were the rear-most ones or molars or something like that. Ones that are to last him until 11... and I think help manage alignment of the teeth after baby teeth.

Dentists are full of shit. I've had no fillings my whole life and then when I was 27, an 'Xray' revealed that I should get fillings in 2 teeth.

Less than 2 years later, both fillings have fallen out, and I can't eat chocolate without it hurting, but fuck it I'm never going to a dentist again, they're the shady mechanics of the medical industry.


Edit: I actually did go to a dentist a few weeks ago, but my point stands!!!!
So now that I've excused myself from addressing your point completely. Blockbuster videogames get made by thousands of people. If you work for a huge developer, people "express themselves" in the same way that I expressed myself at work fixing some mail server for someone. People have fixed mail servers in the past but this one needed fixing so I fixed it. If I had to build it from scratch to fix it, things would have been a lot worse, but thankfully I could build on what had already been created and just make it a little better.
Fine, we'll ignore the whole greater art aspect of the conversation. I'll take that as your surrender. I don't care if you weren't, this is about me. Not you. I won. Yay! Now onto the rest:

Just because it was your turn to fix a mail server at work doesn't mean that it was made better nor that the work that you undertook had no opportunity for you to be expressive in the way in which you undertook it. I'll trust you that it would have been worse had you started from scratch but that's purely an individual determination on your skills that could also factor into any iterative work not making the final outcome better, too. But lets move back to the subject of expression, shall we?

I think there's even room in the field of programing for personal expression and being "artistic." As I only having very, very, very, very, limited programming skills (i.e. taught myself some visual basic) I'm postulating somewhat but I do know that there is usually more than one way to program something. There is usually a very standard, run-of-the-mill, almost textbook answer to most programming needs but there are usually ways to achieve what you need but also make it more sophisticated, stylish or robust. This allows someone to also be expressive while working within a greater framework of the companies needs.

It seems to me that this allows people seek out the less mundane, cursory approaches to any need and allows them to become more expressive in what they do. I assume this is why some people are known as good programmers, are recognised as such and are elevated to game leads and head projects. This also accounts as to why some people remain in roles of working as part of a team under someone else.

So, having someone build upon what someone has done before no more guarantees a better product than it does that the final output would have been greater than if the person decided to start from scratch. It all comes down the the individuals skills and desire to express themselves by either being satisfied by doing a standard job or by taking the time (within the parameters of the companies need) to find a solution that allows them to go above what needed to be done and be more creative. Obviously this is also dependent on their skills being equal or greater than those that wrote the previous version otherwise this will always lead to an inferior product. This is known as the Windows 2000 effect.

So, in closing, I can't agree with you at all. There is an equal chance for all people to be expressive/unimaginative with their work and improve/degrade the outcome whether they iterate on a product or start from scratch; it's purely determined by the individuals talent, drive and how they utilize it within the corporate framework.

PS-there are always jobs that do not allow any personal expression i.e. high turnover production lines so I'm not addressing those tasks. However, one could argue that efficiency and and eye for improving techniques could be seen as one "expressing themselves" inside those fields.
Warhammer Quest and Phoenix Wright on ipad. Today is a good day.

Also is the latest God of War any good? OGS has it for $30 posted. I guess at that price I'll probably bite.


There is an equal chance for all people to be expressive/unimaginative with their work and improve/degrade the outcome whether they iterate on a product or start from scratch; it's purely determined by the individuals talent, drive and how they utilize it within the corporate framework.

This wasn't my point, but I can't blame you. I reread my post this morning and it's nigh on incoherent. I'm not saying individuals can't be creative and expressive working as a cog in a large machine, just that the end product rarely appears to be so in the end. If all those cogs understand their role a little better, the end product will be better, and because understanding comes with repetition, sequels are better.


I knew I liked you.

I like two things

Homing missiles
Jumping off buildings


If MS announce a new Crackdown on launch of the Xbone, it's going to be very hard for me not to pounce.

Kvikmyndahús;60093321 said:
Got my preorder rolling today at JB:



Shocking price? it's a placeholder

Lets all take a guess at how much the PS4 and Xbone are going to cost in Aus.

PS4: $600
Xbone: $800

Dentists are full of shit. I've had no fillings my whole life and then when I was 27, an 'Xray' revealed that I should get fillings in 2 teeth.

Less than 2 years later, both fillings have fallen out, and I can't eat chocolate without it hurting, but fuck it I'm never going to a dentist again, they're the shady mechanics of the medical industry.


Edit: I actually did go to a dentist a few weeks ago, but my point stands!!!!

Until 6 months ago I hadn't been to the dentist in over 13 years, due to me cracking my teeth on a waterslide in year 10 and having an awful experience with the dentist that fixed my teeth (the cap has since fallen off one but it makes me look like I get into fights, so I've never gotten it replaced).

I was dreading the news from the dentist, thinking he would tell me my mouth is an abomination to dentistry and it would take all the money in some fantasy country to fix my maw.

Nope, he said my teeth are surprisingly fine and attributed it to me living in areas that had fluoride treatment in the water systems.
Here's a hint. a lot of the time people don't mind a cog if its worthwhile.

The number of (former) games animators I've met with a Pixar and/or Weta boner despite knowing the best they can hope for is "left eyebrow animator."

what really sucks is being a cog in a crap game (ie MoH Warfighter, Army of Two)

only thing worse is crunching as a cog in a crap game

I didn't mention Assassin's Creed III but that's what many of you are thinking.

tl;dr a lot of people are good at what they do, just not good at what everyone does


Are you referring only to the Video Game industry?

Individuals in any industry can be creative and expressive as a cog in a large machine. In terms of sequels always being better, I'm only referring to video games where narrative is secondary. If there is a series you play for the story, my broad brush doesn't reach quite that far.


If MS announce a new Crackdown on launch of the Xbone, it's going to be very hard for me not to pounce.
Yeah I'm in the same boat. God damn. God damn it all to hell.

In other gaming news I finally got Super Street Fighter 4 for 3DS today taking the number of Street Fighter games I own
and don't play
up to 83 or something. Jesus.

Can I just reiterate how fucking stupid it is that you can't set up a Kickstarter unless you're a yank or a pom? Grrrrrrr.
Individuals in any industry can be creative and expressive as a cog in a large machine. In terms of sequels always being better, I'm only referring to video games where narrative is secondary. If there is a series you play for the story, my broad brush doesn't reach quite that far.
No, I was just inquiring about mechanics.

As with many things in life, this isn't always true. Games like Uncharted 3, Assassin Creed (after Brotherhood) and even to an extent Bioshock Infinite all had less enjoyable mechanics and player iteration than the previous iteration. The Jak & Daxter series, along with Crackdown also suffer from this, too.

My point is that "sequels are better" is dependent upon so many factors (all human, whether skill-wise or industry/company restrictions) that it isn't a given. Lots of series have games where the mechanics degrade over time because they've iterated the fun our of it or have become so focused on improving every individual aspect that it no longer functions as a cohesive whole.

To go back to Uncharted, Drake felt like you were operating a drunk ice-skater during his second week of learning. they'd focused so much on improving so many of his animations and making the movement realistic that there were too many canned animations that degraded the experience of moving in the world.

Sure, in the next game they may improve upon that, but even still that will only be two steps forward after two steps back. This is also known as the Paula Abdul & MC Skat Kat effect.


If MS announce a new Crackdown on launch of the Xbone, it's going to be very hard for me not to pounce.
Oh god I hope not. Because I can't not buy it then. Along with PGR, one of my favourite franchises on the 360. Kinda similar too, because Crackdown is to GTA as PGR is to racing sims.


Sure, in the next game they may improve upon that, but even still that will only be two steps forward after two steps back. This is also known as the Paula Abdul & MC Skat Kat effect.
It's also our theme song, don't forget. Because I'm so awesome and you're such a cunt.


I'm looking to grab a second 670 soon and I was hoping the release of the 780 and 770 would drive the price down, but looking at PCCG it seems that instead of the prices dropping they are just stocking less 670 cards at the existing price =S

If prices drop, it won't be for a few weeks when supply isn't constrained. Once the 770/780's are widely available then maybe. Personally I am waiting for the MSI Lightning/EVGA Classified 780's to come out in a few weeks, but then again I won't be ready to upgrade until mid-July (using tax return money).
God of War: Ascension on PS3 for $26.60 pickup from Harvey Norman

Nexus 7 16GB wifi for $149 from Dick Smith pickup

On launch Fable 2 suffered a bug that prevented me from being able to finish the main quest. It wasn't patched for months. I've never bought anything with the word Fable on it again.
Holy shit, had no idea! That would have broken me. Also you didn't miss out on my with Fable 3, aside from a shit sandwich of course.

Damnit, I just read that too. It is indeed awesome.

Almost polar opposite (but still adorable) to what I heard happened to my eldest nephew yesterday... fillings :( He's 4 :(( My sister is so damn upset about it, but the dental nurse comforted her by saying her daughter had her first fillings at 5. Hasn't stopped my sister buying some oscillating toothbrushes for the boys and timers so they brush their teeth properly (and no more lollies!).

Still, was funny hearing that he said "This is the worst dentist EVER!" in-between tears after everything was finished. Such an adorable little fucker <3
lol nice

Teeth are fucking annoying. Some people will never have an issue, others will have them fall apart even with a restricted diet and constant attention.

I brush the fuck out of my sons teeth. The one thing I can hang my hat on for doing well!
Although he did already chip a front tooth. That one is on him though for jumping around so much all the time!

Dentists are full of shit. I've had no fillings my whole life and then when I was 27, an 'Xray' revealed that I should get fillings in 2 teeth.

Less than 2 years later, both fillings have fallen out, and I can't eat chocolate without it hurting, but fuck it I'm never going to a dentist again, they're the shady mechanics of the medical industry.

Go to a proper dentist Lexi. One that knows what they are doing. Sounds like they didn't get all the decay out.

Also is the latest God of War any good? OGS has it for $30 posted. I guess at that price I'll probably bite.
Buy it from Harvey Norman!

Here's a hint. a lot of the time people don't mind a cog if its worthwhile.

The number of (former) games animators I've met with a Pixar and/or Weta boner despite knowing the best they can hope for is "left eyebrow animator."

what really sucks is being a cog in a crap game (ie MoH Warfighter, Army of Two)

only thing worse is crunching as a cog in a crap game

I didn't mention Assassin's Creed III but that's what many of you are thinking.

tl;dr a lot of people are good at what they do, just not good at what everyone does
Good stories from mclem about his time at Rebellion. At least he is honest about their quality!

Krome did good work.

REALLY looking forward to The Bureau. Hope they make some people on GAF eat crow.

Home sick, so getting all the achievements in HL2 + Episodes... just 3 to go!

Why not just call the parentals instead?


Nexus 7 16GB wifi for $149 from Dick Smith pickup
If only I hadn't just bought a Galaxy S from a mate solely to play Ingress. But whilst the N7 is a good size, I want something that's portable for my Ingressing.

lol nice

Teeth are fucking annoying. Some people will never have an issue, others will have them fall apart even with a restricted diet and constant attention.

I brush the fuck out of my sons teeth. The one thing I can hang my hat on for doing well!
Although he did already chip a front tooth. That one is on him though for jumping around so much all the time!
Yeah, it seems like that. I don't take anywhere near as good care for my teeth as I should, but they just keep on truckin'. Conversely, my brother needed braces when he was younger and my sister has perfect teeth. Mine are a bit wonky and probably could've done with braces, but they're far from horrible and obviously have no problem with getting food into my belly.

Why not just call the parentals instead?
I heard they were more RPG people.


Also Harvey Norman has 30% or something off all their games. Search prices aren't accurate, need to go to each product page to see the discount applied (like Heavy Rain is $16.80 but shows up as $24 through search).
No Gunstringer :/

Been hanging for that game for a while, but I never remember to look for it when I'm in the vicinity of a game store. Wasn't it included as a pack-in with Fruit Ninja or with Kinects themselves or something?

Anyone here have a copy they don't want?


Games like Uncharted 3, Assassin Creed (after Brotherhood) and even to an extent Bioshock Infinite all had less enjoyable mechanics and player iteration than the previous iteration.
Yet Uncharted 2 is considered the best Uncharted, Assassins Creed 2 is considered the best AC, System Shock 2 is considered the best system shock game. I'm definitely not saying that every sequel will always be better than the previous game, just that people saying "stop making Mario, give me a new IP!" aren't really thinking that hard about it. Do you reckon Uncharted 3 wouldn't have had similar mistakes if it was a new IP? Hard to prove either way, but it's likely.
Just because sequels are generally better doesn't mean that I don't want to experience something new. Sure, there are benefits from sequels but I also enjoy the wrapper that they come in. The story may not a focus in many games the fact that many games share the same mechanics, the only differentiating factor is the IP the world is set in. Not only that, but what if you really don't like playing as a plumber and wish to interact with characters that aren't stars, constantly kidnapped princesses and waist-coated fungi?

Perhaps the people that say "keep making Mario, don't give me a new IP!" aren't interested in experiencing anything unique, they just want the comfort of something familiar.

The bigger question should be (and I really don't know the answer): after all these years, why are certain games still experiencing the same fundamental issues with mechanics. Surely the industry has built up a shared knowledge base and common practices that should prevent camera issues, hit detection, weird physics and others from constantly occurring?

Edit: Also, every existing series started as a new IP. Stopping new IPs will lead to a market of a set number of franchises, leading to market stagnation and limiting the customer base. Lastly, games will also contain mistakes and missteps, which will happen regardless of it being a new or existing IP.


Harvey Norman are still in business? I stopped going there after they were mean to Nintendo during the Gamecube era.


Just because sequels are generally better doesn't mean that I don't want to experience something new.

That's what indie games are for.

Also, every existing series started as a new IP. Stopping new IPs will lead to a market of a set number of franchises, leading to market stagnation and limiting the customer base.

Hence my suggestion for large publishers to buy up all the indie games and remove the soul from them like they used to. We could be up to like Minecraft IV by now, but nooooo.
No Gunstringer :/

Been hanging for that game for a while, but I never remember to look for it when I'm in the vicinity of a game store. Wasn't it included as a pack-in with Fruit Ninja or with Kinects themselves or something?

Anyone here have a copy they don't want?

I only played the demo of that, but it was mega fun. A decent use of Kinect.
That's what indie games are for.

Hence my suggestion for large publishers to buy up all the indie games and remove the soul from them like they used to. We could be up to like Minecraft IV by now, but nooooo.
If you were running the business correctly you would buy up indies and then shelve their IPs. You don't want any competition from any competing ideas, even if they're your own. If you keep on buying up other ideas you need to devote teams to them. If you shelve them, there are less distractions in the market place and you can focus on running one team, lowering your overheads and risks. You need to tell your audience what they want, and it's the one thing you offer. Buy it, bitches and shut the hell up...


If you were running the business correctly you would buy up indies and then shelve their IPs.

I would say something about diversifying your portfolio but the opposite seemed to work for Activation. I'm sure Skylanders, Call of Duty, and Blizzard will literally last forever.
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