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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

I would say something about diversifying your portfolio but the opposite seemed to work for Activation. I'm sure Skylanders, Call of Duty, and Blizzard will literally last forever.
Yep. It's been, what, almost 15 years (or more? less?) since Blizzard came up with a new IP. Not bad, really.

Meanwhile, Valve is following your idea, where most of it's new IPs have been games that existed somewhere else, sometimes with a different name and then bought up. Basically they allow someone else to spend the time and money developing an idea and then they just buy it up, polish it up and release it as their own. This is putting aside the fact that Steam give them the luxury of a steady income to stave of the need to produce a game as quickly as other companies.

Both of them are pretty good business models if you can find yourself in that position.



Advanced Games - Done! And by "done" I mean "submitted".

I'll post a build here later tonight if I get time. Maybe.


Must not post in racial footballer thread. Must not post in racial footballer thread. Must not post in racial footballer thread...


i always thought the pun chain game would/should stop once you run out of new puns:/ we sure milked the sheep on this one!


These puns are terrible, but I suppose ewe take the good, ewe take the bad, ewe take the rest and there you have the flocks of life.


I only played the demo of that, but it was mega fun. A decent use of Kinect.
I managed to find a guy in Italy on eBay selling XBLA codes via email for $10. So I'm sorted. Looking forward to giving it a bit of a crack, I didn't mind the demo either.

Even though I only have a small number of games that utilise Kinect really well (Fruit Ninja, Gunstringer, Double Fine's Kinect Party and Child of Eden), IMO they all make it worth it. Just a shame that the One's Kinect doesn't seem to be all that much better other than an improvement in resolution (which still doesn't seem to recognise individual fingers). Shame.
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