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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Dead Man

It's not.

Johnathon Blow wa on giant bomb a little earlier and he made a pretty good point.

He said they likely have all this data about how often xbox is used for tv vs games and have made their system accordingly. The problem is that even though people watch alot of tv through the xbox thats not the reason they bought it, they bought a games machine and the tv stuff is just a bonus.

Yeah, good point.


Gotta love first posts.
This E3 has really brought it in that regard. Possibly because it's like shooting fish in a barrel with the One, but still... the NeoGAF First Post is something I'm coming to appreciate. So much so that level of disdain directed to those who make some asinine reply while the *next* poster spits gold only makes me applaud even more.

Honestly, it's pretty much the only reason I'm heading into the Gaming section right now.
thuway is banned Shaneus, he was wrong about FF15 being an exclusive and co-developed by Sony....
PGR hope fading.....

Also you got Choc'd Shaneus. Twice technically but I forgot the link the first time :/

So what exactly does the Xbone do TV wise that the PS4 doesn't? That article doesn't go into any detail about that.
HDMI in port.

3 operating systems.

Less usable RAM than the PS4 so Microsoft will have to abandon gaming and focus on being the thing to have all your boxes plugged into. If you live in the US. Anywhere else it is pretty much a waste.
pffft shaneus totally holyed reptile guys

I think I am the only person on GAF that has never played a Metal Gear game. Friend of mine had Metal Gear back in the day, but he said it was crap so we never played it.
Heyo! Checking in! (I don't really count though because I don't play anything)

Pressure mounts for governments to toughen synthetic drug laws

One tragedy and they want to ban them?

How many tragedies do Alcohol cause every day >.> Just look at the alcoholics on this board!

I'm okay with banning synthetic drugs. It's either placebo like or more dangerous than the real stuff.

Quoting from the article:

"took what is believed to be synthetic LSD to help him stay alert while he studied."

If synthetic LSD is anything like real LSD it's not going to help you study!

Luckily external services like Dropbox, Gmail and the like are synced over my SIII, iPad and PC.

Enjoy being part of PRISM!
Oh fuck Box of Bunnies got banned? Probably that Bayonetta sarcastic joke which was obvious as fuck :(

MGS5 to be 60fps, I also remember reading PC is probable.
Twitch isn't exclusive to Xbone lol

Why? I can't see anything in his post history to indicate anything suspect :/
he was wrong about FF15 being an exclusive and co-developed by Sony....
PGR hope fading.....

Choc'd how? You can't say that then not tell me why :p
Here and here (properly the second time) :/


Victoria right? Really weird how you guys don't the 10% thing. Here if you're only doing 105 in a 100 zone you'd need to be in the slow lane.
Was 3% now it's 2%. Noticed that on the wifes current speeding ticket.
Fucking hell. So Vic Roads rather you spend more time looking at your speedo , then?

So what's the leeway in a 60zone? 61.2? Fuck that. I'm a saint when it comes to keeping to the limit but there's a point when you're not even allowing an appropriate level of honest human error.

So this is my internet speed now? My supposed explanation as to what happened from Steam:

5:49 PM - Megadrive: iinet gave me fast internet for freelol
5:50 PM - Megadrive: i was getting 1.2mbps now im getting 15-16
5:50 PM - Orbi: pro
5:50 PM - Orbi: same cost per month?
5:50 PM - Megadrive: yep
5:50 PM - Megadrive: i put through the upgrade, then mum asked me to cancel it which i did
5:50 PM - Megadrive: they refunded me the upgrade and it shows up as normal home-3 on the online thing
5:50 PM - Megadrive: account management
5:50 PM - Megadrive: but clearly the techs just did it anyway
3DS didn't come with a charger. I should have known :( Can I just pick a local one up from JB or something or will I need to import it from Japan to avoid frying the system?


3DS didn't come with a charger. I should have known :( Can I just pick a local one up from JB or something or will I need to import it from Japan to avoid frying the system?
I just bought a USB cable from here and stick it in my iPhone charger. Guessing you'd want it sooner than 2 weeks though.
Half of fucking Europe won't have it on launch.
Just like the 360, the XBone is an American console for Americans. Just like how all Apple stuff is made for Americans and if it happens to work elsewhere, great (see: Apple not introducing MMS in the first few iOS versions, Microsoft mainly having US-centric services, etc).

With that in mind, none of what they've done with Xbox since the beginning is surprising.

You have chosen... Wisely.

Copied from the PM I sent Danoss:
Thanks for that. Looks like a recipe you'd use for a lamb stew or similar. Was wondering if you added anything crazy like Vegemite or something to counter the kangaroo's strong taste.

Heyo! Checking in! (I don't really count though because I don't play anything)
Only ever played Metal Gear on the NES. Never played a Metal Gear Solid game.
Wait, iPhone's didn't have MMS originally? No fucking way, I don't believe you!

So this is my internet speed now? My supposed explanation as to what happened from Steam:
You fucker


You sir have made me order pizza tonight.

Code not working for me >:-(
Really? That sucks, even works out here in the middle of nowhere but those codes can be blocked at certain stores. Just going to the Dominos.com.au website on a PC and going to order online should bring up the voucher as a popup which when you click okay puts it into the cart.

Also the pizza is average as expected but you get what you pay for! Supreme was really, really low on toppings. Fiery one is awesome though, tons of jalepenos, paprika, hot salami, etc.

3DS didn't come with a charger. I should have known :( Can I just pick a local one up from JB or something or will I need to import it from Japan to avoid frying the system?
Hit up KMart/Target/Dick Smith for a cheap third party solution. I ended up with a multi charger for PSP/iPhone/microUSB/DS/3DS for like $7.


3DS didn't come with a charger. I should have known :( Can I just pick a local one up from JB or something or will I need to import it from Japan to avoid frying the system?
you got the LL? you should have said something! rep's solution would be the best i'd think, or if you had a dsi charger.
Anyone else getting The Last of Us tomorrow? Game looks and sounds great but I feel like I'm gonna get burned like I did with Bioshock Infinite. Still, I'm hankering to get a new PS3 game
Thanks guys! I'll take a look in target tomorrow. That USB one looked particularly good.

It shouldn't cause any issues using an Australian charger with a Japanese 3DS?

Anyone else getting The Last of Us tomorrow? Game looks and sounds great but I feel like I'm gonna get burned like I did with Bioshock Infinite. Still, I'm hankering to get a new PS3 game

Oh awesome. That PS4 ad is interactive, starts around the 30 second mark, at some point you can bid on props from the video using your Playstation Trophies lol
Unlocked some cool blueprints and stuff.

LOTS of little easter eggs that point to games on the PS platforms, very cute.

Thanks guys! I'll take a look in target tomorrow. That USB one looked particularly good.

It shouldn't cause any issues using an Australian charger with a Japanese 3DS?

No issue.
Wait, iPhone's didn't have MMS originally? No fucking way, I don't believe you!
Nope. Wasn't until iOS 3 or 4 I guess? Maybe the iPhone 3.

Their response at the time was why people who wanted MMS just didn't use email? Well, in Europe data was hideously expensive so email was out of the question, but MMS were comparatively much cheaper. Took them ages to come around.
Wait, iPhone's didn't have MMS originally? No fucking way, I don't believe you!

You fucker


Really? That sucks, even works out here in the middle of nowhere but those codes can be blocked at certain stores. Just going to the Dominos.com.au website on a PC and going to order online should bring up the voucher as a popup which when you click okay puts it into the cart.

Also the pizza is average as expected but you get what you pay for! Supreme was really, really low on toppings. Fiery one is awesome though, tons of jalepenos, paprika, hot salami, etc.

Didn't work for me either, even though it came up as an ad on the homepage. So I made tacos. I feel like I won.

My internet speed has been jumping all over the place recently. Checked it on the weekend, 1.8. Today 12. What the hell?
Ugh. Struggling to watch The Final Frontier. Needed to throw the script out, Shatners direction is okay but the script is just bleh.

Nope. Wasn't until iOS 3 or 4 I guess? Maybe the iPhone 3.

Their response at the time was why people who wanted MMS just didn't use email? Well, in Europe data was hideously expensive so email was out of the question, but MMS were comparatively much cheaper. Took them ages to come around.
MMS is perfect for sending photos of the boy between the wife and I, especially when he gets a new beanie. I can't wait until I get home to see it on him, I need to know right away!

Didn't work for me either, even though it came up as an ad on the homepage. So I made tacos. I feel like I won.

Oh whoops, apparently it is pickup only.
Video Ezy have Last of Us for $51 apparently.

What's the deal there? Do they not deliver?

Owned by the same company as WOWHD. Stock is usually Asian, sometimes UK copies. Delivery time is 2 weeks to 3 months. A few people here have had orders randomly cancelled and others just never got their orders dispatched.
They had a big pre-order sale to mark their return after being sold off, Death Jr got screwed around if I remember correctly.

Prices are great though. Could order from WOW.
Eating a giant baguette stuffed with cheese and a slab of sliced chorizo for breakfast because I can.

MMS is perfect for sending photos of the boy between the wife and I, especially when he gets a new beanie. I can't wait until I get home to see it on him, I need to know right away!
I just use email for that stuff nowadays, so in that respect Apple were right. However the point is that they ignored a huge part of their customer base because they don't really give a shit about anywhere but the US. Microsoft are doing exactly the same thing with the Xbox, not that it seems to be hurting either company financially.


With the recent inundation of Nintendo celebrity Mii's flooding Spotpass, there's a chance I may have one of the most complete 3DS Puzzle Swap collections in Brisbane, if not Australia.

I am the only person I've seen with any pieces for 'Dillon's Rolling Western', and I am on the verge of acquiring all the pink Streetpass swap-only pieces. I'm using imported USA 3DS's, which is probably why I haven't seen on my routine sweep of the Brisbane CBD.
I have zero street passes.

I did download that Rolling Dillion game. I think. I bought something off the eStore. I haven't played it yet though. It is all wrapped up as a present and I don't want to make a mess.

Also This E3 behind the scenes thing for Giant Bomb is pretty amazing. Might end up checking them out properly. Much respect for their professionalism, they get shit done and do it right.
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