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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)



I made the exact system on PCCG


$999 Seems like a good deal to me
At least for me the appeal of animal crossing seems to be cuteness combined with the desire to collect things combined with the feeling of achievement when you find something new/ get money.

Yes, but I haven't seen him yet. I'll probably have to expand Main Street or wait until he moves in or something...

I ran into a shipwrecked sailor on the beach this morning when I went down to collect seashells. And then a present tied to a balloon drifted across the river and I couldn't catch it :<

Feeling your pain. I've seen two presents in the last two days floating around. Ah well, I figure there'll be some way to catch them eventually.

Damn it, monday without Game of Thrones feels like a real monday. :/

I know :( At least I can catch up on the books now.

Also true blood starts today so I'm feeling semi-better.



Good price but I don't like the PSU. If they will upgrade that one part it's pretty good if you don't want to overclock. Here's the same system from PCCG but with a better PSU a case:


You could probably do slightly better if you shop around.

Edit: Jambo, no need for the FTW version of the card, so you can shave off $10 there. Can shave off $6 by going with a WD Green, don't really need a 7200rpm secondary drive. Also this guys build probably has value RAM, so cut down another $26 there. So the build is more like $1122 from PCCG. We could save more by putting on an Asrock board too, and get the build down to $1050 or so.


it's really sad though. what i loved about the original (and the ds game, skipped wii) was the slow buildup of wealth that you'd get from fishing red snapper, selling fossils you already donated, striking it lucky with turnips one week, selling the droids, selling non native fruit....etc

now it's just open the island and you win. everything else is kinda meaningless. they should have balanced it better or something, i dunnno.

They've balanced it so that, with the island, a person who only has time for playing an hour a day can still make reasonable progress, and I think that's fair.

I think the difference is that now there's way more that you need to build and unlock than there was in the previous games. Just looking at the guide, I'd say that even if you had unlimited funds it would still take you a couple of months to unlock everything, and buy all the upgrades.


I assume you can't wait a few weeks, but this is a decent deal: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/feature....1_pe04a/?ie=UTF8&tag=ozba-21&docId=1000727133

If you get the silver XL with Mario, it works out to be about $210 shipped.

Thanks for the heads up, although it looks like it'll be a month long wait and end up at about 250 with a charger (my math had it closer to 230-235 shipped?). At that kind of price I figure it's worth just grabbing a local one for warranty concerns and such.

Kinda crazy that you can get a Wii U for not much more than a 3DS around here.


At least for me the appeal of animal crossing seems to be cuteness combined with the desire to collect things combined with the feeling of achievement when you find something new/ get money.
still totally the appeal for me! also i probably should've given you any missing tools when you visited><

They've balanced it so that, with the island, a person who only has time for playing an hour a day can still make reasonable progress, and I think that's fair.

I think the difference is that now there's way more that you need to build and unlock than there was in the previous games. Just looking at the guide, I'd say that even if you had unlimited funds it would still take you a couple of months to unlock everything, and buy all the upgrades.
Well I guuuueeess, if you put that way:p

There is totally a ton to unlock though, hence massive amounts of bells being useful. I've had the game since jp launch, so 7 months, and there's still significant stuff that I haven't unlocked. Granted, I've only really played for like 2 of the 7 months, but it's pretty crazy content-wise.


There is totally a ton to unlock though, hence massive amounts of bells being useful. I've had the game since jp launch, so 7 months, and there's still significant stuff that I haven't unlocked. Granted, I've only really played for like 2 of the 7 months, but it's pretty crazy content-wise.

Yeah, the guide book is over 500 pages and at least half of that is just the catalogue of the items you can collect. It's insane.
Help me ausgaffers, are there any good deals left to be had on the 3DS XL? I'm in Brisbane and trying to pick one up for a friend as a birthday present, but everyone just seems to have it at RRP and every bundle has been sold out for months.

I guess this is what happens when your handheld doesn't have enough competition :/
Big W toy sale starts this week, checkout their online catalogue, super cheap local price.

On mobile sorry.
Taking the fast train to Seville later today, we'll be in the Andalusian region for just over a week.

There's a little reason called the Madrid bombing why there are metal detectors in train stations all over Spain. Jamon is the best. It's a staple over there and a ridiculously expensive luxury food here so eat all you can!
Ah yes, oh course. Forgot about that... Not even ten years ago.

No metal detectors, just bag scanners. I've never once had to take anything from my pockets and I'm usually holding a rather large camera. It's only on the new long distance fast train network, too. Most of Atocha station (where the bombings happened) seems pretty lax even with a bag scanner.

How is white port?
Tastes just like a very sweet white really. Meant to be served a bit cooler than normal port but I didn't bother.

Just found out that people trying to be cheap (eg teens) drink 50/50 red wine/cola... Explains why they were buying so much on Saturday.

Feeling your pain. I've seen two presents in the last two days floating around. Ah well, I figure there'll be some way to catch them eventually.
You needed a slingshot in older versions of the game. Animal Crossing is just so charming it's difficult not to play with a smile. My favourite was always Lucky. The wife was partial to Hank.

The main problem I've found is that each successive version of the game is so similar to the last it's best to wait a few between purchases.

So L4D2 tonight?
If I could play using a netbook with mobile internet on the fast train I'd totally be in. :(

Man, I wrote all of the above on my Nexus 7, then accidentally closed the tab. Opening the previously closed tab brought it all back. Phew!


man cods, i don't even know half the places you've been to but your holiday seems real awesome! like, where the hell is "spain" anyway?!!

keep the logs n pics comin!


Taking the fast train to Seville later today, we'll be in the Andalusian region for just over a week.

Spain is one of the countries I'd really love to see on my second visit to Europe.

I managed England, France, Switzerland, Monaco and Italy last time around.

Just found out that people trying to be cheap (eg teens) drink 50/50 red wine/cola... Explains why they were buying so much on Saturday.

At our last house party a few people mentioned they were mixing red wine and coke.

I promptly hid all my bottles of red.


As we are nearing 5,000 posts I had a look at the top posters so far for AusGAF 9 and this jumped out at me:

  • There are 35 users with over 40 posts in this thread.

I find it interesting as someone commented not too long ago that there were only really 12 people who posted in this thread (citation needed), but as you can see there have been 35 people with just over a post a day since the start of this thread.
Metal gear solid 4: ten thousand years of cutscenes. Not even good ones. Great job Kojima.

MGS4: "I wanted out but they keep pulling me back in so fuck it, I'm going all out. Bat shit crazy. Off the deep end. Nobody will want any more MGS! I'll be free!"


MGS4: Blame Ryan Payton.


First post in here. How exciting.

Just ordered a Wii U from Big W for $348. Premium. They have the Basic for $278 I think it was.


Is it just me or does the whole Gillard Vs. Rudd stuff sound like the most fabricated bullshit this side of the Merdoch Press? Who the hell would want to vote for Tony Abbot?

Is it just me or does the whole Gillard Vs. Rudd stuff sound like the most fabricated bullshit this side of the Merdoch Press? Who the hell would want to vote for Tony Abbot?


I'm sure it is. Slow news day? Labor looking okay in the polls? Time to write about rumours of Rudd taking over again tee hee!

Murdoch press, and the Australian in particular are really pissing me off lately. It's always been a silly paper but for the past two weeks or so without fail there has been some shitty xenophobic article on the front. Last wednesday the article was complaining about the taxpayer cost of hiring translators ffs.


Is it just me or does the whole Gillard Vs. Rudd stuff sound like the most fabricated bullshit this side of the Merdoch Press? Who the hell would want to vote for Tony Abbot?


I was in the doctors office this afternoon and the tv was on 9 news. The presenter said something like "after the break, Julia Gillard may not be the PM for much longer".

After the break, there was an interview with some dude from Canberra. It was basically this:

"Is there any word on Rudd challenging for PM?"
"At this stage, there isn't but we expect that to be the case soon"
"So, nothing at this stage?"

Good work on a massive waste of time. I'd tell them to not give up their day job, but sadly it already is.


Good work on a massive waste of time. I'd tell them to not give up their day job, but sadly it already is.
Nah, I reckon their day job involves mostly fellating other "celebrities" and politicians. Then they come up for breath to report on "news".

Oh wait, maybe they're the same thing.

when I play MGS games, I treat skipping the cutscenes as a QTE
Wild guess, but did your thumb get more of a workout doing that than playing a game like Hyper Olympics?


I'm sure it is. Slow news day? Labor looking okay in the polls? Time to write about rumours of Rudd taking over again tee hee!

Murdoch press, and the Australian in particular are really pissing me off lately. It's always been a silly paper but for the past two weeks or so without fail there has been some shitty xenophobic article on the front. Last wednesday the article was complaining about the taxpayer cost of hiring translators ffs.

They were grasping at straws to find something newsworthy today. You know when to switch off if Nine News reports Shane Warne's selfie pic while in bed that he posted on twitter. Apparently it was 'risque' despite anyone being able to see more skin during the summer at Bondi beach.




Manu's game, despite that little kid Danny Green setting 3 point records.

After game 1 right the start of the finals, with the 2-3-2 format, I've been saying Miami only needed to win one of the games in SA and the championship is theirs. I'm largely unchanged on that opinion. Spurs roster is older and might not have enough gas in the tank for 6 or 7 games but then again Wade and Bosh have been disappointing.

I don't have a horse in this race - a win for either team is a good story. A Spurs win means a nice ending for their big three before they retire (despite today's effort, Manu's time is up); A Heat win means LBJ can chase a triple although with Wade on the decline, I don't think the Heat's roster will be as formidable next season. 3 losses from 4 appearances at the Finals must really sting for LeBron

This back and forth of blowouts hasn't made for the best series, but games 6 and 7 (yes, seven) will be epic

Dead Man

I was in the doctors office this afternoon and the tv was on 9 news. The presenter said something like "after the break, Julia Gillard may not be the PM for much longer".

After the break, there was an interview with some dude from Canberra. It was basically this:

"Is there any word on Rudd challenging for PM?"
"At this stage, there isn't but we expect that to be the case soon"
"So, nothing at this stage?"

Good work on a massive waste of time. I'd tell them to not give up their day job, but sadly it already is.

They had a Guardian journalist on The Drum today who said just that. The Guardian is not reporting on it much at the moment, because there is nothing to report on. No new facts at all. Respect for them just went up.
Let's see how fast these 'fast' trains in Spain really go. Got the GPS tracker ready. The local fast trains (Avant) did 250, the long distance ones (AVE) are branded differently.

Already been on TGV and Shinkansen, so whatevs. Haven't tried the maglev trains in China though.
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