Hah too bad I bought Hotline Miami already today, would've been a piece of cake!
Damn these sales. Going to pick up Civ 5, Football Manager 2013 and Saints Row 3 off the new flash sales and community choice.
btw markot are you coming down to the mel bournes
PSA: You can buy Steam Wallet cards from EB games, eg. $50USD for $50AUD!
Evangelion 3.0. Wtf did I just watch... Having never seen the others, I'm so confused
Anyone at avcon? It's not bad so far. Lots of stinky people though :/
Sounds exactly like regular EVA then.
That's this weekend? I didn't notice any furries in town. They must be getting ready late these days. Worth the coin? The theme really put me off this year.
LOL Pretty much.
Man, I used to LOVE NGE when they used to show it on SBS. Until about 3/4 of the way through when I realised there was stuff outside of robots fighting aliens. I must've just lost time during those bits up until then.LOL Pretty much.
Soul Hackers on US 3DS with OST for $30 posted
In other news fuck you Nintendo. Even Microsoft are lifting the region lock you out of touch bastards.
btw markot are you coming down to the mel bournes
I support this message.
A: Pork Katsu Bento is the best Japanese food.
B: I fixed my GPU cause im awesome. Thanks for the help mr JUST BUY A NEW ONE!
Also I had some KFC today that was pretty pink >.< So if I die you know why.
Unless you've been frustrated with the gaming/general performance you've been getting from your PC, I'd suggest just getting a new motherboard. Apart from being the cheaper option, it's the quickest resolution and saves the redundancy of buying a completely new PC "just because."
Shoulda bought a WiiU! No issues booting this baby up!
What processor do you have? I bought a new mobo a little over a week or so ago because I thought that was gone on my own PC, but turns out it was the PSU. I could try my luck getting a refund from MSY, but I'd rather palm it off to someone here if I can.Yea that's the route i'm going to take. I don't need to upgrade just yet and the goal was to do a full upgrade either at the end of the year or early next. After all the next gen games are out and all the new PC hardware.
What processor do you have? I bought a new mobo a little over a week or so ago because I thought that was gone on my own PC, but turns out it was the PSU. I could try my luck getting a refund from MSY, but I'd rather palm it off to someone here if I can.
Edit: Surgeon Simulator is damn cheap currently on Steam. Woo!
You need to have a reason to boot it up in the first place.
you don't
So I have 3 options for my PC right now. I've just about done everything and i'm still not getting any video out, either from 2 GPUs or the internals of the motherboard. Seems like the bios is just dead.
1) Buy a new motherboard for under $100 and be done.
2) Buy a new rig that doesn't include a GPU. Motherboard, CPU, Ram, Maybe new fan
3) Go all out and upgrade the entire thing.
Not sure which one I should go, I do need to sorta make the decision asap so I can actually get the parts today since places are closed tomorrow.
You just wasted your time on trash.Evangelion 3.0. Wtf did I just watch... Having never seen the others, I'm so confused
I feel like buying Anno 2070.
Computers are for spreadsheets, not games.
Someone talk me out of buying Fez. Or adversely, talk me into buying FTL, which sounds interesting