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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Same here. I actually bought the first 3 books a year and a half ago, but only started reading AGoT in July. Now I've knocked over the first 4 and can't wait to knock over the last 2.

How many books are there going to be I wonder. I've heard/assumed that ADWD is not the last one.

Don't answer that though.


I went through 3 60gbs so...:lol

Slim has been going good for 2 years now so I think the 60gb BC ones were a bit dodgy.
VOOK said:
It's amazing what GAF and most games would consider 'crap' sells and sells a lot.
I call it Arrested Development Syndrome
well I assume there was another critically acclaimed piece of media that never caught fire with the wider populace

People overlook incredible pieces of work like Vanquish, The Last Express, Grim Fandango, Shadows of the Damned, Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts simply because it isn't put in front of them when they feel like buying a game and it isn't cut down to exactly what they want at that point.

RandomVince said:
while I'm at it, I'm off to do some research on the NPD LTD sales of Pokemon Platinum versus S.T.A.L.K.E.R in months with the letter T in their name, as proof that handheld gaming is healthier than PC gaming.
Make sure not to include DD since no-one uses it anyway.

markot said:
1/4 Xbox's fail exclusing the RROD >_<?! How do people put up with that crap?
2 E74 errors and a random video cutout problem for me. Main thing was that the PS3 was so damn expensive plus I had already spent a thousand odd dollars on games for the 360. Plus XBLGold. Didn't want that $5 a month going to waste. :)

Also it seems like the modem is dying on me. Keeps dropping the signal and wigging out. fffffffffffffffff
hamchan said:

Some of the movies are decent, others are quite bad.

I could not bear to read the books, didn't even complete the first one. Her writing failed to keep me interested. As for the movies, I only liked the first 2..when they were kids. After that it was all rubbish...and I haven't even seen the last one yet.

ADWD is #5, he is writing the 6th and the 7th one is planned, but who knows...he might not live that long.


reptilescorpio said:
People overlook incredible pieces of work like Vanquish, The Last Express, Grim Fandango, Shadows of the Damned, Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts simply because it isn't put in front of them when they feel like buying a game and it isn't cut down to exactly what they want at that point.
Marry me.
Also it seems like the modem is dying on me. Keeps dropping the signal and wigging out. fffffffffffffffff
Firmware upgrade maybe? It could still be on old settings from when I had it set up, and I'm pretty sure I tinkered with some of the signal strength/amplification (or whatever) settings to get the most out of it. Upgrade the FW or factory reset the thing. I'd hate to think I gave you a dud device :(


Shaneus said:
Marry me.

Firmware upgrade maybe? It could still be on old settings from when I had it set up, and I'm pretty sure I tinkered with some of the signal strength/amplification (or whatever) settings to get the most out of it. Upgrade the FW or factory reset the thing. I'd hate to think I gave you a dud device :(

Wait, when did you buy vanquish? Not at launch like some :p
DeathJr said:
Book or movie? Think before answering...
I saw the movies first and I've held out on reading all the books till the movies where finished if only so I can go into the movies with an open mind and not just be angry at what was dropped from the books for the movies. The only gripe I had with the movies was with the final one how alot of the side characters got pushed aside, would of loved to have seen a fight scene with the Weesley Twins or the Lupan and Tonks fighting to the death.

Listening to the books now (taking the cheap way out and going Audio Books read by Stephen Fry) I'm really enjoying them and its fun picking up on the little things that weren't in the movies. Only up to Prisoner of Azkabahn at the moment. One thing that is different in the books over the movies is just how much more unlikeable Snape is. I never got the impression in the movies he goes out of his way to make things hard for Harry, but in the books hes just a douche and the way he is to poor Nevile :'(


Worthintendo said:
I saw the movies first and I've held out on reading all the books till the movies where finished if only so I can go into the movies with an open mind and not just be angry at what was dropped from the books for the movies. The only gripe I had with the movies was with the final one how alot of the side characters got pushed aside, would of loved to have seen a fight scene with the Weesley Twins or the Lupan and Tonks fighting to the death.

Listening to the books now (taking the cheap way out and going Audio Books read by Stephen Fry) I'm really enjoying them and its fun picking up on the little things that weren't in the movies. Only up to Prisoner of Azkabahn at the moment. One thing that is different in the books over the movies is just how much more unlikeable Snape is. I never got the impression in the movies he goes out of his way to make things hard for Harry, but in the books hes just a douche and the way he is to poor Nevile :'(

Yeah, the movies just feel like a clip show of the major moments from the books.


hamchan said:
Heh, bought Vanquish for cheap and will buy Shadows of The Damned too when it reaches the nice price point :D


I bought vanquish and enslaved at the same time. Hated the vanquish demo, loved the enslaved demo. Decided to give vanquish benefit of the doubt based on developer.

Turned out that enslaved was shit and vanquish is awesome.
The only reason I played Enslaved was to support Ninja Theory, since they made an amazing game (and one of my favorites) HEAVENLY SWORD.

I can not finish games like Bayonetta, Vanquish, Bulletstorm etc...the repetitive gameplay, cheese dripping script and lackluster story can only hold my attention for a few hours at best.

At least with DMC, even though it's cheesy, you have awesome combat, great boss fights and art. But these clones just don't cut it for me. That said, the upcoming DMC really makes me sad.

Kerrby said:
DeathJR is that you in your profile picture?

Why, did you see me feeding on a pony today?


There seems to be no, at all, repurcussions for crappy hardware in the console biz >_<; And all that will do is encourage more cut corners and more shitty shit shit.


DeathJr said:
The only reason I played Enslaved was to support Ninja Theory, since they made an amazing game (and one of my favorites) HEAVENLY SWORD.

I can not finish games like Bayonetta, Vanquish, Bulletstorm etc...the repetitive gameplay, cheese dripping script and lackluster story can only hold my attention for a few hours at best.

At least with DMC, even though it's cheesy, you have awesome combat, great boss fights and art. But these clones just don't cut it for me. That said, the upcoming DMC really makes me sad.

Oh my god what

Bayonetta worse combat than DMC? Get out.


markot said:
There seems to be no, at all, repurcussions for crappy hardware in the console biz >_<; And all that will do is encourage more cut corners and more shitty shit shit.

People will have their hand forced thanks to all the money "invested" in digital games through XBLA and PSN.

I bet that neither successor platform allows for BC support for digital downloads.

BanShunsaku said:
Boo you guys, I loved Enslaved.

It was horrible. Woeful combat, irritating characters and a nonsensical story. It's an insult to AJTTW to say its based on it.
hamchan said:
Yeah, the movies just feel like a clip show of the major moments from the books.
I think the best way to do Harry Potter again if they ever chose to would be as a TV series with each season being a new year/book. Only need be like 13 episodes a season like Doctor Who or something. Should be long enough to cover everything they need to.
Jintor said:
Oh my god what

Bayonetta worse combat than DMC? Get out.

I guess you teenagers liked it, it had nudity after all.

Bayonetta was UGLY, the ugliest art and graphics I have seen in a hack and slash game. The characters, script, voice acting...everything was downright atrocious. Even with decent combat, how can one enjoy such a game?


VOOK said:
What's up with this.

Gaz, I wonder if I need to be on this mailing list of theirs. Prob not.
I figure if you visit the site once a day you don't need to be on the mailing list. I signed up because I clearly don't get enough emails during the day.


Get out right now DeathJr. There's something wrong with you.

Not really, it's pretty messy from an aesthetic point of view, it's true. but the soundtrack was amazing, the writing is great in a non-serious kind of way, and the voice acting is cheesy perfection. And the combat is the greatest. Dodge offset alone propels it far above almost every other fighting game out there.
commanderdeek said:

I gotta say, deathjr has some pretty outrageous views!

Thanks. I ain't sheep.

Jintor, I couldn't bear to play any more after the 3rd episode...even if the game got better later on, it lost my interest in the beginning. Once that happens, I just can't force myself to play anymore.
Worthintendo said:



Haha, 4 corners has a British kid and they are using subtitles for this little chick cause her accent is so thick. Its cute though >.<
Read all the Harry Potter books, watched up to the last two movies. First two movies were absolutely dull. Cuaron's Prisoner of Azkaban is easily the best of the movies. It's an adaptation rather than using the book as the screenplay. The first two were especially guilty of that.

I loved Enslaved. Just long enough, combat was enjoyable and story/acting good enough to keep me interested. Vanquish demo turned me off it but I think I'll still pick up if I see it ultra cheap when the backlog subsides as I feel I should give it a chance.

Bayonetta I don't think is my kind of game. The combat felt too button mashy to me. I figured it would just frustrate me.


DeathJr said:
5 hour game, completed 34 times. My word..

8 hour single-player runthrough on normal, probably. Bump to 10 or 12 on hard, and then 14 or 16 on infinite climax. Add another 14 for a pure platinum 100% run on normal, then add time boss fighting, attempting to beat challenge mode, attempting to beat all optional bosses (I did), then playing through on Jeanne mode, unlocking new costumes, new moves, new everything...

In any case the save game timer maxes out at 99 hours 59 minutes so I'm making a rough estimate combined with the other save file time.
codswallop said:
Read all the Harry Potter books, watched up to the last two movies. First two movies were absolutely dull. Cuaron's Prisoner of Azkaban is easily the best of the movies. It's an adaptation rather than using the book as the screenplay. The first two were especially guilty of that.

Agreed. Cuaron is boss. <3 Children of Men.


Read all the Harry Potter books, watched up to the last two movies. First two movies were absolutely dull. Cuaron's Prisoner of Azkaban is easily the best of the movies. It's an adaptation rather than using the book as the screenplay. The first two were especially guilty of that.


I knew Vanquish was going to be great, but much like Bayonetta it was a pure gameplay experience so I didn't feel much incentive to get it immediately. I picked it up with my new PS3 though and ripped through it in a few days. Wonderful game, if not quite as complex as Bayonetta.

I recognize on reflection that the Harry Potter books aren't brilliant world-ending literature or anything, but they're still pretty enjoyable.
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