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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Rezbit said:
So in other news Cameron Ling retired. Salute to one of the best rangas in Australia.

One of the greatest players of the modern era. His ability to almost always cleanly dispose of the ball under pressure was amazing!
Salazar said:

Nice one Qantas.

Oh, um, we don't think union leadership is behind these threats, but we do believe that union leadership is behind these threats.

Alan Joyce is a fucking moron. And the Australian is a fucking rag.

[Apologies. I know it's best to ignore these things, but FUCK]

It pisses me off that qantas is going to do this moving workers off-shore thing, and I'm even more angry that it seems to actually be going smoothly. Let me tell you something about the airline jobs: they are structured by joining date. Those captains at Qantas? If they get fired they have to start as second officers at another company. Is their rage justified now?

codswallop said:
I don't know a lick of Korean, no more than you'd pick up in a few days in a foreign country (and since most South Koreans speak excellent English, virtually none), but it seemed like the grammatical structure was pretty similar to me? It's based on the letters making sounds which make up words, just like English. It's not tonal like Thai and doesn't have characters that are actually words like in Chinese. Compared to them as an English speaker with almost no other language skills, it seems pretty easy. Most Westerners say German is probably the most difficult language to pick up.

Plus you're supposed to be able to learn it in a day (and be able to understand it in a week), wasn't that the big selling point of the current Korean language when it was invented?

Well, Chinese and English grammar is (as far as I know) Subject-Verb-Object ie. Jenny eats peas. Korean and Japanese are Subject-Object-Verb, meaning they say "Jenny peas eats" to get the same meaning. I'm not having much trouble with the grammar so much as memorising words - a lot of them sound really similar :'( The writing is easy to learn though!


No geelong supporter here but sad to see him retire. A real classy player too. No ego, no bullshit. What a career though, hey.

As for videogames, I made the "mistake" last year of going nuts on god tier games. Finished Orange Box, RE4, Batman and Galaxy 2 back to back. Now I demand perfection in digital form.

I wonder what I should play through next.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
MrSerrels said:
Lol - street dates!

We have a new picture to hang over the games desk now.
shanshan310 said:
It pisses me off that qantas is going to do this moving workers off-shore thing, and I'm even more angry that it seems to actually be going smoothly. Let me tell you something about the airline jobs: they are structured by joining date. Those captains at Qantas? If they get fired they have to start as second officers at another company. Is their rage justified now?
Granting positions based on seniority is a pretty dumb idea. Is that standard across the industry? Would that include people like flight attendants, technicians and engineers?


viciouskillersquirrel said:
Granting positions based on seniority is a pretty dumb idea. Is that standard across the industry? Would that include people like flight attendants, technicians and engineers?

it would be common with crew being pilots and FA's

engineers etc i doubt. Crew has seniority levels though and this is why. Crew leave is based on seniority. If you are a Captain 1st year and want leave and the 5th year captain wants leave, the 5th year captain gets it

Same with FA's. It's all based on seniority which is @ all airlines.

It ironically is to encourage loyalty to the airline that first hires you. It's why you generally don't see pilots jumping ship between airlines (and why this whole wage dispute is dumb and the fact Joyce has NO IDEA that people won't fly Qantas without QF pilots or at least how many of them (and i know a lot of them, myself included) ). I live next to a 747/A380 QF pilot and he would to start again at another airline he reckons.

he has lost the plot. I won't fly Qantas if my pilot is not QF trained. The shit you hear about overseas pilots and things that have happened.

And this is just one example. Pilot found in aircraft after landing found not to have a fucking Commercial licence, i mean what |:

What I find amazing is CASA is sitting on the sidelines letting this happen. They shoudl be demanding AU airlines have AU trained air pilots else you fuckers aren't flying in AU airspace.

Joyce is a fuckwit

record profits, increasing demand on international routes yet wants to get rid of the people that fly the planes

put him in the simulator with no navigation aids, 2 engines out, a massive hole in the engine and a full A380 load over Sumatra and see if he can fly his broken bird back to singapore and land it safely. Oh yeah, engines won't turn off and reverse thrust is broken (this is what happened to QF 32)
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Granting positions based on seniority is a pretty dumb idea. Is that standard across the industry? Would that include people like flight attendants, technicians and engineers?

I'm not sure if it applies to anyone but pilots, but it is a really horrible idea. Yet it still gets enforced because of all the people in the unions who waited a long time to get to the top and will be damned if they let some new guy in the company take his promotion! Its the reason people so many ex-ansett staff left the industry altogether. Or you can stick around like my dad did and work under people 20/30 years your junior with much less flight knowledge/ experience.
It's a bit like negative gearing. I don't know what sort of housing crisis or what-have-you could have led to its implementation, ending it is going to hurt a lot of people. Thing is, letting the situation continue as is will lead to a completely different lot of negative effects.

That sucks.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
It's a bit like negative gearing. I don't know what sort of housing crisis or what-have-you could have led to its implementation, ending it is going to hurt a lot of people. Thing is, letting the situation continue as is will lead to a completely different lot of negative effects.

That sucks.

true. It seems that there are a lot of problems with society that could be fixed if only the higher ups weren't so stubborn and monetarily involved.


Rezbit said:
So in other news Cameron Ling retired. Salute to one of the best rangas in Australia.
Lucky you said "one of".
RandomVince said:
No geelong supporter here but sad to see him retire. A real classy player too. No ego, no bullshit. What a career though, hey.
Hard to have an ego when you look like him ;) Full credit though, sucks that he's going out at 100% rather than playing a few more years at 70-80% (at a guess). Could be a good mentor. Hopefully he still sticks around at GFC in some capacity.


Shaneus said:
Lucky you said "one of".

Hard to have an ego when you look like him ;) Full credit though, sucks that he's going out at 100% rather than playing a few more years at 70-80% (at a guess). Could be a good mentor. Hopefully he still sticks around at GFC in some capacity.

Got some other rangas to put forward?


He could make a good coach at some point.

Also, posted this in the Wii U thread. This is what excites me about new systems:

Personally I hope Wii U gets a version of Soul Calibur where we can finally answer the age old question.

Which is mightier: the pen or the sword?


Tower defence games will be great on it too. You could even have a versus mode. Wiimote controls for defenders, tablet controls for invader to plot their route and divide troops.

DS was meant to be perfect for rts games that never eventuated. Wii U could do for RTS controls what pointer did for PES and fps controls.

On that note and more generally, where would AUSGaf like to see control scheme evolution go in coming years? There is no shortage of new input devices these days, but very few seem to be exploited successfully or with any new and worthwhile additions to gaming, genres or play styles.

I hope that's more interesting than kookas and politics. :)


I dont want RTS games on the 3ds, I want more Advance war games... Scratch that, I want an advance wars game >_<!

Whats a Sumich?


There is a direct correlation between how messy a fruit is and how tasty it is.

Case in point: ultimate combination of mango, kiwi fruit and oranges.

Beautiful on a warm day. Nom nom nom.


RandomVince said:
There is a direct correlation between how messy a fruit is and how tasty it is.

Case in point: ultimate combination of mango, kiwi fruit and oranges.

Beautiful on a warm day. Nom nom nom.

But bananas...


I can't decide if I prefer mangos cut up into pieces or just sort of segmented with the skin and then you invert it an OM NOM NOM juice everywhere


I want a tag give me a tag
Jintor said:
I can't decide if I prefer mangos cut up into pieces or just sort of segmented with the skin and then you invert it an OM NOM NOM juice everywhere

Thats how mine was :( i didnt make the obvious connection to just eat the little squares


Segment, invert, then cut the squares out into a bowl and eat with a fork.

I don't like having mushy juice all over my face.


HolyCheck said:
first time i ate a mango i didnt know what to do and i ate teh skin too

this was only like 5 years ago.

OMG WAT :lol :lol :lol

How was it?

Dead Man

Shaneus said:
Yours truly.

And Amy Adams.

And Isla Fisher.
I would probably put Conan above them in terms of general awesomeness... if you just want hotness, Shirley Manson, Damian Lewis, and Alyson Hannigan all say hi too.


Dead Man said:
I would probably put Conan above them in terms of general awesomeness... if you just want hotness, Shirley Manson, Damian Lewis, and Alyson Hannigan all say hi too.

I was mad that I missed out on seeing him speak recently. He was reading short stories. I saw him in the street, but there's no way I had the balls to go up to him.


Dead Man said:
I would probably put Conan above them in terms of general awesomeness... if you just want hotness, Shirley Manson, Damian Lewis, and Alyson Hannigan all say hi too.
FUCK. I don't know where my mind was to skip over Conan. Oh yeah, smoking hot red-headed broads! And me, obv.
I love how the media promotes irrational shite and a lack of critical thinking skills...seriously there is a show on Ch7 that is aiming to find Australia's best psychic...fuck me.
Choc said:
thats fuckin awesome. It needs the most common culprit, kmart and game
KMart and Big W are the 2 main ones I have come across breaking street date. They got my sales so it worked!

Rezbit said:
So in other news Cameron Ling retired. Salute to one of the best rangas in Australia.
I will always remember him for trawling for international students on residence at Deakin Uni. The Californian chick he ended up dating for 6 months wasn't much chop. Great footy player though. I'm sure the dozen or so houses and handful of businesses he runs in Geelong will keep him busy. Him and Chapman are the soul of the club, certainly the best 2 players at the club over the last 7 years in my opinion.

Kerrby said:
Apparently he's going into the media like a Richo or Tom Harley.
Really? He has a face for radio and has been a horrible public speaker on the few opportunities I have had to see him in that form.

RandomVince said:
As for videogames, I made the "mistake" last year of going nuts on god tier games. Finished Orange Box, RE4, Batman and Galaxy 2 back to back. Now I demand perfection in digital form.

RandomVince said:
Well, I'm driving on my next holiday.
I wonder if that will involve more or less fondling?

shanshan310 said:
true. It seems that there are a lot of problems with society that could be fixed if only the higher ups weren't so stubborn and monetarily involved.
Almost every problem could be resolved if people put their personal interests aside for the greater good but it will never happen. Even if we are teetering on the brink of destruction someone out there will be more than glad to wipe the rest of the race out if it means they can have a nice quiet beach to sit and read a book on.

markot said:
wth is a ranga >_<?


Sutton Dagger said:
I love how the media promotes irrational shite and a lack of critical thinking skills...seriously there is a show on Ch7 that is aiming to find Australia's best psychic...fuck me.

Imaginary shit is cheap, yo. They don't have to renovate anything.
VOOK said:
Sumich to the Dockers, fucking hell.
I'm in shock, but hopefully it leads to bigger things for him down the road, he was always my favourite player back when he was playing for the Eagles, its good to see a few of the old West Coast early 90's players doing well in the coaching business.
markot said:
I dont want RTS games on the 3ds, I want more Advance war games... Scratch that, I want an advance wars game >_<!?
Well we are getting Fire Emblem and they are made by the same team, also Fire Emblem > Advance Wars
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