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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Sounds like too much work! :) Agreed its very snazzy though.

Just heard eb expo is in Sydney next year which is a lot closer, will go again if that's the case
reptilescorpio said:
So did we win Rugby or not? Some people are saying we flogged NZ others are saying we were the ones that got flogged. It is this situation all over again. I think one of the guys here are going to punch on over it.

NZ won 20-6.


reptilescorpio said:
You know, it is. I would buy one just because it looks fucking sweet.

Kudos to you for using "boss" in that fashion, too. It's making a comeback and I love it.
Bernbaum said:
EB Expo attendees

Antisocial fat fucks with ironic gaming culture t-shirts and hideously unnattractive woman cosplaying as their favourite stupid character from their favourite terrible game. You look repulsive on a regular day and you still look repulsive dressed up as Princess Zelda. For the sake of my olfactory organs, do you think you could shower for once in your miserable life before leaving the house?
I await the flames.

PS. Glad (and surprised) to hear about Star Wars. Did it resemble what was shown at E3? Because that looked like arse (for the most part).

PPS. Forza. This game will be the death of me. Much like WoW was for losers with no self control, except Forza is cool.


I will laugh so hard if NZ choke in the final

It would be perfect.

Home grand final, and choked to a team that wasn't expected to even make the semis


France seem pretty good. I watched a bit of them against Argentina and they seem to move the ball better than Australia.

That guy with the side burns and wavy hair is way too French looking though.


I want a tag give me a tag

What the hell did I just encounter on fb


HolyCheck said:
What the hell did I just encounter on fb

Humans on facebook?

Just to elaborate, facebook has disproven the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. the original premise was that normal person + anonymity = complete stupidity. Facebook has proven that anonymity is superfluous.


reptilescorpio said:
normal person + audience + self crafted persona = insulting stupidity

Thats more it. But it never ceases to amaze how mindnumbingly stupid people can be. I think the worst shit I saw was when the tsunami hit Japan earlier this year, and people were labelling it 'karma' for Pearl Harbour. Obviously done under their own names.

People arent afraid to be completely tasteless, inhumane fuckwits.
Woah hey facebook. I didn't think anyone used the ausgaf page there...
Trolling on facebook is the best kind... or worst. I can't remember.

Salazar said:
Have to go into uni tomorrow to get a book.

Will pay in biscuits if someone goes for me.

If you're planning on going to the Co-op bookstore, don't. Order at QU books instead. In fact, go anywhere! Co-op bookstore is always most expensive...
RandomVince said:
Thats more it. But it never ceases to amaze how mindnumbingly stupid people can be. I think the worst shit I saw was when the tsunami hit Japan earlier this year, and people were labelling it 'karma' for Pearl Harbour. Obviously done under their own names.
Wasn't even a few people. Hundreds of people. Just goes to show that although we try and be caring people everyone has their own opinion that has been created by our upbringing and by how the world around us has created their opinion. I blame the media and free speech. I can yell about how the Jews are stealing our children in the night as loud as I want, or how the Chinese are ruining our jobs. If I get enough people behind me I can create a whole army of people who think what I say is gospel.

Human choice is a double edged sword. It is our defining attribute and gives us an edge in surviving this world but it is also our undoing at times.

shanshan310 said:
If you're planning on going to the Co-op bookstore, don't. Order at QU books instead. In fact, go anywhere! Co-op bookstore is always most expensive...
Worst thing is when your lecturer has a custom textbook so the only places you can find it all sell at the $150 RRP. I just want to use Book Depository damn it!
The worst thing is when your lecturer has a custom book that they wrote and its terrible.

RandomVince said:
Thats more it. But it never ceases to amaze how mindnumbingly stupid people can be. I think the worst shit I saw was when the tsunami hit Japan earlier this year, and people were labelling it 'karma' for Pearl Harbour. Obviously done under their own names.

People arent afraid to be completely tasteless, inhumane fuckwits.

Yesterday some dude I went to high school with posted an article about how the whaling fleets had been decimated due to most of the fishermen being dead, and most of the boats destroyed. I then had a jolly old time blocking all the morans who started cheering "karma!" and "win for sea Shepard!".


reptilescorpio said:
Wasn't even a few people. Hundreds of people. Just goes to show that although we try and be caring people everyone has their own opinion that has been created by our upbringing and by how the world around us has created their opinion. I blame the media and free speech. I can yell about how the Jews are stealing our children in the night as loud as I want, or how the Chinese are ruining our jobs. If I get enough people behind me I can create a whole army of people who think what I say is gospel.

Human choice is a double edged sword. It is our defining attribute and gives us an edge in surviving this world but it is also our undoing at times.

Nocturnal insects navigate by starlight. The distant objects and relative lack of parallax movement makes it easy for them to head in one direction and stay straight and true. That is an evolutionary trait that benefits them and their hunting and mating.

Humans invented artificial light sources. Due to them looking like point light sources, insects navigate by them. But the parallax movement of the light relative to the insect is great, so instead of flying in a straight line, they instead travel in a spiral that grows ever smaller until they are lured inexorably closer to an ineffective journey at best, or a hungry waiting gecko at worst.

Human choice is much the same. In the natural world, it leads to social strengths of community, leadership and survival of harsh conditions. In the internet world, it leads to facebook.

Dead Man

Qantas has denied a union claim that it is walking away from negotiations with pilots as the pay dispute between the parties continues.

The airline says it is "committed to negotiations with the pilots' union", and has been doing so for 14 months.

"We haven't received a reply to the letter from AIPA (Australian and International Pilots Association) and remain hopeful they will respond positively to this request to ensure negotiations can continue," Qantas said in a statement on Sunday.

"We are not walking away from negotiations.

"We are calling on the pilots' union to withdraw their unrealistic and damaging claim that Jetstar and Jetconnect pilots should receive the same high wages and conditions as Qantas pilots.

"If Qantas were to agree to this claim it would drive up airfares for our customers and risk the jobs of other employees within Qantas.

"If the union remove this claim it will help progress negotiations towards reaching an agreement."

Qantas has denied a union claim that it is walking away from negotiations with pilots as the pay dispute between the parties continues.

The airline says it is "committed to negotiations with the pilots' union", and has been doing so for 14 months.

"We haven't received a reply to the letter from AIPA (Australian and International Pilots Association) and remain hopeful they will respond positively to this request to ensure negotiations can continue," Qantas said in a statement on Sunday.

"We are not walking away from negotiations.

"We are calling on the pilots' union to withdraw their unrealistic and damaging claim that Jetstar and Jetconnect pilots should receive the same high wages and conditions as Qantas pilots.

"If Qantas were to agree to this claim it would drive up airfares for our customers and risk the jobs of other employees within Qantas.

"If the union remove this claim it will help progress negotiations towards reaching an agreement."

Jetstar pilots were paid about 50 per cent less than their Qantas counterparts, the statement said.

The AIPA said earlier on Sunday that the airline had informed it on Friday that Qantas was walking away from scheduled conciliation meetings at Fair Work Australia.

AIPA president Barry Jackson said it was a "surprising and deeply disappointing" decision.

"I am completely stunned at Qantas management's decision to walk away from conciliation before Fair Work Australia," Captain Jackson said in a statement on Sunday.
The latest dispute with staff comes as Qantas is facing ongoing strikes by its engineers and ground staff which so far have affected up to 60,000 passengers and caused significant flight delays.
The AIPA said earlier on Sunday that the airline had informed it on Friday that Qantas was walking away from scheduled conciliation meetings at Fair Work Australia.

AIPA president Barry Jackson said it was a "surprising and deeply disappointing" decision.

"I am completely stunned at Qantas management's decision to walk away from conciliation before Fair Work Australia," Captain Jackson said in a statement on Sunday.
The latest dispute with staff comes as Qantas is facing ongoing strikes by its engineers and ground staff which so far have affected up to 60,000 passengers and caused significant flight delays.
Fucking what???
Me at 12am: I reckon I can fit in a quick test of this installer.

one hour later, still compiling.

god damn it nsis. why did i choose lzma compression.

edit: and it didnt copy files to the right directories. trying "SetOutDir" now. pleasepleaseplease i want to distribute.

fuck this im going to bed.


Well, the eye with the inverse contact lens didn't attempt to turn itself inside out at any point during the night, so I'm going to declare that a victory.


shanshan310 said:
If you're planning on going to the Co-op bookstore, don't. Order at QU books instead. In fact, go anywhere! Co-op bookstore is always most expensive...

No, it's a library book.

And it's raining :(



TONY ABBOTT has indicated he would have said no to a compromise asylum-seeker policy that included Nauru, vindicating Julia Gillard and others in the cabinet who argued against making such an offer.

After the Herald revealed on Saturday the cabinet had discussed a variety of options, including Nauru, to try to break the legislative deadlock, Mr Abbott indicated yesterday Labor would have needed to adopt more than Nauru to win his support.

''Nauru isn't the only ingredient of our policy,'' he said.
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''There's temporary protection visas and there's the option of turning boats around when it's safe to do so. So unless the government is prepared to do all of that, which worked before, I don't think they can expect to stop the boats again.''




Makes you think how lucky Webber was when his car got launched and flipped, even if it wasn't as bad as this accident.


I haven't seen the accident itself (and it may be morbid to ask) but was it the sort of crash you'd expect someone to not survive or more like one of those incidents where you're surprised someone lost their life?


Yeah, think of Webber crash but then the car flies into a wall..

Edit: oh wait, the guy that flew into the wall wasn't the one..? I thought that looked really bad.
Shaneus said:
I haven't seen the accident itself (and it may be morbid to ask) but was it the sort of crash you'd expect someone to not survive or more like one of those incidents where you're surprised someone lost their life?

It looked nasty.


Dead Man said:
No, it was big. Cars flying into the fence type stuff.

Yah, looked pretty awful. In the first video they were showing in-car from Wheldon just before the crash, he looked a long way back... :(


Jetstar pilots do not have as many flight hours as the Qantas pilots

you graduate from Jstar to Qantas (ive spoken to a qf pilot about this who lives next to me)

Hence thats why there is a pay difference. Qantas pilots dont want the Jetstar guys to get the same pay necessarily, they want to ensure that when a 'Red tail' plane as they call them is flying it has a 'red tail' pilot not a Jetstar pilot or even worse a contractor pilot. And when a Jetstar pilot flies the red tailed planes, they get the QF Rates (thus to remove the incentive for management to just put jetstar pilots on QF flights)

Jetconnect is not Qantas. Its a New Zealand based company that has a controlling share interest from Qantas so tags it as so. The pilots are paid about 50% of the QF pilot rate as are the hosties.

What the QF Pilots fear is Qantas putting Jetconnect pilots on long haul flights at the reduced rate.

so you hvae a flight from singapore to sydney. Qantas pilot costs $400 an hour lets say, Jetstar $250 and Jetconnect $200

all 3 are open to you. Which one do you go for? as management the Jconnect

BUT Jetstar and Jetconnect pilots don't have the same hours in the air as the QF pilots so its a higher risk situation. That's what the QF pilots don't like.

Also jetstar pilots are paid 50% less than the highest QF pilots for one main reason

They don't get trained and are not trained in flying Boeing 747s and Airbus A380s which are the most complex planes to fly. My neighbour showed me a video of him in the A380 simulator during a rash of failures he was being tested on. The amount of stuff he was flicking and changing was phenomonal and you need to remember it all.
EatChildren said:
I didn't get a dated impression from Skyward Sword, but that's because I'm a big fan of good motion controls, and I like what they're doing with the sword combat and item interaction. Dated to me implies lacking evolution, especially relative to what else is available, and though I can see how Skyward Sword is 'dated' in terms of rendering technology (it is the Wii, after all), I didn't get that impression from the gameplay.

Again, it is because I put a lot of value on good motion controls, as I feel they have potential to add a unique twist to gameplay that helps keep the experience fresh and updated. If Skyward Sword played exactly like old school Zelda, to a T, then I'd call it dated. But it doesn't, so I won't.
Thanks for the reply but I'm going to go with Bern on this one. He gave far more rationale for his opinion and did not in the slightest seem like he hated well nigh everything and everyone over the weekend, so I trust his views more on this one.


Dead Man said:
No, it was big. Cars flying into the fence type stuff.
At work so couldn't look at the footage. Knowing what happened, I don't think I could bring myself to.

Holy shit at that picture. Carnage. I'm actually wondering whether safety features in US-only motorsport are as stringent as others. Almost every year or two (it seems) there's a death in Nascar or Indy or something.

Did they say what caused it?


Shaneus said:
At work so couldn't look at the footage. Knowing what happened, I don't think I could bring myself to.

Holy shit at that picture. Carnage. I'm actually wondering whether safety features in US-only motorsport are as stringent as others. Almost every year or two (it seems) there's a death in Nascar or Indy or something.

Did they say what caused it?

not yet but indy cars have never been redesigned when people die

where as F1 cars always are. It's also interesting to note that the FIA does not regulate the design of the cars like F1, only the tracks.

For example Massa would have died in his crash before Senna. The exact same thing happened to massa as senna and he survived. Not through luck, through changes to the cars.
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