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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


10/10 does not mean perfect

Also, someone just sent this email around at work

The facts are incredibly interesting - and may the "Good Luck" be shared...
Chinese numerology and Feng Shui for 2011 this year we are going to experience four unusual dates: 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11, and that's not all.

Take the last two digits of the year you were born and the age you will be this year and the result will add up to 111 for everyone!!!! This is the year of MONEY.

Also, this year, October will have 5 Sundays, 5 Mondays & 5 Saturdays. This happens only once every 823 years. These particular years are known as Moneybag years.

The proverb goes that if you send this to eight good friends, money will appear in the next four days, as is explained in the Chinese feng shui.

Those who don't continue the chain won't receive. It's a mystery, but it's worth a try. Good luck to you. This only happens once in 800 years

There are not enough facepalms in the world.


Fredescu said:
This complilation of posts in reaction to the Eurogamer review is amazing: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=32102086&postcount=3251

The review itself sums up how I feel about the Uncharted series:

"as a slice of one-view entertainment, Uncharted 3 is peerless. The execution exhibits a kind of workmanship and polish way beyond the ambition of most other developers, let alone their abilities or budgets. As an expression of all that a video game could be, however, Uncharted 3 is narrow, focused and ultimately shallow. It is a majestic tribute to cinema, a movie game in the literal sense, and your enjoyment will be in precise step with your appreciation of that objective"


It's really easy to forget that those type of fanboys still exist. Just the absolute crazies. Hilarious.

That Eurogamer review sums up Uncharted 1/2 for me.


Cohsae said:
Man that Uncharted compilation is just pure insanity. When is NeoGAF like GameFAQs...

It's pretty insane.

Ive found out on gaf that you dont mention the word fanboy all that often. Terms like xbot/sbot/nintard get you banned if you use them in a discussion about a game. So while I wont use them here, I do have to say one thing:

Some Uncharted fans scare me.

I appreciate the games are good and highly enjoyable, but there is a dangerous focus on them from some people that makes even the Zelda timeline discussion seem reserved by comparison.

edit: Also, Eurogamer aren't what I would call trustworthy. They may have some great review writers, but most of their "news" articles are nothing more than clickbait, selective quotes out of context and occasionally completely wrong. Read a real mag like Games TM instead of Eurogamer. They actually do analysis instead of newcorp stye "reporting".


Omi said:
I distinctly remember you shitting on Eurogamer a while back due to UK studio bias.

Like I said, the EDGE of the online world ;)

the most fucking dumb thing about that thread is

4/5 = 8/10

yet they arent shitting on those reviews

obviously mathematically challenged.


Well that review of Uncharted 3 was from an old (current?) Edge writer. It sure read like an Edge review. Quite well written at least, and I can only imagine the horror some people felt when they scrolled to the score without reading the text.

Anyway, I'll reiterate:
Eurogamer reviews: generally high quality
Eurogamer news articles: Rebekah Brooks quality


Rez said:
Well, it not that strange. You see it all the time. When people are in a Chris Remo/Nick Breken Starcraft-ameba form and all they want to do is absorb everything related to GAME X, a review thread is a giant outlet for that.

If they have the time to that heavily invest in a game, go them, they'll probably enjoy themselves, and that's great. But man, there is some seriously repugnant shit in most of those threads. Compiling the -- uh -- 'fame' is a hilariously effective concept and may help clean future threads up.

I think that's what changed about my gaming habits in the last three to four years.

I can barely think of one game in that period I've submerged myself in pre-release like these people do. And it's not that I'm playing less games or anything. I buy more games than ever (although that's probably due to having access to money that I didn't have before).

Even with my most anticipated games I don't spend hours reading or watching videos. Skyward Sword, for example - I've watched maybe two or three videos and occasionally wandered into threads, only to bail out because of the crazy. And I'm really looking forward to that game. I guess I'm not 'excited' though, in that sense. I'll only really get excited about a game the day before it's due to come out or something.

I even find it hard to discuss games I'm currently playing. I played a lot of Batman over the weekend. A lot. But if I go into the thread there's no hope of any real discussion because as soon as you say anything negative people jump all over you.
The thing about console zealots is that new ones are being made every single day and every single one of them has that fire in their bellies that makes them launch on a crusade to spread the message, by force if necessary.

The question of which company a kid becomes a zealot of is a function of many things. The kid’s friends, the kid’s personality and which console it is that their parents happen to buy them. On the whole, you’ll tend to find that the average Nintendo fan is dorkier than the average Sony fan, for instance.


What's wrong with having a UK studio bias? I fully admit I have one :)

Not because they make games better than other places, which is an absurd notion. It's simply because they're the ones that mad ethe games I grew up with. Braben, Minter, Sensible Software, Bitmap Brothers, Factor 5....aaaaaah lovely.

Anyway i guess my point is that I enjoy reading reviews that admit they're biased. this whole 'objective' thing is complete rubbish.


Choc said:
the most fucking dumb thing about that thread is

4/5 = 8/10

yet they arent shitting on those reviews
In terms of reviews I'd argue that they aren't the same. That they're mathematically equivalent is beside the point.

Gazunta said:
Anyway i guess my point is that I enjoy reading reviews that admit they're biased. this whole 'objective' thing is complete rubbish.
Yeah, articles with a "voice" are a much more interesting read than bland product checklists.



that is awesome :lol


People are complaining about an 8/10 review when the game has received 9 or 10 from every where else? It makes me happy that I never see anyone from AusGAF participate in these carnivals of stupid.


legend166 said:
I think that's what changed about my gaming habits in the last three to four years.

I can barely think of one game in that period I've submerged myself in pre-release like these people do. And it's not that I'm playing less games or anything. I buy more games than ever (although that's probably due to having access to money that I didn't have before).

Even with my most anticipated games I don't spend hours reading or watching videos. Skyward Sword, for example - I've watched maybe two or three videos and occasionally wandered into threads, only to bail out because of the crazy. And I'm really looking forward to that game. I guess I'm not 'excited' though, in that sense. I'll only really get excited about a game the day before it's due to come out or something.

I even find it hard to discuss games I'm currently playing. I played a lot of Batman over the weekend. A lot. But if I go into the thread there's no hope of any real discussion because as soon as you say anything negative people jump all over you.

This post contains so much truth.


Winnie the Pooh didn't end up getting a theatrical release here in Australia, they opted for direct-to-dvd/bd after some limited screenings =[

I really wanted to see that in a cinema, it looks gorgeous



legend if you want to say negative things about Batman, save them for about 1 month when the traditional hype backlash takes hold.

Basically the crazies need to be strapped down Clockwork Orange-style and made to listen to that "8/10: Why so low?" episode of GFW Radio.
hamchan said:
People are complaining about an 8/10 review when the game has received 9 or 10 from every where else? It makes me happy that I never see anyone from AusGAF participate in these carnivals of stupid.

I am silently plotting the demise of anyone who didn't rate it 5/5 10/10 100/100
:p haha

I only really enjoy the pre-hype for big games i am already excited for because it gets me in the mood for the game and gets other people excited for it too (possibly generating more purchases)

It only ever happens if i know a game is going to be really good though. For instance i have no idea if i am going to like skyrim and even though it is considered a big title i will probably end up getting it day 1 and deciding after a few hours with it weather i will play or not. That is a game i am buying based on the hype from GAF and my friends who enjoyed the previous titles. Where i loved Morrowind to bits 500 hours+ and couldn't get past the 1st hour of Oblivion, i hated it.


Plenty of people have said negative things about Batman in the thread with quality posts. Just ignore the assholes that jump on you.


I rarely get into the pre-release hype these days. For me, I think it's a combination of getting older and having other things on my mind other than video games. But yeah, definitely feel the same as what Legend said.


legend166 said:
I think that's what changed about my gaming habits in the last three to four years.

I can barely think of one game in that period I've submerged myself in pre-release like these people do. And it's not that I'm playing less games or anything. I buy more games than ever (although that's probably due to having access to money that I didn't have before).

Even with my most anticipated games I don't spend hours reading or watching videos. Skyward Sword, for example - I've watched maybe two or three videos and occasionally wandered into threads, only to bail out because of the crazy. And I'm really looking forward to that game. I guess I'm not 'excited' though, in that sense. I'll only really get excited about a game the day before it's due to come out or something.

I even find it hard to discuss games I'm currently playing. I played a lot of Batman over the weekend. A lot. But if I go into the thread there's no hope of any real discussion because as soon as you say anything negative people jump all over you.

You got a job thats what has changed

i am the same legend. E3 for me really is now urgh in a way rather than all excite for the new stuff.

I don't read previews any more (unless i have to) and generally only read reviews. I hardly ever read gaming news in terms of doing a search for it. Whatever the sites have on the front page will do me just fine.

It's kinda nice in this way not to follow the hype train because stuff just appears. Like i totally forgot batman came out bought it and its awesome. I also completely forgot uncharted was 3rd Nov!

so, yeah, its a better place to be really.


oh goodness me

Still, Uncharted is Uncharted. I can pay $60 for it, and open it to find that there's no disc inside and I'll be glad I did. :p

that is apple levels of crazy


but ever so delicious
Failed my driving test, No surprise. Got me on signalling or some shit and I was so close to passing.

Booking it right now for end of november since that's the earliest time. If i fail that, I'm fucked.


evlcookie said:
Failed my driving test, No surprise. Got me on signalling or some shit and I was so close to passing.

Booking it right now for end of november since that's the earliest time. If i fail that, I'm fucked.

wtf how many people are doing a driving test in Victoria? or does only 1 registry do it? :|

posted about 4/5 and 8/10 being the same mathematically in the thread

guy says no its not, i said wait so you are denying the laws of mathematics?!

i agree psychologically its not, but metacritic dont care about that ;)


Choc said:
oh goodness me

Still, Uncharted is Uncharted. I can pay $60 for it, and open it to find that there's no disc inside and I'll be glad I did. :p

that is apple levels of crazy

Pretty sure that poster was being sarcastic.


commanderdeek said:
I rarely get into the pre-release hype these days. For me, I think it's a combination of getting older and having other things on my mind other than video games. But yeah, definitely feel the same as what Legend said.
Also agree, and I'm now trying to pinpoint exactly why. I'm hyped for BF3, but I'm not F5'ing threads and watching every trailer.
Part of it was coming to the realisation that 99.9999% of previews are complete PR speak, part of it was realising that often reviews are influenced by publishers/advertisers, and part of it is that my tastes have changed a bit I guess.

I really just don't care about games reviewing as it traditionally exists. I can't remember the last time that a review or review score had anything to do with influencing my purchasing. It's either: recommendation from a friend/forum member, or people talking about it on a podcast. So many of the games I've bought are purely because they sparked a cool discussion on GFW Radio or Idle Thumbs. The discussion is never about are the graphics a 7 or 8, or is the sound a 9. It's about the experience you had while playing it, and what fun/crazy things happened (e.g. grenades rolling down hills).
commanderdeek said:
I rarely get into the pre-release hype these days. For me, I think it's a combination of getting older and having other things on my mind other than video games. But yeah, definitely feel the same as what Legend said.

ok seriously, who is the mysterious girl in you avatar? has this issue been addressed?
It seems to change at least weekly.

hamchan said:
Plenty of people have said negative things about Batman in the thread with quality posts. Just ignore the assholes that jump on you.

if you can manage to filter through all the crap and pick out the legit, good constructive comments i sometimes do find the OT discussions useful if i need info and convincing
On an unrelated note. I put in my QTAC last night for a uni course to support the work i do.
I currently have no quals but i have 4+ years experience, so it is basically about getting me a piece of paper. I will be starting in March i believe (assuming all goes well).

I have always sucked and study and i didn't really have a work ethic for school so uni will be the same. I will be doing full time work still and have to attend to my courses after work and weekends.

Anyone got any advice for me regarding study habits/organization? etc.


Choc said:
You got a job thats what has changed

i am the same legend. E3 for me really is now urgh in a way rather than all excite for the new stuff.

I don't read previews any more (unless i have to) and generally only read reviews. I hardly ever read gaming news in terms of doing a search for it. Whatever the sites have on the front page will do me just fine.

It's kinda nice in this way not to follow the hype train because stuff just appears. Like i totally forgot batman came out bought it and its awesome. I also completely forgot uncharted was 3rd Nov!

so, yeah, its a better place to be really.

I think that just exacerbates for me because I write and think about games most of my working day.

Some of the greatest games this generation have brought me absolutely no joy whatsoever - yet I've still played through them from start to finish. Makes me a bit sad.


Marsh, turn off your video game console, UNPLUG THE PHONE, don't watch TV, and say goodbye to your social life.

That's pretty much it. You don't need to spend money on Task tracking software or books about ruthless German efficiency.
Gazunta said:
Marsh, turn off your video game console, UNPLUG THE PHONE, don't watch TV, and say goodbye to your social life.

That's pretty much it. You don't need to spend money on Task tracking software or books about ruthless German efficiency.

lol, i am not looking forward to missing out on gaming for 4 years.
I will have to become very strict about that i know.

What about in terms of general study though, do you set aside some time each week to review what should be learnt and then just do an overall review before tests? good amount of time to spend each week?

I am thinking the hardest part is going to be spending the time on assignments and projects running alongside work.


Marshmellow said:
ok seriously, who is the mysterious girl in you avatar? has this issue been addressed?
It seems to change at least weekly.
Heh, Reptile already addressed the issue.


Re studying, What will you be studying?

In general, I guess the main thing is to get on top of weekly tutorials, so doing your homework every week. I find constantly doing the work is better than just reviewing lecture notes, leave that for tests and exams. But yeah, working while studying will definitely test your time management skills. If your work is nice, they might let you take a few days off to study for exams! (that's what happened with my sister)
Marshmellow said:
lol, i am not looking forward to missing out on gaming for 4 years.
I will have to become very strict about that i know.

What about in terms of general study though, do you set aside some time each week to review what should be learnt and then just do an overall review before tests? good amount of time to spend each week?

I am thinking the hardest part is going to be spending the time on assignments and projects running alongside work.
It all depends on what style of studying you're comfortable with.

Some people need to constantly study the same thing over and over again until the concept registers. Others pick up on the fundamentals fairly quickly and don't need to read a lot of theory in order to grasp the content.

As for the assignments, it's better if you start much in advance so your work load towards submission day doesn't get hectic. Try not to overload yourself with work.

Or if you are the kind of guy who leaves everything to the last minute, you will have a though time.
commanderdeek said:
Heh, Reptile already addressed the issue.


Re studying, What will you be studying?

In general, I guess the main thing is to get on top of weekly tutorials, so doing your homework every week. I find constantly doing the work is better than just reviewing lecture notes, leave that for tests and exams. But yeah, working while studying will definitely test your time management skills. If your work is nice, they might let you take a few days off to study for exams! (that's what happened with my sister)

Solved! and even better, i shall deduce that you are a FF fan which means you are A-OK! in my books :D

I am studying an engineering diploma for civil as i am a design/drafter for civil.
Work allows something like 4hrs per week for paid study time, i am going to get them to bank it for me so i can just deal with it during study time and then when tests come along i can take an entire week off for prep or assignment work i think.

DeathJr - Or if you are the kind of guy who leaves everything to the last minute, you will have a though time.
Thanks for pointing out that i am totally boned :p I am going to have to try and adapt a method of studying regularly because the only way i work is if i repeat something until i understand it and keep using it.


My sixth and final playthrough of Shadow of the Colossus is complete.

As much as I've always loved the game's world and atmosphere, the gameplay remains shallow, frustrating and patience-testing.

A game best remembered and not revisited.
Cohsae said:
The discussion is never about are the graphics a 7 or 8, or is the sound a 9. It's about the experience you had while playing it, and what fun/crazy things happened (e.g. grenades rolling down hills).
And any place that still rates graphics and sound individually is totally crazy. Sure, if the graphics are amazing or terrible point it out in the review, but as a separate rating? "Oh, BF3 has 0.5 better graphics than MW3, thanks IGN for helping me decide!"


Marshmellow said:
Anyone got any advice for me regarding study habits/organization? etc.

a spaced repetition flashcard system (SRS) is your friend. Tonnes of programs for iphone but I prefer just using Anki on my netbook. Awesome for last minute study if you put it in cram mode (or long term recollection if you keep at it).



Rahk said:
You realise after finishing it for the sixth time?
I played it twice in a row the weekend I got it in 2007, once more about a week later, once each in 2008 and 2009, gave it a rest in 2010 once I learnt the HD version was coming, and came back to it after a 2 year break.


Bernbaum said:
My sixth and final playthrough of Shadow of the Colossus is complete.

As much as I've always loved the game's world and atmosphere, the gameplay remains shallow, frustrating and patience-testing.

A game best remembered and not revisited.
Damn. I've never played it and my copy arrived recently. I don't get much time for action games these days, but I was looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about.


Fredescu said:
Damn. I've never played it and my copy arrived recently. I don't get much time for action games these days, but I was looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about.
Good news: Ico holds up remarkably well and the HD classics version is fantastic.


codswallop said:
And any place that still rates graphics and sound individually is totally crazy. Sure, if the graphics are amazing or terrible point it out in the review, but as a separate rating? "Oh, BF3 has 0.5 better graphics than MW3, thanks IGN for helping me decide!"
Immersion? That would cover sound, graphics and (I guess) things like UI and the general "feel" of the game. That, replayability and story should cover it.
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