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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


RandomVince said:
Just a stupid boss encounter in Arkham City.

Major spoiler (probably about mid-game) and about the 5th boss at a guess.

Why am I fighting a fucking sandcastle?

Because why the fuck not
Long day of work plus overtime towards time in lieu day on Monday for my birthday equals a long post in AusGAF.

Also most of the Uncharted reviews tell me nothing I didn't already know from watching the trailer. Neither pros nor cons were delivered well enough. It will be UC2 part 2, just like UC2 was UC1 part 2. Polished up a bit better, with bigger set pieces and with stronger writing and acting. No brainer either way and is one of the biggest examples of why reviews are meaningless, whether good or bad. A UC3 review should just say, "Loved UC2? Buy UC3. Didn't enjoy the movie like experience of the linear adventure? Give it a rental when you are bored on the weekend and want to kill 8-10 hours or borrow it off a mate."

Only "reviews" that I read are from GAF or RPS.

If I ever become President of Australia it will be law that shitty trivia will be required under every bottle cap of beer that is girt by our sea.

Was going to buy a bunch of books on BookDepository.co.uk as I was sent a 10% off coupon. Couldn't find anywhere to enter the damn thing. Turned out it was a BookDepository.com coupon NOT for the UK site. Also turned out the books were about 7% cheaper on the US site anyway. Double score. Such a great deal I CAN'T not buy them now.

Gabe Newell via RPS said:
And our user base for our first product that we made free to play, Team Fortress 2, increased by a factor of five.
By 5? Pretty stunning since the game had been out for so long and was already so popular. The conversion rate of 30% spending money is impressive too. Article.

BanShunsaku said:
I also have no plans of playing BF3 or MW3, my interest in modern military FPS games could not be any lower. Give me Singularity 2 over these any day.
I would kiss you if you were your avatar. Actually, wait, I would need mouthwash afterwards, but I would still do it.

BanShunsaku said:
I had something similar last year. When I got home with my copy of AC Brotherhood I realised I had never finished AC2. So I started playing AC2 and and I realised I never finished AC1.
Smashed through the first 2 games at release and loved the hell out of them. Waited on Bro and haven't touched much of it, will wait on Rev and AssCreedIII for a massive binge on the worlds when the final part of the trilogy (lol) comes out next year.

evlcookie said:
Why are the textures in rage so shitty as you step out at the starting area and that pop-in.
Just playing with the most recent patch, with the most recent beta Nvidia drivers on a Q6600 and GTX460. Only had a few moments of pop in but after 6 or so hours it only happened probably 3 times, very early on. Make sure you have textures on high in the settings and Vsync on. Tearing was horrible without it on. That first look outside did indeed have some pop in as the engine was bringing up the textures into cache. Seems fine once you are scooting around in a buggy. Looks like damn fine concept art most of the time. No custom config for me.
Edit: New Nvidia drivers are up

Cohsae said:
Man that Uncharted compilation is just pure insanity. When is NeoGAF like GameFAQs...
Happens with all the BIG big release games. Especially when it is an exclusive that fanboys hang their hat on.

Choc said:
4/5 = 8/10
yet they arent shitting on those reviews
obviously mathematically challenged.
lol the best thing is in the original first review thread that one guy was arguing that Uncharted 2 getting 21/20 was a better score than Zelda or something getting a 11/10.

Gazunta said:
Anyway i guess my point is that I enjoy reading reviews that admit they're biased. this whole 'objective' thing is complete rubbish.
Agreed whole heartedly. Makes the whole thing a lot more engaging and entertaining. Makes the writers job a lot easier too. As long as they don't attach a score of course.

jambo said:
Winnie the Pooh didn't end up getting a theatrical release here in Australia, they opted for direct-to-dvd/bd after some limited screenings =[
Looks stunning on Blu Ray, wish my son was old enough to enjoy it properly. He loved the start of The Lion King but his attention span hasn't gotten into that middle ground of having any before losing it entirely during uni years yet.

Choc said:
Still, Uncharted is Uncharted. I can pay $60 for it, and open it to find that there's no disc inside and I'll be glad I did. :p
Uncharted 4 launching with PS4 with DD only games confirmed.

Gazunta said:
You don't need to spend money on Task tracking software or books about ruthless German efficiency.
Can I get that if I eat the mummified heart of Einstein?

roosters93 said:
Working 6:45 - 16:00 today. Sucks balls.
Doing 8am to 6:30pm for part of this week so I can have my birthday off on Monday. Going to have fun times in Geelong and catch up with mates. Hoping my mate can get us a cheap room at the Crown Plaza in Torquay.

Neverender said:

Gazunta said:
The first rule?
"Every game is played by THREE people. This is really the only way of avoiding inaccurate reviews caused by a single person's quirky tastes."
They fucking solved this review problem 26 years ago.
Pffft. Famitsu have FOUR reviewers!

RandomVince said:
Today I give up* coffee.
Exception being in social situations. Going to stop drinking the three per day I have been, and avoid relying on it for nightshift.
Everytime you subconsciously go to grab a coffee fill up a big glass of water instead and smash down half a glass instantly. Then refill the glass and keep it with you all day long. Worked great in cutting out my coffee habit. Now I only have it when I am out and going past a Gloria Jeans or something and the little guy wants some Gingerbread Men. Expensive coffee machine is sitting in the garage somewhere, probably should dust it off and try and get some coin for it.

Bernbaum said:
Oh and also ecstasy. I once took three ecstasy tablets in the space of two hours because they weren't as effective on me as they used to be because I was taking it every week and I just wasn't getting high.
Sounds like my experience at a Reel Big Fish/Goldfinger concert a few years back. I swear that Nasty Kev fucked us over though with the Blues. None of us had a high until 4 hours later after we had like 4 each. Never bought drugs from that arsehole again.

Gazunta said:
I drank 3 litres of Coca-Cola a day until one day I went blind because I didn't have any Coca-Cola by 10am. I gave up cold turkey after that.
Shit, this is ALSO me. Aside from the turkey part. Still go grab a VCoke from a nearby vending machine when I am having a shit day at work. I lived off 4-6 litres of VCoke, 3 packets of Mi Goreng (original flavour and the best) and cheese Twistys for about 6 months. Oh and weed. Coke is expensive shit though. So much cheaper now that I just drink Diet Rite coridal. So refreshing and healthy! Everyone should have a Diet Rite!!!

Choc said:
the sabotuer for one
Velvet Assasin for anotehr
I had blocked out how horrible Velvet Assassin was. The Saboteur was a solid 76 on MetaCritic which I think is deserved as it was a bit rough, especially on PC. Came across quite a few bugs in the 360 version that were really irritating. Would love a polished sequel.

Aon said:
Who knew Choc was a massive fan of WW2 Stealth-ish games?
Could this be the secret behind his move to Sony?!
Hopefully he took the gutted remains of Pandemic with him. They deserved better. :(

Omi said:
Pretty much. Guess RPS aren't getting a review copy.
I'm sure they are used to it at this point. The tl;dr for the Skyrim review would probably be "wait for the game making mods".

Salazar said:
Starting up Rugby Challenge. Hope this is good.
Rented it for the week for $1.50 and spent all my time on exam study and then RAGE. Handed it back today without even opening the cover. Soon. Soon my pretty, I will come back for you. For another $1.50.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
I did notice throughout uni that I would only ever randomly meet cute girls when I was already in a relationship. It was most frustrating.
Has happened my whole life. Seems to be because when you are in a relationship you are more relaxed and seem more approachable. When you are single and down on your luck they probably notice you putting up the periscope trying to find that damn white whale around here somewhere and get creeped out. Also some women target married men exclusively. It is really fascinating. My fellow administration worker is a 29 year old single mum of 2, her social life and the social lives of her friends shock me. Very glad to go home and be boring and talk about video games.

legend166 said:
Okay, so do people really feel this way about Uncharted games? Am I just a heartless robot?
That is how I feel, well, aside from the heart break bit. The story is really engrossing and the writing/acting top notch. It is like a 4th Indiana Jones for me. I grew up loving Raiders and the whole mystique of Egypt, etc so games like Uncharted and Assassins Creed that re-create that feeling of adventure that most movies and games have left behind mean that much more to me. I just want some fun escapism. The journey is the best part of the experience.

Choc said:
Sadly the majority of Australians don't care. It isn't fair and it isn't right but I have given up on it changing.

RandomVince said:
By comparison, a simpler more powerful (if thats the right word) moment can be had at the end of MGS3 where you have to press the square button. That was kind of like the guilt-inducing moments of Shadow of the Colossus I guess.
But I wouldnt attempt to write poetry about it like Mr IGN seems to have done.
Hell yes. It didn't help that IGN have the writing ability of a wet paper bag. I remember reading a really great piece on this on RPS a few years back, talking about the experience of playing Deus Ex and just how engrossing everything had become.

legend166 said:
Yeah, but...it's like playing through a direct-to-DVD sequel in The Mummy franchise. Did anyone tear up when Rachel Weisz 'died' at the end of The Mummy Returns?
Who DIDN'T? Evie was so hot and such a nice person for a 15 year old.
Also the bitch who was trying to kill her ended up as Marta on Arrested Development.

Omi said:
Ok, admit it, who cried like a big fucking girl when Aerith died.
I never even used the useless mole on my first playthrough so that was quite the huge event it could have been, still shocking to lose a main in such a fashion. Certainly made me want to beat the shit out of Sephiroth even more. Best game eva!!!

RandomVince said:
The closest a game has brought me to tears is the Cortana level in Halo 3 and the fucking cheap wall hugging flood fuckers. Ruined the game.
LOL Cortana was the worst Halo level ever. They never did use the Flood well. Halo was much better in the more open spaces where the Flood just didn't work.

Bernbaum said:
Call me unreasonably optimistic, but I'm gonna go ahead and interpret this tweet as rock-solid confirmation that there is a new Idle Thumbs on the way.
Grenade time bitches. Maybe some kind of gathering at Irrational? Hopefully. I want more Irrational news.

VOOK said:
Bash Halloween on Reddit, get Downvoted, who knew?
Halloween is only second to St Patricks Day as the greatest day in the universes calender. It was when my stunning visage was first seen on this coil which is cause for celebration by none and all. Plus kids get to stay out late and kill their teeth with candy. Sweet, sweet candy. Also Costume Quest.

Bernbaum said:
I don't remember that Ninja Turtle. What weapon did he have?

Kritz said:
It's the year 2011, why we still got physical currency and minimum eftpos limits?
Financial crisis. People gotta think that they have real money and not just fake money.
Also fucking eftpos limits. Damn you Warrnambool, most places require at least $10 and a lot don't even HAVE eftpos available. One place was nice enough to swipe and scan $10 and just give me the change out of the register though, class act.

Rahk said:
You can only have one soldier in BF3 and it uses your Origin account name. Also no easy way to change your account name. That's a potential security risk as people could brute force your password.
Bringing forth parity features with consoles. Looking forward to seeing what the pirate BF3 servers show off.

Bernbaum said:
They're just a bunch of polygons you nerds! Part of the reason why I empathised with the humans and not the stupid hippy Navi in Avatar.
Nah you just cheered for the douchey humans who wanted to rape the land of its resources. You evil man. ;)


Jintor said:
Ask Adam. /me shrugs

I'm angling for a media pass, but not sure, since I know someone else is already going.
I just checked out the website. Turns out it's a full serious academic debate about games, so uhhh no thanks lol. No idea why I thought it would be a GDC at MQ type thing.

In case anyone is interested:



Jesus fuck. That's like the third or fourth RS megapost in a row where he hasn't quoted me at all. Either I'm not posting enough, not posting enough quality stuff, or... something else.

Coincidentally though, I just finished a glass of Diet Rite portello fizzy stuff. So goddamned awesome.
Super excited to get a nice, pristine hardcover copy of Hush in the mail soon. Also ordered the Uncharted book and the special Game Guide which looks great. Hopefully they put out another art book to. Also grabbed Ashley Wood's MGS artbook which looks amazing.

3chopl0x said:
I know that feel
I had several mum jokes lined up but it really is hard to top perforating a womans lady part after already being left jagged and disfigured by the beauty that is birthing a pile of goo in a t-shirt.
Actually it surprisingly isn't. The vagina is a very impressive material. Maybe it is what our troops should be wearing.

Jintor said:
All my coins go towards Eclipse mints.
I lived on the little round ball mints in high school. Just had them in my mouth to break up the boredom. The taste was okay I guess, it was mainly to counter nervousness. Worked thankfully! Was very close to one of the super hot chicks in VCE. Damn bro code got in the way of that though. :(

Salazar said:
Yeah, Rugby Challenge is boss. Scrum mechanic still eludes me a bit.
If Video 2000 take it off the rental shelf I will be super pissed now. I had heard good things and Tru Blu have made solid games in the past.

commanderdeek said:
I think reptile quotes people he likes, or people who always write decent posts.

I do not fulfil either category:lol
Since I am so late to the party I only reply to things that I feel a need to put in my 2 cents just so everyone can feel that that opinion exists and some strange lad in this world remembers The Mummy more as Those Mammories.
You are too busy engrossed by Forza Shaneus. Also Aldi have that fizzy Diet Rite pretty cheap last time I checked. Only grab the cordial from Safeway for $4 myself. Low sugar!

Bernbaum said:
I didn't mind Crystal Skull
It raped my childhood memories.

Dead Man

Shaneus said:
Jesus fuck. That's like the third or fourth RS megapost in a row where he hasn't quoted me at all. Either I'm not posting enough, not posting enough quality stuff, or... something else.

Coincidentally though, I just finished a glass of Diet Rite portello fizzy stuff. So goddamned awesome.
I only post so RS might quote me, it's how I judge success.


reptilescorpio said:
You are too busy engrossed by Forza Shaneus. Also Aldi have that fizzy Diet Rite pretty cheap last time I checked. Only grab the cordial from Safeway for $4 myself. Low sugar!

http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ldrg6yKwkl1qfevv5o1_400.gif[IMG] It raped my childhood memories.[/QUOTE]
Even where you talk to me, you don't quote.

You used to be cool, man.
[QUOTE=Dead Man]I only post so RS might quote me, it's how I judge success.[/QUOTE]
I've given up on that now. From now on, I'm going to post for myself and no-one else. No more impressing randoms on the internet for me.

[QUOTE=Bernbaum]Pfftt... success is measured in retweets by Serrels.[/QUOTE]
OH SHIT. I think I win that one. Not because of Serrels, but I've been RT'd by Steve Gaynor.
I'm on my iPad so I cbf replying to shit lol
What is rps
And what is that tasty picture of reptile

Edit: I should google before I ask simple questions. Rock, paper, shotgun I presume.
I don't know why I asked anyway, I don't play vidya games. Ausgaf is best when the topic is anything else.
roosters93 said:
I'm on my iPad so I cbf replying to shit lololol
What is rps
And what is that tasty picture of reptile
RPS. RockPaperShotgun. Opinion based news service for PC gamers, based in the UK. It is fun and enjoyable. Commentors have fallen off in the last few years though, I suppose even Kotaku had great commentors many moons ago too though. RPS is great just for a light hearted look at gaming news.

Also picture may be either Diet Rite cordial which is low in all bad things and medium in taste, a sandwich which was a play on words for the false turtle god and Alison Pill in the fantastic Scott Pilgrim movie that did everything possible to make a 2 hour version of the graphic novels work. Same thing happened with Watchmen. Deserved to be mini-series the both of them.

Omi said:
Visio can burn in some sort of hell of hells.

Shaneus said:
Even where you talk to me, you don't quote.

You used to be cool, man.
I was about to ask if you wanted to grab a few beers this weekend but now you hurt my feelings. :(

Also that dude is right about review scores. 5/5 has a different meaning to 10/10, especially if the 5/5 scale does not have .5 and shit. You can understand that just by looking at other media. A 3 star album isn't seen to be as bad as a 6/10 game, etc.


but ever so delicious
It's not the V that's interesting it's the FIVE and the font it uses.

It looks super fucking familiar for some reason. I think it's clearly american but it's certainly from a specific part.
Bernbaum said:
I think GTAV may have currency or currency-like in game items of some description.
Also strange timing. Takes the wind out of the LA Noire PC sail, not that they care too much about it.
Expected maybe a trailer a week or two after Max Payne 3, not this soon.


butt fucks MW3 and BF3 hardcore if the trailer is epic

those games will still sell but everyone will be talking about V


commanderdeek said:
I just checked out the website. Turns out it's a full serious academic debate about games, so uhhh no thanks lol. No idea why I thought it would be a GDC at MQ type thing.

In case anyone is interested:


Game On should be okay if you're into indies. lol@you expecting the EB Expo down at MQ though.


Rezbit said:
First game of basketball in about a decade. Didn't have enough players on the bench. Is this what death feels like?

My first game of football after a layoff of about two years left me in a pretty terrible state. It got better week by week, but that first game just knocked me flat. I was pale, breathless, my chest was burning, my legs were weak, I was chock-full of that phlegm you get from reckless exertion.
TELSTRA is offering business owners the chance to spy on their workers on the road for less than $40 a month.

The telco giant has partnered with GPS service provider Navman to offer a small tracking device to install in company vehicles which will connect with the Next G wireless network.

The device lets bosses see locations, times, speed, and any unauthorised vehicle usage transmitted live for $38.50 a month on a 36-month contract or paid upfront.



Salazar said:
My first game of football after a layoff of about two years left me in a pretty terrible state. It got better week by week, but that first game just knocked me flat. I was pale, breathless, my chest was burning, my legs were weak, I was chock-full of that phlegm you get from reckless exertion.

I've been coughing up a lung. Ugh.
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