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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Jintor said:
Okay, what's like a shipping redirection service where I can get stuff shipped to a US address and then international'd on to me.

I don't fucking understand why Amazon can't store my address location data - hell, it does that already - and just straight up tell me "Hey, dude, this shit doesn't ship to where you are" before I end up in the checkout.

I've been using Myus.com for a year or so, they have great service. I get them to consolidate all my parcels to save on shipping and delivery times are really fast.

Also, if you were logged in with your Amazon account set to a default Australian address it should have said "does not ship to your location" in red text on the item page.


Tasmania doesn't seem that awful from here. That said, I am extremely careful to avoid any and all local news sources, so I wouldn't know.
Yoshiya said:
Tasmania doesn't seem that awful from here. That said, I am extremely careful to avoid any and all local news sources, so I wouldn't know.
So if one isolates oneself from all external stimuli, Tasmania is bearable?


Planet_JASE said:
So if one isolates oneself from all external stimuli, Tasmania is bearable?
My life is very comfortable, really. I live in a suburb reasonably close to the centre of Hobart, don't venture out further, avoid local news and avoid bogans. I'm pretty picky about who I associate with.

It seems to work. It must be said, Tasmania has very real stunning natural attractions and the weather isn't that awful, so it's really just many of its people which let the island down.

Edit: The 2011 HDI is out tonight, let's put those fucking Norwegians in their combustible liquid hydrocarbon funded place (#2). I'm a crazy person who likes development league tables haha, don't ask. I normally find even the slightest patriotic attitudes abhorrent.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a staunch believer in isolation, it just seemed a weird way to add your support for your state.


I don't see no one. Don't see nothing. I will hate you if you disturb me and destroy you for doing so.



Heh, I'm sociable enough, it's just a matter of blocking out the people that ruin the state for others. I've lived elsewhere and seen similar problems. Tasmania's population is the most decentralised of any state, so it disproportionately suffers from the issues of regional population centres nationwide (eg. poor educational attainment, bogans). The state is poorer in general.


Rahk said:
I've seen them before, they freak me out. Then again, anything bigger than a pidgey already freaks me out!

Jintor said:
Any good? Just checked shipping on Amazon from 6 different places all at once, culminative shipping cost was three times the total cost of the items.
Haven't used them before, but clipper uses them a lot. Ask him when he posts.


but ever so delicious
Well fuck, Ubank lowered their savings accounts by 40 base points, Now it's 6.11% with the auto savings plan instead of 6.51%.

I wonder if other places will follow or if I should move my money into a higher rate account.
evlcookie said:
Well fuck, Ubank lowered their savings accounts by 40 base points, Now it's 6.11% with the auto savings plan instead of 6.51%.

I wonder if other places will follow or if I should move my money into a higher rate account.
Quite a few banks drop their savings account interest rates when they drop their mortgage rates. Otherwise they would go broke. Poor, poor, poor banks.


MrSerrels said:
Didn't know you climbed -- where do you climb?

I'm pretty much obsessed with it.
Used to do it regularly about 3 years ago, just starting to get back into it again. Man, I lost form.

If anything, indoor rock climbing centers are a great place to have a perv. Tonight was boob central.


I'm only 75% happy with tomorrow's comic. Will a session of Daytona fix this?

No, no it won't. I need to get this finished.

Damn it :/
Man Samsung Kies sucks BALLS. Spent the last 2 hours trying to update my phone before saying fuck it and just leaving it. Why the hell do company's make the process so damn hard?

Listening to the 10th Anniversary edition of Iowa, shit I feel old now. Still damn good.

Hadn't touched the back lawns for about 3 weeks. Setup the whipper snipper and then realised it was like a damn jungle out there. No idea how I am going to cut it back, may need to go in on hands and knees are pull the crap out. Inspection on Friday. Joy.

Also waiting on RAM to be delivered tomorrow to complete my build, still need to hook up all the power cables but I have nfi which ones are needed and what go where. Also Uncharted 3 tomorrow. But house inspection on Friday. Fuck.

Choc said:
also you can expect UC3 to break today i think. We've already had to shutdown some stores selling it.
I wish it did. :(
Was tracking whirlpool all day, ended up just a few Target stores releasing stock when it arrived. Was hoping Harvey Norman would break enough for EBGames to price match. Will have to make a lunch time run tomorrow. And then call back sick to work.

Omi said:
New favourite thread is the one where some analyst has said GTAV will be DD only. The people stating they will never game again if games go DD only is just, amazing.
More shocking that a bunch of morons would think that the sequel to one of the biggest games of the generation, which will be on every platform known to man, would be DD only. I could see Sony doing a big exclusive DD only game to push what they wanted to do with the PSPGo! but Rockstar like money. Rockstar like money enough to focus on their release and worry about the extra money later once they can see how much it will cost exactly, like how GTA4 came to PC late once they had the resources to do it in an efficient manner. Still sandy about no RDR though.

Nemesis556 said:
Does anyone here know a good place I could import MGS HD Collection's Limited Edition from? I can't find anywhere that uses it, usually I would just import from VideoGamesPlus.ca but they aren't stocking it :(
Have you not heard about our Lord and saviour OzGameShop? Harken a look at the good book child! Child, please! Never pay full price again! Be the envy of your friends with posters, wallets, LBP branded keychains and gangsta hats starting from the low, low price of $4.99! Here you can pick up the HD colletion for $44! I would even recommend grabbing a brand new copy of the PlayStation Two classic MGS2: Substance for $17! They also have the vanilla edition of MGS3 for $16!

HolyCheck said:
The number of games I play on consoles would plummit.

I like owning discs.

It means the game is MINE.
I seem to have a penchant for collecting games rather than playing them, so my Steam library is a good example of how DD could work very,very well. PC DD sales also just eclipsed the amount of Retail PC sales last year which is a good indication of how successful the lower price model is doing. That model certainly isn't implemented on consoles, and as such I have much, much less DD content on my PS3/360. Stuff like Bastion and Costume Quest would be a PC purchase for instance as I would be fairly certain that it would go on special for much lower than I would ever see on PSN/XBLA.
Also seeing a bargain in a store/online for a retail game that used to $80 but is now $30 makes it much more likely that I will pick it up, even if the game was a bomba. Thankfully full games on PSN seem to be coming down in price so maybe that is a good indication of publishers using the full spectrum of pay brackets in accordance with the value attributed to the product by consumers. I have learnt not to assume to far though after this generation has become "interesting" to say the least in regards to the 'value' in a game put to consumers. DLC, Project $10, always online, exclusive content, etc.

viciouskillersquirrel said:
So I preordered Skyward Sword from Play-Asia.Looks like no GAF for me for most of November *sigh*
PlayAsia tend to be pretty quick with deliveries right? Most stuff reaches me within 7 days, not sure on their policy regarding mailing out pre-order stuff early to try and have it to you around release day.

Omi said:
I hope you are being sarcastic. Really.
Why? Having a physical copy of something gives you a lot of control over your purchase. A DD copy might disappear forever, the next console generation may not allow it to transfer over. A HDD crash could mean that product is gone. A physical copy means you always have some control over your ability to use it in the future, whether it be through official means or through hacks created by the gaming community.

I can play my copies of Sam & Max Hit The Road and CMI even if the latest operating system clashes with it since a part of the community has developed a way (ScummVM in this case) to allow me access to it again.

In the case of DD the argument could be made that anything put up in a downloadable form can be stored away on the internet and in the future can be accessed in less official, maybe illegal means to continue to have access.

I understand your point that we aren't actually buying a product, more a rental licence. The problem is that it still is not being sold in that fashion. People don't expect to be told, or be held, to that.

codswallop said:
CDs are still sold in shops, and games will be until everyone everywhere has unlimited high speed Internet.
I just bought a bunch of new records too. Every kind of media will have it's place while it still offers us some kind of benefit that tips the buying decision in it's favour. If the next GTA was going to be 120Gb to download I am sure a lot of people would opt for a physical edition since the benefit of not having to download and store all that data would be worth any attributable negatives.

Choc said:
what if it was IOS only.....
How profitable have previous GTA games been on iOS? The nature of iOS would also make it silly to make such a huge franchise exclusive to a smaller revenue market. If it was the best decision Rockstar would have already done it. To be honest I see them making a mid range budgeted GTA flagship title on PC before targeting the iOS platform for a flagship title.

jambo said:
In fact it wouldn't surprise me if PC was Day 1 with consoles.
Will depend on how much they are pushing the engine and how much content they want. To be honest I would expect Rockstar to shoot for day one PC release because of how strong PC sales have been lately but unless they put one of the subsidiary studios on it I don't think it will be a priority. If Leeds are doing a solid job of the LA Noire PC conversion, staying on budget and time most importantly, I would expect them to move into GTA5 PC development as soon as LA ships.

Hopefully Rockstar are taking an all-hands-on-deck approach and will throw all the studios at the release to make sure each element of the game are polished beyond what we saw in GTA4. Would be nice to see it based in Japan what with them having a localisation studio there that could be full of untapped potential. Would inject a fresh element into the series which has been pretty formulaic since GTA3 (not that I am complaining of course!).

Rez said:
The warm, friendly experts at JB Hifi would be more than willing!
Any idea if there will be a store opening in Warrnambool? There has been one in Ballarat for ages! Help meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I think we are getting a Big W though which would be nice too.

Choc said:
i actually think that Unchartered is going to make its street date
Damn yoooooooooooooooooooooou Choc! Let the dogs out! We won't tell who!

jambo said:
I used to be firmly in the "owning the game camp," but after some rumination on the subject I've moved to the "owning a license to play game" camp.
If done correctly and detailed to the public I have no problem with this. The problem is that you rarely see the word licence anywhere other than the fine print. Usually games are advertised as, "Buy this game!" rather than "Buy a licence to play this game!". This isn't an issue specific to software, as music and movies have the same issue. The main attribute in the equation that makes it a bigger deal is the much, much larger sum of money you usually hand over. DVD's are what, $30 at most? Music the same. When the RRP of games are triple that it becomes a dangerous proposition to tell a potential consumer what they are getting.

Omi said:
Episode 3.
The continuing adventures of Omi trying to crush my soul! I hope you are happy with yourself! I have tried to wipe the idea of another Half Life from my mind for a long time now. :(

codswallop said:
Interesting... Wikipedia says that the 'Robin Edition' of Arkham City was supposedly exclusively available to Game and Gamestation in the UK, but OzGameShop has it.
You can find a lot of those kind of exclusives end up being available on Zavvi/TheHut as well. All depends on their supplier and how little the supplier cares about the DLC codes I would guess.

Bernbaum said:
The suits in commercial want to take me to lunch at the titty place but I'm wearing a corporate-branded polo and it's a potential PR concern.

White whine man should stop off at the Rich Mans Store and buy a $1000 suit for the purpose of being doused in stripper pole oil and glitter. You can afford it after selling all those third world rocks into labour camps.

RandomVince said:
Well obviously I'm not talking about steam games. I'd love to see someone try and crack down on second hand sales. Police arresting anyone selling games in the local flea markets. Go on cunts, try it.
The weekly computer market in Geelong has 2 stalls how sell thousands of pirated copies of 360 games. They are there every week. They pay the $10 table fee and sell illegal games. If publishers want to hit consumers for selling their goods they have better things to do with their time.

Choc said:
im not saying this is the correct way for people to do business, but its there.
It will decrease the value of the product in the eyes of the consumer. It will happen since so many publishers are too pigheaded to ignore the possible short term benefits. Should be an impressive plummet in games sales once a negative campaign gains steam and people become aware of the situation (if and when it occurs).

ShyGuy said:
LOL no...there was a mention in the previous page, and then this page was all about "owning a licence" and stuff like that.
So I thought I'd just quickly ask if anyone had actually gotten it yet...via a broken street date.
No good?
The best place to always look in regards to street dates is in the Whirlpool Gaming forums. Aside from Twitter of course.

Choc said:
Serrels may disagree with this, and Jintor
Without games, they aint got a job
Actually every person working in publishing, distribution etc
Without hackers security firms wouldn't have jobs, etc. This parallel can be drawn to many elements of society, cause and effect.

codswallop said:
My point is that software is software is software. It shouldn't matter whether it is for entertainment, productivity or something automated.

However, the licenses for things like SQL Server probably explicitly say you can't resell them whereas boxed games probably don't. Has anyone actually bothered to read them in their entirety?
The lawyers here can detail how important this line is. If I buy a product and it does not operate as advertised to me I am fairly certain I can take it back for a refund.

Do publishers make it obvious enough that when we buy a 360 game we are not allowed to trade it back into EBGames? Especially when EB advertise and ASK for us to trade are games in? Why would that mean we can't give a 360 game to our brother or sister to play? There isn't a big sign in EBGames saying, "We are the ONLY place you can trade your games into! Stop being a dirty criminal and trade safe!"

Jintor said:
What does absurdity have to do with it? Law is law. An appeal to rational emotion or gut feeling isn't going to get you anywhere here. (Unless we're talking, I don't know, in equity or something).
This kind of statement makes me a sad panda. :(
Would prefer our society to act in a rational manner rather than taking a set of rules and following it to the letter regardless of how times have changed. I read a similar response to someone I was talking to on Facebook about Sharia law. I know that you are saying that focused entirely on the case of law itself but we need to step back and look at the bigger picture and the ramifications involved.

Gazunta said:
No credits in the demo :(
They really need to have this shit up online. EVERYONE involved should be credited in some way. Would be nice to see it have a drop down section on wiki with all the credits, used to love Mobigames for that. No idea if they still do.

EatChildren said:
Choc works for Sony?

Fuck that shit.

How is that any worse than EA? At least this way maybe we can get some goss on the PS4...

hamchan said:
I believe I own games when I buy them. If I ever can't play my games on Steam because they ban my account, i'll see it as my right to pirate every single game that was on it.
This is basically the view of the majority of consumers. If I buy something why should I put up with being cut off from it? Especially when it is so damn easy to get it for free. Actually, fuck it, why am I paying in the first place?

I absolutely don't actually mean that you are a pirate Hamchan, just that this kind of destructive business practice would lead to piracy becoming even more socially acceptable.

Choc said:
They will get EA games 1 day before from now on as well for a little while
Doesn't seem like much of a punishment since street dates still exist. Just prevents them from breaking again.

Rezbit said:
Hey what how come Arkham City was $50 on Steam for ages, now it says it's $100. Did someone forget to press a button? Were people able to get it for $50, or are they now like "lol just kidding more money please"?
Games typically go up at US prices and then get adjusted after a few weeks. No idea on the logic. Maybe Steam put the game up without change from the publisher or it is some kind of clause that the publisher must abide by. In any case just grab Steamworks games from GMG with whatever 20% off coupon they have at the time.

RandomVince said:
I love how xbox games on demand and ps3 equivalents are more than local RRP.

eg Fifa 2012: $109.95.

What the fuck for?!
Pressure from retailers. "You price us out of the games, we refuse to stock your consoles". Won't be any progress made in that regard unless Sony/MS/Nintendo make it so you can buy the console directly from them, which I think is a fantastic idea and would streamline the supply chain enough to lower costs and required prices.

jambo said:
Will SEGA make a stink if Sonic Generations breaks street date?
A retailer not getting the next Sonic game might not actually be a bad thing :lol
wtf! Colours was fantastic and Generations looks great too, especially under $30 on PC from GMG. Don't be a hater dude! Sonic CD HD looks like the real deal too, nice to see SEGA get their head out of their arse finally.

Rezbit said:
If you want to see some fucked up stuff go and look at that "Naked woman climbs inside a dead horse thread." Pretty much shows why less and less I'm going into the other forums - gaming is full of annoying fanboys and general childishness, and OT is full of people like in that thread, saying "OMG DAT ASS!" among other things. Eh.
Is it wrong that when I read this bit I instantly looked up the thread? I am part of the problem. :(

MrSerrels said:
I already did the troll 'Guess what game broke street date' for Goldeneye. Do I risk the ire of the Kotaku readers by posting another?
Should have gone with "Guess which wet kitty broke street date!"

midonnay said:
not a site....but jdownloader (download manager program) works great.
you just right-click and copy the link and it'll show up automatically in the program.
I highly recommend this recommendation. Also downloads stuff insanely faster than anything else I have used. Could not live without it these days.

Fredescu said:
So breaking street dates can sometimes be good? :p
I laughed

VOOK said:
MrTaco has been around for a while, always bitches.
I guess if I had never caused this Zelda OoT 3D stir, this might have not happened.
No one will ever know my feat ;(
Crusader for the PAL people!
(Today, 03:54 PM)

You have my thanks at least, the more journalists who do investigative reporting the better. If I was into Nintendo stuff I would certainly frequent Vooks.net a lot.

Choc said:
even if BC? they are fucking insane. They tend to go for insane amounts on ebay because of the BC
They would be too worried about the 12 month warranty though. I doubt EB do much to them when they get a trade in console.

Bernbaum said:
Just got the call from Harvey Norman. My $78 Uncharted 3 LE will be available from the counter tomorrow.
Lunch time run to EB better result in them price matching Harvey Norman. Thankfully the HN got stock in today but were holding release until tomorrow. I can almost taste it now.

Jintor said:
Oh yeah, best place to preorder that Skyward Sword plz
OLAS OGS had the bundle for $80 for a while but have probably exhausted their allocation. Vanilla is $52.


Also who could pass up a deal like this!?! LBP Nathan Drake keyring only $5!!!!

Also Turtle Beach XLC headphones for 360 for $20. Decent cheap headphones for 360 gaming so you don't keep the family up. Only up for another hour at that price. Great deal for people like me who have a child in the next room asleep.

Salazar said:
UQ Arts faculty facing the most amazingly bullshit cuts.
WTF? Reads like they want to get into the Child Care industry or something?

Salazar said:
It's ridiculous. We are, in a moderately bitter irony, moving into an expensively refurbished Michie building around the end of the year.
Upper management get a cushy building to wander around while not actually putting it to any actual use. Sounds like a University decision all right.

Also sorry to hear the news, really sucks.

Rahk said:
Oh man. Don't tell anyone but Malleefowl actually tastes fantastic. Evens the Parks ranger from 10 odd years ago used to agree.

Gazunta said:
I'm only 75% happy with tomorrow's comic. Will a session of Daytona fix this?

No, no it won't. I need to get this finished.

Damn it :/
Chuck in a random explosion. Always works a treat. Can't help but laugh at Presidog flying through the air looking all boss.


I just got raped by quotes.

Anyway, reptile, I asked for somewhere to pre-order the Limited Edition, not the standard.

Nemesis556 said:
I just got raped by quotes.

Anyway, reptile, I asked for somewhere to pre-order the Limited Edition, not the standard.

PlayAsia has a listing but don't have them up for pre-order yet. Other than that I haven't seen it advertised anywhere. Are we even going to get it down here? Does anyone even remember this collection is coming out?


Nemesis556 said:
I just got raped by quotes.

Anyway, reptile, I asked for somewhere to pre-order the Limited Edition, not the standard.

Amazon has the text that indicates it should ship to Austalia (That text is "Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S."). It's only $16US shipping, or $25US couriered. Buy other stuff in the same order (even pre-orders that will ship separately) for $6 each or $3 each respectively (and yes, that does make couriered cheaper if you buy more than 3 items).


Jesus fucking Christ Reptile.

Yeah, GiantBomb has a credits section you can help update. I added myself to it :p

It's just me and the lead coder so far, who also added himself :)
Clipper said:
Amazon has the text that indicates it should ship to Austalia (That text is "Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S."). It's only $16US shipping, or $25US couriered. Buy other stuff in the same order (even pre-orders that will ship separately) for $6 each or $3 each respectively (and yes, that does make couriered cheaper if you buy more than 3 items).
Damnit I really need to make the effort to work out the Amazon system for us Australians. How do you know what we can get imported? Is there a specific part of the store that we can't use? What are shipping times like?

Also I noticed that Skyrim and MW3 leaked on 360. Damn you street dates, I want to play games meoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow.


Nemesis556 said:
I just got raped by quotes.

Anyway, reptile, I asked for somewhere to pre-order the Limited Edition, not the standard.


Incidentally, EB have it listed locally on PS3. I ordered it today.


RandomVince said:
Incidentally, EB have it listed locally on PS3. I ordered it today.

I can't be bothered waiting till 2012. >_> I will probably have to if they don't confirm it's region free.


reptilescorpio said:
Damnit I really need to make the effort to work out the Amazon system for us Australians. How do you know what we can get imported? Is there a specific part of the store that we can't use? What are shipping times like?
There's a few things:

Only buy stuff that ships from Amazon.com as the merchant. Amazon pages typically show you the merchant with the cheapest in-stock item for what you want, but if you add the text "&merchantID=ATVPDKIKX0DER" to the end of the link, it will always show you Amazon's price as the merchant. You should always do this when posting a link to friends and stuff.

Now, as for whether Amazon ships to Australia, you need to look in the Product Details section. The first line of this will always be either:

Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S. and to APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO shipments, please check with the manufacturer regarding warranty and support issues.


Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.

Only the ones marked as the latter will ship to Australia. Also note that you should only be checking that section if it is marked as shipping from Amazon. It doesn't work for the other merchants.

Oh, and shipping times... The $16 + $6 per extra item shipping takes about a week and a bit. The $25 + $3 per extra item shipping takes about 2-3 working days.


Clipper said:
There's a few things:

Only buy stuff that ships from Amazon.com as the merchant. Amazon pages typically show you the merchant with the cheapest in-stock item for what you want, but if you add the text "&merchantID=ATVPDKIKX0DER" to the end of the link, it will always show you Amazon's price as the merchant. You should always do this when posting a link to friends and stuff.

Now, as for whether Amazon ships to Australia, you need to look in the Product Details section. The first line of this will always be either:

Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S. and to APO/FPO addresses. For APO/FPO shipments, please check with the manufacturer regarding warranty and support issues.


Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.

Only the ones marked as the latter will ship to Australia. Also note that you should only be checking that section if it is marked as shipping from Amazon. It doesn't work for the other merchants.

Oh, and shipping times... The $16 + $6 per extra item shipping takes about a week and a bit. The $25 + $3 per extra item shipping takes about 2-3 working days.

Clip, I want to buy multiple items from sellers. International shipping on each of them seperately will slug me. How much do services like hop-thingy save me and/or cost?




reptilescorpio said:
I have learnt not to assume to far though after this generation has become "interesting" to say the least in regards to the 'value' in a game put to consumers. DLC, Project $10, always online, exclusive content, etc.

reptilescorpio said:
Why? Having a physical copy of something gives you a lot of control over your purchase. A DD copy might disappear forever, the next console generation may not allow it to transfer over. A HDD crash could mean that product is gone. A physical copy means you always have some control over your ability to use it in the future, whether it be through official means or through hacks created by the gaming community.

reptilescorpio said:
I understand your point that we aren't actually buying a product, more a rental licence. The problem is that it still is not being sold in that fashion. People don't expect to be told, or be held, to that.

Im just going to take these quotes out of order, and put them into another context. Consider it a side effect of my current games on the go and the musings it has spawned.

There are some games this gen which have deliberately sabotaged value, others that have high value, and a few still that have absurdly good value and are in another echelon altogether.

I'm going to limit myself to three examples from each category. This is not an example of games being good or bad, just being worth it or poor value.

Let's look at some games that have been devalued by certain modern day "incentives".
I would argue that games that have been the worst offenders are those that come out six months later in a self-appointed "GOTY" version. So the first offender would be Batman Arkham Asylum. It had multiple stripped features depending on the platform.

The second offender is Oblivion. It has been released something like 5 times now, including the original release, collectors edition, two add on packs, a GOTY version and a 5th anniversary edition. I think that comes across as a kick in the balls to day 1 buyers, especially given the nickel and diming along the way.

The third example would be Capcom's Street Fighter/MVC milking. Too many DLC characters, extra versions eg SSF4, SF4 Arcade, UMVsC3 and all the costume bits and pieces. Basically this kind of stunt tells the consumer: don't buy now. Wait a year. Or if you buy now, bend over and take it.

Now for the middle ground. Games that offer great value in terms of replay life and a single initial outcome.

Firstly, Modern Warfare/Call of Duty series. Seriously. Even with the exorbitant map packs, the games have an unrivalled lifespan and active community this side of Counter Strike.

Secondly, Red Dead Redemption/GTA4. The add ons were priced cheaply and offered a lot of variety above and beyond what were already two massive games. The community support for them was huge, and there was essentially nil backlash to the add ons because of the price to content ratio.

Thirdly would be Demon's Souls. No bullshit. No special edition/goty edition that makes the others feel like they missed out. Allegedly one of the most content rich games, but also too hard and intimidating for gamers like me.

Now, the God-Tier value games.

Orange Box. Three of the best games ever released (HL2, Ep1 and 2), one of the best multiplayer games ever, and probably the most original game this generation as well included.

Secondly, Metroid Prime Trilogy. Each game probably takes 40 hours to get through. It's on par with Orange Box considering how much sheer gameplay is available on the disc.

Thirdly is (reluctantly) WoW. How many games from 2004 are still being played that heavily to this day?

Anyway, semi-rant over. I like games that are chock full of things to do, and dont have the riff-raff included that makes you resent the purchase.

And the game that inspired me to go nuts was Ico/SOTC collection. I'm beginning to think these kinds of bundles are really good value. Looking forward to MGS/ZoE/Silent Hill bundles too.
And Super Mario All Stars was worth it too, damn you all!


Choc said:
for a 2012 release

its out this month in US i think

uh all ps3 games are region free......

Correct. Delayed in Australia til 2012. And region free. But - Euro MGS games have almost always been superior in some way, and I have enough on my plate for now. So I'll wait, but it's a plan B if you cannot get a hold of it via import.


Jintor said:
Clip, I want to buy multiple items from sellers. International shipping on each of them seperately will slug me. How much do services like hop-thingy save me and/or cost?
HopShopGo is OK for consolidating packages, but it'll still be quite expensive. It all depends on the size and weight of the items. You can use the shipping estimator to get a rough idea. Keep in mind that HopShopGo's indicator in particular does not show all the fees (You need to add the fuel fee (about 15%) and some others yourself.
Bernbaum said:

I am pro-reptile

I like butts. I cannot lie.

RandomVince said:
I would argue that games that have been the worst offenders are those that come out six months later in a self-appointed "GOTY" version.

Basically this kind of stunt tells the consumer: don't buy now. Wait a year. Or if you buy now, bend over and take it.
Hell yes to this. Same reason I still haven't bought New Vegas. GOTY edition for $40 in a few months time, mods and patches to clean up most of the bugs for a fantastic first time play. I don't have time these days to play a game multiple times so I want the FULL experience first time around.

Bernbaum said:
None of youse cunts got the totally rad Jurassic Park reference in my avatar.

Fuck y'all.
Still think you shoulda gone with a Gears theme. Maybe "MARIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!?!???!!!" with a cute little Monopoly hat atop his his.

Or to keep the JP theme, Newman.


FYI, if it weren't for multiquote megaposts, we'd probably be on AusGAF 5/5 Kritz.net right now.

I'm not saying that reptilescorpio is counterproductive for our efforts or that he should be, oh, I don't know, punished for his defiance of progress, just that if he had a wee little 'accident', I'm sure we could bribe the cops to look aside.


Forza 4 is the gift that keeps on giving. I have a rule. I must run each race in a car produced by a company from that country. USA? I'm in my GT or a Mustang. Europe? It's Audi time motherfuckes! And because Nissans and Toyotas are boring, I'm counting my snazzy Lexus cars as Japanese. As such, I'm getting experience across a good range of vehicles, as opposed to having a favourite 'super win everything car'.

Garage is full of mostly Fords, Audis and Ferraris with a healthy peppering of other cars for good measure.

I also try to race in a fashion that doesn't ding up every car on the track. With sims, I get into the habit of flying towards a corner and using a vehicle as a 'speed cushion' or just smash right into them. With FM4, I avoid vehicle collision of any kind because I want all the cars to look to pretty. Only downside is that I am using the rewind button more often than I like and am probably becoming a lazier driver.


Uncharted 3.


Clipper said:
HopShopGo is OK for consolidating packages, but it'll still be quite expensive. It all depends on the size and weight of the items. You can use the shipping estimator to get a rough idea. Keep in mind that HopShopGo's indicator in particular does not show all the fees (You need to add the fuel fee (about 15%) and some others yourself.

This is infuriating. A package of comics less than a kilo in weight will cost like $30 to ship! Gah! (It's like $60 on Myus)

I wonder how much it would be to just get some friends to send it over


Hmmm, I just found out about the UC3 Special Edition for $78 at Harvey Norman from this thread now and put down a preorder. Will I be OK to get a copy tomorrow? :( I guess I could always try a JB, Game or EB price match if I'm too late for HN, right?
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