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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Choc said:
not to be racist but japan and korean culture in music is whack :)

Not to be rude, but stfu


Korean and Japanese music, even idol music, scenes aren't at all synonymous. It's admissible to say that they are independently stupid or not to your taste, but not to treat them as the same stuff.

You won't, for example, see an advert like that for any [top tier] Korean idol group. The social conservatism is an order of magnitude stronger. There's an amazing amount of sexiness going on, but actual sex is a no-no.


This is just an extreme exception due to the basement nerd fanbase. It's actually kinda sad because they are mocking the people that spend shitloads of money on their crap. Like buying multiple copies of singles to get tickets to a hand shake event lol.

Most other music stuff is quite normal.


They also have affiliated groups from different cities. It's crazy nonsense, but they are crazy crazy crazy popular for some reason. I still don't understand why.





Bogan terror on the train this evening. I need to get it off my chest.

Woman screaming on her mobile at her de facto, Brad, who was minding the kids, and who was too fucken drunk on rum to come to the train station to pick her up. She spent a good ten minutes telling Brad what a fucken waste of time he was, and that when her baby came she was going to hook up with some other dude and leave him with the kids. He can keep the house, it's a fucken wreck anyway. Then a chat with her bogan friend about how she'd come within an inch of knocking some fucken stupid chick's head off for lookin' funny at her sister. Nobody fucken looks funny at her sister. Then something about being outed as a lesbian in front of childcare workers.

I was losing my mind. Train was too packed to move.

Security guards come down and, as they do, look from side to side. It's their job.

When they are about five metres past her, she screams "PERVIN ON MY FUCKEN LEGS, YA CUNT".

Security guard turns and says "what ?"


Security guard explains that he did nothing of the sort, and was mostly looking for people making a mess, making too much noise, drinking alcohol or anything else.

Salazar said:
Security guard explains that he did nothing of the sort, and was mostly looking for people making a mess, making too much noise, drinking alcohol or anything else.


Too subtle.


I kinda hope nightsticks were involved.

Fuckin' Huawei Sonic, why you no connect to 3G network or detect my goddamn WiFi?


:lol boagn stories.

While we're at it, I have a story from the other day.

I was in my car waiting at the lights, and there was one of those homeless dudes doing the "wash your windscreen" thing. He gestured to me asking "you want one?", so I shook my head and did a cross with my arms. For some reason, this meant "yes, I want one" to him.

So as he's coming up to my car, I start opening the window to tell him to piss off, but before I could say anything, he started splashing water on my windscreen and began wiping away. Now, my car has auto sensing wipers, so the moment he put water on it and started wiping, my wipers started going apeshit at the 2nd fastest speed, whipping his hand and spraying him with soap water.

I thought this was hilarious, but he was clearly pissed and start yelling and looking dangerous with his squeegy. So to avoid getting clubbed in the face, I gave him $10, because that's all I had in the car. Worst 10 bucks I ever spent! He didn't even finish the job properly.

Sal's story was better


commanderdeek said:
Sal's story was better

You really had to be there and see the repulsive sack of shit accuse a passer-by of perving on her. She was wearing tracksuit pants, ffs. Pulled up to the knee, but still.

She got off at Logan, but she did give a shout-out to Woodridge when the train went past it.


Salazar said:
You really had to be there and see the repulsive sack of shit accuse a passer-by of perving on her. She was wearing tracksuit pants, ffs. Pulled up to the knee, but still.

Only way you could know that is by perving on her legs!
Jintor said:
Still going to get the next Pratchett book in actual form though. I can wait.
Yeah is it already out or what? I was sure it was out in the US but I haven't seen it locally yet. New Matthew Reilly. Can't fool myself into buying another one. Only got 100 pages into the last 3. HE PEAKED WITH ICE STATION.

Omi said:
Started reading The Watchman on the way home. Really good.
Really? I have never heard that.

RandomVince said:
For sale: Uncharted 3 PS3 slim sticker kit for console. $5 ono.
Also, I'm only on chapter 3. Well at least now I know I go to France :/
I thought about chucking it up on ebay and then decided to box it away for my son to laugh at the stupid shit we had for consoles. Also up to Chapter 12 or so. SO FUCKING GOOD. Not as memorable as UC2 but damn, so addictive. Well and truly on top of the aiming now, up to a ship yard which has required great skills to stay alive.

Choc said:
Is this the one with the fake PS Trophy popping? lol

roosters93 said:
My teeth are pretty crap already lol. Yellowy and not straight and stuff.
Bro fist. I have really treated my body like shit. If I could go back I would certainly take better care of my teeth. I would like to be able to chew steak in 20 years time.

Salazar said:
It is utterly melancholy to see people in charge of something as beautiful, as culturally elegant and rich in potential, as a well-funded educational institution, doing their apparent utmost to roger part of it to a bloody death.


Found and scouted a cool place to take some sunrise photos a few weeks ago. I plan to head off and take them in a few hours.

I had a bit of sleep earlier this evening so I wouldn't be terribly tired from an early start. Now I'm awake and unsure if I should try to go back to bed or just stay up until my 4:30am departure.



And now the Courier Mail reports that UQ's Vice Chancellor is resigning after an admissions scandal.

Give it a few weeks and I might be running the joint. Everyone above me seems completely idiotic.
Salazar, if you get in charge, please put more money into the language department :( My korean classes basically consist of the lecturer giving us hand outs with sentences, us reading them out, and then the class finishing.

Salazar said:
Good point. I will search my soul.


I spent four hours at an all you can eat Korean BBQ place in the valley (its called Chingu, and its great). It was really weird though... there was a complete lack of bogans and drunks in the valley tonight...
Salazar said:
Four hours, Shanshan ?

four hours :D met at 6:30, left at 10:30.

I feel kinda bad actually. The staff even turned off the hotplates to our table in an attempt to make us leave, but then my friends turned them back on.
Jumped on the computer to see how the updates went last night. First thing the boy does is waddle into the room, make a beeline for the PS3 controller and turn it on. 2 minutes later he has booted up the NeoGeo "classic" Magician Lords and is getting frustrated with its brutal gameplay. Enjoying the pumping soundtrack though I think.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I need to stop using Coke as my preferred mixer - it's almost 6AM and I've yet to sleep.


reptilescorpio said:
Jumped on the computer to see how the updates went last night. First thing the boy does is waddle into the room, make a beeline for the PS3 controller and turn it on. 2 minutes later he has booted up the NeoGeo "classic" Magician Lords and is getting frustrated with its brutal gameplay. Enjoying the pumping soundtrack though I think.
Haha. Hire old is he?

I am just getting used to uninterrupted sleep patterns. Our little guy hasn't even woken up yet.


legend166 said:

How this wasn't the first reply I don't even...

Does AusGAF have a separate thread for BF3. Had a go on the server last night and made a killing in XP in the chopper as gunner with axthursby (hope that's it). Quite enjoy the fact vehicles insta-respawn (being a jet whore)


So I ended up staying up until about 4:30am and then leaving for Homebush Bay to shoot a shipwreck I had heard about and scouted a few weeks earlier.

I know this isn't "share-a-photo" thread, but here's some of the shots I came home with after touching them up a little.





Particularly fond of that first one Danoss. What gear are you running? Used to do a bit of photography myself but when my SLR got stolen I kind of threw in the towel for the time being
Danoss said:
I like this one the best, mainly from the colour of the light on the ship. The crepuscular rays in the third shot are also nice.

Here's a sunset shot I took last year, because it's now a photo-sharing thread:


DXPett1 said:
Particularly fond of that first one Danoss. What gear are you running? Used to do a bit of photography myself but when my SLR got stolen I kind of threw in the towel for the time being

codswallop said:
I like this one the best, mainly from the colour of the light on the ship. The crepuscular rays in the third shot are also nice.
Thanks! The first one is by far my preferred image out of them. The second was more of a salvage job on a difficult image. The third is purely because I love those sun rays.

I shot that on my Canon 7D and the Canon 10-22mm lens. As it brightened up, I changed from a 3 stop ND filter to a 10 stop ND filter. The tripod was a GorillaPod Focus, as I can't take my full size tripod with me on my motorcycle.

Nice shot there codswallop, where was that taken?
Salazar said:
You really had to be there and see the repulsive sack of shit accuse a passer-by of perving on her. She was wearing tracksuit pants, ffs. Pulled up to the knee, but still.

She got off at Logan, but she did give a shout-out to Woodridge when the train went past it.

Gold coast line represent. So many bogans, so little space.

The other day at the train station (at 6:30am) I walked past someone chroming. Don't get me started about the scum on the train.
evlcookie said:
I hope you used ninite!
Hell yes! Just had to make a quick list of the other applications before ripping out the HDD for the new PC. Copied over the Chrome user folder and the whole thing has been seamless. Now for CPU overclocking. The new Logitech all in one driver is fantastic! Much better than the older support programs, with a lot more settings.

JaseC said:
I need to stop using Coke as my preferred mixer - it's almost 6AM and I've yet to sleep.
Need to switch to beer once it starts getting early, or drinking spirits neat (which usually happens as I get more and more drunk anyway, martini hoy!)

Omi said:
Haha. Hire old is he?
I am just getting used to uninterrupted sleep patterns. Our little guy hasn't even woken up yet.
13 months now. Once he hit 6 or 9 months the night sleeps got a LOT better. Went through a period around 10-11 months where he was wetting through everything at least once a night but is back to the 6:30-7pm sleep, out till 7-8am. Once he wakes up though it is party time, no getting into bed with the parents for an extra little nap, which is a bit sucky (especially when I am up until 2am playing Uncharted 3).

Around the 7-8 month mark he slept a LOT more than usual, he would go down at 7pm until 8-10am and then would only be up for an hour and a half at most before another 2 hour nap. Was having 2 afternoon naps too.

He is up and running around now and being all cute and full of personality now, coming along exponentially every day which is impressive. His favourite thing is Cheese. Thankfully there is a cheese factory in nearby Allansford which has FANTASTIC vintage cheese for a great price. Not really a cheese person but damn it tastes good.

legend166 said:
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BINGO!!!
Just did 2 hours of edge trimming. FUCK DONG THAT AGAIN. Will keep up to date on the lawns, at least it is a damn nice hot day today. Beer is not as refreshing as I had hoped.

Any recommendations on mouse pads? My new mouse seems to jitter across the screen randomly when I hold it sometimes, too damn accurate for my crappy Sam's Warehouse desk.

GAF edition of Uncharted 3 sounds very impressive for a patch, nice to see Naughty Dog taking on board criticism even when they themselves don't see it at first.

roosters93 said:
Haha holy shit. I just watched a video of this to remember what it was like and the no bingo guy looked familiar but I couldn't place where I knew him from. He was on fucking Q&A last week haha.


Dude is actually a psychiatrist and writes for the Sydney Morning Herald.

Salazar said:
Chicken nuggets speed mental development.

New science, on AusGAF.
I say it was bottle feeding and poor workmanship
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