Box of Bunnies said:All the cool kids like Japanese men, not Korean girls.
Sup holy
Box of Bunnies said:All the cool kids like Japanese men, not Korean girls.
Planet_JASE said:You cheated, you nasty ninja editer.
So's ya mum.Omi said:It is rather moist out this morning.
Sitting at my desk sans shoes, socks and hoodie.
Hopefully until after ME3 releases. Would love to pick up the CE for a non-stupid price. I'm looking at YOU EB.Omi said:Someone was telling me that Harvery Norman have been selling games below cost in order to get market share back. Presume from online? Wonder how long they will keep that up.
Omi said:Someone was telling me that Harvery Norman have been selling games below cost in order to get market share back. Presume from online? Wonder how long they will keep that up.
Choc said:its called loss leading and very common in the UK
you honestly think ASDA is making a profit selling MW3 for 27 pounds?
Omi said:FFS choc, I know what loss leading is. But that wasn't exactly the question was it.
Maybe local publishers and distributers need to lower their prices/costs?
Omi said:Maybe local publishers and distributers need to lower their prices/costs?
So that you may fap to the veiny man goodness?jambo said:Looking over the last 2 pages of this thread, I am so glad I have my own office at work.
Not much else for them to compete on effectively these days since price is the most important attribute to most consumers these days. We are much more hands on and just want the product in our hands and we will handle the service ourselves.pilonv1 said:Maybe retailers need to stop competing on price?
Consumers are slightly less lazy and uniformed than in the past but the majority of multi-million copy selling games will come from people who only know about EB and don't bother to look around for a better deal.hamchan said:Don't know why anyone would buy MW3 from EB when it's $79 at JB.
Choc said:by the way there is room for retailers to move on margins themselves. The margins they get are some of the highest in the world.
For example, if my calculation is correct, eb is making $43 for every MW3 sold today at 119 dollars.
I've been in negotiations recently on margins and retailers and let me tell you the margin level they demand is unsustainable. It's ridiculous
They want X% (and its significantly higher than any other region) before they will even take a product.
hamchan said:Don't know why anyone would buy MW3 from EB when it's $79 at JB.
Planet_JASE said:So that you may fap to the veiny man goodness?
Jintor said:Lol, Bioware C+D'd GAF? Amaze.
reptilescorpio said:Not much else for them to compete on effectively these days since price is the most important attribute to most consumers these days. We are much more hands on and just want the product in our hands and we will handle the service ourselves.
Choc said:by the way there is room for retailers to move on margins themselves. The margins they get are some of the highest in the world.
For example, if my calculation is correct, eb is making $43 for every MW3 sold today at 119 dollars.
I've been in negotiations recently on margins and retailers and let me tell you the margin level they demand is unsustainable. It's ridiculous
They want X% (and its significantly higher than any other region) before they will even take a product.
Choc said:not sure how a cease and desist order can exist when they fucked up
its not like anyone stole the shit
To be honest I haven't though much on the idea of boosting Retailer worth, mainly just about stripping out the middlemen to make the developer->consumer process as efficient as possible, hopefully lowering prices allowing for people to buy more games which would then lead to more revenue for the developers.pilonv1 said:The only reason price is so important because service here is shit.
No one is prepared to do anything differently, everyone just copies everyone else, story of Australian retail.
Except Kmart, who are just insane.
Gazunta said:OK let me put this the other way then.
How much extra would you be willing to pay for a retail copy of a game you could get via DD, just to have it in physical format?
Omi said:So the individual cost price to the retailer is higher than the individual cost price to a consumer via online means. By some margin as well.
Super/labour market, blah blah etc.
$5-10 maximum just for a basic retail conversion copy.Gazunta said:OK let me put this the other way then.
How much extra would you be willing to pay for a retail copy of a game you could get via DD, just to have it in physical format?
Choc said:yes
but you are purchasing from a US/European company if you are buying the keys etc and so therefore they are not under the same labour market pressures and costs that Australia is
the only country which has higher labour costs is New Zealand
Omi said:I am talking a physical copy choc, not key sites.
BanShunsaku said:If there was more than $10 difference I would go for the cheaper copy, no matter what format it was.