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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Just an observation on the gaming forum side of things. In light of the last three weeks of relentless Nintendo trolling/bitching/malaise/hostility, starting with 01net fantasy then unfortunate reality.

3DS bail out threads, stay or fold, no games comments and so on.
Now Sony have revealed Vita and it turns out:

No Monster Hunter (yet, it will surely happen one day)
3-5hr battery life, same as 3DS was trolled for (though it's not a good battery life by any measure)
Relatively disappointing launch lineup as far as expectations go

Now all that above is my observation of the mood of the gaming side of the forum, not my opinions.

Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that there is a brewing troll showdown a la Mexican standoff, and it's just a matter of who is going to fire the first shot? I get the impression there are a very large number of console fanboys itching to duke it out, and now that the picture is clearer, it's about to start proper.


ShyGuy said:
Hi guys! I'd thought I'd throw out a serious question here to get some info as part of my own research.

I'm looking into getting more personal insurance, Death, TPD, Insurance Protection etc.

Currently I have my normal superannuation and NIB health insurance.

What do you guys have? How did you get it? (e.g. through your Super, or separately)

What made you choose your various insurances, etc...

Looking for some opinions myself as I'm leaning towards simply adding Death/TPD/Insurance Protection to my Super because it's cheaper....

My salary continuance, death and TPD is paid for by my employer but is part of my super package. That is my employer pays the fee instead of I from my super fees.

Income protection insurance is tax deductible.
ShyGuy said:
Hi guys! I'd thought I'd throw out a serious question here to get some info as part of my own research.

I'm looking into getting more personal insurance, Death, TPD, Insurance Protection etc.

Currently I have my normal superannuation and NIB health insurance.

What do you guys have? How did you get it? (e.g. through your Super, or separately)

What made you choose your various insurances, etc...

Looking for some opinions myself as I'm leaning towards simply adding Death/TPD/Insurance Protection to my Super because it's cheaper....

Few bullet points from personal experience

-Current Home/Contents is with bank (was convenient at the time) but will probably change to car insurer soon because i get a 10% overall discount for having both with them

-Looked into personal cover with bank and got quoted some pretty good well priced coverage but decided not to go with it at the time, they are black and yellow if u want to check with them ;)

I don't think my super provides insurance cover so can't comment on that part.


ShyGuy said:
Hi guys! I'd thought I'd throw out a serious question here to get some info as part of my own research.

I'm looking into getting more personal insurance, Death, TPD, Insurance Protection etc.

Currently I have my normal superannuation and NIB health insurance.

What do you guys have? How did you get it? (e.g. through your Super, or separately)

What made you choose your various insurances, etc...

Looking for some opinions myself as I'm leaning towards simply adding Death/TPD/Insurance Protection to my Super because it's cheaper....

Do not, under any circumstances, do not go with Real. They are lying sack of shit criminals. Mate at work had his car stolen and they refused to honour the insurance on it because he had a driving offence (non-conviction) 5 years ago (disclosure window was 4 years and they only specified criminal offences).

Basically if you give them money you would be better of burning it instead.

I just have my stuff done through super.


I wonder what the average age of this forum actually is. All these console fanboys is reminding me of when I used to post on GameFAQs and I was aged 10 back then.


hamchan said:
I wonder what the average age of this forum actually is. All these console fanboys is reminding me of when I used to post on GameFAQs and I was aged 10 back then.

I fear its under 22. Or if you go by active trolls, probably closer to 15. If not, I really fear for the future of humanity.


ShyGuy said:
Hi guys! I'd thought I'd throw out a serious question here to get some info as part of my own research.

I'm looking into getting more personal insurance, Death, TPD, Insurance Protection etc.

Currently I have my normal superannuation and NIB health insurance.

What do you guys have? How did you get it? (e.g. through your Super, or separately)

What made you choose your various insurances, etc...

Looking for some opinions myself as I'm leaning towards simply adding Death/TPD/Insurance Protection to my Super because it's cheaper....
I should add that the various insurance policies I already have are:

Home/Contents/Building = EBM Insurance
Landord Protection Insurance = EBM

Car = CGU
Super = AGEST
Health = NIB

AGEST provide death, TPD, and Income Protection so I was thinking of getting them all through them, figured it was cheaper that way but was interested to see what other people were doing.

I don't really know anyone else who has death, TPD, Income Protection. I guess most fellow early 30s people don't bother thinking about it?


RandomVince said:
I fear its under 22. Or if you go by active trolls, probably closer to 15. If not, I really fear for the future of humanity.
I used to work with a guy in his mid 40s who was a dyed in the wool Sony fanboy. He knew all the fanboy talking points and was fairly unwavering in his devotion.

Choc said:
this might surprise you but im 29
That's not suprising, you seem like a perfectly normal member of Gen Y.


It happened again

[16:22:27] * jambo|work|afk is now known as jambo|work
[16:22:29] <@jambo|work> backness
[16:22:35] <Marshmellow> wb
[16:22:38] <Marshmellow> sexyness
[16:22:52] <Marshmellow> ;)
[16:22:58] <OmiWork> err
[16:23:01] <Marshmellow> lol
[16:23:06] <Marshmellow> omi is here.
[16:23:10] <Marshmellow> thats awkward
[16:24:30] * OmiWork (~x) Quit (Quit)
[16:26:19] <Marshmellow> :p
[16:27:27] <@jambo|work> lol
[16:27:35] <@jambo|work> Clipper is watching from the corner
[16:29:17] <Marshmellow> indeed
[16:29:20] <Marshmellow> just how he likes it
[16:30:18] * @Clipper (~chatzilla) Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:30:19] <Marshmellow> ok im out
[16:30:20] <Marshmellow> laters all
[16:30:21] <Marshmellow> lol
[16:30:24] * Marshmellow (webchat) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
[16:30:57] <@jambo|work> umm
[16:30:57] <@jambo|work> shit






Gazunta said:
Steamchat>BrisGAF > AusGAF > NeoGAF > Internet>NeoGAF

I think this is how you do that GAF meme. Also I succumbed yesterday on the Kindle. I probably spent more money than my meager budget really allows but its a pretty damn sweet device. About to finish Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, which has way more points of departure from Blade Runner than I expected, but is really good. I can see why they took a lot of the slower stuff out of the movie though. The idea of a post nuclear society being kind of obsessed with animal preservation is cool as hell.

So yeah, I probably couldn't afford it but godamn if it doesn't fit super snug in my coat pocket and weigh nothing. :D

Also AusGAF is pretty swell but I wish less of you were journos so that I could feel unique xD
Where is Rez these days anyway?

ClivePwned said:
no mention of chocolate and peanut butter milkshakes!

I had one of these the other week at a burger place in Edinburgh. Yummo! And they had the best onion rings. (yes better than hungry jacks)

It's been a while since I've had the hungry jacks version. Do they have real onion inside them?


Bernbaum said:
GAF is the only online community I've ever been active in. An ex of mine was a mod on the Penny Arcade forums and it creeped me out just how much time she spent on the forums. She engaged almost solely in OT threads and didn't care about gaming, which seemed stupid to me. She would pick fights over religion and feminism and was just an all-round nutjob who did a lot to put me off the concept of online forums entirely. GAF was purely a lurking experience for the 6 months or so since before I applied as well as the waiting period that followed and it was still a few months after memberfication that I actually started posting.

Wait holy shit I think I knew that mod


give me a minute


Also I finished Radiant Historia. Fucking great game. I'm glad it's done though, I don't think I could take any more of that combat.

I think for turn-based I only really like sRPGs, which kind of blows, but whatever.


hamchan said:
I wonder what the average age of this forum actually is. All these console fanboys is reminding me of when I used to post on GameFAQs and I was aged 10 back then.

considering the number of nintendo fanboys..... have to be mid 20s to mid 30s
Spent the last half hour browsing through AusGAF 1.0.... some pure gold in there. Lots of CDWOW talk. Also it turns out I must have lurked much longer than I thought.

Also liked this bit of work from Bern:



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I fixed the thread title to prevent Bernbaum clawing his eyes out.


Jintor said:
Also I finished Radiant Historia. Fucking great game. I'm glad it's done though, I don't think I could take any more of that combat.

I think for turn-based I only really like sRPGs, which kind of blows, but whatever.
I haven't played much of RH, but I didn't really like battles either for some reason. I'm planning to play through more during the semester break so things might change.

I think traditional DQ style battles are still my favourite, followed closely by the weakness thing of SMT and Persona. Srpg battles are great too, but I think the only reason I like that genre is the chibi style sprites. (and the tactical battles I guess!)


but ever so delicious
Alistair took a sabbatical but still plays games on steam. Haven't spoken to him in a while.

There's been a few who have left all together, most if not all have been mentioned. Then you have those who don't post as often as the thread moves into it's new iterations.

Windows 8 looks prett rad. I dig the new main screen if it was my welcome / wake up idle screen. Here's all your email, what tv shows were recorded / downloaded, these apps did this and that. It just seems awesome for a single window to show you information you need in a clear and simple fashion.

Might check it out over the weekend after I run people over. I believe the Manabar barcraft is this weekend? Dunno how that's going to work when you can only fit 8 people inside.


Bernbaum said:
If you do remember, please do me a favour and refrain from posting her handle for privacy's sake.


I just hang out on PA a lot. Social Entropy there is a lot more relaxed. Their AusPax section is even closer than we are, if that can be believed!

Quick rollcall, where are we all State/Townwise? I've forgotten, beyond Omi and Kritz being in some floating southern place.

<---- Sydney.
I swear to god Jintor today I saw another 2 people who had slight deviations on your avatar during the shitfest that was the Sony conference.

Also the Sony conference was so shit. So so bad. On the plus side FFX HD is such an erection raiser for me. Loved that game to death, first game I had a proper stereo setup for (with subwoofer!!!) and spent dozens of hours in the loving embrace of Blitzball. DAY ONE PURCHASES ON ANY AND ALL PLATFORMS!!!!

Bernbaum said:
Speaking of 'AusGAF elders'
Your Honour Guard Badges of Merit are in the mail.
You guys stink and are old. You can't even hear anything any more! Give it up! AusGAF is for the new generation of kids who talk about, but don't play, games!

CryptiK said:
I remember alistairw just straight up disappearing during the podcast days. Fuck I didnt know Orbi disappeared I swear I have seen him on steam. Last on Steam 21 Hours ago he is still alive...
Orbi jumps into SteamChat every now and then right? Haven't been on much myself lately but I'm sure I remember talking to him recently. His name is dangerously close to Omi though for my tiny, mutated eyes.

legend166 said:
Also, Brit-GAF got their thread locked.
Let's all point and laugh!
Now who are the criminals mother country!! Bwahhaaaaa!! I'm sure it was because of their bad teeth and Jason Stratham taking the action hero mantle from the Americans.

Bernbaum said:
GAF is the only online community I've ever been active in. An ex of mine was a mod on the Penny Arcade forums and it creeped me out just how much time she spent on the forums. She engaged almost solely in OT threads and didn't care about gaming, which seemed stupid to me. She would pick fights over religion and feminism and was just an all-round nutjob who did a lot to put me off the concept of online forums entirely.
She must have been FANTASTIC in the sack to put up with an argumentative nature.


evlcookie said:
Fred does stalking better than I do, impressive!
It was Twitter's suggestion actually. It's sometimes scary the suggestions it comes up with. Some of them have to be IP based. Anyway, I'm sure he doesn't mind his podcast getting pimped.


reptilescorpio said:
I swear to god Jintor today I saw another 2 people who had slight deviations on your avatar during the shitfest that was the Sony conference.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Wait until MLP Season 2 really kicks off
hamchan said:
I wonder what the average age of this forum actually is. All these console fanboys is reminding me of when I used to post on GameFAQs and I was aged 10 back then.

I'm almost 19 now, but I joined at 16 and thought I was the youngest here. Maybe cause I usually browse off-topic but I get the feeling the average age is around 21 - 28. I wonder sometimes too. Can we get Evilore to do a poll or something?

<---- 18, Brisbane, uni student.


19 has always seemed to be a bit of a mode for ages amongst Ausgaffers. I think that the average age is probably 2-3 years higher but the I'm convinced there are more people aged 19 than anything else.
Aon said:
19 has always seemed to be a bit of a mode for ages amongst Ausgaffers. I think that the average age is probably 2-3 years higher but the I'm convinced there are more people aged 19 than anything else.

hmm... I guess on one hand there are a lot of uni students, but most people seem like they have more life experience than a 19yo has.
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