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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

elfinke said:
Sucks to be back at work :(
I am also experiencing this very phenomenon.

Agyar said:
Which anti-malarial are you on? In Vietnam I was on Doxycycline and got the worst sunburn I've ever had.
Same for me when in Cambodia. I decided to go off it. Also I had to wear sunglasses most of the day as I was extremely sensitive to light. Not pleasant.


ClivePwned said:
It is now funny since you don't have to pretend to not to hate the taxi thief anymore.
I don't hate him, honest :) He's definitely one of my favourite game designers of all time. Dude did Dungeon Keeper and for that reason alone he'll always be awesome to me. Him, Braben, Minter, Miyamoto and Jarvis are my top 5.

But the fucker did steal my taxi.

Hope Mrs Clive feels better soon. I wish Mrs Gazunta would take a sick day, it would do her the world of good.


I finished the whole thing last night >_>




DualShadow said:
Would peanuts be just as good, obviously unsalted?

they each have their benefits (types of vits/minerals, fats, protein etc) but imo

walnut = almond >>>>>>>>>>>> peanut

peanuts are good too...just that the others are better. Up to you.

also remember they're high in calories so don't go batshit (don't worry about the fat content) :p

something like 20-50g for a serve
jambo said:
It's a lot bigger than it looks, and it's so damn chunky and heavy, love it!

Also all of the technic stuff and reinforcement has made it tough.
That looks like an absolute behemoth. So... where does it go?

joke answer: anywhere it wants to. ba-dum-chish!
Clipper said:
Also, I'm considering using a time lapse app on my iPhone during the build, maybe. Would anyone have suggestions on what rates I should put it at (i.e., sample rate and playback rate)?
If you record too much, you can always drop frames if it's too slow/boring. I'd recommend 1 per second and then if it goes too long/is too boring you can decimate by 3 (or more) to make it go faster.

May as well record at a high resolution if you have the capability since you can easily downsample but never upsample.
Gazunta said:
Quoting for glory. Very nice work Gaz.

Gazunta said:
With USB sticks being around 16Gb now for $20 I will be throwing out my old external HDD as I got sick of needing the plug them in and the spin up every time I wanted to look through it. I got an internal 2Tb drive for around $70 which has done the trick very well. Add in a SSD and I will be very happy.

Also I thought the USB powered ones were called Portable Drives not External Drives?

FallbackPants said:
Second. And Wars wasn't bad, I mean it wasn't great, but it was mildly fun. I still don't understand how they haven't made Halo Wars 2 using Kinect.
But yeah, Halo across 3 genres is milk central
The milking comes from the wide reach of media it has taken. Like, fucking, Halo sports drinks and shit. Halo Wars was okay but didn't translate great to the 360 and we aren't getting a sequel BECAUSE THOSE FUCKERS AT MICROSOFT CANNED ENSEMBLE THOSE DICKS. Not like they created a bunch of fantastic games or anything but nooooooo, they had to get them to try and do a Halo MMO and then throw thousands of hours of work down the drain and send everyone off into the sunset. Also ODST was a mess, they tried to something different and it just seemed like they didn't have enough time to get it all together properly. The graphics were dated, the voice acting was rushed, the story was all over the place and the pacing was HORRIBLE. Great idea with the detective flash back kind of story but horribly implemented. Plus the hardest point of the game is like the second level when you come up against 20 odd troops followed by 2 Hunters with barely any weapons to speak of.

Shaneus said:
Shit, I should buy ODST. If it's less classic-FPS and more stealthy/strategic than Halo (in general) then I might have to bite.
$19 if you are interested.

3chopl0x said:
Just focus on the big tits at the top of the page and everything will be fine.


Shaneus said:
Shit, I should buy ODST. If it's less classic-FPS and more stealthy/strategic than Halo (in general) then I might have to bite.

The way the story goes, there are parts that are Halo style, but then there are chunks where you're just wandering around an open city, with multiple paths and randomised patrols of Covenant. It's awesome.


jambo said:
The way the story goes, there are parts that are Halo style, but then there are chunks where you're just wandering around an open city, with multiple paths and randomised patrols of Covenant. It's awesome.
I like the sound of that. Halo bits with a hefty dose of exploration (I guess).

I'd love a good FPS that isn't all inyerface as Bulletstorm etc. (and even regular Halo). Sounds like it.


Jesus fuck this last mission on Days of Ruin is completely fucking stupid.

5 laser cannons covering strategic vertical slices of the map that rotate and damage for 5 in a straight line that you have to destroy. That's okay.

Two free random units for the enemy every day. That's okay, even if they're always the units the enemy needs right then and there for some fucking reason.

Massive pre-deployed forces of wartanks and bombers already on the map supressing your forces. That's still okay, I guess, it's the final mission.

Shaneus said:
I like the sound of that. Halo bits with a hefty dose of exploration (I guess).

I'd love a good FPS that isn't all inyerface as Bulletstorm etc. (and even regular Halo). Sounds like it.
I know its not cool anymore, but I do love me a good FPS. And all types, like slow plodding ones (give me a new proper Rainbow 6 Ubisoft!!) and also crazy ridiculous ones like Bulletstorm. In fact I loved Bulletstorm. I wish I hadn't lent it to my brother. I'm going have to get that back from him.


FallbackPants said:
I know its not cool anymore, but I do love me a good FPS. And all types, like slow plodding ones (give me a new proper Rainbow 6 Ubisoft!!) and also crazy ridiculous ones like Bulletstorm. In fact I loved Bulletstorm. I wish I hadn't lent it to my brother. I'm going have to get that back from him.
Well, I've never really gotten into them and whenever I've bought one, I've had to force myself through it (read: Halo 2 and barely even started 3). What I played of Bulletstorm I loved, but it'd be good to play something that isn't super-tense all the time or have enemies come at you (bro) constantly. Sort of like an open-world yet linear FPS I guess. Open-world lends itself to not being intense the whole time, ODST sounds like that as well.
Shaneus said:
Like giving way to cars coming toward you on a street when there are parked cars on both sides. You don't nod, wave or lift a finger or two as a gesture, I'll forever hate you and your descendants.

My pet peeve!

Stackboy said:
Just been catching up on AusGAF over the last few days. Things been cray cray.

Indeed. I get back to Ausland and shit's gone crazy.
Some random things I learned in Japan:

* Japan sounds like Animal Crossing. At least in parks and forests. Mrs Cods pointed this one out on our first day in Tokyo, in Yoyogi Park.
* Kyoto seems to have been a really big inspiration for Zelda (I was looking out for it as I knew of the 'Miyamoto playing in his back yard forest' story). Everywhere you look there are mountains as a backdrop, as in the first few Zeldas.
* Even a lot of the monsters are from the forests around Kyoto. Like this one:

* In fact, the hills and mountains of Kyoto definitely feels like you're walking through Zelda. It's awesome. Visiting Ginkaku-ji really drove it home.
* Arriving trains in the subway have their own theme tune, depending on the line and direction of the train.
* "UP" (as in Power UP) and "OK" are prevalent everywhere. I saw a girl reading a Cosmo and an ad told her she could Beauty UP, to increase her beauty, I suppose.

Those who've been probably already know all this, but hey I'm back at work and trying to avoid working.


Shaneus said:
but it'd be good to play something that isn't super-tense all the time or have enemies come at you (bro) constantly. Sort of like an open-world yet linear FPS I guess. Open-world lends itself to not being intense the whole time, ODST sounds like that as well.

The night sections of ODST are pretty much exactly that. You walk around in the dark, moving through open areas and certain buildings that you can access, avoiding or taking out patrols and generally having a grand old time. The lighting and art direction are gorgeous too.
FallbackPants said:
I know its not cool anymore, but I do love me a good FPS. And all types, like slow plodding ones (give me a new proper Rainbow 6 Ubisoft!!) and also crazy ridiculous ones like Bulletstorm. In fact I loved Bulletstorm. I wish I hadn't lent it to my brother. I'm going have to get that back from him.
Pretty sure I remember them closing the original Rainbow team, which is why we haven't heard much about Rainbow games this generation. Bulletstorm was so much fun, really wasn't as offensive as people made out which was great because the pre-release marketing was horrible. HORRIBLE. As a huge fan of Painkiller I was ready to avoid the game completely based on the PR but it turned out to be a great time. Looking forward to Serious Sam 3.

DE3 is a great open-ish world FPS. Also Jambo weren't the guard patrols in ODST on a cycle? I played through 3 times and remember pre-empting patrols and hiding in wait for them.


So, my LEGO kit is probably arriving this afternoon (or tomorrow morning), my repaired YLOD PS3 is being returned tomorrow afternoon and the end of Xenoblade Chronicles is perhaps within sight (115 hours on the clock so far and just hit the
huge story twist

It's going to be a very busy, yet very fun weekend.


reptilescorpio said:
Also Jambo weren't the guard patrols in ODST on a cycle? I played through 3 times and remember pre-empting patrols and hiding in wait for them.

I played through the game 2-3 times but I always did the objectives in different orders so I just assumed that the patrols were random because they were always in different spots.

Silly me =\


codswallop said:
Some random things I learned in Japan:

* Japan sounds like Animal Crossing. At least in parks and forests. Mrs Cods pointed this one out on our first day in Tokyo, in Yoyogi Park.
I would fly to Japan right now to hear a guy on a street corner sing like KK Slider.
jambo said:
The night sections of ODST are pretty much exactly that. You walk around in the dark, moving through open areas and certain buildings that you can access, avoiding or taking out patrols and generally having a grand old time. The lighting and art direction are gorgeous too.
Fucking sweet. Bought.
reptilescorpio said:
DE3 is a great open-ish world FPS. Also Jambo weren't the guard patrols in ODST on a cycle? I played through 3 times and remember pre-empting patrols and hiding in wait for them.
Can DE3 be played solely with the 360 pad? I actually recall reading that there was hacking that might need a keyboard but apparently the 360 chatpad could be used.

And isn't DE3 third person?


codswallop said:
Some random things I learned in Japan:

* Japan sounds like Animal Crossing. At least in parks and forests. Mrs Cods pointed this one out on our first day in Tokyo, in Yoyogi Park.
* Kyoto seems to have been a really big inspiration for Zelda (I was looking out for it as I knew of the 'Miyamoto playing in his back yard forest' story). Everywhere you look there are mountains as a backdrop, as in the first few Zeldas.
* Even a lot of the monsters are from the forests around Kyoto. Like this one:

* In fact, the hills and mountains of Kyoto definitely feels like you're walking through Zelda. It's awesome. Visiting Ginkaku-ji really drove it home.
* Arriving trains in the subway have their own theme tune, depending on the line and direction of the train.
* "UP" (as in Power UP) and "OK" are prevalent everywhere. I saw a girl reading a Cosmo and an ad told her she could Beauty UP, to increase her beauty, I suppose.

Is it just past Summer there? Did you hear those damned cicadas (higurashi? Help me out shan) everywhere?
Jintor said:
Is it just past Summer there? Did you hear those damned cicadas (higurashi? Help me out shan) everywhere?
Yeah, just the end of summer. We had 30-35c with 80+% humidity every day.

The bugs that sort of spun up and then had a winding down laugh? If so, they were everywhere. There were other loud generic cicadas too.


Jintor said:
Jesus fuck this last mission on Days of Ruin is completely fucking stupid.

5 laser cannons covering strategic vertical slices of the map that rotate and damage for 5 in a straight line that you have to destroy. That's okay.

Two free random units for the enemy every day. That's okay, even if they're always the units the enemy needs right then and there for some fucking reason.

Massive pre-deployed forces of wartanks and bombers already on the map supressing your forces. That's still okay, I guess, it's the final mission.

If I can dig my copy out, let's do some online multi!


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
That's a negative.

Nintendo currently have a grand total of 0 titles dated.


codswallop said:
* Arriving trains in the subway have their own theme tune, depending on the line and direction of the train.
The first couple of time I went to Japan, I was obsessed with this. So when I saw a gashapon machine that had sound drop key chains of various stations, I bought them all.
Shaneus said:
Can DE3 be played solely with the 360 pad? I actually recall reading that there was hacking that might need a keyboard but apparently the 360 chatpad could be used.

And isn't DE3 third person?
Changes UI on the fly when you plug in the 360 controller which is a nice touch. Whole thing can be played on controller since there is also console versions of the game.

It is FPS but when you go into cover mode the camera pulls out so you can see better. Works incredibly well. Also goes out of FPS during takedowns, cutscenes and when falling from a great height.


commanderdeek said:
The first couple of time I went to Japan, I was obsessed with this. So when I saw a gashapon machine that had sound drop key chains of various stations, I bought them all.

My friend who just got back said the station that Tezuka lived at played the Astro Boy jingle when departing.

RandomVince said:
There is a revelation in the comments.

It's one I pretend doesn't exist


they're probably waiting to hear back from retailers when their toy catalogues are running and work back from that.

the one thing i learned at this new job - toy catalogues run the games industry.
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