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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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Given they identify as leftists, the only reason I can see that they would do this is because it gives them free shit.

The union movement is the entire reason the left is a political force anywhere and it's always had issues with sexism and racism. The notion that these things are strictly issues of the right is pretty ignorant.
A nice cold, miserable day for an election here in South Australia.

Also; yesterday The Advertiser stopped making even the slightest effort at pretending to remain impartial. It even arrived in a "Vote Liberal" wrapper.

I saw that on the cover of the advertiser and it's done enough to convince me.


Reading the last page of this thread and feeling the almost certainty that we're due another 3 years of the current Liberal government has made me so fucking sad I don't even know what to say.

What the fuck has happened to our country over the last half decade :( Granted the swing towards this hard line right wing stuff is happening in a global scale (Trump, Brexit, Tories) but I didn't think it'd be so decisive here in Australia, especially after the awful last few years.
Reading the last page of this thread and feeling the almost certainty that we're due another 3 years of the current Liberal government has made me so fucking sad I don't even know what to say.

What the fuck has happened to our country over the last half decade :( Granted the swing towards this hard line right wing stuff is happening in a global scale (Trump, Brexit, Tories) but I didn't think it'd be so decisive here in Australia, especially after the awful last few years.

It's not really hard line right here (unless we get some kind of awful result where it turns out One Nation is the new Government or something similar). Turnbull is a moderate and the fact he knifed Abbott relatively recently is giving cover to some of Abbott's more boneheaded decisions as well as covering for the hard right of his party. Also Shorten is obviously not a natural leader, he's improved leaps and bounds over this campaign but that's only offset Turnbull's natural lead rather than pulled him ahead.

(Also Murdoch's dark shadow still falls over this land)

Honestly the worst case outcome is probably that Turnbull gets returned but that he ends up with the weaker faction and basically gets to be an erudite and suave puppet for his party's right wing. That'll get us another 3 years of Abbott but with a charming veneer , which may well get re-elected down the track.


The union movement is the entire reason the left is a political force anywhere and it's always had issues with sexism and racism. The notion that these things are strictly issues of the right is pretty ignorant.

Which end of the Left is historically known for sexism and racism? I could accept that in an environment of extreme socialism mixed with feral nationalism that would result.

In a modern environment though, where even Socialist Alliance at least seem outwardly to have policies built on equality, I struggle to see how a left leaning person could arrive at anything other than a position resembling a humanist one.

Where does it go wrong?


Which end of the Left is historically known for sexism and racism? I could accept that in an environment of extreme socialism mixed with feral nationalism that would result.

In a modern environment though, where even Socialist Alliance at least seem outwardly to have policies built on equality, I struggle to see how a left leaning person could arrive at anything other than a position resembling a humanist one.

Where does it go wrong?

It's easy to be progressive in theory until it actually starts threatening your privileged position.

See: American white people's voting habits.
Which end of the Left is historically known for sexism and racism? I could accept that in an environment of extreme socialism mixed with feral nationalism that would result.

In a modern environment though, where even Socialist Alliance at least seem outwardly to have policies built on equality, I struggle to see how a left leaning person could arrive at anything other than a position resembling a humanist one.

Where does it go wrong?

For the unions: it's a product of the origin of the Union movement (white, male, and religious (Catholic in Australia, not sure in England). Those groups had fairly defined cultural roles and expectations before the progessive left was even a thing.

For the left generally: It's partially related. The working class left have seen a lot of shafting under globalization and they get to watch their parties chasing around after feminism/sexual equality/racial equality rather than actually doing the thing they were created to do: Help the working class get their share. It breeds resentment.

There's also the all Straight White Males are privileged and should be ignored misuse of intersectionalism by small grounds which creates a similar resentment with both the previous group and progressive Straight White Males and there's a vast social pool of sexism and racism to draw upon to express that resentment. Oh and the ongoing internal war about whether the left should be authoritarian or not which polarizes people and naturally leads to demonization of the opposition.

The rise of the internet and the natural emotional distance (and thus reduction of consideration of emotional impact)) probably doesn't help either.

Mr. Tone

Bingo anyone?


I think you guys are reading too much into it. I honestly think it has more to do with the divide and conquer nature of modern politics and the fact that a minority of the left feel they have to 'rise' to the level of the right to 'win the battle'. Combine that with the nature of the internet and they become real pieces of shit.


Which end of the Left is historically known for sexism and racism? I could accept that in an environment of extreme socialism mixed with feral nationalism that would result.

In a modern environment though, where even Socialist Alliance at least seem outwardly to have policies built on equality, I struggle to see how a left leaning person could arrive at anything other than a position resembling a humanist one.

Where does it go wrong?


They're on the left in theory but only insofar as it delivers for them. The moment it starts talking about issues that challenge their privileged position any pretence of progressiveness jumps out the window.

See: Much of the left that voted for Sanders, or much of the younger Australian voting populace. They're people that go on and on about how bad the internet in Australia is and how we need the NBN but will cry from the rooftops that the gender wage gap is a myth or that Adam Goodes really deserved his booing.

Tommy DJ

I think you guys are reading too much into it. I honestly think it has more to do with the divide and conquer nature of modern politics and the fact that a minority of the left feel they have to 'rise' to the level of the right to 'win the battle'. Combine that with the nature of the internet and they become real pieces of shit.

There's some truth in this but it really simplifies the issue of Labor's right wing trend.

Elaugaufein is correct in that the unions play a big part in this trend as the SDA/HSU/AWU have always been conservative and honestly a blight on the union movement if I'm concerned. The SDA is both the largest union in Australia from memory and a bastion for Catholicism (openly against abortion, same sex marriage, IVF) for instance.

As far as federal Labor goes, they're definitely influenced heavily by these unions. Which is problematic for Labor I guess because it pushes more progressive unions (and members), such as the NTEU, towards the Greens.


Where does it go wrong?

You've had some good answers to this, but I'd say simply that the battles between left and right have traditionally been battles between workers and owners. Therefore this battle tends not to consider those who don't even have the privilege to be a worker.


I think my whole world is imploding. MRAs tend to be left leaning? Oh god. Antivaxxers too.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Cheers for the answers people

I think the key here is to divorce any other philosophy from being inherently linked to any side of politics.
I think my whole world is imploding. MRAs tend to be left leaning? Oh god. Antivaxxers too.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Cheers for the answers people

I think the key here is to divorce any other philosophy from being inherently linked to any side of politics.

MRAs are usually right wing (alt-right even).


I think my whole world is imploding. MRAs tend to be left leaning? Oh god. Antivaxxers too.

Deep breaths. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.

Cheers for the answers people

I think the key here is to divorce any other philosophy from being inherently linked to any side of politics.

you gotta remember that "left leaning" now means "right leaning but more libertarian than authoritarian".


its why between the major parties theres gonna be an overlap in venn diagram dickheadness. and ultimately that these elections wont really make much a difference either way.

you gotta remember that "left leaning" now means "right leaning but more libertarian than authoritarian".


its why between the major parties theres gonna be an overlap in venn diagram dickheadness. and ultimately that these elections wont really make much a difference either way.


I too like to throw darts on a map.


Nailed a snag.

Ended up numbering 16 boxes below the line. After that it was just varying shades of shit.

Went Wilkie, greens, labor, liberal, dlp, cdp in the HOR.


i wonder why it is there's always like 18 different varieties of lunatic right wing parties and only ever like three or four progressive parties


i wonder why it is there's always like 18 different varieties of lunatic right wing parties and only ever like three or four progressive parties

I was wondering that my self. It would seem to go against the accepted wisdom of "the left falls in love, the right falls in line". I guess racists are just really passionate about their racism!

Mr. Tone

i wonder why it is there's always like 18 different varieties of lunatic right wing parties and only ever like three or four progressive parties

Rundle touched on this in recent piece on the Australian Liberty Alliance
Guy Rundle said:
Effective politics demands that people recognise points of unity among differing ideas and bury the differences sufficient to be able to work together. That’s what an effective party is: a collection of factions, themselves collections of fractions and tendencies. It’s to our great good luck that the hard right works, these days, in the opposite manner; they all tend towards the paranoid, in which everything persecuting them is connected to every other thing persecuting them (“people ask me, ‘What are you most concerned about?’,” said one morose chap to another in the dry socialising after, “and I say, ‘everything’.”‘), while the petty differences between them magnify to make it impossible for them to work together.

They all — from One Nation to Family First to the wilder side of the Shooters — have essentially the same world view, which is that it’s all run by the globalist trans-homo elite. That should be the basis for a mass movement. Instead, they are splintered in such a way that they may well rule themselves out of Senate seats they could otherwise get. This was one additional reason for removing the Senate automatic ticket scam — because it removed any incentive to work together and rewarded the right’s pathological fractiousness, stemming from the fantasy nature of their politics. Put Kiralie Smith, Pauline Hanson and Bob Katter in the same party, and they’d tear each other apart.
Why do you hate Australia

Been a LNP supporter (non member mind you but have embraced all that they've stood for ) over the last 20 years since I took an interest in politics in high school.

A Labor government is horrible government. And there is no way I'd ever want Bill Shorten as the PM of Australia. Much in the same way people vomited when Abbott became PM.
Had to put LDP 6th!

If was between them, CDP, Rise Up, Sustainable and Zed Seselja. At least the LDP is entertaining in the way that they might start a fight in the senate or something.
People treat politics like a sport, they have a team and will stick with them no matter how shit they are.

Our team is Australia however, and we need to pick the best captain.

I don't like the 2 party system, both are incompetent, both are full of shit... But this time my vote goes to labour, easily.

Our vote should go deeper imo, for example we need to decide who the best treasurer is... One who actually is an expert on the field of finance, budgeting etc
The person who balances our books is never fit for the job.
i wonder why it is there's always like 18 different varieties of lunatic right wing parties and only ever like three or four progressive parties

I imagine the practical reason is the Greens hoover up most of the resources and votes and run pretty much all the issues.

There's some interesting divisions between some of the small parties on the right who eat Coalition vote share. Katter would rather join the ALP than one of the Libertarian parties. For some reason the Left small parties haven't fractured along that line (yet). I imagine Duerry's Senate roulette technique encouraged them too since the more micros channeling preferences around the more likely someone snowballs.

Dead Man

Been a LNP supporter (non member mind you but have embraced all that they've stood for ) over the last 20 years since I took an interest in politics in high school.

A Labor government is horrible government. And there is no way I'd ever want Bill Shorten as the PM of Australia. Much in the same way people vomited when Abbott became PM.
You've embraced all they've stood for? Well I now know what to think of you. Thanks.


Been a LNP supporter (non member mind you but have embraced all that they've stood for ) over the last 20 years since I took an interest in politics in high school.

A Labor government is horrible government. And there is no way I'd ever want Bill Shorten as the PM of Australia. Much in the same way people vomited when Abbott became PM.

That was sarcasm :p. I didn't vote LNP but they were high up my preference list. I'm an unashamed fan of Turnbull as our PM, he's near identical to me ideologically. There's much on the right that I don't enjoy in the LNP, but then again there's much of the ALP that I don't enjoy either. Same with the Greens.
Been a LNP supporter (non member mind you but have embraced all that they've stood for ) over the last 20 years since I took an interest in politics in high school.

A Labor government is horrible government. And there is no way I'd ever want Bill Shorten as the PM of Australia. Much in the same way people vomited when Abbott became PM.

Have you been hibernating for the last three years of the LNP shitshow?


Been a LNP supporter (non member mind you but have embraced all that they've stood for ) over the last 20 years since I took an interest in politics in high school.

A Labor government is horrible government. And there is no way I'd ever want Bill Shorten as the PM of Australia. Much in the same way people vomited when Abbott became PM.

Hypothetical (for anyone really)

If your preferred party could not form government, which politician from the other parties would you like to see as PM? Doesnt have to be an ALP or LNP member.

As someone who is probably going to vote Green today, my preferred PM out of the two would be Shorten but otherwise I wouldn't mind seeing any of the following: Albanese, Wong, Xenephon, Susan Ley or Marise Payne.

From the LNP I think Payne is probably one of the most level headed and least incendiary speakers and probably should stay in defence if the gov't is re-elected.

Have you been hibernating for the last three years of the LNP shitshow?

Ive said it multiple times but the LNP shitshow has been going for over a decade. The tantrum they threw over Rudd's Copenhagen plan and the 2010 election result showed their true colours.

You've embraced all they've stood for? Well I now know what to think of you. Thanks.

Children overboard. Silence on on-water activities. Self immolation. Prosecution for whistleblowers. Work Choices. Climate Change denial. Hawthorn supporter.


People treat politics like a sport, they have a team and will stick with them no matter how shit they are.

Our team is Australia however, and we need to pick the best captain.

I don't like the 2 party system, both are incompetent, both are full of shit... But this time my vote goes to labour, easily.

Our vote should go deeper imo, for example we need to decide who the best treasurer is... One who actually is an expert on the field of finance, budgeting etc
The person who balances our books is never fit for the job.

Hey mate, you could have voted for the greens. their finance minister is a economics university lecturer and former vice president of deutsche bank in hong kong.
Hypothetical (for anyone really)

If your preferred party could not form government, which politician from the other parties would you like to see as PM? Doesnt have to be an ALP or LNP member.

As someone who is probably going to vote Green today, my preferred PM out of the two would be Shorten but otherwise I wouldn't mind seeing any of the following: Albanese, Wong, Xenephon, Susan Ley or Marise Payne.

Sadly there isn't anyone who I think is a clear good option as PM that comes to mind, from anyone currently in politics.

They are all very much equal in their pros and cons.
Have you been hibernating for the last three years of the LNP shitshow?

Abbott->Turnbull wasn't chaos, it was a orderly transition of power long organised. Chaos is something that only happens to the other side.

Hypothetical (for anyone really)

If your preferred party could not form government, which politician from the other parties would you like to see as PM? Doesnt have to be an ALP or LNP member.

As someone who is probably going to vote Green today, my preferred PM out of the two would be Shorten but otherwise I wouldn't mind seeing any of the following: Albanese, Wong, Xenephon, Susan Ley or Marise Payne.

From the LNP I think Payne is probably one of the most level headed and least incendiary speakers and probably should stay in defence if the gov't is re-elected.

Not so sure about Ley but Payne is a good call. Warren Entsh maybe? Russel Broadbent? Alan Tudge? Sharman Stone but I think she is retiring .


Man Wong would be a great PM. If only for the fucking meltdown the far right would have.

That's partly the motivation but in her own right she is a very well spoken and reasoned person. In the same way Payne is I guess.

Since PM Ludlam isn't happening anytime soon, alas.


Used the Greens how to vote card. Didn't realise the Sex Party was with the Marijuana people. Also felt strange putting Liberal 3rd haha
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