Ugggh that Griffith swing.
They've been worried about it for a while, not sure why. Big redistribution? Terry Butler always seemed a decent candidate.
Ugggh that Griffith swing.
As it was last election, so it is this election. I have purchased fortified wine and plan to get quite drunk tonight.
Dude, I wish I could. Chemo and alcohol doesn't play nice. I gotta pull this shit sober. ;n;
Jesus that negative swing against Turnbull in Wentworth. -15% from one booth.
16.5% swing away from Nikolic would be fantasic but, I totally don't expect it to stick >.> <.<
I'm here with you in terms of sickness and alcohol, team unhappily sober on election night!
Channel 9 reporting it gone. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke.
Ant Green saying Labour colouring the map of Tassie red.
fnarr fnarr
It beginnnnnnnnnnnnsAnt Green saying Labour colouring the map of Tassie red.
fnarr fnarr
Ant Green saying Labour colouring the map of Tassie red.
fnarr fnarr
i'm just hoping hanson doesn't get in...
Commercial television... is fucking disgraceful
I accidentally switched over from ABC to 7 and WTF channel 7 and the Tower of Power?
Commercial television coverage of elections is fucking disgraceful
What a country
Remember that Western Australia is coming up, to separate them by about 10, in favour of the Coalition.Both the ABC and The Guardian have things neck and neck, with the Coalition slightly ahead.
Christ, this election is nerve-wracking, and me coming down with a cold doesn't help, either.
What a country
What a country
It'll be a hung parliament with Liberals taking power via independents.
Disgraceful clothing. Wearing cargo pants!
I like and wear cargo pants but apparently people think it's awful
Tony has really let himself go since being ousted.
PLOT TWIST: They'll form government with the Greens.Yeah, this is what I'm gambling on too.
That's rough, bro. Even worse if the election doesn't go your way.Dude, I wish I could. Chemo and alcohol doesn't play nice. I gotta pull this shit sober. ;n;
Antony Green is leaning towards a majority Liberal government.
PLOT TWIST: They'll form government with the Greens.