Pretty sure certain areas are still real salty that he backed Gillard despite the fact that their constituency benefited from the deal.
Immensely salty. Like, insurmountably salty - it was easily the biggest challenge for Tony to overcome and I never thought he got a hold of it and relied on his grandfatherly aspects a little too much. That and his late decision to run again caught many groups out (GetUp!, despite much huffing and puffing were fucking ineffective up here, for example).
Even though BJ has been a no-show for most of the last three years, was quick to deflect many issues as being 'state issues' (despite being a massive advocate for Walcha during the recent state-based council mergers/amalgamations) and is a fundamental Roman Catholic something-or-other denomination (hence his ridiculous views on many social aspects and his wonderful quote about his daughters needing to marry men).
But you know, he's also a dinkydi aussie who wears akubras, oi oi oi, so there you go.
This has always been a conservative, National seat (TW of course being a former Nat), so his 'betrayal' to the ALP was like a personal sleight, or dagger into the hearts of many many people in this place who seemingly carry a grudge until the grave. And TW I think, was a bit weak at really getting stuck into BJ over mining, NBN, being socially regressive and the many general pre-election money promises (pork barreling) that were made.