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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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This seems really dumb but where is there a good, as neutral as possible breakdown of the CFA / Firey/ Union / Daniel Andrews thing?

I'm in Victoria and this has been bubbling away but since it's just been in the Herald Sun mostly I've just ignored it. Anytime they talk about Labor vs. Unions I'm just assuming 100% lies.

My view was (remembering I didn't really care since I knew I would be voting 1 Green / Labor above Liberal) Daniel Andrews seems to be about as not bad as you can expect a labor leader to be in 2016, and was making generally not bad decisions, and then there was some issues with the MFB (Paid) firey union and the CFA (volunteer) firey union and he kinda had to pick one, but his minister picked the other and now they hate him.

1. Is this even close to reality
2. What are the issues he is dealing with
3. Would the libs be even close to better with it?
4. Is it actually a reason people should be changing votes or is it dumb herald sun shit again

Not 100% sure what was going on but I believe it is something like this:

Basically the CFA is a bit of unorganised mob. Each depot operates like its own little fiefdom barely taking orders from up high and level of standards and training varied wildly. The Victorian government wanted to introduce professional firefighters on all firegrounds as commanders but as union membership is very high among the professionals this was wrongly interpreted as a union take over.

I suspect at this point the Liberal party and I imagine the IPA got involved and made a mountain out of a molehill for purely political purposes. Kennet's CFA hat was absolutely pathetic last night.

As for Labor in Victoria, Labor was already on a high in Victoria. No one expected them to win a handful of seats, maybe Corangamite and Dunkley at most though now they may still lose Batman, for other reasons, and Chisholm instead. Probably had a minor effect but it was overblown.



Also, Cory Bernadi today:

“However you look at it, it’s a disaster for the Liberal Party. The brand has been damaged substantially by hubris; by an arrogant contempt for our traditional base and the abandonment of any founding principle,” he said.

“The conservative revolution needs to either start within the Liberal Party or it will start outside of it and I think we’ve just seen a taste of that on the weekend.”

“It’s always been my preference to ensure the Liberal Party remains true to its conservative ethos but I have repeatedly warned that, if we abandon our reason for being, something else will fill the gaps.”


Yes Cory. The Coalition lost a bunch of swings seats last night because they weren't conservative enough. Not because Malcolm had to spend the better part of a year pandering to you lunatics instead of doing what most of the nation wanted.


the holder of the trombone
Yes Cory. The Coalition lost a bunch of swings seats last night because they weren't conservative enough. Not because Malcolm had to spend the better part of a year pandering to you lunatics instead of doing what most of the nation wanted.

I feel sad cory's take away is probably more inline with most of the coalition.


Bernardi is probably secretly hoping Labor take government so they can chuck Turnbull and retake the soul of the party.


Yeah, unfortunately.

Would be amazing. No idea how that muppet is an MP let alone in Cabinet. He's had so many fuck ups in the past few years you wonder what sort of compromising pictures he has of people.

He was in the AFP right? He probably has access.


I'd be shocked if Labor form government. The majority of the crossbench MPs are more favourable to the Libs and they'll likely have more seats.

It's looking like 74-75 LNP which makes it difficult for Labor.


I'd be shocked if Labor form government. The majority of the crossbench MPs are more favourable to the Libs and they'll likely have more seats.

It's looking like 74-75 LNP which makes it difficult for Labor.

I'll be shocked if an LNP-right wing microparty alliance can last even half a full term before imploding. The LNP have shown that negotiation is not something they are capable of, hence the election we just had.

If we get an LNP minority, or even slim majority government, it wont last and the independents bar katter will probably end up throwing support behind an ALP government of national unity after the LNP infighting/tantrums reach critical levels. Probably precipitated by an Abbott takeover, Bernadi going rogue and starting the Conservative United National Team ticket and Christensen bodychecking Malcolm during the party room ballot.
I don't think Labor really want to form government to be honest. Probably easier in the senate for them Lab+GRN+NXT should be fine but it will be 3 years of Abbott style destruction in the HoR and it was brutal last time.


I don't think Labor really want to form government to be honest. Probably easier in the senate for them Lab+GRN+NXT should be fine but it will be 3 years of Abbott style destruction in the HoR and it was brutal last time.

Or instead of throwing tantrums they could govern from opposition.

Any MP can table legislation.

Two of the cross bench MPs-elect (McGowan and Wilkie) have already stated they will support neither party but will support legislation on its merits. If it's close enough, ALP could be voting through bills in the HoR and since they actually know how to negotiate in the senate its possible a few sensible measures might get through.

Maybe even SSM.

If they carry on like adults there is every chance they could come up smelling like roses in 2019.
Saw that on ABC


Finally got around to a proper preference count.

It's just completely fallen apart for the LNP.

I don't think they can work with the senate and realistically, Shorten will negotiate from there.

It's literally Bill going: Look Nick if you want to line up your senate candidates on the same side as the racists then be my guest, see how it works out in 2019. But together there is a functional Labor government that doesn't need racist support.

What will it be Nick?
It's just completely fallen apart for the LNP.

I don't think they can work with the senate and realistically, Shorten will negotiate from there.

It's literally Bill going: Look Nick if you want to line up your senate candidates on the same side as the racists then be my guest, see how it works out in 2019. But together there is a functional Labor government that doesn't need racist support.

What will it be Nick?

If he lines up with One Nation he could get a NXT up in QLD next time after One Nation implodes under their own distinction again.


Why exactly do we have to wait until Tuesday for the counting to continue anyway? Polis just told Monday to git fucked?
Why exactly do we have to wait until Tuesday for the counting to continue anyway? Polis just told Monday to git fucked?

After the votes were lost in 2013 there's a new more secure method for transport and tracking of all the votes. That's expected to take today and most of tomorrow.


After the votes were lost in 2013 there's a new more secure method for transport and tracking of all the votes. That's expected to take today and most of tomorrow.
Turnbull and Shorten have to visit as many polling places as they can and run to Canberra on foot. The leader carrying the most votes to arrive at goverment house first wins.
TFW Pauline Hanson is on the radio telling the major parties to be more statesman like and that she's interested in visiting Aboriginal communities to hear their issues.

I'd be wondering if I'd slipped into a mirror universe except everything else she said was still 90s Hanson + Islamaphobia vaguely tethered to some stuff about 457 visas for un/low skilled jobs.

Also if her estimates about how many Senators she gets is even 50% correct its time to throw this country of a cliff.
On another topic Twitter left demonstrating that idiocy about ABC crosses ideological boundaries accusing ABC election coverage of Right Wing Bias. Would it kill these people to Google be presenters ? Some of them are rather open about their political affiliation and if you wanted right wing bias there far better picks than the set they had.
Can Matthias Gorman challenge for the leadership? I know he's a cunt, but I'd like to know how a T-800 would fare running our country.


It's breaking my balls. I'm trying to organise a new job and move up there to enjoy the warmer climates... but man. Man.

There's a big difference between the greater Brisbane metro area and the rest of the state.

It almost sounds like the gap that I hear between Houston and the rest of Texas.


There's a big difference between the greater Brisbane metro area and the rest of the state.

It almost sounds like the gap that I hear between Houston and the rest of Texas.

Yeah, I do love Brisbane, don't think I've had a bad time there even when post-sporting event public transport lets me down. But we're thinking of further north than that. Ah well, it can only be a slight change from Barnaby Joyce in any event, I guess!
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