Please tell me Garo improved this week.
I wish I could but...

Garo Crimson Moon Episode 3

His exasperation mirrors my own...
You know what's not a good sign? When a show feels the need to constantly end on characters talking about future events and plans they have in motion, because nothing that happened in the episode was captivating or moved the plot really?
Well, we did learn a bit about Seimei, but only in the most trite boring way a show can tell us about a person. By having people talk in ways that paints a vague picture of her background. We don't actually get to see anything of her background. We don't have any past version of her to compare her to, or really much of an explanation of why she left her previous life other than one line. She found her previous life too "stifling."
...Well....thanks for making that character really boring Crimson Moon...
And I'm not exaggerating here, Garo might have some of the most boring fights I've seen all year. Maybe the animation budget is being saved for future episodes, but the majority of the fights are cheap looking cuts, or Raiko just tanking enemy attacks in his Garo armor. THEY DON'T MOVE WHEN THEY FIGHT! And it comes off comedic when I'm not sure it was supposed to be...
There's a scene in the episode where they knock a Horror towards a crowd of people, not really sure if they're supposed to be nobles or something, and the horror hits them in a manner reminiscent of a bowling ball hitting some pins. Then the horror kills some of them. This happens right after a scene where Raiko was talking about how he has to save people.

This gif right here has more enjoyable animation in it, than the entirety of Crimson Moon so far.