Finished Big O
Amazing series. 10/10. Everyone watch it.
Only nitpicks with the show are that the first half feels far more expansive and interesting than the second. The exploration of things like Asimov's law of robotics and Dorothy's development kind of get pushed to the side in favor of the more plot driven memories/self-identity plot of the second half.
Also Scharwald is a much more charismatic villain than Alex. Episode 12 where the two of them face off might be my favorite episode I've seen of anything all year.
But all in all those are small nitpicks in an otherwise amazing show
Fuck yes, Schwartzwald is definitely a better villain because he was searching for his own truth as well. Plus, his speeches are way better than Alex Rosewater.
I must admit, I hated the 2nd half, but rewatching it made me think about what they were talking about and now I love the ending.
I'm with you in that while I wanted them to elaborate more on the memories angle, I enjoyed the episodic world that explored the unique aspects of Paradigm City.
I only wish they had more adult and professional interactions between Roger and Angel.