Code Geass got me into non manga adaptations of Anime.
Love it.
Love it.
Yeah Seven Deadly Sins is good. Anime is a good adaptation of the manga.
Buuuut it's also one of those "go read the manga for more story, pleb" deals.
way too soon for something that hasnt really hit its stride yet
way too soon
Owarimonogatari 04
The rivalry between Hanekawa and Ougi is fierce. Definitely interested in seeing what goes down next.
(hi animegaf I'm gonna try posting here)
Yuru Yuri 4
Yui has a bad habit of buying doomed systems.
Xbone is pretty much completely irrelevant at this point. Especially in Japan.I can understand the first 5 systems but the Xbone? Damn.
way too soon for something that hasnt really hit its stride yet
Haven't read it but isn't Jump banking on this being their next big series? Hopefully it doesn't bomb like Toriko.
There is a Shokugeki no Soma anime event on the 28th of February being hosted by the VA's.
Whatever could this mean?
Owarimonogatari 04
The rivalry between Hanekawa and Ougi is fierce. Definitely interested in seeing what goes down next.
(hi animegaf I'm gonna try posting here)
I can understand the first 5 systems but the Xbone? Damn.
Probably 2nd season announcement
You know it's set in Japan right? The only XBone sold there was the one used as a reference for that picture.
Dick Punch Man 1-4
So, from what i understand, this anime actually doesn't have a higher budget. Just good animators who are into this project.
I think these people needs to be given a hand (and more money). This is good. Damn good.
Would Blue Exorcist or 11 Eyes work for a Let's Watch?
I'm going to do a final vote today and need to throw in a wild card.
I'm saying that the first 5 system were at least sold better in Japan(except maybe 3D0) but the xbone sold so badly it's irrelevant/non existent.
Too late for a announcement. I guess the announcement will be this November/December (there is another event coming soon) so they can hype up season 2. The other event will surely be for more drama cds
Would Blue Exorcist or 11 Eyes work for a Let's Watch?
I'm going to do a final vote today and need to throw in a wild card.
Go with Blue exorcist, 11 eyes is awfully boring.
There's a second season of Seven Deadly Sins coming next year.
Would Blue Exorcist or 11 Eyes work for a Let's Watch?
I'm going to do a final vote today and need to throw in a wild card.
I still wonder how s2 will work and since the manga has years left wilk they ever even keep giving it seasons?
Would Blue Exorcist or 11 Eyes work for a Let's Watch?
I'm going to do a final vote today and need to throw in a wild card.
Owarimonogatari 4
Hanekawa oppai save the day once again. Ougi is mysterious creepy cute oddity (at this point, he/she is probably Araragi oddity, the reason why Hanekawa completely immune to Ougi is probably because she still have her oddity or that she is the type that cannot be influenced by outside influence)
Owarimonogatari 4
Hanekawa oppai save the day once again. Ougi is mysterious creepy cute oddity (at this point, he/she is probably Araragi oddity, the reason why Hanekawa completely immune to Ougi is probably because she still have her oddity or that she is the type that cannot be influenced by outside influence)
@Cornbread I'm fairly sure this is not a phrase you want to be using round these parts.
Non Non Biyori 02
I've got a free moment at work so here's a short semi-random list of some things I love that are 13 episodes or less:
Tatami Galaxy
Detroit Metal City
Flowers of Evil
Hi no Tori
Now and Then, Here and There
I think at least half of them are not available on CR (or similar), though, unfortunately... Also probably at least half of them are pretty well known. Or maybe I just think they should be.
Would Blue Exorcist or 11 Eyes work for a Let's Watch?
I'm going to do a final vote today and need to throw in a wild card.
Didn't Blue Exorcist air on Toonami? Not really "unknown" if that's the case.
Didn't Blue Exorcist air on Toonami? Not really "unknown" if that's the case.
Baccano is like one of the most popular anime (among western fanbases anyhow) in the last several years.How well known is Baccano? That would definitely be an interesting idea for a Lets Watch Cornbread.
Yeah, the problem with a lot of these is the streaming options are very limited.
Bartender. Lovely feel. It's like we're having a long conversation of our life stories over a special drink.
Detroit Metal City. GO TO DMC! GO TO DMC! GO TO DMC! GO TO DMC!
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei Herz!