I will forever remember Guillotine Gorilla, simply because he was a delayed double mindblow.
When he appeared completely out of left field I was like WTF is happening!? and convinced myself it had to be a dream, because absolutely no way this was real.
And I kept watching the episode, and another episode and it slowly dawned on me. No one was waking up. This was no dream. This was really happening. And my mind was blown again.
I experienced a somewhat similar situation, only that rather than my mind being blown I just facepalmed twice. The show had already gotten crazy enough with "Ey! *ding*" and the flamenco weaponized office supplies, so guilliotine gorilla just made me whince when it appeared as the cerberus syndrome's harbinger. Then, later on I also realized that the show had no intention of handwaving all the crappy sentai stuff with "it was all a dream", but again that didn't blow my mind, and rather reminded me that we were supposed to have to bear with every single sentai show cliché being played completely straight and enjoy it. Not being a sentai fan myself, saying that such a prospect just wasn't appealing to me would be an understatement.