Sword Art Online Episode 3 & 4
In episode 3 Kirito tries to revive a girl, in episode 4 Kirito tries to revive a bird. While these two episodes share almost the exact same premise (and even have a lot of other similarities between them) they both felt completely different. I only really noticed that they were alike after I watched them. I think this is mostly because the two episodes focused on other aspects of an MMO. There are a lot of different settings that can happen in one and SAO handles this really well. Episode three being a more gloomy, Christmas setting.
While the next episode was way more colourful and upbeat.
Anyhow, I’m enjoying the way these episodes are formatted. While the “goal” of the game is to complete floor 100 there isn’t a lot of attention spent on it, it just happens in the background which was a good decision IMO. These side stories are way more interesting to see then “Kirito grinding” and them completing floors. I do think that the progress could’ve been handled a bit better. It’s mostly numbers going up. While Kirito has gained a bunch of levels during these episodes he doesn’t really look that much more “proficient” in episode 4 compared to 3. I guess that’s an MMO for you.
I can definitely see why a lot of people enjoy this though, it really nails what it’s trying to be. Kirito switching between “nice guy” and “tough guy” is handled well enough that he isn’t a
complete edgelord, while he's cool, he still stays likeable.
This show also doesn’t pull it’s punches. Characters can die left or right, it’s a surprise everytime on who’s going to live or die in these episodes, especially with side-characters like Klein (I’m rooting for you buddy!). It’s always a gamble on whether or not the new girl in Kirito’s harem is going to bite the dust.
When will people learn that an empty room with just a chest always means danger!