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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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It's just that I don't understand why they made her the main protagonist of the anime. Like, for the adaptation, everyone else was better.

At least she had one funny line: "If you sink, you don't come back!"


Fubuki is game director favourite. So yeah obviously he want her to be star of the show.

Most of the anime is pretty much "staff favourite ship" hence why most of the character feel tack in


Corporate Apologist
It's a shame no one is streaming Lupin this season.

I feel like everyone has practically forgotten about it as a result.

Yeah, I didn't even realize it was out until I checked last night. Its really good, its a proper Lupin anime unlike that Fujiko spinoff.


Fubuki is game director favourite. So yeah obviously he want her to be star of the show.

Most of the anime is pretty much "staff favourite ship" hence why most of the character feel tack in

Oh I see... At the time I was wondering why there felt like there was no direction and just doing things.


Maturity, bitches.
You know what show does Halloween?


That's right. Kill Me Baby leading the way as always.


I..I had no idea you were in so deep.

Your statement means that I play the game and try to minimize RNG as much as possible and also participate in all the events.

I don't know everything. Only what I know from this anime and other things. ;)

I refuse to play a browser game that acts like an MMO. Complete waste of time.


Everything Becomes F 4

Just want to share a few things kicking around my head about the show so far.

I have no idea how accurate this may be, but the title "Everything Becomes F" makes me think of hexadecimal (base 16) notation, which is used a lot in computer science. In hexadecimal, the numbers 10 through 15 are represented as A, B, C, D, E, and F. F is like the inverse of 0. In binary, 0 would be represented as 0000, and F would be 1111. If you represent colors in hexadecimal to reflect the 255, 255, 255 RGB values, black would be 000000, and white would be FFFFFF.

So I don't know what "Everything Becomes F" would mean in the context of this current mystery, but I feel like it has something to do with bringing everything to an end.

Nishinosono and Magata have a lot of intentional similarities, which the events of this episode reflect even more.
They're both brilliant women, interested in similar fields, who lost their parents. They both have demonstrated romantic interest in men much older than themselves. The biggest difference between the two (besides Magata's split personalities) is that Nishinosono encountered someone smarter than her when she was younger. How did that change her? Is that part of what Magata was interested in when they talked?

I found Nishinosono interesting to watch in this episode.
Even more than Magata's eerie death, the stabbing of the director really seems to have unsettled her. This would make sense enough on its own, but the directing and acting goes out of its way to emphasize her growing anxiety. Her voice quavers as she lays out her theories of where the murderer may have gone, trying to regain control of the situation. She goes back to Magata's body, looking for some clue she may have missed. She's scared and confused, a situation she's not used to being in. Between her natural intelligence and her inherited wealth, she rarely has to worry about anything.

I'm kind of baffled that nobody seems to be looking after Magata's sister right now. She seems like the next logical target.


Your statement means that I play the game and try to minimize RNG as much as possible and also participate in all the events.

I don't know everything. Only what I know from this anime and other things. ;)

I refuse to play a browser game that acts like an MMO. Complete waste of time.

mods please change his name to Lies_HTX tia
Back in Toronto!

Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 05

This episode was epic. The battle itself in space was awesome, and our Tekkadan peeps
suffered no losses
. That plan at the end also came clutch. I laughed hard at the old man in the end. He had it coming that traitor.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Everything Becomes F 4
I'm kind of baffled that nobody seems to be looking after Magata's sister right now. She seems like the next logical target.
She is the key clue to solving the mystery. If they dealt with her immediately everything would just be laid out clearly. Instead the story is building up complicated scenarios to mislead the viewer. The show isn't really about motives or any human element, but instead the absurd facility and its state as a convoluted mess of a fortress. Also they already explained the title...I dunno if you missed it or not.
Concrete Revolution Episode 5

Pretty predictable for the main conflict this episode. Though I was more interested in the Jiro aspect and beasts part of that. His feelings and conflicts is most compelling.


One Punch Man 5

Great again. The practice was animated really good and I loved every second of it. Also, Saitama taking the tests was gold. lol
Comet Lucifer Episode 5

Fantastic episode, the battle theme just makes me love every single one of these fights
and the new suit design is getting even more epic. The wing like arms, the huge beams, and the huge beam blast, its a great and much needed upgrade
Also whoever is sound director for this anime is great as well. Its so immersive.


Back in Toronto!

Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 05

This episode was epic. The battle itself in space was awesome, and our Tekkadan peeps
suffered no losses
. That plan at the end also came clutch. I laughed hard at the old man in the end. He had it coming that traitor.

The narrative is holding itself up for now, this was a well-paced episode.

I really wish they had allocated a bigger budget to this series, but I'm sure that's a sticky topic. I've been happy with the direction and character development, it makes up for the animation.
One Punch Man - 05

Pretty funny episode. Particularly with Saitama's animation in a few situations, it looked more comical with the wigglyness.
There's a moment with the contrast of him having air punched a mountain, while walking away Goofy style that I found hilarious. Not to mention the Oppai sweatshirt.
Animation in the fight was great, with some nice smear:
One Punch Man 05

Ok, Daisuki's player is fucking garbage. Maybe they should use all that ad money to make it so the piece of shit doesn't stutter all the time and they can actually make the bottom 5% of the screen not blurred out. God. The fight scene was not watchable because if anyone so much as moves it starts stuttering. Atrocious.

Then I actually watched the fight and it was dope so that was cool. I want Saitama's sweatshirt

Okada Gundam 05

Well I am glad Hitler won't be plotting shit behind the scenes and saying lame lines anymore. I am kind of disappointed they didn't just hurl the bastard into the Sun though.

Apparently season 2 of Yuriphonium is happening. Here's to one more season of teases and nothing actually happening.

u serious

You should watch Kawaisou or Nisekoi if you think Euphonium was "nothing happened"


Iron Blooded orphans 5

Great episode. Akihiro is an absolute beast if he's that good without the injection things. Intelligence Char dude seems like a good rival for Mikazuki considering how quickly he turned his strength into a weakness. I guess the poor animation of last week was made more palatable if they're saving it for episodes like this. Good stuff


Cant wait. The series is about to get a lot more interesting story wise. Too much hype. Genos vs Saitama was incredible.

Jesus I still have Haikyuu to watch too. Too many hype shows on the weekend this season.
DiaLover More Blood Episode 5

Kou is best of the new DiaLover. Though he is a bit too high maintenance if he cant really unbutton his own shirt. Though I wouldnt mind sleeping with him, Masochistic kitten is so lucky.

all their backstories are so sad and emotional, the parents in this anime are all so mean
Dragon Ball Super 17

I'm all screwed up, I was watching some of these scenes thinking "Wait, didn't this already happen" because I watched RoF like 3 days ago.

Expanding on the training on Beerus' planet should be good since that was a big weakness of RoF, Vegeta and Goku kind of just showed up with SSGSS and it wasn't anything spectacular.

Krillin's ringtone is the first OP of One Piece, nice touch.


Haikyuu 5

That was intense. Even though I can see Hinata's side, Kageyama is in the right. The look Ashishi gave Hinata after he bumped like "I'm the fucking ace, don't you dare do that again" was amazing, I hope he puts his foot down next episode.

Also, weird that the fight got the best animation and not the volleyball scenes.


One Punch Man - 05

Hilarious and epic at the same time, once again. The examination was absolute gold as was the fight against Genos. Incredible.

Comet Lucifer - 05

Fantastic episode. The mech-action in this show is ridiculously awesome. The soundtrack and sound effects are really good as well.
Thank god Felia 'grew up' though. Yay for complete sentences!


If I had a shot of strong drink for every time I heard "Tokonome desu!" I'd have a serious case of ethanol poisoning by now.
From the New World 18

That was another strong and consistently captivating episode, elevated by a story that remains so thoughtfully told. The balancing of two disparate, yet intricately connected threads (
Saki’s emotional instability and the Ethics Committee’s discussion concerning the increasingly mysterious eradication of the Giant Hornet colony
) was a subtly evocative approach to storytelling. As such, the discordant shifts of time between past and present throughout the first half of the episode were expertly executed, as they heightened the effectiveness of the events that followed. The celebratory atmosphere that permeated the festival illustrated a highly effective dichotomy with the wistful nature of the
specters that haunted Saki’s thoughts and the subsequent attack
. This seemingly insignificant touch cleverly accentuated an unsettled atmosphere that lingered throughout. In fact, the entire episode emphasized the solemn tone that has so thoroughly pervaded the narrative from the beginning. As the story nears its culmination, I expect that this melancholy will, if anything, only strengthen.

The details surrounding the
massacre of the Giant Hornet colony
were exceedingly interesting, as the bizarre elements of Satoru’s report, such as
the absence of a single death within the Robber Fly colony
and the discovery that
the Giant Hornets were without weapons
greatly illuminated the peculiar and deceitful nature of the queerat civilization. That their societal advancement is occurring in such a dramatic fashion should be thoroughly disconcerting to the humans, but they seem incapable of properly grasping that an “inferior” species could prove disastrous. The hubris displayed by the majority of their society is really quite fascinating, as its inherently flawed elements were profoundly illustrated by
the death of their most arrogantly reckless Elder
. This too highlights a considerable weakness within their construct, as the
death of one of their leaders from a simple ambush by ancillary forces
suggests that Yakomaru possesses significant tactical strength and possible superiority. This could so easily result in ruination if another one of
their Elders were to die
. As it is already, they seem ill-prepared to defend their village from a more direct attack.

The strange appearance of a fly inside the Holy Barrier was a beautifully ominous note to establish the
queerats infiltration of the festival
on, which, itself, was deftly foreshadowed by Saki unconcernedly remarking upon the sight of children adorning the costumes of monsters at the beginning of the episode. Asahina’s promise of vengeance against Yakomaru was refreshing in its unrestrained hostility. Of course, I don’t think she or the majority of their society is altogether deserving of any sort of victory, but it was quite satisfying to glimpse beyond the carefully constructed facade of detached superiority that they typically wear.

The most beautifully crafted moment within the episode was the opening’s crescendo, as Saki desperately ran towards the apparitions of
Maria and the others that she could only faintly recall
. Cleverly preceded by Shisei‘s foreboding declaration that simple bombs didn‘t
kill the Giant Hornet colony
, this sequence was incredibly insightful, conveying the majority of its significance visually. The two bookends to this moment, in particular, were masterfully executed. The opening displayed some excellent sound direction, wherein
a young Maria appeared before Saki
, all sound extinguishing save for a heartbeat and her jagged breathing, as it then cut to Satoru knowingly and sympathetically watching her as she began to
chase after her illusions
. Secondly, the conclusion to this vignette painted a highly effective picture of hopelessness, as Saki
yelled Maria’s name
, frantically searching all around her for a sign, followed by a quick cut to Saki gasping at the sight of
three silhouettes among torches, Maria and Mamoru barely visible and Shun having faded almost entirely
. As Saki started to walk toward them, music, for the first time, perforated the natural sounds and Satoru silently touched her shoulder, before Saki mournfully told him of the
three she couldn’t reach, including “the faceless boy“
. There were a plethora of superbly handled directorial flourishes within this sequence as well, such as the striking shot of her running endlessly framed by a myriad of ghostly lanterns, the echo of her footsteps reverberating amidst silence. In only a singular and nearly wordless minute, this scene illuminated more characterization for Saki and Satoru than any of the previous episodes within this arc.

Saki and Satoru’s relationship continues to evolve with an understated naturalism, evidenced by the subtle manner in which a mutual and often unspoken understanding of one another has been quietly illuminated by their interactions. The methodical unfurling of Yakomaru’s fiendish machinations continues to be incredibly intriguing. His effortless proclivity for complex manipulations is one of the most engaging aspects of the narrative. Once again, this episode displayed the surprising depths of his cunning, as the
attack against the village
was a deviously clever idea. It will be interesting to discover exactly how significant his role in
Maria and Mamoru’s likely deaths
really was, as this episode heavily foreshadowed that he was directly involved.

prominence within Saki‘s visions, combined with Saki’s narration in the second episode that spoke of the eventual destruction that
Maria‘s existence would create
, strongly suggests that her considerable effect on the story,
whether alive or dead
, has not yet come to an end. That Yakomaru provided
Maria and Mamoru’s seemingly authentic remains
to the council strongly elevates the possibility that they are, however,
, but might also indicate that
Maria gave birth to a child that they now control
. If so, the hint of inevitable despair that suffused
their departure
at the end of the previous arc would have certainly been tragically realized.

The frightful possibilities that arise due to the likelihood that a
Cantus user is aiding the queerats
is delightfully intriguing, as it weaves into the story another layer of compelling complexity. This singular narrative is further strengthened by the potential identity of said Cantus user, as it could very well be
, or, small possibility though it might be,
Maria and Momoru’s child
, as was first foreshadowed in the sixteenth episode. Here, once again, is an example of the exceedingly thoughtful writing that is prevalent throughout the series, as this surprising development doesn’t seem at all contrived, instead appearing as a natural evolution of all that occurred at the end of the previous arc and what might have transpired throughout the years that followed. Similarly, the allusion to the
queerats possessing a false minoshiro
would be an excellent explanation for the exceedingly rapid evolution of the queerats as a species, having so quickly adopted progressively sophisticated militaristic means and strategies. That such a significant element of their world hasn’t even been referenced since a very early episode and yet can be re-introduced without the slightest hint of contrivance illustrates, along with many other aspects of the narrative, an exceptionally meticulous approach to storytelling that has continuously elevated this series above most.

Though typically mediocre, the production values were surprisingly impressive throughout, displaying a marked improvement of those within the majority of the previous arc. Of particular note was the
queerat attack at the festival and the subsequent slaughter of said queerats
, as these moments were crafted with a plethora of creative embellishments that were superb. The coloring was especially beautiful, strongly complementing the stylistic flourishes within the action, as dashes of bold colors were intermittently strewn amidst the intentionally monotone backgrounds. The art direction was, in fact, rather impressive throughout, reminiscent, particularly in
Saki’s visions
, of the quality that was displayed within the historical vignettes that appeared throughout several opening episodes. The chorus of screams that issued from the forest following the
committee elders having reversed the poisonous gas
was some superbly foreboding sound design. The animation within this sequence, particularly when the
queerats attacked Shisei
, was quite excellent. As a result of these various elements and the directorial confidence that accompanied them, this entire sequence was permeated with a tension that was immensely effective. On another note, the musical selection that accompanied the eruption of the
dying leader’s canti
possessed a wondrous quality that was striking, as it strongly evoked a beauty within death.

All in all, From the New World continues to display a deftness in its storytelling that is exceptionally rare, frequently displayed throughout the two episodes that have opened this final arc.Though the dialogue within this series has consistently proven to be one of its strengths, this aspect was particularly impressive throughout the episode, balancing subtlety with insight in a manner that skillfully complemented the restrained, yet momentous, nature of the story. It seems increasingly likely that only three endings, at most, are even remotely capable of occurring. The first and least likely conclusion is one that sees
Saki and Satoru forging, through their own efforts, a new and more humane societal construct
. This, of course, seems exceedingly unrealistic considering the nature of their world and this story. Secondly and only slightly more plausible, sadly, is one that tells of
Yakomaru and the queerats succeeding in their desire to supplant the humans that have mistreated them for so long
. Lastly, and this, I feel, is the most likely outcome, is a melancholic ending that depicts
Saki and Satoru (assuming both are even still alive) acquiescing, as so many have done before them, to the inexorable and comparatively comfortable repetition of the familiar, continuing to cling to the remnants of their diseased society


One Punch Man Episode 5:

I am surprised that this is living up to the hype as much as it is given the reputation of other so called saviors of anime.
I'm really surprised to see 2016 shaping up to be a great year for Anime especially compared to 2015 while had some good series, overall it has been a mediocre year.

Now I'm just waiting for a Ancient Magus Bride anime adaptation and I'm set.


One Punch Man 05

"He's on a different level." - Genos

Understatement of the season.

Another awesome episode. Really liking how the animators are doing their best to stay consistently good. As a fan of the manga I'm very grateful for that.

Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 05

Another enjoyable episode. Really liking how things are playing out. The battle in space was great and I'm really liking Orga a lot. Kind of wish the old man wasn't left alive though since he could become an annoyance later on.


I'm really surprised to see 2016 shaping up to be a great year for Anime especially compared to 2015 while had some good series, overall it has been a mediocre year.

Now I'm just waiting for a Ancient Magus Bride anime adaptation and I'm set.

Well a number of announced shows might slide into 2017.


Macross Frontier

Watched a bunch as part of my prep for Delta. Is pretty good for newer to the franchise I feel.

Ok. That umm bio organic smart phone is weird.

Do really love Sheryl. Altos tsundere act is getting tiresome. Would like to see his relationship with his dad explored. Really feel terribly sad for Klan. In love with a guy which she can never consumate.


Never seen Joshiraku mentioned in conversation.

You'd think that'd be gif central with its Hidemari Sketch vibe and Engaged to the Unidentified art style.
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