Ping Pong The Animation Episodes 4-11
Bravo. This was such a masterful series and I found myself falling in love with the characters. This show did in eleven episodes what other shows could never hope to do and that is offer such amazing and genuine character development.
Smile and Peco mesh so well together, despite being polar opposites. On one hand you have the robotic Smile who takes the role of the passive, quiet, and soft-spoken character. Conversely, Peco is the energetic, loud, and cocky character. They act as yin and yang of the series and while the main story is about these two, their friendship, and rivalry, it also takes the time to give the supporting characters their turn in the spotlight. All characters, whether it be the Wenge, Kazama, or Akuma, are dynamic and, as the series progresses, grow based on their experiences with ping pong. They are characters who come to realize their faults, and begin to instigate change to better themselves. To me this is such a rare occurrence in anime, yet Ping Pong is able to so beautifully execute it. I would have never thought that Wenge would end up becoming one of my favorite characters in any anime ever.
The soundtrack is another piece of excellence that shines throughout the series. The opening song perfectly sets the stage for each episode as it energizes the viewer and gets them ready for the matches to come. The ending song does a good job in closing out each episode and setting the scene by showing visuals of the town itself. Also I don't know if it was just me or did it seem like the ending was becoming less robotic as the series went on? The OST was phenomenal and beautifully uses background noise to deliver some memorable sounds.
The voice acting was superb and Kong's voice actor really gave an outstanding performance. It is a contributing factor in making Wenge such a remarkable character and it is so realistic. Another thing I ended up enjoying was Peco's voice, especially as the story was progressing. His enthusiasm and motivation perfectly comes off due in large part to the great good of his voice actor. Likewise, Smile's voice actor does an amazing job at giving life to his robotic nature.
This series has definitely earned a spot as one of my favorite anime ever and I got to thank Animegaf for getting me interested in it. I would always lurk around the forums and often saw the praise you all had for Ping Pong and that was what ultimately made me start the series. As thanks I leave you with one of my favorite moments from the series: