Subete no aware
Someone gets it~~endless eight was amazing
Someone gets it~~endless eight was amazing
No. It's an anime from a year or two ago. It's not a harem anime or anything perverted.
No. It's an anime from a year or two ago. It's not a harem anime or anything perverted.
This sounds hilarious. How have i not heard of this? I feel like i need to hang out here more often.
No. It's an anime from a year or two ago. It's not a harem anime or anything perverted.
This sounds hilarious. How have i not heard of this? I feel like i need to hang out here more often.
No. It's an anime from a year or two ago. It's not a harem anime or anything perverted.
This sounds hilarious. How have i not heard of this? I feel like i need to hang out here more often.
There's also a reverse harem manga called "Kiss him, not me!" in which the four guys are in love with the girl, but she just wants them to hook up with each other. (It's surprisingly good!)
No. It's an anime from a year or two ago. It's not a harem anime or anything perverted.
Someone gets it~~
Someone gets it~~
I won't blame you if it's Hajime-ssu. Simply the best.
Nope. No one has it right. I'll reveal it after I'm over the whole thing. Maybe I'll PM who really wants to know. I'm going to bed now though. Sorry everyone.i bet it was silica from SAO
None of them. I have not posted about it.
Monogatari Second Season 9
It's been about a year and a half sonce I last watched this. Araragi and Shinobu unknowingly ended the world by saving Hachikuji, yada yada. Even though I didn't have the highest expectations for the reason the world ended (as evidenced by the hiatus), and though I don't quite remember the details of either Nekomonogatari Black or White, which seem important here, I didn't think I would find it quite this stupid.
If nothing else it shows that Shinobu sucks rotten ass and deserves sadness.
Wow, I was evil back then.
Seo from Gekkan Shoujo
This reminds me of Takeuchi's love of saber by creating clones of saber since he loves her so much. It could be worse.
Oh shit, that's my list. Am i to blame for this?
Take away the money part and you have every sonic the hedgehog deviantart original charMaking a lot of money palette swapping a character doesn't sound too bad to me.
Probably Narag's fault somehow.if it really is a Love Live this guy stinks and should watch Aikatsu instead.
This sounds hilarious. How have i not heard of this? I feel like i need to hang out here more often.
There's also a reverse harem manga called "Kiss him, not me!" in which the four guys are in love with the girl, but she just wants them to hook up with each other. (It's surprisingly good!)
I've fallen in love with a girl in an animu. I won't say who. It's an interesting revelation.
The thing about it is, it depresses me to know that no one can ever be as perfect in real life. She is written in a way that's just not possible in reality. I probably shouldn't admit to this so freely, but whatever.
As a shitty amateur writer, I wouldn't even want to write a character like this (if I could), because that would be even more pathetic; to fall in love with a character I wrote. Actually, that's a pretty good premise... I bet it's been done before. I bet fan fiction is like that (which I've never read or intend to).
Life lesson: don't ever watch romantic animes unless you're prepared to fall in love. Or you're normal.
(I'll get over it, I'm sure, it's only been a few days).
I've be listening to Eureka7 soundtrack again lately. God dang that thing is good. The anime easily has some of my favorite music in a show ever.
I really want to accredit Watanabe's influence for it being so awesome as his shows have similarly amazing soundtracks, but that's obviously a reach. I can have my narrative, though.
I've be listening to Eureka7 soundtrack again lately. God dang that thing is good. The anime easily has some of my favorite music in a show ever.
I really want to accredit Watanabe's influence for it being so awesome as his shows have similarly amazing soundtracks, but that's obviously a reach. I can have my narrative, though.
If Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei counts, then at least it isn't much of a power fantasy.
Shit, those SNAFU posts made me angry (great video though, lol)
But a S&W S3 would be epic..
(I'll get over it, I'm sure, it's only been a few days).
Not if it's Lizbest. Independent small business owner? Can't go wrong there.
people only got banned in my anime threads
bgbw's has love confessions to anime girls
It's all fantastic. Find one song there that isn't eminently listenable. You can't.
I'm going to break character and admit that AO exists, but dear god how did that monster happen? It can't even match the original E7 musically.
I know it's the easy pick, but Storywriter is probably the song that sticks most with me. It's used so damn well in the show, so that helps. All the openings and endings are great as well.