Damn that sucks. I really love that episode.
Oh yeah I still have to finish the third season. I left off at Akashi making plebs kneel before him.
Of all the places to stop, you chose there? Thats one of the best sets of episodes.
Shomin Sample 5
Is that show actually any good, or are you just watching it ironically?
I never watch things ironically. Morbid curiosity maybe, but never just because.
Yes, it's technically a harem and yes it's fan servicey. But it's fully self aware and can be rather amusing. Not going to pretend it's high brow but it's one of the better shows this season. Though I willsaywarn there's one character in the show that would cause most of Off Topic to die from a brain haemorrhage.
One of the best episode 1's of anime is unavable to be bought? lol what is this. Thats like the reason why the show got popular even.
Yeah usually DTL exaggerates but I wouldn't exactly say he's wrong hereThe thing is you are half right, lol
Sakurako ep.5
That was kind of an unexpected ending. I was expecting mob ties if something, not that.. It was an ok mystery arc, but a step back from the previous 2 episodes.
Sunrise List 9- Fucking Amuro Ray
Why does Japan love Amuro? I can't wrap my head around it. He constantly bitches and moans about everything. Even when people compliment him he finds some way to cry about it. What is the charm/appeal of his character? I know he gets a little bit better in Zeta but he's still insufferable.
Also Kilua not in top ten of HxH is a sin.
I'll be damned, but Non Non Biyori manages to make me care infinitely more about its cast than 90% of the shows I've been watching lately. Just watched S1E4 and seeing Renge play with the girl who was visiting her grandma was great. The scene where she just stood there after being told that her new friend had to return to the city earlier was amazing... seeing her expression slowly change as she tried to hold back the tears was really something, and the long silence that lasted until several scenes later worked way better than any expository narration ever could.
There's something about this show and its characters I just like. Maybe it's that Renge's childishness and the way she acts both feel really natural to me. Then there's also the use of dialog-less scenes that really set the mood and work wonders for a calm show such as this. If it were any other anime, I'd easily picture lots and lots of unnecessary dialogues or narration going on during those scenes, which would definitely change their tone for the worse.
Also, another Gu sighting! Man, I love that random raccoon for some reason, even though it only does nothing.
I'll be damned, but Non Non Biyori manages to make me care infinitely more about its cast than 90% of the shows I've been watching lately. Just watched S1E4 and seeing Renge play with the girl who was visiting her grandma was great. The scene where she just stood there after being told that her new friend had to return to the city earlier was amazing... seeing her expression slowly change as she tried to hold back the tears was really something, and the long silence that lasted until several scenes later worked way better than any expository narration ever could.
There's something about this show and its characters I just like. Maybe it's that Renge's childishness and the way she acts both feel really natural to me. Then there's also the use of dialog-less scenes that really set the mood and work wonders for a calm show such as this. If it were any other anime, I'd easily picture lots and lots of unnecessary dialogues or narration going on during those scenes, which would definitely change their tone for the worse.
Also, another Gu sighting! Man, I love that random raccoon for some reason, even though it only does nothing.
NNB is perfection in anime form. It has so much heart and does so much right with love able characters. Glad your enjoying it.I'll be damned, but Non Non Biyori manages to make me care infinitely more about its cast than 90% of the shows I've been watching lately. Just watched S1E4 and seeing Renge play with the girl who was visiting her grandma was great. The scene where she just stood there after being told that her new friend had to return to the city earlier was amazing... seeing her expression slowly change as she tried to hold back the tears was really something, and the long silence that lasted until several scenes later worked way better than any expository narration ever could.
There's something about this show and its characters I just like. Maybe it's that Renge's childishness and the way she acts both feel really natural to me. Then there's also the use of dialog-less scenes that really set the mood and work wonders for a calm show such as this. If it were any other anime, I'd easily picture lots and lots of unnecessary dialogues or narration going on during those scenes, which would definitely change their tone for the worse.
Also, another Gu sighting! Man, I love that random raccoon for some reason, even though it only does nothing.
They are my Noble Masters ep.1-3
First of all, this show is ecchi trash. Second of all, it is fucking funny as hell. I mean, the dude (runaway turned butler) has a harem of a family of sisters, the security lady, the female cook, his own sister, and now maybe the butler, lol. Most of the cast so far is adult, with the youngest being in HS. I mean, it's full of tropes and ecchi otaku shit, but the presentation is unique and pretty damn funny. They tried yo show some kind of tragic backstory for the MC and his nee-san, but it's not a focus.. This should be an interesting watch.
I'll be damned, but Non Non Biyori manages to make me care infinitely more about its cast than 90% of the shows I've been watching lately. Just watched S1E4 and seeing Renge play with the girl who was visiting her grandma was great. The scene where she just stood there after being told that her new friend had to return to the city earlier was amazing... seeing her expression slowly change as she tried to hold back the tears was really something, and the long silence that lasted until several scenes later worked way better than any expository narration ever could.
There's something about this show and its characters I just like. Maybe it's that Renge's childishness and the way she acts both feel really natural to me. Then there's also the use of dialog-less scenes that really set the mood and work wonders for a calm show such as this. If it were any other anime, I'd easily picture lots and lots of unnecessary dialogues or narration going on during those scenes, which would definitely change their tone for the worse.
Also, another Gu sighting! Man, I love that random raccoon for some reason, even though it only does nothing.
She has quite the body of work, damn...
If only i knew japanese because google translate isn't helping my knowledge of the situation.
If only i knew japanese because google translate isn't helping my knowledge of the situation.
That episode, and particularly that moment of just focusing on Renge without cutting, is one of the highlights of that year. It's probably the least "animated" sequence in terms of making any sakuga lists or whatever, but I would say it's probably one of the most genuinely emotional moments that I've ever seen in an anime.I'll be damned, but Non Non Biyori manages to make me care infinitely more about its cast than 90% of the shows I've been watching lately. Just watched S1E4 and seeing Renge play with the girl who was visiting her grandma was great. The scene where she just stood there after being told that her new friend had to return to the city earlier was amazing... seeing her expression slowly change as she tried to hold back the tears was really something, and the long silence that lasted until several scenes later worked way better than any expository narration ever could.
What did they do in that episode?It's pretty straightforward if you're not ANN - the TV version of Osomatsu-san Episode 1 is getting removed from streaming sites and will not be on the BD release. The first BD volume will have a newly animated replacement, as well as episodes 2 and 3. That's it.
What did they do in that episode?
The only other case I remember of something being pulled is that shoujo manga being completely wiped from the face of the earth because it was discovered that the mangaka traced art.
The main cast of Osomatsu-kun, after rejoicing about their new anime, were concerned that being from the Showa era they would be unable to appeal to today's audiences. So they tried adapting themselves to various formulas from popular anime of the current era in increasingly absurd ways until everything collapsed in on itself. So they gave up, and the cast grew up in adults without figuring out what to do, and thus we get Osomatsu-san.
The implication behind this move is that some IP owners were unhappy that their properties were treated in a less than reverent manner, and so pressured the companies on the Osomatsu-san production committee to pull the episode from circulation.
Watching through Gintama, this is the first arc I've felt compelled to express my opinions on. It wasn't my favorite, but it was certainly one of the best and most memorable that there's been up to this point.
Was there a Shinpachi being the glasses joke in that arc? Those are always amazing.
Probably one of my favorite comedy arcs in the whole show. Lots of great fun moments like Sadaharu beating up Elizabeth viciously and the fights in general are fun. It also introduced the Fist of the North Star song I believe. The MS paint OP is also one of my favorite moments.Gintama 182 - 184 Character Poll Arc
Watching through Gintama, this is the first arc I've felt compelled to express my opinions on. It wasn't my favorite, but it was certainly one of the best and most memorable that there's been up to this point.
It's already kind of a Battle Royale concept, so I'm immediately in it for that. It's a really cool idea to have all of these distinct characters engage in a free-for-all conflict with such a silly concept of making it to the top of the popularity poll at its center (which also totally makes sense, somehow).
A whole lot of entertaining callbacks to previous character interactions, scenes and such. I was hoping that they'd truly go all-out with this and some of the characters who would be highly out of place but ranked highly like Takasugi (#4) would still have an actual role, but maybe that'd be too much, heh.
Alliances, betrayals, schemes... this had it all. Even the mastermind turned out to be an awesome reveal.
is bikini warriors worth watching?
is bikini warriors worth watching?