I'll look forward to seeing reactions to this:
And that's not even the worst part.
Oh jesus.
I look forward to more compelling forms of censorship.

I'll look forward to seeing reactions to this:
And that's not even the worst part.
Everything I see from TerraFormars looks like hot garbage. No idea how this thing is popular and getting a second season
Everything I see from TerraFormars looks like hot garbage. No idea how this thing is popular and getting a second season
I'll look forward to seeing reactions to this:
And that's not even the worst part.
S2 of terraforms will be great see akari alex k stewart and marcos are more epic (more KENN!) and my favorite arc is in this.
Human v human is best part of the series.
I hope it gets an s3 or s4.cause seeing the roaches reveal themselves on earth will look awesome. So excited for once we return to that.
It's really nice to see the other three members of the Classics Club get development like this.
Guessing the conclusion is right around the corner since all the individual little character arcs seem to be coming to a head.
Golden Time should've been the prequel to Ghostbusters.
Does the Crunchy Roll website have a history of recently watched shows or is it just the apps that do that?
Ah, thanks.
As arcs finish, I have just realized that we are halfway through the season pretty much. How high/low do you rank your shows so far?
Ah, thanks.
Here's my most recent watch:
Himouto! Umaru-chan Episode 3 – Umaru and Her Student
Don't know what to think of this girl yet.
She hasn't expressed a disinterest in Mondays yet. Maybe it's coming up.Kagewani exceeding expectations!
Just think of her as what she is: Japanese Garfield.
As arcs finish, I have just realized that we are halfway through the season pretty much. How high/low do you rank your shows so far?
Kagewani exceeding expectations!
I'm most disappointed with Lupin 2015 and Noragami.
Noragami really? I don't think it's treading new grounds or anything, but I personally think it has been as good as season 1 was.
Yeah I dunno. Bishamon sucks and the entire arc just felt goofy. Like Bishamon held a gigantic grudge at Yato for years for something he didn't do but the Doctor does it and she forgives him immediately like what?
I think I liked Noragami better when it was Yato's weekly goofy thing
Yeah I dunno. Bishamon sucks and the entire arc just felt goofy. Like Bishamon held a gigantic grudge at Yato for years for something he didn't do but the Doctor does it and she forgives him immediately like what?
I think I liked Noragami better when it was Yato's weekly goofy thing
Is Noragami even about that as S1?
There's some usual shounen gag thing as always but I recall same amount of bullshit angst at both from same point.
I'll look forward to seeing reactions to this:
And that's not even the worst part.
Yeah I dunno. Bishamon sucks and the entire arc just felt goofy. Like Bishamon held a gigantic grudge at Yato for years for something he didn't do but the Doctor does it and she forgives him immediately like what?
I think I liked Noragami better when it was Yato's weekly goofy thing
People refer to the Dressrosa Arc as a return to form for One Piece after some middling to bad arcs.
lol people do that? Dressrosa is a poorly paced mess with too many characters and perspectives.
Everything I see from TerraFormars looks like hot garbage. No idea how this thing is popular and getting a second season
Is Monogatari really that good? I see it so highly rated but then I see so much fanservice...
Is Monogatari really that good? I see it so highly rated but then I see so much fanservice...
if you cant get past that shit, especially the loli stuff I don't blame you
Nise is the most fanservice heavy and it's also the worst arc, although not really because of fanservice only
I don't even hate fanservice that much. Shows like Shokugeki no Souma have a lot of it and it doesn't really bother me. It's mostly loli and incest stuff that I can't deal with. How much of that is in there?
Is Monogatari really that good? I see it so highly rated but then I see so much fanservice...