I dunno it's better than Mugi's fucked up arm.
Hours on the keyboard really did a number on her arm.
I dunno it's better than Mugi's fucked up arm.
I just watched Seven Deadly Sins on Netflix, first episode. I'm trying to get into this style of anime, the crazy screaming and and all that (traditionally been a Ghibli, horror, or quiet anime feature film type), so I tried something fantasy which I like. It's good. Really bizarre which I like in anime, and it seems like the story is going places. the short bite-sized format works for me too.
All this talk of AOTY, will there be spots for the worst shows of the year?
In that case i'd nominate Danmachi and Charlotte.
All this talk of AOTY, will there be spots for the worst shows of the year?
In that case i'd nominate Danmachi and Charlotte.
Lately I've been reading AnimeGAF monocle posts as if they were being said by Frasier Crane and it's made them a hell of a lot funnier to read.
Lately I've been reading AnimeGAF monocle posts as if they were being said by Frasier Crane and it's made them a hell of a lot funnier to read.
No, AOTY is to focus on the positive.
And there's way worse shit that aired this year then those two. Remember Absolute Duo?
Who's gonna help me start the anime shirts wiki dammit
DO IT!Looking at the comments, I think it may be time I got off my butt and checked out Hyouka. =S
Looking at the comments, I think it may be time I got off my butt and checked out Hyouka. =S
I don't understand what Strike Witches is supposed to be?
Is it little girls fighting a war against wearing pants?
Nothing I'm going to write since it's probably been covered over and over by those better equipped to. 10/10 etc
Geez, what rock did all these Shirobako haters suddenly crawl out from under?
All this talk of AOTY, will there be spots for the worst shows of the year?
In that case i'd nominate Danmachi and Charlotte.
Sry,but there are way worse shows out there.All this talk of AOTY, will there be spots for the worst shows of the year?
In that case i'd nominate Danmachi and Charlotte.
Haven't seen Absolute Duo, but it looked like a stupid, but harmless harem/ecchi show.No, AOTY is to focus on the positive.
And there's way worse shit that aired this year then those two. Remember Absolute Duo?
All this talk of AOTY, will there be spots for the worst shows of the year?
In that case i'd nominate Danmachi and Charlotte.
Sry,but there are way worse shows out there.
Of course you wouldn't know that ,because few people saw them and even fewer remember them.
Looking at the comments, I think it may be time I got off my butt and checked out Hyouka. =S
The only thing I didnt like about Shirobako were some of the character designs.
Made them look way too young.
The only thing I didnt like about Shirobako were some of the character designs.
Made them look way too young.
Yeah I wasn't a fan. Most of the female characters looked the same to me. I felt like without their hair colors I wouldn't be able to tell them apart.
Iron-Blooded Orphans 6
Slow episode but that's fine since it was all just character building and learning more about the state of the kids on the ship. Interesting view Orga has on his relationship with Mika, doesn't seem...healthy.
The only thing I didnt like about Shirobako were some of the character designs.
Made them look way too young.
Hyouka 17
So yeah the Festival arc was good as advertised what with the unconventional approach to the mystery, the perfect episode 14, and the characterization on display. Definitely did not turn out how I thought it would in the end yet was entirely plausible due to individual threads becoming intertwined towards the end. A couple visual things in this arc stood out to me that I didn't appreciate until the end. First was Satoshi's goofyass costume which had me scratching my head initially but sort of revealed itself to be something of a visual pun concerning Oreki's relationship with the other members of the Classics Club. For the majority of this arc, Oreki's maintained a fixed position in their club room and the others really just sort of orbit around him as they run around the festival doing this or that. Fittingly there's a globe to his right in the club room too. That line of thinking also extends to how his personality in general is like gravity itself, often bringing others back down to Earth. The second was the use of cosplay in the Manga society. That too I initially shrugged off as some visual gag done for the sake of things. It started to become clear, with Mayaka at least, that there was this sort of dissatisfaction with herself and the cosplay offered a degree of escapism as she struggled with an identity issue in the face of her peers at the Manga club. What I did not see coming was that also extended to Kouchi, providing for the viewer something more to the emotional climax between her and Mayaka at the end of the arc when Mayaka learned her frustrations at feeling inferior due to always looking up to others wasn't necessarily a problem unique to her.
Hyouka 18
I think I tbetter get why Firehawk described the backahlf of the show as more building the relationship between Oreki and Chitanda now. Mystery itself was mundane as all hell but it facilitated some time between just those two and Oreki's motivation to look into it showed a different side of him.
Hyouka 19
The most amusing thing about this ep was how the mystery was essentially meaningless and used to create a reason for Chitanda and Oreki to spend some time together. The real climax comes at the end when they both claim to not remember why they initially started the little game. It's made clear early on that Chitanda has an excellent memory so she likely wouldn't have forgotten and Oreki likely wouldn't have forgotten that so there's this lovely little bit of ambiguity going on as to whether or not someone actually did forget or if one is just lying to spend some more time with the other. (They're both liars.)
Hyouka 20
Not a lot to say past it being really nice to see how Oreki was willing to sacrifice in order to protect Chitanda's reputation.
Hyouka 21
What I appreciated most in this one was Oreki being somewhat puzzled by the change in Satoshi's personality as it runs so contrary to his own policy of inertia. Otherwise another great ep (they're all great eps) with some very effective dramatic imagery that does justice to just how importantly students might treat that tradition.
Hyouka 22 FIN
I knew people had referred to these final eps as an arc but I never fully grasped it as it was ostensibly standalone episodes. I didn't realize this one would tie it all together in such a nice way what with the buildup of the Oreki and Chitanda's relationship early in the arc and the fallout of the Valentine episode giving Oreki a new perspective to help better frame his own feelings.
Nothing I'm going to write since it's probably been covered over and over by those better equipped to. 10/10 etc
Have people already forgotten the true AOTY of this year?
Cross Ange.
I dunno it's better than Mugi's fucked up arm.
You can't have a "worst" of the year because not enough people competely watch garbage that's not good enough to finish.
Even the hatewatchers only will watch like one infamously trite show a season.
AOTY is just gonna be Shokugeki no Soma, which is cheating since it's a ridiculously faithful adaptation of its source material.
Caster doesn't have much luck with Archers huh ? Surprised to see that Rin's and Sakura's past was pretty much already revealed here. After not seeing it in UBW, I thought it was savoured for HF. (Unless it's another Deen insert from the other routes)
Fate/Stay Night 18-19
Caster doesn't have much luck with Archers huh ? Surprised to see that Rin's and Sakura's past was pretty much already revealed here. After not seeing it in UBW, I thought it was savoured for HF. (Unless it's another Deen insert from the other routes)
This was slightly less bad as at least there was plenty of decent animation, especially in the Saber vs Assasin fight. Kuzuki is still a shit tier character.
the char design all around was really... well... really anime :T
it made the characters based around irl people even more jarring, even if they'd been softened for the style
Have people already forgotten the true AOTY of this year?
Cross Ange.
Cross Ange defies all attempts at ranking and evaluation, for it is simultaneously the worst and the best.
Soma didn't struck as something that resonated well with the OT masses. OPM alone will blast it to smithereens.
My list will something along the lines of:
Owari > Arise > Noragami > OPM >Yuri Kuma and then Jojo, Shirobako, UBW, Soma, BBB/Snafu/Shimoneta in an order which I have yet to sort.
Fate/Stay Night 18-19
Caster doesn't have much luck with Archers huh ? Surprised to see that Rin's and Sakura's past was pretty much already revealed here. After not seeing it in UBW, I thought it was savoured for HF. (Unless it's another Deen insert from the other routes)
This was slightly less bad as at least there was plenty of decent animation, especially in the Saber vs Assasin fight. Kuzuki is still a shit tier character.
Stop spreading misinformation.You understand it pretty well.
You can't have a "worst" of the year because not enough people competely watch garbage that's not good enough to finish.
Even the hatewatchers only will watch like one infamously trite show a season.
AOTY is just gonna be Shokugeki no Soma, which is cheating since it's a ridiculously faithful adaptation of its source material.
If those are your only issues, I would be the perfect person for the worst anime of the year decision.
I watch crap all the time, rarely ever drop something, and I've watched stuff that's quite obscure.
I forgot all about the LWA2 live audio commentary because it was on my bday...doh.
The Ore Monogatari one doesn't count because that's not actually on his shirt.
Have people already forgotten the true AOTY of this year?
Cross Ange.