There are too many good anime to watch random trash.more people need to watch random $hit anime to keep themselves enteratained during the week. It's not our fault the simulcast schedule is pretty much limited to Fri-Sun this year....
There are too many good anime to watch random trash.more people need to watch random $hit anime to keep themselves enteratained during the week. It's not our fault the simulcast schedule is pretty much limited to Fri-Sun this year....
more people need to watch random $hit anime to keep themselves enteratained during the week. It's not our fault the simulcast schedule is pretty much limited to Fri-Sun this year....
Prievew for the MHA anime seems to be coming on Monday
Recently watched Date A Live on Hulu,
any word on a 3rd season?
Right Stuf Holiday Sale begins:
There are too many good anime to watch random trash.
Right Stuf Holiday Sale begins:
Right Stuf Holiday Sale begins:
It's all AnimeGAF ever talks about in length every single day. Autumn must be slow.
*Look on the site*
Nothing really catch me as of now and those that catch me, I already own. What is your opinion of WAGNARIA!! as they have a bundle pack on sale. No clue of it except of GIF I see here or online.
Then you stop watching that anime and move on to the next.Then again, that leads to the age old arguement of "you're favorite anime is $hit"
while there are obvious anime series that are better than others, it's really a subjective opinion to what is really trash and what's not.
That Gregoy-type kid was straight out of a horror show, with how creepy it was. Those eyes, man.... Those eyes.
Fafner Exodus - 05
The third generation pilots are all beasts. That battle was ridiculously good.
The interview part was fun... until Emerys section, which was really sad.
The expedition is starting and I hope it turns out well, but I can't help but think it will just go insanely wrong.
I'd probably get Humanity has Declined if only ordering physical stuff online was easier in my region. Or if I had a BD player to warrant getting the BD version that'd work in my region rather than the DVD one, that wouldn't.
Gotta save my alloted US$25 taxless import allowance per year for something really worth it, like a Kaiki figure.that'll never come
What? You are joking right? I am not sure if you are serious about this, but in my opinion Togashi is a very good writer and there was only one time where I wasn't agreeing with his story decision (Gons "power up") but in hindsight it was handled very well for his type of character. York Shin Arc is such a beautiful masterpiece...
That show is actually good to watch even though some episode is a bit weak when comparing other episode in the show. For region issue, get a region free BD player if you want to watch show from another country.
Perfect Insider - 06
And dropped. Looks like just going on Youtube and listening to the opening and ending every Thursday is the better choice.
While the mystery actually interests me, I can't get over the fact how much the show seems to require me to suspend my disbelief.
Like, Nishinosono told the other university guys what happened in the lab and how there's basically a murderer around and no one even bats an eye.
While I wouldn't want everyone to freak out and panic for an episode, why can't there just be at least one character who gets scared a bit or suggests getting away as fast as possible? Just someone acknowledging and acting like it's dangerous?
This bothers me so damn much that every single scene that is not explicitely talking about the mystery is legit painful to watch.
The character introductions are all pretty great too. It just kind of stalls off for a bit after that point until Takasugi comes in.I haven't seen them in a while but the early ones have a good ghost episode. This is true though.
Soma ep. 11-12:
OK, these were some pretty damn good episodes. The cook-off was pretty intense and under tough conditions with Soma being the back-up only to Megumi. At least she stood up and did it with his prodding. Some real feel and empotion mixed in there as well. Anyhow, so when are they going to start shipping Soma and Megumi? There is no way they will ship Erina, right?
PV for the second arc of Owarimonogatari titled "Shinobu Mail":
So is this about Shinobu, or Kanbaru? Is this going to be like the second season where where Shinobu's arc was about Mayoi and Mayoi's arc was about Shinobu?
Right Stuf Holiday Sale begins:
The Games of Thrones of our generation.
Chimera Ant Arc shows how bad of a writer he ishow you power up killua to epic God levels, but then make him run away, screw you Togashi
Looking forward to this. Kanbaru isn't my favourite character, but god if her interactions with Araragi aren't amazingly hilarious.
Looking forward to this. Kanbaru isn't my favourite character, but god if her interactions with Araragi aren't amazingly hilarious.
For some reason that
In my heart there is only one ship. That's all that matters.
Also you just reached the halfway point. Things are going to get real good from now on.The show just keeps getting better and better as you progress
Clannad After Story Ep 13-14
Anyway,this got pretty serious really quickly.It's a good thing that the anime told me that they are having sex, otherwise I would have assumed that Nagisa got pregnant by handholding.
Something terrible is about to happen, isn't it?
For some reason thatstands out as hilarious.... poor araragi was asking for it... Don't resist senpai....rape scene
Fafner Exodus - 07
Oh my god this was amazing on every possible level.
First what happened to YumikoI'm assuming she's dead for good and it's just a Festum/part of Mir imitating her because Miwa wished it.
Then there's that freaking amazing battle and it's not looking good andand everything goes to hell and then powerup and Mark Nicht and Mark Sein activate and everyone isSeri diesand the opening kicks in while everyone starts kicking ass and GOD DAMMIT THIS WAS GREAT!alive again and suddenly Kazuki
It's more like Araragi's perv tendencies being flipped on him. Kanbaru, Ougi and Senjougahara all kind of do that. When you word it like that it's uhhh
Soma ep. 11-12:
OK, these were some pretty damn good episodes. The cook-off was pretty intense and under tough conditions with Soma being the back-up only to Megumi. At least she stood up and did it with his prodding. Some real feel and empotion mixed in there as well. Anyhow, so when are they going to start shipping Soma and Megumi? There is no way they will ship Erina, right?
For some reason thatstands out as hilarious.... poor araragi was asking for it... Don't resist senpai....rape scene (Kanbaru sexually abusing Araragi)
I have a feeling they are going to ship 1 of those two and it will be the wrong chick, lol. Oh well, Tsun Tsun chick will win like usual, I hate that trend...
Things only get even more amazing from there. It's great.
There are too many good anime to watch random trash.
Soma ep. 11-12:
Anyhow, so when are they going to start shipping Soma and Megumi? There is no way they will ship Erina, right?
and i thought incest and pedophilia was bad enoughFor some reason thatstands out as hilarious.... poor araragi was asking for it... Don't resist senpai....rape scene (Kanbaru sexually abusing Araragi)
Well to me it always seemed liked they were pushing Soma/Erina right from the start. And first girl is really a pretty common setup.
and i thought incest and pedophilia was bad enough