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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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I wish there was someway to buy
I don't wanna sound like a leech or anything, but does anyone have a CR guest pass to spare? I really want to watch Digimon Tri, but can't suscribe for the time being. Thanks in advance.
In the good old OVA age Wizard Barristers would have been that hot looking but dumb one episode OVA.

Instead we got a 12 episodes mess with only a good looking first episode.
Digimon Adventure Tri Episode 1

Best scene but otherwise kind of uneventful. I was expecting a much grander and larger opening. I do like some of their designs and outfit choices.

Music is weak, bad OP bad ED.


Woo Digimon!

Gintama Jump Festa 2015
Don't click this unless you want to get spoiled!!!! It's the last image in the episode.
This is soooo good. I can't wait for the arc to begin. This has the potential to be amazing.
Digimon Tri 2 & 3

I wish there was some particles and more with the digivolution scenes, they feel really weak and underdesigned. Theres nothing special.

I love some of the nonbattle scenes the most, Takeru continues to say some of the most funniest lines.
Ushio and Tora 21


This is just Hakumen's Avatar

So it took every single good guy and an old woman who did 90% of the work to take down an Avatar of the bad guy. Then the old woman died. Situation is looking great right now.

That black haired woman is totally another Avatar of Hakumen.

Gintama Special Episode

Yeah OK Kagura but you were already in that Shokugeki no Soma special chapter so your food smut purity is long gone

Digimon Tri 4

Well overall it was a good experience. I just wish the fights were more explosive flashy events, it all feels so toned down and barebones. I still wish Davis could have been in it, and Ill be mad if we get new Digidestined while they dont returned.

I love how supportive everyone is. High friendship levels made it a blast.
Getter Robo Armageddon - 3

My goodness, Imagawa really knows how to make his cliffhangers as WTF JUST HAPPENED OH MY GOODNESS HOLY SHIT as possible doesn't he?

I mean, it wasn't as crazy as Shin Mazinger Z's ending, but it was still pretty freaking crazy! Though in fairness, it was kind of to be expected, given the title of this OVA, haha. But still.

But man, the guy really knows how to make his works really exhilarating when they need to be.

Just have
the Getter 2 finishing its transformation right before a giant missile strikes the Shin Dragon, then cut to a view of the Earth and then BOOM! Green energy covers the entire planet
and the episode ends. along with Imagawa's involvement in this thing.


Finally managed to make the VPN work on CR so here I go!

Sorry, Sora's hairs are in the way. >_>

Digimon Tri 1

I'm not sure if it's the nostalgia, as I was a HUGE fan back int he day but I didn't really follow the last 4 or 5 series, but this was really nice. I loved the opening song. Nothing important happened but I loved seeing everyone being older and doing things their own way. I'll use the japanese names, but I really prefer the English ones. lol

Taichi seems a lot like his younger self. A bit more mature, but still enthusiastic. Yamato grew to what you would expect him to be, maybe a bit less edgy. I cringed at his band's name, haha. He seems to have beaten Taichi on the whole Sora relationship, just for tiny little bit though. Sora's struggle was fun to watch, she's really cute. Her monologue was hilarious. Hikari was also better(and cuter) than I expected. My favourite so far. The Monogatari way of waking up her brother was shocking, but other than that she threw some nice comments. And she's so fucking jealous of Takeru. Takeru x Hikari should have already happened but at least they're teasing it. And talking about Takeru... well, he's become quite the trendy young man. Again, unexpected, he was pretty lame when he was young. I mean, he seems really fashionable, he's more social than Yamato and he even has a girlfriend.

Not much to say for the rest, Mimi was barely in this other than that nice tease. Jo seems to be anxious as usual, I hoped he'd more mature and the calm type by now. Izumi was also a bit absent, but his French was fun. I hoped he'd be more of a nerd by now, but we may simply have not seen this yet.

Overall, I LOVED it. I also like that they decided to use one of the most known digimons, Kuwagamon, for the first enemy. Anyway, time to see the rest. The wait for the next few OVAs will be horrible.

The Sacred Blacksmith 2

Other big criticism about the show I forgot about was the utter lack of agency Cecily has. It's like making the damsel in distress archetype the actual MC.

I remember Cecily improving over time though.

Of course, I watched the show 2-3 years ago, so I might be wrong.
Digimon Tri - Reunion (Episodes 01 - 04)

Anyone else tear up at hearing the opening them for the first time, well I did and it was great to have nostalgia hit me full-on.

I have to say I'm glad this is not going the way of other reboots/continuations of old series such as Dragon Ball Super and Sailor Moon Crystal; animation quality, though not awesome, is great.

Plot-wise I am curious onto whether the series will solely take place in the Real World or will the team find themselves back inside the Digital World, would really enjoy the latter but wouldn't mind if it's the former. I am sort of confused on what Taichi's
issue is in being hesitant. I mean I get that he's taking into consideration that each battle is fucking things up but that sort of realization I feel should've came after the first battle, instead the next battle had him all gung-ho and only during the group talk and the third battle did he get all hesitant.
Dunno, felt sort of off to me.

Anyways we have 5 more OVAs to come meaning that's a good 24-episode length remainder to look forward too, can't wait; it's great to have Digimon back.


Ushio to Tora 21

Granny the G.O.A.T.

Gintama Jump Festa Special

Hilarious short episode. Really hyped for the Shogun Assassination Arc. Was that who I think it was after 5he credits?! Even more hyped!

Digimon Adventure tri 1-4

Jo still the G.O.A.T.

Besides that, this felt kinda disappointing. Not bad, but not great. I don't know how to describe it, but it felt kinda empty to me. The battles felt like they had no impact, they were just there. Taichi's internal conflict was also kinda weird. During the first battle he went in guns blazing and then sudden the next time he's hesitating. It kinda feels forced, especially considering their would be more damage if he doesn't act. Well we still got more of this left so hopefully it picks up.


Digimon Tri 2

That opening. That opening. That opening. Oh my god.

So finally action! Sweet, sweet episode! Finally, the reunion happened, at least for everyone other than Jo. Not really a fan of how his character is handled. I mean, I can see why he's acting like that but I'd prefer a full reunion and everyone happy. I also didn't like that Garurumon and Greymon were the ones that lost though. lol I guess their fight was the most difficult as it was 1vs1 but it was kind of unimpressive. Hopefully they're redeem themselves soon. All of the sequences were awesome, from Taichi trying to escape to the airport's destruction.

The action is quite nice, I'd prefer better animation though. Many faces have little to no detail a lot of times. Overall I can't really complain, it looks good, so I'm totally fine. Battles were pretty nice, both during the day and during the night. It was really nice to see (almost) everyone using their digimon. The evolution animation and its music are also pretty nice and feel nostalgic.

I really like the show's feel. It has everyone moving with their lifes and this is extremely apparent with their appearances, but still Digimon seem to be a soft spot for everyone(other than Jo..). I also like the "mysterious" people, the teacher and that woman, they add a seriousness to the show and they don't make every person other than the digidestined oblivious. Looking forward to how they'll move with the story. There are many hints here and there that things aren't like they seem. So far, I love that they concentrate the plot to the characters' interactions though.

Oh, also, why Gatomon didn't evolve to Angewomon? Do I miss something?

Digimon Tri 2

That opening. That opening. That opening. Oh my god.

So finally action! Sweet, sweet episode! Finally, the reunion happened, at least for everyone other than Jo. Not really a fan of how his character is handled. I mean, I can see why he's acting like that but I'd prefer a full reunion and everyone happy. I also didn't like that Garurumon and Greymon were the ones that lost though. lol I guess their fight was the most difficult as it was 1vs1 but it was kind of unimpressive. Hopefully they're redeem themselves soon. All of the sequences were awesome, from Taichi trying to escape to the airport's destruction.

The action is quite nice, I'd prefer better animation though. Many faces have little to no detail a lot of times. Overall I can't really complain, it looks good, so I'm totally fine. Battles were pretty nice, both during the day and during the night. It was really nice to see (almost) everyone using their digimon. The evolution animation and its music are also pretty nice and feel nostalgic.

I really like the show's feel. It has everyone moving with their lifes and this is extremely apparent with their appearances, but still Digimon seem to be a soft spot for everyone(other than Jo..). I also like the "mysterious" people, the teacher and that woman, they add a seriousness to the show and they don't make every person other than the digidestined oblivious. Looking forward to how they'll move with the story. There are many hints here and there that things aren't like they seem. So far, I love that they concentrate the plot to the characters' interactions though.

Oh, also, why Gatomon didn't evolve to Angewomon? Do I miss something?

Remember that she is already in Champion stage unlike the rest who are at Rookie, Angewomon is her Ultra stage


The main lass became skilled, knowledgable, independent and competent. People couldn't handle it. "Why is she now better than my favourite character a boo hoo hoo?" people moaned. "why isn't she a kawaii and fragile little flower anymore a boo hoo hoo?" people lamented. It was a sad sight to see.

Really? People complained that she grew progressively mature?


Digimon Adventure Tri 01-04

Loved this. First off, I was so happy they're doing this in 4-episode waves instead of 3 (the rumoured "film format" was estimated to be 60min long, roughly 3 episodes). This way we're getting a full 2-cour season, sort of. It helps that the "movies" aren't short stories either, at least judging by this one. The next one shoud follow right after where this one finished.

Onto the anime itself, my main complaint would be the rushed ending fight against Alphamon. They didn't bother with proper Ultimate class evolution animations and just showed us a brief glimpse of the Digimon themselves. Same with the Mega forms. Yamato shouted "let's do Omegamon" and they should've done that right there and saved the other forms to future episodes, I dunno. It was kind of pointless.

Aside from that, I loved it. When they first revelead it, I was skeptical about the art style, but it was great. Animation in the fights were also pretty good and my God, Alphamon destroyed the Champion forms. Music was also on point, and I'll be damned if I didn't sing (or tried to) Butterfly and Brave Heart. The one song when the new girl joined at the end was a nostalgia knife (of day) right in the feels.

Mimi best girl.

Can't wait for more.


Remember that she is already in Champion stage unlike the rest who are at Rookie, Angewomon is her Ultra stage

Ah yes, I forgot there's that dog thing too. Too bad, we won't see Angewomon and Angemon together, for some time at least...

Digimon Tri 3

It gets better and better. Another peaceful episode but it delivered. Finally some more Mimi, but the real star was Koushiro. He was blushing all the time. Mimi x Koushiro is more close than ever. He also finally had some more good moments that remind me the character from the first series. Talking about e-shopping, making a cyberspace and especially the fact that Yamato and Taichi were arguing and ALL the time he was on the background and explained the various incidents. Hilarious, even to such a strong moment. lol

Another highlight of the episode was the girl's visit to the restaurant. Mimi seems to have adopted such a teasing personality, Sora's reaction was adorable. I also liked the Digimons, they felt so out of place and they were cute when they were eating or when they were (trying) to have a conversation.

Last but not least, Jo was redeemed. He even has a girlfriend, that's probably not imaginary. I wonder if the glasses girl, Meiko, is the one, as the seem made for eachother. She seems to like Taichi though, so I don't really know. Anyway, I loved everyone's reaction to this, haha.

And an image of Gomamon. Cuteness overload! Easily the best of the small ones.
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