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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Perfect Insider 7 - That conversation was pretty painful. Should have gotten some native english speakers involved. Good developments though.


Kagewani - 08

Creature design, tension and creepyness are still damn great.

Heavy Object - 08

Another entertaining episode with lots of explosions. But the scene at the end was thoroughly confusing. Suddenly Flyde has his own imba Object that was never mentioned before and suddenly they are fighting against it and WTF I was completely lost throughout that part.
The transition to that scene, or rather lack thereof, was extremely jarring.


Digimon Tri 4

Fuck. Now I'll have to wait.

Yeah, I didn't expect a threat of that level to appear so early. Watching everyone using Champion level Digimon and then getting wrecked was painful. lol Even Omnimon (or Omegamon?It's the same right?) seemed to have trouble with this Alphamon. Terribly strong and it gave quite the battle. I really disliked Taichi's attitude, Yamato seems a lot more reasonable, it really surprises me that Taichi seems to feel uncomfortable with the whole thing. I really hope they won't drag this out too much.

On another note, the new DigiDestined and Mei were pretty nice. I really like the cat's design, but it seems to have more powers. I guess its the source of this infection and probably Alphamon is good or something. The hand that took Kuwagamon wasn't Alphamon's if I'm not mistaken, and it seems majestic to be just evil. The men in black also seem to hide something, they're pretty suspicious.

The episode was strong too and it climaxed the story so far. It definitely leaves you wanting more. Overall, this has surpassed my expectations as I was afraid that they'd try to do things a lot differently. It was really a great surprise today, I loved every bit of it. The series is a 10/10 so far. It has hitted all the right spots. I can't wait for the next part. Hopefully it will have more of the best girl. ;)
All of them are the best girl.

I'm adding some pictures I took, but they're spoilery so I'll just leave the links.

Kill la Kill is the best thing Trigger made

It's not a very high bar.

Ninja Slayer is the best Trigger show guys.

Search your ninja soul, neogaf-san.


You know it to be true.


Ninja Slayer is the best Trigger show guys.

I remember reading that comment:

I am a hikikomori. People think it's just a Japanese phenomenon, but it exists in the west too. For three years now I have not worked, and for one year I have been completely removed from society. Every day I think of suicide. I have no job, no friends and I speak to no one. Since March 2014 I have not conversed with a single human being that wasn't online, except for the delivery man when I order my groceries and anime figures. The outside world terrifies me and the thought of leaving my home shakes me to my core.
But all that changed when I saw the first episode of Ninja Slayer. After coming down from the excitement of the incredible action, the silky smooth fluid animation and the snappy, intelligence dialogue, we were greeted by this somber closing scene where the villain ponders over a piece of chūtoro sushi (TL: fatty tuna on rice). As I stared at the food, rendered in exquisite detail by Trigger's expert artists and animators, I felt honoo begin to smoulder in my tamashii. Having not eaten in days, the hunger was unbearable, and this only made it worse. There was a hole in my gut that could only be filled with sushi, and I absolutely had to have it now, even if it was awful chain store brand. And so last night, for the first time in one year, I stepped out of my house to buy some. And I repeated it again today, and will again tomorrow. "Ninja Slayer" and "Sushi" are the twin ideas that I will combine into a double helix and use to inspire my progress from despair back to functional society. A man's road is long and painful, but just being on that road is an achievement enough, and a path to greater things. Domo thank you, Trigger, for showing me the way in life. Domo thank you, honto ni much.


How confused would I be if I went into this new digimon thing with, null, nada prior experience with the franchise ? I don't mind not knowing the characters, their relationships and their pasts but is the story i somewhat independent or does it continue some plot threads from the past ?


How confused would I be if I went into this new digimon thing with, null, nada prior experience with the franchise ? I don't mind not knowing the characters, their relationships and their pasts but is the story i somewhat independent or does it continue some plot threads from the past ?

There are various instances or concepts mentioned, so you'll certainly be a bit confused. If you don't want to watch the original series, I'd recommend to read as much as you can about it. The story seems to be independent so far, any villainous figure is 100% new. Also, keep in mind that it's too early to tell how the story will unfold.

SMH all these people saying Ninja Slayer is the best and not Inferno Cop.

But does Inferno Cop have Nancy?


Ushio to Tora - 21

I'm so looking forward to the endgame (which is still a while off, tough), because I have no idea how they are going to even try fighting against Hakumen no Mono at this point.
A mere avatar of it would have wrecked everything and everyone, Ushio included, if super strong grandma hadn't sacrificed herself.

Gintama Jump Festa 2015

The first half was hilarious, the second was an extended version of the Shogun Assassination Arc preview, which was again pretty hype.
Noragami Aragoto 08

Well then, guess Yato is back to his old ways. I sorta read a bit ahead on the manga and know who his
is so I kinda have a feeling for what is going to happen.
Fafner Exodus Second Season Episode 21

Akira better survive please

How can everyone keep having faith and hope when, they were RIGHT there, litrally RIGHT there to freedom when that had to happen. Also RIP the 17000 that died.
Ushio to Tora - 21

I'm so looking forward to the endgame (which is still a while off, tough), because I have no idea how they are going to even try fighting against Hakumen no Mono at this point.
A mere avatar of it would have wrecked everything and everyone, Ushio included, if super strong grandma hadn't sacrificed herself.

Gintama Jump Festa 2015

The first half was hilarious, the second was an extended version of the Shogun Assassination Arc preview, which was again pretty hype.
Ushio and tora's endgame is glorious. Though I feel like it'll lose a little impact due to the cuts
GARO: Crimson Moon Episode 7

Okay...there's no way Garo Crimson Moon isn't going to be a disappointment on some level.

But this episode was a big improvement. The art was better, the characters more enjoyable to watch. Even the fight scene was good. Not Garo S1 good mind you, but good.


There are various instances or concepts mentioned, so you'll certainly be a bit confused. If you don't want to watch the original series, I'd recommend to read as much as you can about it. The story seems to be independent so far, any villainous figure is 100% new. Also, keep in mind that it's too early to tell how the story will unfold.

Sounds good enough, thanks.
Heavy Object Episode 8

Both halves of the episode were great, this is the kind of storytelling that I love it has all the things that make a story good, the action, the teamwork
constantly winning leads
, and the visuals, music, and even an epic OP theme full version used in combat.
finally Havia pulls more weight than Qwenthur even
. Best episode.


Ushio to Tora Episode 21:

Ah, so we have moved to the next arc as a Hakumen avatar is introduced and for soem reason I am reminded of Naraku incarnations. Honestly, this show reminds me a lot of Inuyasha at points. A new player, no that is not quite accurate, a new rival shows up complete with demonic best buddy to provide a missing element that this show has lacked till now.
Noragami S2 Episode 8

Okay, that bit at the beginning with the thugs was pretty good.

Okay episode, I feel like there's two stories going on right now, and they're kind of conflicting with one another too much.


Digimon Adventures Tri 1

This is so weird. Where's my terrible jokes every three seconds?

Seriously though, apart from some of the character animation this is really enjoyable, especially once the characters start interacting more. A lot more japanese than I'm used to but still great.

Was that the Gen 2 kids getting REKT in those cut-ins? + an extra? Or maybe that was ken...

/edit by the way... it's heresy, I know, but I really want to see this in the tone of the English dub. Lol. I love that dub.


Uhhh...what? This episode had way too much going on honestly which just made it poorly paced. We had some fun moments with ruffians and suddenly Nora comes and fucks everything up to sudden time skips with very little explanation to what's going on. I'm interested where the plot is going with the concept of gods being forgotten but this idea was already covered last season so it's strange.
Digimon Adventures Tri 1

This is so weird. Where's my terrible jokes every three seconds?

Seriously though, apart from some of the character animation this is really enjoyable, especially once the characters start interacting more. A lot more japanese than I'm used to but still great.

Was that the Gen 2 kids getting REKT in those cut-ins? + an extra? Or maybe that was ken...

/edit by the way... it's heresy, I know, but I really want to see this in the tone of the English dub. Lol. I love that dub.

Me too. I hope they can get the original VA's because that dub was fantastic.


Not much to say about the jump special besides the funny Soma segment. The SA trailer was only a longer one from the preview but it still got me hyped.
Can't believe its been 10 years since the Gintama anime was announced. I feel old now.
Uhhh...what? This episode had way too much going on honestly which just made it poorly paced. We had some fun moments with ruffians and suddenly Nora comes and fucks everything up to sudden time skips with very little explanation to what's going on.

I agree, pacing was really off in this one. That should have been at least one and a half episodes. It actually felt like a lot of scenes were straight out missing and it deflated the impact of the ones that were there. I hope they can salvage this next episode.
Noragami Whatever 08

I don't know what made me like Noragami S1 but it wasn't this. Dropped.

Kids on the Slope 04

That old ladys death was about as hilariously dramatic as possible. It was pretty much this -


In fact that entire flashback was kinda wacky.

Everyone needs to stop trying to NTR each other because its making me not like the show. I got duped into a romance anime, fuck


I agree, pacing was really off in this one. That should have been at least one and a half episodes. It actually felt like a lot of scenes were straight out missing and it deflated the impact of the ones that were there. I hope they can salvage this next episode.
Hoping they slow down and explain what happened. I felt the same about the missing scenes. Very strange indeed.
Digimon Tri - 01-04

Well fuck. Terrible direction. Not a single moment managed to elicit any emotion and that takes some major effort when you're reintroducing one of my favorite cast of characters. The show feels completely bland.

There are no interesting shots or well flowing dialogue. It's just bog-standard, forgettable stuff through and through. I had to actually curse out loudly at this obscene overuse of flashbacks and forced drama.

I suppose this addresses the writing rather but why the fuck would Taichi suddenly get some sort of PTSD after seeing merely a bit debris and a broken phone after some Digimon rampaged a bit through the city? That goes completely against his characterization. That he's then actually turning into a complete idiot that's standing there as if stunned, while his friends (incl. the Digimon) get destroyed when he and Matt can turn their Digimon to Omegamon is simply infuriating.

That and the previous quarrels between Taichi and Matt led me to believe that the writing is as bad as the direction. The two went through all that stuff in Digimon Adventure and had great growth to...then fall out over nothing? Ah fuck that.

Is there anything good about this? Well, they made several remixes of the original OST so, even when the remixes aren't great per se, they're still relatively good. The fight animation between Digimon is also looking fine. Liked that they didn't really use any canned sequences and attack announcements really. Some of that here and there I don't mind but in general, it's archaic and is done to keep production cost down.

However, speaking of canned animation sequences - good lord are they serious with those evolutions? The computer generated animation in the original Digimon Adventure at least looked pretty great for its time and had some great use of special effects. But this?

You couldn't even bother to do any shading on that evolution egg? For real? And the resulting champion level (or whatever it's called in English) CGI monster looked and moved like they were made out of rubber. For OVAs and 2015 this is fucking shameful. Overall the production value seems rather low actually. Just the fighting is solid. Character animation is quite sparse. By the way, I still think a lot of the human character design is butt-ugly, though the Digimon look quite good at least.

Last but not least, the voice acting. Initial impressions aren't good. Now I was watching the original series with some damn fantastic German dub back in the day and even somewhat recently on YouTube. I watched it subbed once, too, I think...
Either way, it just felt strange hearing some of the voices, especially when you've heard them from elsewhere already. But I'm sure it's mostly a matter of getting used to them.

Overall, I really didn't like this. I'm not too upset though because I didn't expect much going in. edit: That said, I was still actually quite excited shortly before watching. Getting all giddy at seeing them all back. Welp, and then all I get is a punch to the face.

John Blade

Damm....just did a calculation of the cost of buying anime from RightStuff Christmas sales and man...the CDN dollars suck bad. Look like I will have to limited only show I really want while the other will drop for now.
Ushio To Tora 21

Damn. Teared up. Strong episode, even if they had to introduce a character this late in the game that's just the strong rival-type. Jesus I thought we were past this.
Next time I order from rightstuf will definitely pay for any shipping option, Media Mail free shipping is way too slow, it took three days just to go from the warehouse to the shipping facility, which isnt THAT far away in the same state even ugh. No way does it take until wednesday to get to VA.
Seeing people talk about Animator Expo since the first two seasons are going down, I think my favorite of them all was probably Hammerhead. 20min walk blah blah blah was really good too though
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