Digimon Tri - 01-04
Well fuck. Terrible direction. Not a single moment managed to elicit any emotion and that takes some major effort when you're reintroducing one of my favorite cast of characters. The show feels completely bland.
There are no interesting shots or well flowing dialogue. It's just bog-standard, forgettable stuff through and through. I had to actually curse out loudly at this obscene overuse of flashbacks and forced drama.
I suppose this addresses the writing rather but why the fuck would Taichi suddenly get some sort of PTSD after seeing merely a bit debris and a broken phone after some Digimon rampaged a bit through the city? That goes completely against his characterization. That he's then actually turning into a complete idiot that's standing there as if stunned, while his friends (incl. the Digimon) get destroyed when he and Matt can turn their Digimon to Omegamon is simply infuriating.
That and the previous quarrels between Taichi and Matt led me to believe that the writing is as bad as the direction. The two went through all that stuff in Digimon Adventure and had great growth to...then fall out over nothing? Ah fuck that.
Is there anything good about this? Well, they made several remixes of the original OST so, even when the remixes aren't great per se, they're still relatively good. The fight animation between Digimon is also looking fine. Liked that they didn't really use any canned sequences and attack announcements really. Some of that here and there I don't mind but in general, it's archaic and is done to keep production cost down.
However, speaking of canned animation sequences - good lord are they serious with those evolutions? The computer generated animation in the original Digimon Adventure at least looked pretty great for its time and had some great use of special effects. But this?
You couldn't even bother to do any shading on that evolution egg? For real? And the resulting champion level (or whatever it's called in English) CGI monster looked and moved like they were made out of rubber. For OVAs and 2015 this is fucking shameful. Overall the production value seems rather low actually. Just the fighting is solid. Character animation is quite sparse. By the way, I still think a lot of the human character design is butt-ugly, though the Digimon look quite good at least.
Last but not least, the voice acting. Initial impressions aren't good. Now I was watching the original series with some damn fantastic German dub back in the day and even somewhat recently on YouTube. I watched it subbed once, too, I think...
Either way, it just felt strange hearing some of the voices, especially when you've heard them from elsewhere already. But I'm sure it's mostly a matter of getting used to them.
Overall, I really didn't like this. I'm not too upset though because I didn't expect much going in. edit: That said, I was still actually quite excited shortly before watching. Getting all giddy at seeing them all back. Welp, and then all I get is a punch to the face.