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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Asterisk 08

Ridiculously miniscule swimsuit aside, this was a good episode since Ayato wasn't there to make me cringe lol.

Cavalry 08

This episode was so hype lol. Ikki 2 savage, that devious smile of his as he's fighting the other dude though.

Cavalry continues to win.

Utawarerumono 08

The episode itself was alright this one was what some of you wanted, more action, less SoL. There were bloody scenes in this one, the recent episodes had made me forgotten that this show doesn't shy away from death and blood. (Remember the first few episodes?). Now, just what in the fuck happened after the ED. This show continues throwing these weird scenes that I'm sure don't make any sense right now. I want to know just who the heck Haku is and why these things are happening.


Symphogear G 10
There's something really endearing about how the show embraces the stupid and just rolls with it. This sounds like a criticism but it really isn't. It gives the show a genuine quality lacking in a lot of other works. Even the goofyass cliffhangers are awesome because the show believes in them just enough to dispel any doubt going forward.
Symphogear's cliffhangers are a thing of beauty. S4 needs to hurry up so I can see if they can top the bullshit from GX, One cliffhanger in particular seems unbeatable. People who watched GX know which one I'm talking about.


I'm going to watch Symphogear GX as soon as I finish Jessica Jones probably, kinda needed a break after doing S1 and S2 back to back. Looking forward to it.

Finished Haikyuu S1, that's a good volleyball anime. Not much more else to say about it that hasn't already been said.
One Piece 719

Sweet Jebus, the Zoro VS Pica fight is finally over.

And it didn't even end in a very interesting way.

It's supposed to be this big moment where we stop and ponder over how much Zoro has grown in terms of strength, but Pica hardly feels like the villain to show that on.


Asterix ep.8
That swimsuit, uugghh.

That duel was hilarious, the facial expression was classic when she got rocked was priceless, lol. Not a bad episode, you can definitely se why this show will be 2-cour.
Heavy Object Episode 7

Heavy Object's main characters can be really annoying at times.

They're this infuriating mix of being sex obsessed, yet oblivious at the same time.

They're not enough to ruin the show, but there is nothing less funny to me than dry sex humor.


Corporate Apologist
I'm watching the new digimom, and I'm realizing I basically forgot everything about the show. Maybe I should make an effort to rewatch it.
I'm watching the new digimom, and I'm realizing I basically forgot everything about the show. Maybe I should make an effort to rewatch it.

I felt the same. I remembered the characters, the OP and a few select episodes here and there but that's it. Length of the series aside, I'm afraid of going back to shows (games too) that I loved as a kid. Way too many times I find that whatever I thought I loved as a kid wasn't even that great, and it totally changes my view on whatever it was.


One Piece 719

Sweet Jebus, the Zoro VS Pica fight is finally over.

And it didn't even end in a very interesting way.

It's supposed to be this big moment where we stop and ponder over how much Zoro has grown in terms of strength, but Pica hardly feels like the villain to show that on.

I haven't seen this episode yet but Pica seems fucking BROKEN. I'm interested to see how Zoro even does it.


Calvary ep.8
Ok, that fight was awesome; Ikki is way to strong, lol. Definitely a Calvary win this week after a couple ties. Good stuff.
Symphogear's cliffhangers are a thing of beauty. S4 needs to hurry up so I can see if they can top the bullshit from GX, One cliffhanger in particular seems unbeatable. People who watched GX know which one I'm talking about.


seriously, the biggest HOLY SHIT IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING of all time.
Danganronpa 01 - 13

Finally got into watching this due to a friend whose crazy about it and wanting to know where the hell Monokuma came from.

Initial impressions weren't great as I found a good number of character designs were out there, like a light/diet-Shiki (this anime I couldn't finish solely on how outlandish the character designs were) but after the first death/Classroom Trial happened and the death/Guilty scene was shown I was addicted to the style. Also wasn't that hyped and delayed watching this show due to it taking place in a high school setting which I'm not fond of. Glad to say though that I enjoyed the anime thoroughly and exceeded my expectations going in (which was none, haha).

During the last 3-4 episodes were the "mystery of the high school" was being uncovered I have to say I'm still wondering on the conclusion of it all, that being
the world being in some sort of despair/post-apocalyptic state and the school being turned into a shelter.
Feels really deus ex machina in that they needed a reason to concoct such a wild scenario for the show to take place in. Though I do suppose the show is mainly about character interactions rather than lore-building so I guess I'll let it slide.

OP and ED were fairly enjoyable, and the soundtrack did it's job.

Overall, I've enjoyed the anime and it's nice having a decently-structured 13-cour show after the horrible fail that was Charlotte.
"decently-structured" is not what I would call the Danganronpa adaptation.

I've no experience with the game based on it, so I'm going purely off what I saw in the anime so my expectations going into it (which was none) might be a bid different compared to others.

Also, compared to Charlotte, Danganronpa is a fucking masterpiece.


If you watched Danganronpa without ever playing the game I'd say it's a pretty good anime that did its job and nothing else.

Otherwise, they squished the important shit into 13 episodes that should be 26 episodes IMO.

And please play all the games. They are worth it.
If you watched Danganronpa without ever playing the game I'd say it's a pretty good anime that did its job and nothing else.

Otherwise, they squished the important shit into 13 episodes that should be 26 episodes IMO.

And please play all the games. They are worth it.

Too lazy, I'll put it up on my backlog alongside Steins;Gate.



This was actually... not that bad? Compared to the series average. It even had a few smart moments.

But overall (speaking series-wise), the writing/direction is not strong enough for the themes presented, as much I appreciated the more "mature" approach.


This was actually... not that bad? Compared to the series average. It even had a few smart moments.

But overall (speaking series-wise), the writing/direction is not strong enough for the themes presented, as much I appreciated the more "mature" approach.

That's my take really. Episode premises aren't even bad but they're constantly mishandled.
Sometimes with Monogatari I can follow the plot.

This latest arc is one of the examples of when I can't.... what is even going on. lol

It's ok. This arc builds off like 5 other arcs and if you don't remember all of them you will be thrown for a loop.

You have Kiss-Shot's original servent from Shinobu Time, plus the Darkness from that arc.
Gaen wanted Araragi to introduce Kanbaru to her. I think this was Shinobu Time.
In Tsubasa Tiger Kanbaru got a text from Araragi telling her to meet up with him, that's this.
Tsubasa Tiger is happening at the same time as this. The Tiger burned down the old cram school.
And more shit, something about Shinobu and Araragi being severed and something about Yotsugi.

This might help.
Asterisk 8
Kirin best waifu.
Character development episode! If I remember properly, there is a theory for good character development which states that "Do they talk about something else other than the main character?" and I can safely say it's a pass.

Rakudai 8
Joke aside, there was more fighting, more blood, and more psycho smiles all around. Good episode.


have you played the Danganronpa games?

Have you played the Danganronpas?

Unrelated note, I'm being you now that I have to use my phone the whole time now besides being in front of the TV for both Toonami and NFL. I'm unable to watch any anime now, and I can't start Utena.

Unfortunately not. I haven't had the money, but I've heard they are good. I loved VLR, even though the story lines confused the shit outta me at times.
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