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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Not enough love for the Plastic Memories OP & ED in here; same for Utawarerumono's. Soma's ED was excellent as well.
And you can't forget about Gate's opening as well as Charlotte 's OP and ED. Lots of great tracks..

Soma's ED also had the best official music video I've seen. REAL food, AAHHHH... And both the GATE OP and ED are fantastic with the purple light effects.

Sankarea first three episodes were good, but the rest of the series tumbled. The only thing I know about Amnesia is it's that shoujo where a girl gets locked in a cage, you probably won't be into the whole "self-insert girl gets abused by romantic interests" genre.

Oh my...

Wait, what were you talking about?


Now, I may sound like a huge monster...

...but if I could force everyone on Neogaf to watch Texhnolyze in a marathon, and observe their behavior during it...I would do it.

It would probably cause me to be associated with psychologist like Philip Zimbardo and Harry Harlow, but we could learn so much.

Texhnolyze bored the absolute fuck out of me. By episode... 10, I think? I couldn't give a shit about any of the characters or the story. And the somewhat disjointed narrative made me even less interested to continue (I realise there's probably some sort of bringing together in the end, but I really can't be arsed to find out). I went like "Yeah, yeah, you're all going to die in the end or whatever" and switched to Canaan.


Anyone seen Sankarea or Amnesia? Any good?

Sankarea is bad. Dusk Maiden is...it's OK. Better than could be expected, but I'd be hard pressed to call it straight up "good". Some arcs are decent (there's actually one really good early arc that's in the manga but that got skipped), but it doesn't really go beyond being a simple "middle/high school boy lucks into a hot girlfriend" title up until the last couple of episodes.

The show called Amnesia. It's an otome game adaptation. I'm not sure how I was supposed to know that he was asking about a show with a different title.

They both came out at the same time and were compared to each other a lot since they both had a "middle/high school boy romance with supernatural girl" premise.

EDIT: I'm tired and I'm not sure if the last line came off as combative or anything, but it's not meant to be, just saying why people were able to pick up on that.


I wanna try some space anime so I'm going to watch Space Adventure Cobra and Yamato 2199. For anyone that's watched either, which should I go for first?


Maturity, bitches.
I just realised I haven't really listened to a single OP outside of the show. Even Yuru Yuri and Working's new OPs aren't quite up there with previous renditions.


I'm vaguely interested in watching the old Yamato one day along with the other Leiji Matsumoto works. The newer Yamato doesn't look like my thing in comparison but people love the shit out of it, more so then the og.
I see this get brought up in Off topic threads sometimes but what does everyone think about people who come into threads saying that American animated shows (Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Adventure Time, etc) are superior versus the entire combined catalogue of TV Anime? Usually the focus of the comparison here is on animation.

I don't really see how you can make any kind of argument for NA shows that doesn't come off as disingenuous (to me). Outside of extreme rarities like Avatar (even for that most of the production was contracted out to Studio Mir/Pierrot except for stuff like voice over IIRC) you're looking at a limited selection of shows that still follow the same simplified/visual trends that's been pretty common in NA shows for years. Anime covers such a wide fucking variety of stuff, like the most ambitious cuts of animation, visual styles, scope and storytelling themes, tones, and content are all found in TV anime when you're comparing the two categories.

The most frequent complaint I hear is that anime has periods where there is low quality animation/not a lot of movement. Firstly I think it's kind of pointless to zero in on something that literally is present in all kinds of animation. Limited budget and time means you have to decided where most of the work is going to go towards, which means some scenes are going to look better than others. At the same time however, anime frequently hits such monumental highs in terms of animation on a consistent basis. There are monthly videos that compile various cuts of impressive animation from anime that anyone can take a look at.

Then there's the "consistency" argument. That NA shows are more consistent in their animation than anime shows are. As far as I've seen from the years I spent watching NA shows on a frequent basis it's consistent because they aren't doing much with it. I feel like "consistent mediocrity" is a more apt way to describe it. NA shows frequently (forgive me if I'm not using the proper terminology for this) make use of the same simplistic characters and environments to the point that if you've seen a character once, you can likely guess how they are going to appear for 90% of the show because there is a ton of asset reuse. Tons of talking scenes that consist of the same mouth flapping motion with the odd head tilt/eye lid/arm movement for basic emoting.

People lose it whenever stock footage is used in anime, but for NA shows it's been the norm for a long time.

I'm running out of steam now (this will probably read as incoherent to others) but I just wanted to rant about this because it's something that's been annoying for me to see for a while now. Just doesn't make sense to me considering what I've seen of both.


Digimon Tri 2

Who cut this? Maybe it's a difference of expectation from the dub and the way Japanese cutting works, but this pacing is abysmal. When there's a rampaging insect flying around the city the last thing I should be thinking is about how bored I am. Improved markedly once Agumon showed up but it's still really fucking weirdly cut. Several scenes where Tai just skips from environment to environment or time to time with very little transition in the middle. Tai's also a LOT more quiet than I'd think he'd be, but that might just be a dub thing. Well, everybody is, kinda.

I don't really want to harp on about the animation quality but it's really weird how sterile and empty the city feels. That's fine in the episode one slow starter but right now it's just really disquieting, even when they make crowds they look dwarfed by their environments.

Oh man why would you cut to a dramatic standaround cutin for this reintro? Like, you literally just stood around for two minutes while insect guy just stood offscreen?

When they got into the monster fighting properly, though, that was good. They really made them feel like straight up monsters - almost kaiju-like.

I'm running out of steam now (this will probably read as incoherent to others) but I just wanted to rant about this because it's something that's been annoying for me to see for a while now. Just doesn't make sense to me considering what I've seen of both.

The style is different and the production pipeline is different. Gravity Falls for instance is so fucked sideways with its schedule it's nearly impossible to compare.


Maturity, bitches.
I don't watch much American animations so I don't think it would be fair to really say "well even one frame from the comedic masterpiece that is Kill Me Baby shows more wit than the entire showcasing of Family Guy thus clearly the entire output of animation from the shores of the US of A is awful". When you start dismissing whole catalogues your arguments are entering the realms of absurdity.

I will say however that American animation needs to expand out of "comedy". Cowboy Bebop is often dragged up as an atypical anime, well likewise Batman TAS is still dragged up as a great American animation (Amerimation?) because it's still do different from the rest.

But if we're talking strictly animation, one could easily just say all current day American animation is tween flash (it's why it's all consistent right, consistently the same drawings!). An absurd blanket statement? Yes. But so would judging all of anime on Toei Animation's output.

But my top show this season is Fushigi na Somera-chan so in my opinion quality of animation comes secondary to how entertaining it is.
Batman TAS is legit great TV and its a shame that nothing like it will ever be made again.

There are shows I like, Archer, Venture Bros, South Park, Boondocks but those are all comedies, every single adult oriented cartoon is a comedy, I think the last time anyone tried otherwise was fucking Aeon Flux. I can't even think of the last animated movie CG or otherwise that peaked my interest enough to watch it. At most here and there I will watch an episode of a show I see on but I don't really make an effort to keep up. I started watching South Park again this season because of Stick and Truth and I still like it, though. Visually I find a lot of cartoons pretty bland and uninteresting. The reason why they always look consistent is that they never do anything that would require anything more. Well except Korra, I guess. Family Guy is the ultimate in that. Every episode looks the fucking same. It just lacks any sort of creative spark or passion to me. That may be a bit too overly harsh but it seems like every show that is popular will spawn another show that is a carbon copy of that show visual wise (Family Guy/American Dad/Cleveland Show and that Archer spinoff thing) and I don't really care much for that CalArts style that seems to be a pre-requisite for every CN show that hits it big now like Adventure Time, Regular Show or Steven Universe (yeah I know SU isn't technically a CalArts thing but shut up.) Gravity Falls is ok but I guess that isn't going to continue. Bob's Burgers is ugly as sin and I don't care for it all that much. Stop with the fuckin noodle arms. I don't even know what Nickelodeon does these days. It's certainly true that comparing even what is airing just this season you could find a lot more variety in anime.

As a general fan of animation I wish that I was more interested in American cartoons then I am right now. There's probably some Italian/French stuff I need to watch.

Edit: Wait, Sym-biotic Titan was pretty good. RIP Genndy Tartakovosky. If you notice a lot of the shit I commend is a lot like anime like Boondocks, Korra (only animation wise mind you) and Tartakovsky's stuff. I don't consider that at all to be strictly superior, I love The Simpsons, Batman TAS, The Critic but those shows kind of stopped being made. Yeah, I know the Simpsons is still made but you want to talk about a lack of creative spark or passion look no fucking further then the Simpsons as it is now.


Digimon Tri 3

The use of music in this is really weird, either it's full on insert-song or it's this fucking creepy-ass silence. What the heck? Okay, I guess there's some more somber stuff.

lol everyone ignoring izzy. This stupid drama about 'oh noes our digimons are doing damage they're seen as the *enemy* is so... blah. It's so anime, I dunno. At least it's a good excuse to immediately revert back to the standard "Matt and Tai are fucking idiots" storyline. That Jo scene got a laugh though.

OH SHIT MATT'S still got his harmonica! Siiiiiiiick

this sunset scene's pretty good yo.

izzy none of what you said makes any sense, but i'll give you props for somehow having a fucking server rack in a tokyo apartment. Good thing the Japanese MIB are on your side


I was inspired by the other thread to find some anime I'm willing to watch. I need some assistance.
My requirements:

-Normal colored hair.
-Limited amount of that female baby voice (only on little kids is it not grating).
-Nothing with too much fan service or really pervy.
-More realistically stylized art.

Anime's I like that best represent what I'd watch:
Robot Carnival (mostly)
Makoto Shinkai (anything similar to stuff by this dude)
Neo Tokyo
Tokyo Godfathers
-Welcome to the Space Show, Wolf Children and Summer Wars things that I've liked that I was just a tiny bit bored by the story, but found them really enjoyable all the same. I enjoyed the bright and colorful visuals.

The Big O
Toward the Terra
Not sure if it fits but Utena, because everyone should watch it regardless.


Nickelodeon is bringing back Hey Arnold, that's what's happening.

Anyway yeah American animation isn't really particularly excellent but you get the occasional thing like when Teen Titans Go made fun of itself

Teen Titans Go is a treasure.

If we're talking actual technical animation in the sasuga sense, I don't think American animation particularly excels; but when it comes to making interesting universes and stories, and particularly comedy, it's pretty great.


Digimon Tri 4

I don't buy this PSTD thing Tai has, possibly because instead of saying what he's thinking he just keeps flashing back to the fucking crushed phone as if it meant anything meaningful besides 'oh no things get damaged when we fight' until Matt points out that yeah if you don't fight that dude's gonna kill all the things. I mean he's killing all the things right in front of you Tai dontcha get it? I'm pretty into the goggles though.

also, is it just me, or are tai and matt like super touchy feely in this nakama scene or what

why are any of you surprised she's a digidestined? she's carrying around a digimon yo and tk logged onto a digidestined facebook this morning so

The style is different and the production pipeline is different. Gravity Falls for instance is so fucked sideways with its schedule it's nearly impossible to compare.

I'm not really following. TV shows are being compared here, not show versus movies or OVAs.

I don't watch much American animations so I don't think it would be fair to really say "well even one frame from the comedic masterpiece that is Kill Me Baby shows more wit than the entire showcasing of Family Guy thus clearly the entire output of animation from the shores of the US of A is awful". When you start dismissing whole catalogues your arguments are entering the realms of absurdity.

Not really sure what this is in reference to. I didn't dismiss anything so I am guessing there's some kind of meaning here that I'm just not understanding.

I will say however that American animation needs to expand out of "comedy". Cowboy Bebop is often dragged up as an atypical anime, well likewise Batman TAS is still dragged up as a great American animation (Amerimation?) because it's still do different from the rest.

Agreed, but the current culture/climate doesn't really allow for that.

But if we're talking strictly animation, one could easily just say all current day American animation is tween flash (it's why it's all consistent right, consistently the same drawings!). An absurd blanket statement? Yes. But so would judging all of anime on Toei Animation's output.

But my top show this season is Fushigi na Somera-chan so in my opinion quality of animation comes secondary to how entertaining it is.

Even though I mentioned some things like anime's variety, the post was focused on animation like I stated in the beginning, because that's the kind of comparisons I've read.

As for the tween flash comment, it's popular because it's cheaper than animating traditionally. A lot of NA shows do use it. That's not an absurd thing to say I don't think.

Batman TAS is legit great TV and its a shame that nothing like it will ever be made again.

There are shows I like, Archer, Venture Bros, South Park, Boondocks but those are all comedies, every single adult oriented cartoon is a comedy, I think the last time anyone tried otherwise was fucking Aeon Flux. I can't even think of the last animated movie CG or otherwise that peaked my interest enough to watch it. At most here and there I will watch an episode of a show I see on but I don't really make an effort to keep up. I started watching South Park again this season because of Stick and Truth and I still like it, though. Visually I find a lot of cartoons pretty bland and uninteresting. The reason why they always look consistent is that they never do anything that would require anything more. Well except Korra, I guess. Family Guy is the ultimate in that. Every episode looks the fucking same. It just lacks any sort of creative spark or passion to me. That may be a bit too overly harsh but it seems like every show that is popular will spawn another show that is a carbon copy of that show visual wise (Family Guy/American Dad/Cleveland Show and that Archer spinoff thing) and I don't really care much for that CalArts style that seems to be a pre-requisite for every CN show that hits it big now like Adventure Time, Regular Show or Steven Universe (yeah I know SU isn't technically a CalArts thing but shut up.) Gravity Falls is ok but I guess that isn't going to continue. Bob's Burgers is ugly as sin and I don't care for it all that much. Stop with the fuckin noodle arms. I don't even know what Nickelodeon does these days. It's certainly true that comparing even what is airing just this season you could find a lot more variety in anime.

As a general fan of animation I wish that I was more interested in American cartoons then I am right now. There's probably some Italian/French stuff I need to watch.

Edit: Wait, Sym-biotic Titan was pretty good. RIP Genndy Tartakovosky.

You should check out Wakfu. It was created in France and is probably the only Flash based show that I thought was impressive looking.

Teen Titans Go is a treasure.

If we're talking actual technical animation in the sasuga sense, I don't think American animation particularly excels; but when it comes to making interesting universes and stories, and particularly comedy, it's pretty great.

That just made me pissed that they cancelled it. After seeing that it's good to know that the crew who worked on the show feel the same way. :(

Yeah, I've been speaking mainly about the technical aspect, what personally appeals to who isn't the focus here.

This blog post I found kind of has some thoughts that run parallel with what I've been trying to say here. I thought it was pretty interesting.


Batman TAS is legit great TV and its a shame that nothing like it will ever be made again.

Well we continue to get animated DCU material (admittedly the quality is somewhat variable), which I'll admit is basically the only US animation I've seen in years. Well that and Star Wars and the one Marvel thing I liked (Earths Mightiest Heroes).


I'm not really following. TV shows are being compared here, not show versus movies or OVAs.

Let me put it this way: it's standard in Japanese shows to have animation done about two to three weeks before airing, sometimes less, so they can air in blocks of 12. Meanwhile, Gravity Falls is literally drip-feeding episodes over the course of weeks or even months in blocks of two to three but they had the episodes completed out of post-production over a year ago.

The work environment can vary so wildly it's difficult to really compare production properly. Fans mostly don't know or aren't interested; they only compare final products.

/edit i should note that's not the norm for american animation, but an example of how fucking weird pipelines can get


i'm rewatching the Our War Game part of the digimon movie and just sad none of the OVAs feel this lively. but that was always a pipe dream i guess

/edit tho it is pretty funny that the solution to the movie was "forward a digimon all your email which will slow its processing speed because ???"

always gonna be a problem with tech shows


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
perfect insider has the best op of the last several years
It's so much better than anything else this year that it almost bothers me anything else would be mentioned, even for the sake of diversity. Really incredible and consistent choreography and color use.


Maturity, bitches.
Not really sure what this is in reference to. I didn't dismiss anything so I am guessing there's some kind of meaning here that I'm just not understanding.

That was purely if I were to say that. I open up by saying I don't watch much American animation so I'm not going to use what I do know, like Family Guy is rather sub par, to paint a broad picture. Kill Me Baby has been thrust upon me as my go to anime for everything.

And my tween flash comment was meant to be seen as a bad argument. A stereotype someone like me (not au fait with American animation) could make if they didn't bother to really look into the subject before spewing baloney (because I assume it's really not all tween flash). Heck, there's tween flash anime. My AotY (WUG Zoo) is tween flash!

I assumed your post was pointing out absurd arguments made against anime from people judging based on a few choice examples so I was just saying it's just as easy to flip it around but in the end it's often just uneducated waffle. You probably shouldn't care too much about it.
Digimon Tri 4

I don't buy this PSTD thing Tai has, possibly because instead of saying what he's thinking he just keeps flashing back to the fucking crushed phone as if it meant anything meaningful besides 'oh no things get damaged when we fight' until Matt points out that yeah if you don't fight that dude's gonna kill all the things. I mean he's killing all the things right in front of you Tai dontcha get it? I'm pretty into the goggles though.

also, is it just me, or are tai and matt like super touchy feely in this nakama scene or what

why are any of you surprised she's a digidestined? she's carrying around a digimon yo and tk logged onto a digidestined facebook this morning so


Dude, in ADventure, they were all over each other like a lampshade whether it was from fisting each other out of frustration or sharing feelings on how it's like to be an older brother, and holding each other in their arms to say what a best friend he is.

Speaking of which, I just finished Digimon Adventure in the span of about 3 days. Not fully dedicated at first but yeah.

The Tai PTSD thing makes even less sense to me now given the hesitations he WENT through before. I mean though... I guess the big difference is that despite the massive amount of damage they did in the city in Adventure, Tai didn't... quite care as much, but he still cared about the people. That and while at first they were considered monsters, they changed their minds rather quickly, and cheered for our heroes instead of the cynical "plz die and give me back disney land" stuff from people now.

Episode 21 and 35 were definitely the best episodes. Parents were cool. I'm always a sucker for shows where parents actually get a good time period to shine. It's what I liked about most Precure series before Smile Precure happened :/.


Dude, in ADventure, they were all over each other like a lampshade whether it was from fisting each other out of frustration or sharing feelings on how it's like to be an older brother, and holding each other in their arms to say what a best friend he is.

i think that's one of your doujins dude

Speaking of which, I just finished Digimon Adventure in the span of about 3 days. Not fully dedicated at first but yeah.

The Tai PTSD thing makes even less sense to me now given the hesitations he WENT through before. I mean though... I guess the big difference is that despite the massive amount of damage they did in the city in Adventure, Tai didn't... quite care as much, but he still cared about the people. That and while at first they were considered monsters, they changed their minds rather quickly, and cheered for our heroes instead of the cynical "plz die and give me back disney land" stuff from people now.

Episode 21 and 35 were definitely the best episodes. Parents were cool. I'm always a sucker for shows where parents actually get a good time period to shine. It's what I liked about most Precure series before Smile Precure happened :/.

Izzy's parents are the BOAT, but tai and kairi's mum is great too. All the folks are great actually. I'm sad we didn't see TK and Matt's parents (first animated show I remember seeing that ever handled adoption or divorce, unless Rugrats or something did).

I think they kinda addressed some of the PTSD stuff with Tai being like "I see more and understand less" (great line btw), but the problem I think is that while the dialogue is okay the actual show itself doesn't really support it. Like, if Tai had seen people actually being injured by the attacks instead of just destruction, that would help to sell it at least a little more
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