I remember skipping Trigun's recap ep and finding out the second half was like important stuff. whoops
I think I did this. Probably wasn't that important.
I remember skipping Trigun's recap ep and finding out the second half was like important stuff. whoops
with them thighs? no chance
russ where was my invite to this
Utena recap episodes are mandatory.Recap Girl Utena 13
Man I am glad the trend of having a recap episode with new stuff in it died out. At least it wasn't as bad as the S-Cry-Ed one though. I know that they probably still exist but I haven't seen one in a long time that wasn't from a 90s/early 2000's show.
Recap Girl Utena 13
Man I am glad the trend of having a recap episode with new stuff in it died out. At least it wasn't as bad as the S-Cry-Ed one though. I know that they probably still exist but I haven't seen one in a long time that wasn't from a 90s/early 2000's show.
It's easier to frame them as discussions of the events of the show from another perspective. I suppose it's like an in-universe character commentary.Utena recap episodes are mandatory.
Utena recap episodes are mandatory.
The ROE Alpha team I feel needed more fleshing out. They just came across as murderous psychopaths for no real reason. Terribly-written characters.
Scrub is love, scrub is life.dont worry I already got yelled at on Twitter. I watched all the parts that weren't straight recaps of the duels.
It's my birthday, yo. Maybe I'll get the Ping Pong bluray with some of my bday cash.
It's my birthday, yo. Maybe I'll get the Ping Pong bluray with some of my bday cash.
Yay aging day!It's my birthday, yo. Maybe I'll get the Ping Pong bluray with some of my bday cash.
Happy day of birth!It's my birthday, yo. Maybe I'll get the Ping Pong bluray with some of my bday cash.
It's my birthday, yo. Maybe I'll get the Ping Pong bluray with some of my bday cash.
Also the day you realize you have been doing MAL wrong. Their app is fucking immaculate, I had been using the mobile browser version all along, which isn't that great. As a developer, I say this app is a piece of art. Super easy to rate your shows and update your view count.
They finally made an app?
Thanks for the birthday wishes everybody!
Interesting. I'd been using atarashii for a while (and imal on ios). Both of which were ok, just not as great as Tenpenchii (the android client for hummingbird).
I didn't like pocketmal when I tried it. Maybe its better now.
Maoyu is legit good and anyone who says otherwise is someone who has different opinions than me.
Maoyu is legit good and anyone who says otherwise is someone who has different opinions than me.
But yeah, Maoyu is legit pretty good. Much like Spice and Wolf, it deserves another season.
I liked it. I just felt that it took a while to find its footing and didn't have enough episodes.
Maoyu 5-12
I enjoyed the show. I expected it to be about wars and adventure, but instead got economics. It was cool though and I liked the characters for the most part. Big sister maid was developed quite nicely. I wish it explores more of the romance between the hero and demon lord, but other than that Sawashiro's voice as the Knight was heavenly. Favorite VA by far.
Also little sister maid is still the most adorable loli character I have come across in anime so yeah.
Edit: Also this is what I would've wanted Hakua to be in Shomin Sample. An adorable little sister loli and not one that had to get naked every so often.
Yes it is a great anime. Shut up and explode is unforgettable.
It's a great and unique show that despite its flaws leaves a good lasting impression. It looks and sounds amazing too.
Kuroko no Basket 2 - 12
Garbage fanservice episode.
Peeping in the hot springs. A father wanting to see his daughter naked. Bountiful boob shots.
Boo. Kuroko no Basket, you're better than this.
It's stuff like this that makes me wonder if the content creators for shows with stuff like this if they have daughters of their own. Same thing applies to sisters or any other family member of the opposite sex.Kuroko no Basket 2 - 12
Garbage fanservice episode.
Peeping in the hot springs. A father wanting to see his daughter naked. Bountiful boob shots.
Boo. Kuroko no Basket, you're better than this.
Yeah that was a terrible episode.
At least the show has plenty of hot dudes to make up for it?
No one's peekin' at their junk tho. ):
Its Definitely a Nanami Episode 16