Only six shows with no males in the image or male pronouns in the description. Next season is going to have a really short OP.
Lol, please make sure the descriptions are very informative and inviting to all.
Only six shows with no males in the image or male pronouns in the description. Next season is going to have a really short OP.
Boy, next season sure is looking like a season of anime...
Oh well, Assassination Classroom is returning, and romance fans will probably be happy with the second season of Akagami no Shirayukihime.
I'm also interested in seeing Dimension W.
What's looking good then?![]()
Thank you! At least one person here knows what's up. Maybe there is hope for anime fans after all.
The only thing Rakudai has for me are the fights right now. I'm actually disliking the characters more and more aside from Ikki. Shizuku was a little better this episode but she's straight up way more annoying and creepy than Kirin and Saya are to me. The focus those two have gotten in the weird otaku pandering way is really annoying but at the very least both are worthwhile outside of it, Kirin in fights and Saya for comedy. Shizuku isn't even worth that now that her episode is done.
There are people that actually like it, you know. lol Getting their head patted, I mean.
I've always found it strange how people react to that. It's like stroking the hair of someone you like/involved with/whatever doesn't exist at all or something.
Sölf;188250443 said:Aside from the obvious continuations, I would say Ajin, Sekkou Boys and Boku Dake ga Inai Machi are all at least interesting enough to warrant the 3 episode-rule. Schwarzesmarken is a MuvLuv anime, right? I haven't read anything from the novels so far, but MuvLuv is also considered to be pretty good, right? So there is another one.
Eh... Boku Dake ga Inai Machi is a maybe. Depends on what other people think of it. Sekkou Boys is one of the short shows. No interest in Ajin or Schwarzesmarken![]()
Yeah that's the problem with a show that has almost nothing else going for it outside of the action. Whenever they ain't fighting it's just not as fun.
I watched the first 19 episodes in a few sessions before I caught up while it was airing. The episodes after that were all pretty fun with good cliffhangers so I never really had the struggle of having to wait a bunch of weeks before Eren finally moved the boulder.
I kinda expect the second season to be a lot worse as we seem to be getting more talking and less fighting with that.
I'll have to admit that I'm only basing this on looking at the seasonal chart and reading the description.
Could you elaborate on what I should expect of it?
Generally, with stuff that has iterations/season/different series, it changes because of the popularity. It usually just becomes a lot more derivative without a lot of effort and car put into making it feel original. i haven't watched many of the episodes of the newer series but the ones I did just felt like it wasn't fresh at all.
More Atusko Ishizuka. Maybe she'll have some decent material to work with for once. Same for Shinichi Omata. Return of Shirayuki-hime. Two shows by Keiichiro Kawaguchi...maybe Galko-chan will save him for once. Kouichi Chigira's debut(?) as a director at Dogakobo. Usagi Drop Dimension Dreams W 3hz/Orange. New Kyoani stuff. Maybe I will finally understand what Sekko Boys is.
I'm glad crab means nothing
Rather than just making a bunch of lists and asking people to pick, would someone mind recommending stuff from the last few years that's on Hulu?
I like:
Welcome to the NHK
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
The Tatami Galaxy
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Black Lagoon
Cowboy Bebop
Space Dandy
Yu Yu Hakusho
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
The World Only God Knows
Cromartie High School
School Rumble
Astro Fighter Sunred
My Love Story
One Punch Man
Gurren Lagann
Log Horizon
Samurai Champloo
Arakawa Under the Bridge
Bunch of other stuff from before 2012
Didn't like:
Attack on Titan
Sword Art Online
High School DxD
Prison School
Seikon no Qwaser
I know there's a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting.
Gonna bump this just once for a few more suggestions. Ended up binge watching Ping Pong and really dug it. So thanks for that recommendation.
Gonna bump this just once for a few more suggestions. Ended up binge watching Ping Pong and really dug it. So thanks for that recommendation.
Gonna bump this just once for a few more suggestions. Ended up binge watching Ping Pong and really dug it. So thanks for that recommendation.
Gonna bump this just once for a few more suggestions. Ended up binge watching Ping Pong and really dug it. So thanks for that recommendation.
Gonna bump this just once for a few more suggestions. Ended up binge watching Ping Pong and really dug it. So thanks for that recommendation.
I'm not in 'murika or at a computer where I can double-check what's on Hulu, but if you've liked a bunch of the other Shaft-produced comedies and haven't already seen it, I'm pretty sure And Yet The Town Moves is on there and is pretty-darn top-tier.
Yeah, Hulu's not a necessity. Only said that since I signed up for a free trial and I was curious about stuff on there.
Oh ? Then additionally: Katanagatari (Bakemonogatari x Champloo), Kyousougiga (bit like FLCL), Love Lab (very well animated comedy), maybe Birdy the Mighty Decode +Yozakura Quartet if you want more of good action in the vein of OPM.
Gonna bump this just once for a few more suggestions. Ended up binge watching Ping Pong and really dug it. So thanks for that recommendation.
Jormungand bored me to tears, especially season 2.
I wish senjougahara and shinobu had scenes together
I wish senjougahara had scenes
I wish both of these and TUSR kept up with Mirai Nikki.
-----Re Animator Expo - we remain dedicated to trying to do it though but that is hard until Japan gets a video release too . Hell or high water here...
Oh by the by - more announcements to come this season of sales. One of which I signed while here in Japan last week .
Wellll one thing at a time . Huge fan of Mindgame too...P
I will probably move on the SS soon enough.
All of these are very good, excluding love lab because I've never watched it, dunno if it's funny
Utena's obliviousness knows no bounds huh ?![]()
lol at.stalker Himemiya
I never watched Charlotte. I don't plan to.
But I feel like this gif...
...probably captures the series nicely.
I don't understand people hate of Charlotte. I watched it and found it quite enjoyable! A little rushed? yes maybe but still enjoyable. It's my typical 7/10 good show.
Let's be honest, both exist solely to pander to the otaku crowd, lol. The battles are the best part of both shows. Outside if Shizuku, Calvary has been a much better watch so far.
well, it was rushed..... but oh well, I still highly enjoyed it.
I dare you to name 10 ... no ... even 5 shows you didn't enjoy.![]()