He also hasn't written the entirety of anything since Madoka either, except for Expelled from Paradise.
EfP was decent. Certainly better then Aldnoah.
He also hasn't written the entirety of anything since Madoka either, except for Expelled from Paradise.
He also hasn't written the entirety of anything since Madoka either, except for Expelled from Paradise.
Madoka is better than eva
He also hasn't written the entirety of anything since Madoka either, except for Expelled from Paradise.
He also hasn't written the entirety of anything since Madoka either, except for Expelled from Paradise.
And Gaim is exactly as dumb as a children's show should be.He wrote almost all of Kamen Rider Gaim, except for a few episodes that were tie-ins for movies and the final epilogue episode which was also half a tie-in with a previous film. He's also writing or has finished writing an entire one cour show, but it's unannounced and probably not another season of Madoka.
Expelled From Paradise was actually written before Madoka was finished being written. It was just in production hell for years because Toei didn't have the technology or staff to produce it for a while.
He wrote all but one episode of Psychopass S1, as well the Psychopass movie.
Psycho-Pass isn't a solo project when it comes to the scripts, although Urobuchi is credited with almost every episode and shared creative control with Motohiro and Shiotani. Scripts were co-written with the help of Makoto Fukami. It's hard to track down exactly how the work was broken down though.
On a side note: Shiotani is the moe-est of anime directors and I hope he gets to head up more projects in the future outside of Psycho-Pass.
Are you suggesting Phantom was good and interesting?This is what I call the "Urobuchi cycle". Urobuchi writes consistently good 7/8 out of 10 works and makes one REALLY good/interesting thing every 3-4 years or so. 2000 was Phantom, 2003 was Saya, 2007 was Fate/Zero novels, 2011 was Madoka, and 2014-2015 was Kamen Rider Gaim.
So I don't expect Urobuchi's next big original work to be super great, but probably still pretty darn good. Give it until 2017-2018 before we see the next 9/10 out of 10 thing that Urobuchi does.
People with taste.
New Gintama OP and ED confirmed to start in January
Looking forward to the Christmas episode in the middle of January and the New Year's episode in February
also silly gintama theme food
Kuroko no basket 2 - 18
tl;dr - can this show possibly get better? Is such a thing even possible?
So I'm finally getting around to writing this, I meant to do it after the Benizakura arc but obviously didn't. It's kinda hard to do, as many episodes just end up blending together and so it's hard to highlight particular elements in certain scenes. Let's get this out of the way, the first 24 episodes are rough. The first two especially are bad. You can tell the show is in the setup phase and as a result the show is lacking any sort of oomph. I don't want to say they were bad but they certainly aren't good either. The show kicks in with the hot pot episode as it seems like everything has settled in and the staff is comfortable with the characters and premise. The hot pot episode is sorta like a 'bottle' episode (not that you can really have one in anime) but is hilarious due to the characters and their reactions. That's something that I've realized in that the show generally works best when particular characters play off each other or bitch and moan in Shinpachi's case.![]()
"Look at Sadaharu! You keep calling him a dog but anyone can tell he's clearly a Sadaharu!"
The back 50 or so has been noticeably better in both the dramatic and comedic section although there are some duds here and there. Everything has warmed up and so it's all flowing better. That said, the dramatic arcs aren't exactly stellar and while the Benizakura arc was generally good, it also didn't blow my socks off. The early part of that arc felt too slow at times, especially when they were investigating. It is heads and shoulders above the rest of the show though, especially on the storyboard and animation side. The arcs are good enough I guess but I'm hoping for a bit more improvement there. It's impressive though how well the show shifts gears even inside the 'dramatic' arcs.
Why can't the action be more like this?
Yes, that's a rhetorical question.
The comedy is very heavy reference oriented which is annoying at times especially with a lot of it being Japanese culture related. I can't fault them as the show is airing for a Japanese audience but it can get annoying at times, especially if the jokes run on. That said, the show doesn't just cite something but usually twists it to some meaningful degree so it's not pure reference humor like Family Guy.
I died at this part.
I'm enjoying the characters a lot more now, mainly Kagura has kinda gotten the spotlight for me. Her throwing up on the barbecue during the beetle hunting episode and her overall being a pig is pretty fun. Kugimiya voicing her is also hilarious considering her other roles. I think Shinpachi has actually gotten more annoying over the course of the show as he keeps having to play the straight man and so he comes off as grating at times.
The animation quality itself is kinda subpar in general but it's a long running series, so I guess it comes with the territory. I know how hellish the production scheduling gets for those. It does have its moments so I suppose that's enough.
Overall, it's been good. Great Demon King>Gintama>Demon King![]()
*nods nods*
We hope, that you to understand that the new story will begin from this concept movie, not a conclusion with it.
Kuroko no basket 2 - 18
It... is hard to put into words just how incredibly epic the past few episodes have been. I was on the edge of the seat damn near the whole time. Basically from Kuroko's screw up to the end was just non stop tension. I guess the only thing that felt kind of silly was "Zone." I mean, it was cool as fuck. But the name! Such a cheesy name!
Also I would like to draw attention to two characters.
Look at this guy:
Look how deliciously evil he is. His mannerisms, his voice, every taunt that comes out of his mouth just utterly perfect.
Next up, cat-face.
Every anime character - yes, all of them - should have a face like this. Look at him! He's adorable.
I hope the show keeps this up.
Madoka is endless.
Majestic Prince 1-6
I was actually okay with this. Liked what I have seen so far and I can enjoy the characters and their interactions for the most part. Also Sawashiro voicing a character mever hurts. This art looks like the same used for Fafner, might watch that afterwords.
That's Hirai character designs for you. I can say that the style of MJP was at least good enough to differentiate it's characters from other Hirai series.
And yes, you should watch Fafner afterwards.
So Crunchy has Garokawa and it's streaming on Jan 16th.
Crunchyroll said:Garakowa -Restore the World- is directed by Masashi Ishihama, who previously worked on Attack on Titan and Psycho-Pass 2
He also hasn't written the entirety of anything since Madoka either, except for Expelled from Paradise.
Madoka is endless.
So do I jump straight into Fafner Exodus or is the other series tied to it?
The original series Fafner: Dead Aggressor, the prequel OVA Right of Left, the sequel movie Heaven and Earth, and then sequel TV series Exodus, in that order. Although I have heard some people watching the prequel OVA first with some success.
It's a somewhat big commitment for sure, especially given the somewhat slow first half of Dead Aggressor, but I think it's worth it.
Finished Nekomonogatari.
Someone better love Hanekawa soon or I'm gonna be too depressed to finish this series.
Araragi "loves" Hanekawa, except that it's more like lust and not love. He's more in love with the idea of Hanekawa.
Ok, need another rec for some ecchi fun. I don't care if it's lewd, as long as it's not incest shit, loli shit or definitely not a combination of the two. Just some good sophomoric comedy fun like American Pie.
big fat cat tats
Watch Mitsudomoe, a really good comedy.
That is the series of the shorts with the kid in class and the white haired girl that gets in trouble for his games, right?
It's a full length show with a lot of dirty humor about a teacher and three of his students. I feel like I should know what you're describing, but it's something else.
That is the series of the shorts with the kid in class and the white haired girl that gets in trouble for his games, right?
That is the series of the shorts with the kid in class and the white haired girl that gets in trouble for his games, right?
The one he's talking about is "Next to Seki-kun"
Invaders of the Rokujyouma? Ep.10-END
Ok, need another rec for some ecchi fun. I don't care if it's lewd, as long as it's not incest shit, loli shit or definitely not a combination of the two. Just some good sophomoric comedy fun like American Pie.
Araragi "loves" Hanekawa, except that it's more like lust and not love. He's more in love with the idea of Hanekawa.